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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur



    Stealth/Spy/Sprinter Loki:




    I'm still perfecting this one. Obviously you want a pretty good duration, so keep the mods like Constitution, Continuity, and Narrow Minded. Flow, like in all of these builds, is a preference. I find it to be quite useful in all my builds for energy economy over all, but there are some players that play without it for the extra slot. I tend to sprint a lot in spy missions, thus the armored agility and rush. Other than that, the other slots(empty slot, fast deflection, hushed invisibility) I'm still experimenting with. Put your own personal preference in there. On the subject of range for switch teleporting, most of the spy rooms are small enough to where this minimal range is fine. You could add stretch to counter balance it.



    If you have any other questions about mechanics or suggestions, feel free to ask me! Loki is my most used, and one of my favorite frames.


    For Spy, you might want to have the Intruder mod on. That's a must for Sortie eventhough it's slighly slower now.

  2. I believe that it is! 




    A: There's a trivia to the War and Broken War. First weapon to both weapons needing eachother to build, in other wods, you can't have both weapons at the same time in your inventory. 


    The only way to achieve this is thru the bundle. Beside, you also get the cosmetics with it.

  3. But why kill the Trade chats or rather the player base trade market? This will change the game from f2p to p2w rapidly, people can't get their income as usual (with valuable mods being 24/7 available somewhere else).

    Then we might as well add these mods to the market. 24/7 available for plat and credits.

    The way Baro shows up is ok, only what he brings for the price he does, should be looked at.

  4. Well, did you contact support? I think that they can help you out. Player support desk is next to the 'player helping player' tab. (I'm on my phone that's why I can't give you a direct link)

  5. PC has does indeed have a bigger community compared to PS4, but PS4 you can lay back and control everything with a single controller behind a 46inch tv. xD

    PC you get to experience bugs that are funny some times and stressful at others... PS4 must always wait before playing a certain update that the PC players already been through. So it's up to you, you choose which experience would you prefer?

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