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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 26 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    I suppose so. I just don't want it to be lumped in with the "Daikyu killed me ? Must be a bug" posts. 

    You must have confused the "daikyu killed me even though the arrow completely missed because it's a broken weapon" with the posts you are on about

  2. 20 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    More like a way to give those who don't want to participate in the Conclave a farmable "safe spot". Promoting Conclave would be the opposite: Allow all Conclave mods in PvE and Add a Conclave Syndicate weapon. That way players would be encouraged to go into Conclave for more than just cosmetics, but for something of actual gameplay value.

    They would have to be just as challenging as facing a player, current AI can't possibly achieve that.

    Completely agree, the devs should actually make more things exclusively obtainable from conclave to encourage those to play it more. I don't want to play the infested salvage missions however I need to do them in order to get the parts for nidus

    give the players more items to get from conclave to encourage them to play and get better.

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Raider_Duece said:

    Hey buddy ;) 

    Snipers arent op tho unless its crit shot then sometimes it makes ya look sad take a whole clip out on a enemy brushes it off next shot you take boom dead

    This is a pvp forum 

  4. 1 never get close to them

    melee players move and strike fast so hitting them at close range will most likely result in death even with a shotgun 

    2 choose a frame that can slow them down or can remove them from the fight easily

    a great example is frost because once frozen a melee player usually attempt to run away because chances are they cant kill you fast enough pr they cant use a gun because they might have a problem aiming guns like a normal player hence why they channel melee within they time they are frozen offload on them and the resulting death on their record will bring satisfaction to you and your team

    using limbo and sending a melee user into the rift is a good way at watching them spam buttons while you target someone else or t bag the ground to taunt them and their actions because after all they will be inferior to you once you learn how to obliterate them

    3 weapon choice. i recommend fast firing weapons so you can drain their energy faster when they are  channel blocking your bullets.

    a great example is the soma prime and the grakata or any other fast firing you can think of should get the job done 

    i hope you enjoyed my list and please message me pictures of you showing a melee channelling player who is boss 

  5. 1 minute ago, TheJadrimian said:

    @Anyone considering responding to this: The same conversation plays out every single time this guy reposts this thread, so spare yourselves from becoming part of the cycle.

    i post the thread when the problem still hasn't been fixed if you have a problem with that contact support

  6. 3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)BULLS 0N PAR4DE said:

     I would agree with you but after seeing you T-BAG a kill is a D-BAG move and could really care less if you think the arrows hit you or not.


     I get the same results in variant mode The opticore seems to be off target from time to time but it is what it is. Post this in feed back and see if you can get a fix.

    the opticor is hitscan so technically the  beem is just for effect so it cant be put in the same category 

    also if i see scummy tactics in conclave you are dam right hes gonna tasted my cylindrical decorations 

    i also dont want to double post so quick so i will wait a few days and gather more footage

  7. 4 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    Ah. I see. You don't understand how much money dedicated servers cost. That's why DE allowed us to host our own servers on PC.

    Anyway, your conclave salt only makes me chuckle.

    we cant host servers on ps4 sadly and all the money from the Chinese must just go into their pockets right?

    your first comment was the real salt comment my statement about getting your eyes tested is  one of concern since you cant see something so obvious 

  8. Just now, Eleodon said:

    A : Move more, you are so easy to target.
    B : Like every PvP, better is your ping, better is your score.
    C : And you clearly need to work on your bad faith. You were worst than this guy with the Daiyku, deal with it, play more, train more, and kick his a**


    A. that wouldnt matter because as you can see from the video the arrow missed and it still hit me

    B. i do have the best kd so that might be true

    C the arrow missed and i won all the games in that video despite the bs from the daikyu 


  9. 1 minute ago, Eleodon said:

    Do you really want to talk how Pc is master race ?

    im replying to you on my pc dude and well if i could transfer my account to my pc i would

    i really dont wanna start over on a fresh account

  10. Just now, Eleodon said:

    Damn, if we don't understand that clip were taken with Ps4... :shocked:

    best way for me to record the footage is to use the free software we have on hand. sorry if it isnt up to your pc standards.


