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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Bumbasquat303 said:

    Im Mr 28 played 463 days and the only legendary Core ive had is the one that everybody got free from DE,think my rewards are bugged because of this.

    It's just incredibly rare.  Even if you do daily sorties, you might not ever see one.

  2. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    I think there's a pretty clear consensus that the latest PC patch is a good build for a cert candidate. It's not perfect yet, since RJ has a couple fundamental flaws that will take time to iron out, but it would improve so many core issues with RJ that it's almost mandatory to get it to consoles asap.

    Sure, now there's a rather large list.  People were asking for updates well before lots of those items were available or ready to port to console.  And, by the time they got this far to have all those things, they looked ahead and said, "Hey, we have another update-worthy thing coming.  Why cert twice rather quickly, when we can cert once and drop a large update all at once?"  Seems like a pretty reasonable thing to me.

    7 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    Frankly, my gut feeling is that the only reason it's not on consoles yet is because they are making insane money on plat purchases of rush repair drones and they know deploying the next update will kill that cash cow for them.

    If that were the case, they wouldn't be removing them from the market.

    7 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    Another argument can me made that by leaving players free to pursue the ivara abort farm for a month, they are also killing long-term progression, as people are now pretty much maxed out since DE didn't act fast to bring us the nerf fix.

    That's the fault of the players.  If those players get bored because they have nothing to do, they need only look in the mirror - especially as what they are doing is probably an exploit (abusing the glitch to spawn near the objective with the RJ safe and far away certainly is).

  3. 26 minutes ago, 6-BristleBack-9 said:

    as those weapons' rivens, i mean... wait for it... META™ weapons' riven, it is fine if they turned out to be useless now. Just turn your 120+ rolled META™ rivens into endo, :satisfied:. It is a sin having those rivens in the first place. They exist but they should be completely useless in DE's opinion.

    I honestly don't know why people thinks exactly as DE but... shouldn't this be like this -> before nerfing viable weapon's(aka META™) rivens, make other ones viable(aka META™).

    Let's be realistic here.  If your riven has a little bit less power, that doesn't mean that it's now useless.  They are still powerful mods that can grant multiple bonuses to weapons.

    Also, other weapons are viable already.  Nerfing a weapon that is far and away more powerful than the others and bringing it in line with other viable weapons is what balancing is.  Balance would not be to make all the weapons so powerful that each and every weapon is capable of trivializing the game.  I get that your efficiency will necessarily decrease to some extent when a riven/weapon is made less powerful, but efficiency is not the way we should be measuring the game.  If efficiency is the end goal, then it begs the question what it is that you need to be efficient for?  It is not an end in itself.

  4. 15 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    Thing is, if they sent the great reactor Hotfix to cert two weeks ago, we would have it for a week by now instead of waiting for the yet unreleased lich and next nightwave patch that will probably take another week to finish, test, then a week to cert.

    And then people would complain that it takes too long to get the Lich changes.

    Just because you personally want to have some specific change now doesn't mean that DE needs to do it now.  Trust me, I'd like the changes to avionics drops, reactors, and mats economy as well, but the reality is that things take time and we need to be patient.

    Console, on the whole, have not been patient, and DE tried to get us something quickly to give us a nice surprise, and they've gotten dragged through the mud for it.  No matter what they do, they get attacked.  They can't win.

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    I think people appreciated getting Railjack 1 week after PC, even if it was buggy. If all console updates were one week late, we would all be exctatic.

    What people don't appreciate ,however ,is not getting any of the crucial patches PC got after that after more than a month of waiting

    And, that's precisely why we don't get updates 1 week after PC.  If DE are continually making changes, at what point do they snap the line and say, "This is what console gets"?  I guarantee you that if they shipped a build today, then people would complain that we didn't get the next hotfix that PC gets.  There really is no way to win for DE.

    • Like 1
  6. And the vitriol with which you've attacked DE for something they are already planning to do?  Now, you're lashing out at me.

    I get that you're frustrated by the bugs.  But, being overly critical and attacking isn't going to help.  I suggest you calm down and wait for the update.  Ranting and getting upset won't make it happen any sooner.

  7. 14 hours ago, (PS4)covan2306 said:

    This is a bug. It was and is intended to currently be in game, the code was messed up so we can’t trade them. Hence the trade icon on all avionics. 

    If it is a bug, it's one that is already slated to be released on the next update.  So, you creating a thread to criticize DE for something they already did for PC and have planned to do for console is not helpful.

