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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 12 hours ago, (XB1)GutsyTadpole695 said:

    Can you just check my Xbox profile please

    Did you take a screenshot?  It's not showing up on https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/gutsytadpole695.  Maybe you did and your privacy settings are set to not allow it to upload to external sites...and if so, that's fine.

    If you have a PC or smartphone you can get the XBox Companion App that allows you to download screenshots from your XBox onto your device.  Then, from the device you can upload them to the forums (via an image sharing app or maybe you can simply paste them in, not sure).

    Have you unlocked and completed the node just before the Mars junction?

  2. 17 hours ago, (XB1)kwyxz said:

    Do you have any advice.

    More detail about specific issues would be a good start (along with a search to see what other users may have already reported some of the bugs you seem to be experiencing).

  3. Where was the mission?  What frames were being used?  What roles did each of you play?  I highly doubt that the other person obtained 36 intrinsics from one mission while you only got 4 or 5.  Did you run multiple missions back to back?

    When the mission ends, the end screen shows not how many intrinsics have been gained during the mission, but how many intrinsics one has in total after the mission.  If your clanmate is showing 36, then that means they now have 36, meaning whatever they came into the mission with, plus the amount they gained in mission equals the 36 shown.

  4. Just to make sure:

    Do you have the riven installed on a weapon that you've brought to the mission?

    Does the riven challenge show as incomplete in the start menu when you start the mission?

    Are there time restrictions or other restrictions, like not being detected?  Can you link the riven and tell how you are attempting to complete it?

    Are you getting a notification that the riven challenge has failed?  Completed?

    Are you leaving PoE through the gates or aborting the mission after riven completion (assuming you are completing it)?

  5. On 2020-03-08 at 4:55 PM, (PS4)TonyTheSquirtle said:

    Was in a MR test and died with 2 attempts left. Couldn't respawn, couldn't continue the test so I had to back out and now I have to wait 24 hours to try again?! Who thought that was a good idea? Fix your game and let me continue with my mastery even after your mistakes.

    You can still gain MR XP, so don't worry about losing progress.

  6. 20 hours ago, (XB1)good ol Grandad said:

    Additional to the above, I have since found that I am unable to select the arrow type I want to use with Ivara's bow. Is somebody from DE actually going to reply to this problem I'm having? Even if it's to say it's being looked into........

    DE do look at bug reports but rarely reply.  Just because there's been no reply does not mean they are not aware.

    Are you using the default controller setup?

  7. Not sure which button is square on a PS4 controller.  Could you be holding the wrong button?  If the square button is the same as X on my controller, then you may be refining the materials you've picked up instead of building Revolite.

    You should place the cursor over the Revolite area in the forge, then hold X on your controller (which is A on mine) and see the circle fill like it does when you're on the dry dock.  It will also show how much Revolite you have and how much you'll be gaining.  And, yes, once you build it, it's immediately available.

  8. 1 hour ago, (XB1)YoungGunn82 said:

    "You need 20 Arcanes today in order to double-stack." Was the sentence, this is false.

    It's not false.  It takes 10 arcanes to make a R3 arcane.  Making 2, i.e. double stacking, takes 20 arcanes (2 times 10 is 20).

    1 hour ago, (XB1)YoungGunn82 said:

    No, you will need 21 total arcanes to double stack. Not 20. The second paragraph doesn't make any sense in relation to the opening sentence.

    That hasn't been confirmed by DE.  It may be 20 or 21, we don't know yet.  That was addressed in the comment you "quoted"


    I have 2 R3 Guardians, and Arcane distillation is being added. At worst I'll need just 1 more Arcane after distillation, or none at all if they go with 5+5 for the missing ranks.

    Clearly, the person you quoted is saying that it could be 20 or 21 and that needing 1 more arcane is not that big a deal.


    How's recruit chat gonna work when recruiting a ground team?

    Recruiting chat you mean I hope?  Region should be unaffected.

  9. 18 minutes ago, (XB1)YoungGunn82 said:

    Eehhmm..er .. 21. 

    If only you had quoted the whole context of the person you are quoting.  Here it is:


    You need 20 Arcanes today in order to double-stack.

    I have 2 R3 Guardians, and Arcane distillation is being added. At worst I'll need just 1 more Arcane after distillation, or none at all if they go with 5+5 for the missing ranks.

    You're making a mountain out of a molehill.


  10. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)Hyperion Rexx said:

    Is this bugged on Xbox atm ?  I know rng can be a cruel mistress but this is honestly ridiculous.

    Most likely it's just RNG.  I'm sorry that you're having trouble getting your preferred weapon to drop, but that's how it goes sometimes.

  11. On 2020-02-27 at 11:01 PM, (XB1)GrumpyBig Ed said:

    Yet lua and eidelon crafted with greaters can be. So.... Why?

    They've never been tradable ever since their introduction.  DE would have to tell you why.

  12. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    when hosting Veil missions, you need to have at least one Intrinsic at rank 7, but to join a game in the Veil, you don't need any intrinsics, just the bare minimum of an Archwing.

    I think that's only true if you're invited.  I think to join a public match you need to have an intrinsic at rank 7.  I could be wrong about that.

  13. 23 hours ago, (PS4)chrdragon said:

    1 Saturn Cassini for low gear with low elemental stat

    2 Sedna Adaro for emphera and high element stat.

    Not sure if larvalings are spawning on other missions, but it's not true that you only get low elemental stats on Cassini or that you won't get ephemeras.  The stats and whether the lich has an ephemera are random, regardless of where it spawns.

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