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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 7 hours ago, (PS4)skins0208 said:

    Snipers are fine. No need to change them

    It would be funny to see you get obliterated by someone using a sniper in the way I described. 

  2. 7 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    Sniper are currently underpowered exept Lanka with Mag. I think what you say must be apply but instead deal less damages at close range, damages are increase with the distance. (So, basically a buff insdead nerf an unused wepon type)

    The changes I listed aren't nerfs. Read what I put 

  3. 6 hours ago, bernad2218 said:

    ~Reminder That This Is a Conclave Feedback Thread~

    also EcxpgNk.png

    That was about fully auto weapons not snipers. I am perfectly capable with dealing with any weapon in conclave (apart from the daikyu because it's broken) Im making this post not as  a "it's to hard to counter plz nerf" but as a "snipers are used as shotguns please add a mechanic that rewards proper use of this weapon type" 

  4. 4 hours ago, ligonare said:

    "Fast fire rate"

    I lol-ed. Snipers are fine the way they are. Since you are haunted by invis lokis, i suggest you learn how to eagle-eye slight shimmers.

    Snipers also hate suppression. Use a shotgun or automatic.

    Loki is nerfed into the ground anyway now on pc and will be on consol next update so I don't need to do anything as far as Loki is concerned because he is now the most useless pvp frame 

    by fast fire rate I mean being able to fire the two shots required to kill a target before the target is aware he has been shot at

  5. I see everyone using snipers as shotguns now and since some are 2-3 shot kill and have a fast fire rate I thin one of these changes should happen 

    lie in wait adds a fire rate decrease stoping snipers from being as op as they are.


    snipers do a max of 20-30 damage per shot at close range and are only able to do their maximum amount of damage at long range    ( whatever the devs find suitable after play testing ) 

    this encourages actual sniper gameplay instead of the Loki invisible aim glide meta we have today 

  6. We conclave players really find it difficult to find out how much damage a weapon does in conclave without building/buying it or going into our conclave arsenal and looking at some weapons that way however it doesn't even cover half of the available weapons so please can we have an option to switch to conclave weapon values? 

  7. On 4 November 2016 at 7:22 PM, Lordricker said:

    Considering all your evidence is of other people using it, it would probably be nice if you could prove it with yourself. But If you do record some keep in mind that pub stomping on the inexperienced is completely different than daikyu against the experienced

    I will be testing the hitboxes so it really wouldn't matter if it was a new player I killed or a Mr 22 

  8. 2 minutes ago, rockscl said:

    the arrow goes right were the client killed you in his desynchronized state of the game

    no other bow has ever done this with me. just the daikyu which implys its just this bow that has this problem


  9. 26 minutes ago, Cicadeus said:

    Does consule allow people to see ping? 

    not that i know however as i have stated before no other bow does what this bow does meaning this has nothing to do with lag or ping

  10. Just now, rockscl said:

    If you dont want to accept the explanation then use daikyu yourself and show us how your arrows hit anything out of its reasonable radius of effect

    so two videos of the hitboxes killing me (the game host) isnt enough evidence for you? what?  you can clearly see the hitbox issues in the game from those two videos but sure whatever i need to build the daikyu again and record me getting easy broken kills ok i will and then i will upload that footage and still get the same reply from everyone.


  11. Just now, rockscl said:

    Its just lag, if they tried the synchronize projectiles the game would be unplayable above 90 ping

    if it were just lag then every other travel time weapon would do this but they dont, just the daikyu 


  12. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Ali_AmmarKh said:

    You don't have to post the thread repeatedly when it goes off first page...

    until this gets fixed i will keep trying to bring attention to it because this problem has been in the game for a long time 

  13. Just now, bernad2218 said:

    have YOU tried using it tho

    thats the question

    yes. it did exactly the same thing when i used it. sadly i dont have footage of how impossble it is to miss with it when i use it but if it comes down to it i will go out and record some 

  14. On 11/2/2016 at 10:17 PM, (PS4)Agent-P2468 said:


    BTW: who ever kept 1 hitting me with that dikou (correct me), that must take some skill?

    Also, even if melee is sorted, you have the problem with the guns.


    no the daikyu doesnt reqire skill.

  15. (Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I couldn't find anything specific)

    maroos bazaar is basically a free trading post that allows you to sell items without the need of a clan. 

    you go stand somewhere in the relay and stand showing what items you have until someone trades with you which is where the problem lies.

    most people in the bazaar are either trying to buy an item that nobody in trade chat is selling or selling at a good price or noobs trying to get play from random players by giving some low level trash to you in hopes of getting plat or something asking for "insert part here"

    the relay is full of those people and for some reason they just randomly trade with someone asking for what they want instead of looking at what that person is advertising which is insanely annoying and also time consuming so here is my solution 

    when choosing what items to advertise there should be a "conditions" section where the seller could put something they buyer must have before being able to trade with that person for example "you must have 100 plat"

    (keep in mind you can change offer while in the trade menu once the condition is met so they person won't be forced to give 100p) 

    nobody will be able to trade with you without meeting the conditions or messaging you first which is the goal ( to draw out interested people so uninterested people can't waste your time) 

    again this was my first thought on the situation so feel free to tweak anything 

  16. 11 hours ago, C0d3blooded said:

    The oro system could be improved upon just by adding some sort of quick "invulnerability" effect to oro. Something like "can't be picked up by other players for 0.5 seconds".

    the oro doesnt fly towards the respected player for 1 second so that time should be increased to lik 2-3 seconds 

  17. 10 hours ago, C0d3blooded said:

    That's more of a symptom of the huge boost DE gave to energy regen during the SoTR update. IIRC it went from 0.25/s to 0.75/s... Coincidentally power spamming became more prevalent.

    Cooldowns would really only hurt the flow of the game tbh. Especially if this is a PvP only "feature".

    it wouldnt slow anything down at all. powers are not needed in pvp are are there to give a player an edge in situations but still the cool down wouldnt be like 10 seconds or anything it would be between 3-5 seconds which allows players to escape or to retaliate without being caught with stagger or anything like that

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