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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 10 hours ago, ChillZi said:

    I dont know if many things have changed in warframe since it has been a while when I played the game (now over a month).

    One thing (not the only reason) that made me stop was that I was not able to get a Riven Mod from sorties because they are really rare (although they are in the common category) and although I don't like the Riven Mod System I wondered about that a bit.

    What I don't get is, why don't they atleast put the Riven Mods and some other PvE rewards (maybe some of the sortie rewards) also as a reward in PvP? Maybe some cool syandanas as well.

    It kind of reminds me of destiny where when you played PvP, you would get weapons and armor etc...

    This would make people play PvP much more often. And now since dedicated servers arrived, people wouldn't have connectivity issues anymore (atleast I hope they don't). So unfair advantages where a player has a much lower ping then the other shouldn't be there anymore and impact skill that much.

    However, the only question is if RnG should play a role in this? Personally I think that people should be rewarded with rare stuff when they play really good.

    But I don't know this is just a thought.

    People started crying because there was a conclave tactical alert which even as a pvp player I hated the event but what I will say is if they added conclave exclusive rivens that would be really amazing for me as a conclave player to have something unique to me so others can't copy like they always do on ps4


  2. On 03/01/2017 at 2:04 PM, (Xbox One)Aeries Vendetta said:

    He can and we still drop nezha users like a bad habit. I came across a couple the other day. Only one of them was able to get a kill on me and that's because one was a cfe sniper expert. 

    However he still wasn't able to use his ward effectively at all. 

    Try switching up your class to counteract it. I find ember is a good counter because you can deal constant damage to the ward and it has somewhat of an AOE effect that can counter fast movers so that they are not broken. 

    As it stands right now conclave is balanced out until the new frame drops then they will need time to dial it in and put it at the same level as the rest of the frames. 

    I was just teaching one of my new guys that you have to adapt. Most of the older guys have multiple loadout that they use when they come across different combos and play styles. Take a a little time and go over you loadouts. If you need some help let me know I may be able help. 

    Problem with your advice is that you need to die in order to switch  loadouts and me personally I never die in conclave and when I do it's not because I'm getting countered or outplayed it's because I make a silly mistake or I slammed when I wanted to air swipe or I landed wrong so I do that getting up animation so personally my build works well against all and me personally I can take down a nezah easily I just hate how long it takes and how the majority of the time my team can't 

  3. I love how half of the community is complaining about a small blemish at the side of their avatars neck on a free to play game because "it looks ugly" when they probably have something similar on their own faces irl 

  4. 23 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Aeries Vendetta said:

    I dont see that issue over here on xbox. We are peeling that thing off like an old band aid. 

    It wouldn't be that bad if the nezah wasn't able to run at light speed 

  5. 19 hours ago, Nighttide77 said:

    Doesn't it have a really small HP pool?  On PC, it's not hard to gun Warding Halo off real fast, but it is definitely anti-melee.

    Not when the nezha is running at light speed into people channel blocking 

  6. It does a lot of damage when just running into it and when people channel melee with like a dark dagger or with the lacera it becomes almost impossible to even remove it effectively or quickly 


    lower damage required to remove it

    lower the amount of damage the halo itself can do

    add a decay timer just like iron skin 

  7. 1 minute ago, Dhiib said:

    Majority? its a fraction. but 1/4 of a team afking means this team will lose in 90% of the games. Thats behaviour is just fun-killing crap for the remaining 3/4.

    Again it's a small crap mode which will only be around a while longer stop being salty and if you cared that much you would play regular team annihilation instead of a broken boy fun mode

  8. 1 minute ago, Pythadragon said:

    Can change player behavior if there are warnings.

    AFK is a problem in pve and pvp. That is why there is an anti-AFK system. But it matters more in pvp in a team vs team gamemode.

    It's not like it's the proper conclave mode he's complaining about it's some stupid tactical alert that is terrible because of how easily you die so why people care I really don't know 

  9. Just now, Pythadragon said:


    This is a Team Gamemode. Afk-ing in a team match is akin to griefing and ruins the experience for your teammates. These players should be warned and then banned if the behavior continues.

    Well this pvp variant is trash. Can't ban the majority of the game bro

  10. 2 minutes ago, Dhiib said:

    by those people joining the snowball conclave matches, hiding in a corner and moving 1 inch every 30 secs to avoid afk-flag 'till the end of the match for 3 times with 0-0-0 stats, just to grab the event items. Too bad theres no nameshaming, by now i had quite a list of names.

    i have a kd of 10.0:1 in conclave which is probably the highest and I hate the tactical alert so I do this especially when the lobby is just lag infested and it will just mean countless deaths for me so yes I don't blame people for hiding for 10 minutes.