  8. Perhaps instead of posting a 15 minute video, it might be helpful to include a title that describes the issue and then add in a description of what happened and any relevant details you can give, along with a time-stamp of where to see it in the video.

  9. Perhaps instead of posting an 8 minute video, it might be helpful to include a title that describes the issue and then add in a description of what happened and any relevant details you can give, along with a time-stamp of where to see it in the video.

  10. On 2020-01-27 at 8:38 AM, (PS4)Danny__Boy_74 said:

    i go into a railjack mission start flying around in my railjack everything is fine for a few missions and i just start falling for no reason or im just going downwards i come out of piloting my rail jack and im running on the spot i can do all the navigate the forge  i exit railjack start falling again when into archwing  i went to drydock exit the railjack running on the spot in dojo i have to leave my dojo to my orbiter for it to stop

    I've been able to correct this issue by jumping on and off the forward cannon until it corrects itself.

  11. On 2020-01-26 at 5:32 PM, (PS4)EleventhHarmonic said:

    As you know there are alot of bugs in this game. Alot of people enjoy it for hours on end but it can be alot better if DE can relax on new content and just focus on fixing the many bugs the game is riddled with. Free roam areas especially, so to help the community and the game please fix these damn annoying bugs.

    This is the bug report section.  I suggest you go to General Discussion to discuss what you think should happen.  Or, alternatively, you could create constructive feedback and put it in the Feedback section.

  12. On 2019-11-24 at 7:54 PM, (PS4)ColinSMASHH said:

    I read somewhere that I am supposed to be rewarded the Limbo Neuroptics blueprint itself but I have not found that.

    Claiming the Neuroptic theorem doesn't grant you the Neuroptics BP.  It should point you to a location (Cambria, Earth) where you have to complete three extractors in an excavation mission.  Check your star chart to see if it's highlighted and gives you the option of running the mission.  If not, you may have to put in a support ticket.

  13. On 2020-01-23 at 7:20 PM, (PS4)fyriefox said:

    It usually happens when I try to use the forge and the animation happens but I dont actually go into forge like I don't see the screen where I can build stuff, after I click the use forge again it will work but then I come back out of the forge screen and the issue explained above happens. Sometimes it has randomly happened seemingly without cause.

    This is precisely what happened when I also had this issue.  It's only occurred once for me.

    I attempted to use one of the forge stations.  The animation played, the station came down, but nothing happened.  And, just as you saw, after trying the forge a second time and leaving, my HUD was completely gone.

    We finished the mission and headed back to dry dock.  My teammate left and I re-invited them, then headed back out on another mission and still did not have my HUD.  Only going back to my orbiter fixed it.

    • Like 1
  14. On 2020-01-26 at 10:51 AM, (PS4)TennoFighter said:

    Hi, i just started the game after one year and i've seen that most of my warframes, items and all the platinum are disappeared... How can get them back? PS I don't know how contact support in game. Thanks

    You could click the "Support Desk" link at the top of the page or the "Support" link at the bottom.

  15. Avionics trading is coming in the next update.  This is not a bug.  If you just wish to complain, then maybe GD would be a more appropriate location.  If you wish to offer constructive feedback, then please use the Feedback section.

  16. On 2020-01-26 at 11:15 AM, (PS4)aadams1997 said:

    The items Invati sekhara and Sevati sekhara disappeared on my account

    Did you ever do any trials?

    ETA:  Looked up your trials history and it appears you never completed a trial.  The Invati sekhara was given erroneously to everyone instead of only given to those who had completed at least one trial.  When DE realized their mistake, the rectified it, and you would have lost that one.

    The Sevati sekhara was given for completing the Law of Retribution, which you never completed, so you should not have had that anyway.

  17. On 2020-01-25 at 6:00 PM, (PS4)Vodka_Vision_ said:

    I just did an Arbitration Defense on Lua. I was guarding right next to the objective and was practically invisible to enemies. They'd attack the objective, team mates, anything but me. In some cases, when I was away from the objective, they'd straight up ignore me to run towards team mates. Does it not work now that channeling is gone?

    Were you playing as Limbo perhaps?

  18. On 2020-01-24 at 9:12 PM, (PS4)K1LL3RPR0_ramax1 said:

    Thank you guys, i knew it is fake but i didnt lost nothing for triying xD

    If you received a chat ban for typing something someone else told you to type, in hopes of getting plat that you never received, then I would say you have lost something in the process.  Again, report those who try to bait others into taking chat bans instead of playing along in the hopes that you might actually get that non-existent plat.

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