  11. Just now, JSharpie said:

    Are you salty because you got killed? You were moving slowly or not at all, making you extremely easy to shoot with the strongest bow in conclave.

    What's your problem here other than getting killed?

    no my problem is the arrow completely misses me and yet it still kills me maybe if you watched even one video and payed attention you would actually see what the problem wass

  12. On 08/11/2016 at 4:22 PM, Phasedragon said:

    Snipers are good at any range, yeah. but saying hey can be used as shotguns is not true. while they are "good" in that range, actual shotguns are devastating. fire rate also has no bearing on how fast a sniper kills unless the target is just standing still and has terrible reaction time.

    they can be used as shot guns because they 2 shot and have a fast fire rate granted being scoped in would definitely leave them open fort other players to kill them if they scped for that long which even still isn't that big of a draw back when some snipers and quick scope really easily.

  13. On 07/11/2016 at 10:51 PM, Witchydragon said:

    that same guy would obliterate you with a rifle, pistol, shotgun, DMR, launcher, hind, and synapse.

    i would love to see any of them try.

  14. 7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    Snipers are probably at their most balanced right now. Lie in Wait is MANDATORY on all snipers if you want 2-3 shot kill. Snipers are good because they can do a quick burst of high damage, but the downside is that they have limited ammo and reload frequently. Use this to your advantage and try to move unpredictably. You can also pull people out of their scope by staggering them or knocking them down. @Aeries Vendetta is real good at fighting the meta sniper playstyle on console. If you pm him, I'm sure he will give you a few tips. 

    snipers shouldnt 2 shot and have the range and accuracy and fire rate that they do. also when snipers are aimgliding how is staggering them an option? like that just sounds really silly. limited ammo? you do know whne you are low on ammo you can pick up some from little creates from the ground. ammo is not a limiting factor at all when playing conclae and if you think so you need more practice and experience before coming here.


  15. "This could be lag" watch everyone in game move perfectly fine and show no signs of lag that would effect game play

    "Just learn to counter" my kd is 10.2:1 I'm pretty experienced in conclave 

    "I see nothing wrong" go to your local doctors and get a full medical evaluation because you might be going blind


  16. I join games and find people either aim gliding in the air with Excalibur, nezah, loki or ember aim gliding in the centre part of the map with the snipertron 2 shoting people and getting close to them will result in them using an ability which damages your shields slightly so they can 1 shot you or just zipping across the map at light speed making it impossible to hit them then 2 shoting you before you even hit the floor before of their insane fire rate


    players running around with snipers being able to walk up to a player and 2 shotting them before they have a chance to react or quick melee in the back to Lower their shields slightly then 1 shotting them before they can react

    or being able to out gun a latron at medium range because the weapon 2 shots and fires faster then a regular latron can shoot the 4 shots required to kill on average.

    snipers should have to be over 30-50 meters before the weapon can do its full amount of damage or it should have its damage massively reduced or lie in wait should be removed or its damage reduced because snipers as it stands are that op public matches to the point they can kill an entire enemy squad before the clip even runs out. 

    Snipers should reward skill and accuracy and as it stands they don't.

    im expecting the responses to be "get good" or no snipers aren't op but hell what do I know. Not that I have a 10.2:1 kd or anything 

  17. On 07/01/2017 at 10:43 AM, (Xbox One)Aeries Vendetta said:

    Take your team into an invite only match and be a warding nazha. Stay there until they can drop the warding halo quickly. 

    Minus the Valkyrs talons I find everything is balanced out quite nicely. All you have to do is practice. 

    No some things really need looked into again this is just one of the many things wrong with conclave at this time and telling me to "practice" when I have the highest kd ratio of PS4 and chances are pc as well 10.2:1 is pretty pointless when I can perform that amazing during public matches. I'm making this post not as a "I can't counter nerf plz" person I'm pointing this out as a "I have put blood sweat and tears into getting this good and having the best kd on this game and I hate how these kids can do it pretty easy with some op combo" kinda person. 

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