  11. 15 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:


    On topic: I guess it's done like that to keep PM as a mid range power which can be counterplayed by staying far out of range or by going point blank on the caster, thus keeping it away from being the perfect counter to melee "main" players.

    Well peacemaker has about the same effective range as sound quake and that doesn't have a minimum range also you can't move while using peacemaker so that alone is a huge drawback which should be enough to make the ability not overpowered 

  12. I'm not complaining about the short range that peacemaker has or anything but the whole point of peacemaker is to kill people who are on low health that just button mash when on low health or to kill those who are channeling melee again this is what I use peacemaker for but the problem is when this happens 

    As you can see peacemaker has a minimum detection range which greatly hinders its use against melee users and those with shotguns 

    so basically I would like to see this minimum detection range removed or peacemakers maximum range to go up 

  13. I wasn't really sure if I should've posted this in the recruiting page or not but technically I'm not recruiting this is more of a survey if anything 


    im wanting to make a clan 90% dedicated to conclave on PS4 at this time I'm not all that sure it will gain more than like 5 people mainly because I'm broke and it will be from scratch but I'm wondering how many of the people on here would actually want to join or not but if you would and are on PS4 just message me on here or if you don't want to join tell me why and don't just put "conclave is bad" or something 

  14. the bow has just given way to the new era of 1 shot bows just like In old conclave which was one of the many reasons nobody played old conclave and now it is back along with broken hitboxes and with the lag that comes with p2p hosting it's sometimes unbearable (especially on ps4) 


    lower damage so it doesn't 1 shot

    remove spring loaded broadhead from conclave and just make it a pve mod 

    this weapon is honestly why ps4 conclave is dead and filled with copycat meta players

  15. 15 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

    1. hmmm not like you STATED that was the problem.. or slowed down the video.. or posted still images
    2. Considering in that first vid the shooter MISSED a lot I guess means nothing .. only that you got hit
    3. that would probably be because it is the strongest in the game and that it is puncture based damage, Tenno use Ferrite armor which suffers increased damage from puncture by +50%

    1 I'm using playstation share play which I'm not all that accustomed to use so yes fair enough I cou have slowed down the footage of I knew how I would have

    2 yes he missed a couple of shots however the other videos show simmer shots that hit showing an inconsistency of sorts but again the arrow clearly missed 

    3 I'm not complaining at the damage (if that can't fix the hit boxes reducing the damage would also work or removing the daikyu specific mod) I'm complaining about the hitboxes 

  16. 6 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Yeah those seemed like they should have been clear misses... But really... for convenience purposes, those videos didn't need to be more then 10 seconds long.

    I know but that extra footage was to show that I was not lagging and that neither was anyone else (that was the best argument against my point anyone has put forward in past threads) please understand 

  17. 2 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

    Your videos, entitled various forms of "bull**** daikyu", fail to express a specific idea.

    Hmmm maybe I'm trying to express how utterly broken this weapon is?

    3 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

    The first video is almost four minutes of generic gameplay.
    Three minutes in, and I have not seen anything worthwhile.
    Three minutes is more than enough time for a normal video to make a point, and it is far more time than this thread deserves

    The gameplay footage is there to show that the lobby in which I am playing in has no lag what so ever, lots of people will put the brokenness of the daikyu down to lag which the gameplay proves that is not the case. As for me dying to the daikyu the footage shows the arrow fired completely missing me which tells you all that you need to know (the hitboxes are broken) 

    if you don't feel like being on a forum is a good use of your time then I'm sorry to say that with the attitude that you have I doubt you have anything better to do because clearly you little to no life.

    8 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:


    Nobody is going to waste their time watching your videos to formulate an argument on your behalf.
    The clear expression of ideas is your own responsibility.

    Well you just watched my videos completely contradicting what you have just said but aside from that the videos contain every needed for a good argument something that you clearly do not have.


    11 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:


    Get mad if you want.
    It won't help your credibility, which is dying miserably.

     I am certainly not mad but what I am right now is utterly amazed someone like you are questioning my credibility when you haven't submitted anything remotely related to this forum post. All you have stated is that you feel that your time is being wasted and that you don't like the video footage I have presented which I find quite funny since you haven't even presented a counter argument at all.

    if you don't like being here please leave, nobody will miss you.

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