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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 5 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    A conclave K:D leaderboard makes no sense because there's no real skill matchmaking. You could get a 100:1 KD ratio by killing newbies, and then have it drop to 1:5 when you face actual skilled players.

    I'm not sure what it's like on PC but on console we have recruit conditions which stops those below mr2 and those who haven't ranked up in the conclave syndicate from joining matches with veteran players if they want to turn it off they need to go into the options menu and if they turn it off and get completely destroyed then it's their fault not anyone else's 

  2. 6 hours ago, (XB1)Woofsie said:

    You have the ranged advantage. As long as I can't get near you, you have a massive advantage over me.

    In addition, you also have the option of melee. If I get close, whip out your stabby-stick and fight me in fisticuffs. If you got any ranged hits you'll most likely win the fight.

    Oh I have the ranged advantage? Not when one of those melee players hold down block and can hit me and stagger me while they're on the ground and I'm in the Air 

    i shouldn't have to devolve into that method of combat I have a gun, and you have a glow stick

  3. Every time I suggest a good fix for melee people don't seem to like it so now I'm just gonna post my way of dealing with how over powered channeling melee is.

    first off you need Mesa, rhino or chroma (Mesa works best) then you will need a high damage weapon that works at long range (snipers or weapons like the grinlok or latron) then use your abilities that amplify damage 

    target the scum and quickly kill them before they have a chance to button mash at the speed of light making it impossible to hit them

    if you have chosen Mesa bait the scum into slamming or into targeting a teammate then activate peacemaker and 4 shot the disgusting excuse for pvp players.

    best things about peacemaker:

    it can't be deflected by blocking 

    it can shoot through abilities like snow globe, volts shield and limbos rift

    with this tactic learned the scum will need to learn how to shoot or get annihilated


  4. I think conclave should have a separate ranking leader board just like lunaro but it should display something like this:



    cephalons captured

    Kill death ratio

    this would be a nice addition to conclave and I personally think it would make the mode more competitive 

    my kd is 9.9:1 and I don't know where I stand 

  5. I have a lot of posts about this particular weapon before mainly because of how it has insane high damage with its conclave mod.

    However I have also pointed out that the weapon has the most ridiculous hit boxes known to exist along with the opticor and the snipertron vandal here is the picture evidence of this.


    best counter argument I have seen is "latency" note during this game there was no lag at all and also note that this is also a travel time weapon.


  6. 4 hours ago, Vyrndragon said:

    Snipetron is hitscan (as is Opticor, for that matter), so it does not have a hurtbox at all. When hitscan weapons fire, they register as either a hit or as a miss the moment you click. What you are seeing there is a visible tracer round of sorts (all they do here is show vague direction of fire), which exist with most hitscan weapons and do not have any connection at all to the actual source of damage.

    I'd recommend you give these weapons a shot so you have a better idea of how they function.

    Still doesn't explain how the daikyu does exactly the same thing 

  7. So for a long &#! time in pvp certain weapons because favoured by our growing pvp community within warframe 




    these weapons all have something in common, you struggle to miss with them.

    now the footage I have only shows you the snipertron vandal but eventually I will get clear footage of the otheef weapons I listed 

    no the lobby was not lagging and even if it was it only highlights another issues I have with conclave 

    please share the footage I have so hopefully the conclave team can see this thanks

    https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCs5QI-EAuvCMeKw7RQU02ow this link will take you to my recorded footage.

  8. Literally getting 1 shot by nikana primes and ack dark daggers constantly.

    getting staggered while I'm airborn

    doing 1-3 damage while shooting at them with a burston prime 


    add stamina bar so you can only melee a certain amount of times

     channeling melee drains 5 energy per second

    blocking drains stamina and energy and is less effective 

    remove stagger from all melee weapons apart from throwing melee 

    reduce movement speed while channeling 

    methods of fighting a melee user with a gun:

    1: you could fight a person with melee up close however because the melee user can stagger you and do more damage than you its not very smart being near one because you will die in a split second.

    2: you could try and kill them at long range however as soon as a melee user (or any player) takes damage they run away and since people using melee are now faster with the sword alone mod they can escape at sonic speed making it impossible to shoot at them 

    3: you could use a teammate as bait however the teammate will most likely die giving the melee user a kill and depending on how glitchy the combos are you might not even kill the melee user because of how the hit boxes are during the combos making this method about 60% effective 

    also blocking with melee is stupidly effective so if the combo requires you to hold the block button then they damage you do will be reduced 

  9. 14 hours ago, mantasas17x said:

    idk if u noticed but meele players gotta get close to you first. IF u cant abuse that , well then sir, i got bad news for you!

    Oh sorry clearly you don't pl conclave to understand this so allow me to explain how melee in pvp works

    1: you could fight a person with melee up close however because the melee user can stagger you and do more damage than you its not very smart being near one because you will die in a split second.

    2: you could try and kill them at long range however as soon as a melee user (or any player) takes damage they run away and since people using melee are now faster with the sword alone mod they can escape at sonic speed making it impossible to shoot at them 

    3: you could use a teammate as bait however the teammate will most likely die giving the melee user a kill and depending on how glitchy the combos are you might not even kill the melee user because of how the hit boxes are during the combos making this method about 60% effective 

    also blocking with melee is stupidly effective so if the combo requires you to hold the block button then they damage you do will be reduced 

  10. 14 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    No, everything you listed you THINK will balance conclave. You never tested it to prove that.

