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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. Hi, like my friend xKAIOWAx said, just delete your warframe saved data from your PS4 and start warframe again, this will solve the problem. No need to worry that you loose all progress because this if an online game, which means everything is safely on DE servers.

    Good luck with it! :)

  2. smh

    Feedback is encouraged but not bashing tho.

    1b) DEVELOPER BASHING – let’s face it, we aren’t perfect, we know this – we’re humans making a game. We work hard and read the forums with earnest care, so any insults will be cleaned up on the spot and not tolerated. We're not your punching bag on our Forums. Constructive feedback is encouraged and key to us improving the game.
    For clarification:
    What is an insult? “DE are idiots and lazy for not adding trading.”
    What is constructive feedback? “DE stated that trading will happen. Here’s how I think it should work.”

  3. Thank you!

    Ah! You're in the council? Awesome stuff. I also play on the ps4 - Let me know if you're ever interested in playing. ;)

    Sure, just add me in game. Say who it is, I'm mostly online (after work

    GMT+1 around 16:00 hours)

  4. Welcome back, hope you'll stay around for longer than two weeks :)

    There's plenty of Tenno ready and willing to help you out! Don't feel shy to approach them.

    Happy hunting, Tenno!

  5. Howdy there Killtrain. Just as a reminder, please check our code of conduct and Eula, history has proven wise to do such.

    Happy hunting!

    side note: you can also use our Fan zone sub-forum.

    (I'm using my mobile, otherwise I would give the needed links)

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