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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 11 hours ago, C0d3blooded said:

    The oro system could be improved upon just by adding some sort of quick "invulnerability" effect to oro. Something like "can't be picked up by other players for 0.5 seconds".

    the oro doesnt fly towards the respected player for 1 second so that time should be increased to lik 2-3 seconds 

  2. 10 hours ago, C0d3blooded said:

    That's more of a symptom of the huge boost DE gave to energy regen during the SoTR update. IIRC it went from 0.25/s to 0.75/s... Coincidentally power spamming became more prevalent.

    Cooldowns would really only hurt the flow of the game tbh. Especially if this is a PvP only "feature".

    it wouldnt slow anything down at all. powers are not needed in pvp are are there to give a player an edge in situations but still the cool down wouldnt be like 10 seconds or anything it would be between 3-5 seconds which allows players to escape or to retaliate without being caught with stagger or anything like that

  3. 59 minutes ago, (XB1)Aeries Vendetta said:

    Unless you got a build that can counteract the melee. Either way snipers and those who play better at a distance are getting jipped. 

    At the end of the day it doesn't matter who wins or loses so long as your k/d is positive. 

    And I have 9.9:1 and I wou like to see where I stand 

  4. 44 minutes ago, Nighttide77 said:

    Personally prefer that abilities are able to be cast back-to-back.  I think abilities should be balanced around their ability to be cast so often, rather than restricting their use.  Invis cast twice wouldn't be so bad if it were nerfed harder, like breaking out of invis when taking damage, or having a second of revealing while attacking or holding a charge.

    Just had a game full of inaros spamming his sand and an excal spamming his slash dash and another game with a guy using hysteria back to back 

  5. 4 hours ago, rockscl said:

    There oro system is fair because it rewards the risk taken by the players that start fights in close range while snipers are safe and warm 50 meters away, usually the sniper finishes windows of opportunity that were opened by someone else, theres an extreme bias in this thread and even not being a melee player i think its extremely cheap to simply snipe melee players because they can do nothing at all against that.

    inb4 you play with a glowing stick: no i am the one with the sniper.

    Well it works both ways with a melee player not just taking the kill but also the oro which gives  the melee player the advantage 

  6. 4 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    Yeah, I agree that Stagger is very annoying and disrupting.

    I personally have suggested replacing it for "encumbering on hit for 2s". What's encumbering? well, essentially it would prevent the player affected from using Bulletjump, Aimglide and Wall Latch for the duration. It would cut off the easy escape tools, but leave ground based evasion, double jump and wall hop intact and wouldn't cause lose of control.

    Sounds good as long as you could roll away 

  7. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Aeries Vendetta said:

    I feel it would be better if there were separated threads for conclave based on the platform. 

    Though neither platform is better or worse the dynamics, community, and system requirements I find are drastically different. 

    I feel identifying issues based on perspective platforms would be easier and more effective should we have the communities in their own respective threads. 

    Developers will be able to see what each platform is experiencing. 

    I would agree on a console and pc forum 

  8. Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Ohhhh. Damn. Probably should have seen that. My bad.

    But at the same time, for the few times that I've played Conclave, I've seen that the stagger is fine, but I suppose that it shouldn't be able to occur at any given time (ie - not while maneuvering, or attack, etc).

    Its the while maneuvering part that personally annoys me 

  9. Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

    I'm sorry, but I'm really confused as to what you're referring to. I'm getting a vibe that you're talking about melee combos that lock you in their animations. Is that it?

    You do know I'm talking about conclave right?

  10. 6 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    ... I'm confused now. Are you referring to the stagger that you place on enemies by hitting them

    11 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    How in the world is it immobiliizing? 

    If you want a speed decrease, mod your weapon for Cold.

    The only way to get 'staggered' by enemy units is by select units. And all of those can be combated by simply blocking. We can't be invincible, obviously.

    You do know we are talking about pvp not pve?

  11. 5 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    ... I'm confused now. Are you referring to the stagger that you place on enemies by hitting them with certain melee weapons? Because that's what you implied. 

    The only way to get 'staggered' by enemy units is by select units. And all of those can be combated by simply blocking. We can't be invincible, obviously.

    You can't block when you only have a gun out 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Witchydragon said:

    On one hand, losing because someone stole 16 oro and you literally got 3 times as many kills as them can be annoying, but on the other hand, people still understand that you played better than the guy who stole the Oro. It also makes for hilarious moments and being an "oro thief" is funny, not taboo.



    I see your point but it just feels so unrewarding going 22-0 but losing to a guy who went 3-7 because he had 23 oro

  13. Just now, lolkins1122 said:

    I noticed it right after i posted lol

    But slash dash doesnt do much damage, so without spamming its only useful for mobility.

    It's actually quite bad for mobility dude it only moves you a few steps unless you have locked onto another player but that's where the problems are 

    you can constantly stagger someone stopping them from escaping effectively immobilising them if you spam it which is why I want a 3-4 second cool down 

    (I wou be happy with the cool down working only if you hit someone with it)

  14. Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

    How in the world is it immobiliizing? 

    If you want a speed decrease, mod your weapon for Cold.

    Because you can get staggered while aim gliding or while rolling or even while jumping 


  15. 3 minutes ago, Extroah said:

    Slashdash isnt even doing enough damage to be a problem imho (im playing a shashdash build excal). Also you'd have to aim at each enemy seperately most of the times, so its hard to be annoying with it. Bladestorm would be more of an issue in terms of being annoying imho.

    Slash dash constantly staggers even when a player is bullet jumping up into the air vertically it 

  16. 2 minutes ago, lolkins1122 said:

    Invisibility is only thing that keeps loki alive, so no. And slash dash is meant to be spammed.

    No skill and speed is what keeps Loki alive invisible is what allows him to sneak up on people or to use when he is low on health to escape 

    i understand why you think this but it gets really annoying when a Loki just constantly sits invisible and can still shoot and move at the speed he does 

    no ability is meant to be spammed which is why de made desecrate a toggle ability 

  17. I understand melee players need major assistance at getting kills however I think stagger is something that really needs to be removed and replaced with something that isn't infuriatingly annoying 

    i vote for a mobility decrease or speed decrease but not something that isn't immobilising 

  18. i personality hate the oro system in annihilation and I woul much prefer the winner to have more kills rather than someone who runs around with a melee weapons at 100mph either stealing kills or oro right after you get a kill with a sniper or a gun at long range 

    my own opinion and I would like to see who agrees and who doesn't 



    (I'm not talking about team annihilation here just regular annihilation)

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