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Posts posted by (PSN)AngelShur

  1. This is a constant failure issue. (I'm overreacting by saying constant, but it happens frequently) It's not much that you can do about it nor the support team, they can't give you any refund for this. This is a connection with the server failure...


    You will most probably encounter this in the future again. 

    p.s. welcome to the forums.

  2. Imo, this is the most fair clan tier achievement. If you can't achieve this in your opinion then don't try to, is my advice. If it were to be 10 i.e. Then it would be very much unfair again in the advantage of the bigger clans, those that run smoothly with their active members, for they would achieve this way to easily.

    If you are competitive, this would not be an issue. Remember it's a gold trophy, gold stands for the best of achievements or reaching #Nr.1.

    If it was easier, it would have been silver or bronze.

  3. i just had a look and these downtrodden traders want the paltry sum of 300p per arcane energize times ten for three thousand platinum ?

    How easy is it to farm or aquire? That determines the prices really. You can always try and swap your Region to see if you can get it cheaper. Also posting on the Trading Sub-forum can help for players will read it and approach you if they got any at your price class.

    Good luck! But please don't ask for something that will potentially brake this game.

  4. not sure how old danielle and megan are, but i think reb is 25? last year on her prime time birthday they gave out 25 plat prizes. 1 for every year she's been alive?


    I have no clue! I believe they are indeed younger than 30 yeah but jus because they're women... I said let me just post their names...

    I hope they never get to see this post, for women are very allergic to age numbers! xD


    please EDIT as I do~

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