    Sorry what? How can I oerso test this? Do I need to mod the game or something? Do you realise how stupid you sound lmao "test it bro" like wtf 

  11. 13 hours ago, CaterHowlett16 said:


    Also, seeing as you're new here, you should know that there was a time when melee sucked, JUST SUCKED, then DE worked their magic and brought it up. (this was around........hmmm let me see.....a while after second dream. That's when the acolytes started bullying salad v and such)

    You do realise I'm talking about conclave right? 

  12. 21 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    -Stagger removed? yes, replaced by something less awful. Melee op and in need of nerf? definetly not. It's the first time actual combo based melee is viable since Conclave 2.0 started.

    -At the cost of f*cktons of energy, which guns don't use.

    -And DE has already corrected those, and that's the idea, Guns should be used at range (except shotguns) and Melee for close quarters.

    I'm getting 1 shot by certain combos which get spammed  constantly 

    I'm doing 30 damage 1 burst with a burston prime while a sword does 78 damage per swing 

    "at the cost of energy" wow 5 energy is such a lot of energy drained 

  13. Literally getting 1 shot by nikana primes and ack dark daggers constantly.

    getting staggered while I'm airborn

    doing 1-3 damage while shooting at them with a burston prime 


    add stamina bar so you can only melee a certain amount of times

     channeling melee drains 5 energy per second

    blocking drains stamina and energy and is less effective 

    remove stagger from all melee weapons apart from throwing melee 

    reduce movement speed while channeling 


  14. 4 hours ago, Fivey55555 said:

    How about adding a melee-only option for the Conclave? I hate firearms and I have no reason to play conclave right now where everyone just runs away and shoots continuously while the melee dude can do nothing against that. I think I'm not the only one who wants to have this option available and it would make conclave more fun and different from other shooting games, for which there are tons of much better alternatives.

    Melee is the most op thing in conclave and honestly needs nerfed 

    blocking while channeling makes incoming damage do nothing while allowing you to literally 2 shot people 

    some melee combos are also making weapons op and is literally stopping us gun users from shooting you


  15. Daikyu hit boxes make it impossible to avoid 

    daikyu conclave mod allows the bow to one shot 

    ack and brunt damage and combo impossible to avoid and damage is insane making you get one shot slammed 

    stagger stopping people from escaping melee 

    channel damage making melee way to easy to use 

    channel block damage reduction needs reduced by a lot

    lokis invisible lasts too long 

    lokis invisible allows him to shoot while staying invisible unlike ash or ivara 

    lokis radial is op and needs a damage and range reduction 

    snipers should have overall damage in single figures unless they are 80 meters away encouraging good sniper play instead of running up behind people and hit killing them 

    melee stances should be able to be interrupted by stagger or knockdown abilities or weapons 

    players standings still should show on easer after 30 seconds 

    please fix these issues and make conclave fun again 

  16. On 5 September 2016 at 9:53 PM, Phasedragon said:

    Without it, it does less damage than a regular paris. If the mod was removed, the daykus base damage would have to go up to compensate. Then we would just have people shotgunning it lIke they did when it was first introduced, which is even worse. It doesn't even one-shot most frames anymore, I believe only low mediums and squishies.


    Honestly, daikyu is pretty sub-par. Always amazes me how people can still pull it off and get people to rage this hard about it.

    Good. The bow is nothing but a cancerous meta in pvp now and it honestly needs to stop

  17. So i play a lot of hours on conclave probably more that regular game because it's less grind and more diversity but recently I have seen the same scumbag builds poping up 

    they all focus around loki and his invisible because unlike ash or ivara lokis invisible has no negative side effects when used and it lasts forever at the cost of only 50 energy which to me is insane

    his invisible lasts to long and he can stay invisible while shooting or using melee (unlike ash or ivara) and he is incredibly fast and can literally move faster than any projectile which leads to build like this (prime or not primed)

    .loki,soma,akstiletto,single sword

    .loki,daikyu,akastiletto,single sword 

    now personally I can handle these builds and I can probably be the best using them but this needs to stop because new players have no way in defending themselves from this and it's pro why people don't wanna try conclave so please DE nerf Loki 




  18. So i play a lot of hours on conclave probably more that regular game because it's less grind and more diversity but recently I have seen the same scumbag builds poping up 

    they all focus around loki and his invisible because unlike ash or ivara lokis invisible has no negative side effects when used and it lasts forever at the cost of only 50 energy which to me is insane

    his invisible lasts to long and he can stay invisible while shooting or using melee (unlike ash or ivara) and he is incredibly fast and can literally move faster than any projectile which leads to build like this (prime or not primed)

    .loki,soma,akstiletto,single sword

    .loki,daikyu,akastiletto,single sword 

    now personally I can handle these builds and I can probably be the best using them but this needs to stop because new players have no way in defending themselves from this and it's pro why people don't wanna try conclave so please DE nerf Loki 




  19. 10 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    Have you tried "Not standing still" and "Keep your eyes open and be ready to evade any ambush" ?

    Holy S#&$ man no I didn't I mean all this time why haven't I tried that? Wow you really have opened my eyes now not like I have over 24k conclave kills and only 2k deaths or anything 

    but seriously how can you evade something that has lock on (heart seeker) or something that has insane reach (any heavy weapon) I aim glide kill melee channelized scum all the time no problem because I know how to dodge it but new players don't so maybe they should make melee combos interuptable so you can knock don't or stagger them no matter what? I mean that would literally kill melee channeling but that's probably a good thing because it takes no effort at all to do

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