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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. The problems that conclave have

    daikyu hitboxes making the arrows hit when they aren't supposed to

    snipers being able to destroy every other weapon type effortlessly 

    melee channeling being broken and not balanced at all when it comes to the combos causing the user to be next to impossible to hit and high damage output along with reflecting bullets back at users. And them taking no damage 

  2. On 06/02/2017 at 10:35 PM, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:

    Because I based this of my personal experience against him and the k/d ratio just seems to add it up. Not everyone performs as good at the start and most of them fight all kinds of players, to newbies, to casual, to veterans, its why their k/d vary and not be as high as you because they don't run away when seeing another good player and farm newbies or low skilled players.


    Correct not everyone performs good at the start however that doesn't justify everyone having such a pathetic kd

    again if I see a new player in conclave I'm not going to quit the lobby because of it. Getting a game on ps4 is hard enough

    i don't see where you're getting this "running away from pro players" thing from. The majority of pro players I face in game get squashed because the "pro" weapons they use are broken meta trash that needs nerfed and even at that point I still come away with a positive kd 

    also since Warframe isn't cross platform I cannot fight any of those players in conclave so the only way I can tell how good they are is to look at their individual kd records. And if it's bad then they're bad nothing more to say.

    I really don't see where you get this information from at all.

  3. Just now, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:

    Because we don't get to choose whom to kill do we? Unless that person has some kind of honor code that he/she doesn't kill people with less skill and by comparison you mean that Conclave veterans should't get standing for killing almost everyone in Conclave because they are so few. We kill the first person thats on sight and thats it. Heres the different between bots and people however low skilled they are, bots are programmed to act to a specific way depending of the situation and knowing the AI in here, they are not very smart, players in the other hand, are people that think the same way as we do so their behavior may be different and not very predictable.

    dont forget the ai in the game is terrible 

  4. 55 minutes ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:

    You must have either seen another guy or simply throwing dirt. I've seen him in free for all mostly being first with X kills/0-2 deaths so are you implying that he got his 100k kills with 6.5 k/d by using the Mios? This statement just falls apart.



    100k kills with meta weapons and broken weapons. that is all darkside uses every time i have seen him. 6.5:1 kd is terrible for the amount of kills he has.

    57 minutes ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:


    Thats why you aimglide with a considerate distance and shoot or simply shoot them when they are not facing you.



    congrats. that is exactly how i counter melee however the mios has the capability of knockdown when you are in the air which is one of the reason it needs nerfed.

    59 minutes ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:


    I'm not implying anything, its safe to say that you may have people that shares your views in regards with this topic including me but to a certain extend, we both agree that it needs a nerf because it offers so much with little risk however our methods of nerfing it are different. You offered a nerf to damage and range, I offered a change to the stance, either way works, we have seen those nerfs before.

    PS: k/d means nothing, one can easily reach that by farming newbies/low skilled players or with friends. Its just a vague stat of showing how "skilled" you are.

    ok great.

    if that were the case everyone would have a kd close to mine however they dont. the fact you justify at how good he is because he hjas 100k kills and then go on to say that kd ratio means nothing is contradictory and tbh laughable


  5. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:

    So the Prisma Gorgon, Zhuge, Caustacyst, Stradavar, Braton are all broken meta weapons? Might as well consider everything broken



    no they are just balanced weapons ethat are easily obtainable. i have seen darkside use the braton once and guess what he went 7;8 in that match. they guy is trash.

    11 minutes ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:



    The sword and shield stance was broken before and after Specters of the Rail. I've seen Free-for-all out of 10 players, 8 were using either Silva and Aegis or Ack and Brunt. When Silver Groove came, they changed the combos and suprise! You barely see a single soul using either of them and the Jag Kittag replaced it, now that the Jag Kittag was nerfed, the Mios took its place. What's next? The Tipedo? 


    and until then nerf it will still be a meta weapon.

    12 minutes ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:


    I get the idea of not dying against melee users and using the full extend of mobility to create space when dealing with them, they can't almost do jack when you are in mid-air.


    the mios can knock people down while they are aim gliding. also air swiping is a thing and it does a good bit of damage.

    also with some melee combos you can do jack against them because they are zipping all over the place with insane combo animations/ high speed and mobility.

    15 minutes ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:


    This is just an excuse to justify your whiny background, if you create a topic is because YOU see a problem with that situation not others. "I just made this topic because other players may have a problem with this weapon."

    so you're trying to imply that nobody will agree with anything i post or share my views? for you're information i have the highest kd on conclave on ps4 which woulnt be possible if im as bad as you are trying to imply.

  6. 16 hours ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:

    1. That player is Darkside, one of the top players of PS4 so he makes things seem more broken at its already is.

    2. It has been suggested on a topic before about a nerf to the blade and whip combo, don't nerf damage nor speed, nerf the pause combo. Make it that it doesn't do a knockdown at the start of the combo, making the player fall into a meat grinder, make it that the knockdown is at the end of the combo or make it into a different combo like the nerf of the sword and shield one.

    3. If all of your suggestion somehow apllied or at least some, it would make melee less doable that it already is, if some players are having trouble against melee using guns then they are not using the benefits of mobility at its fullest.

    1. darkside is not one of the top conclave players. his kills are high because he uses broken meta weapons. if he were to use weapons that were not broken at all he wouldn't even get a positive kd in games.

    2 the pause combo is a problem but feel its the damage and the attack speed that make the weapon completely broken and if they were reduced then the weapon would be fair and balanced (even though melee in general is broken but it would be balanced compared to the rest of them.)

    3 melee users have more sprint speed and more mobility so i dont get where you are getting this information at all. me personally i can deal with that weapon with the sibear or with frost but new players will not have access to either of those and will most likely never play conclave after  also from my video the nerfs already applied were not enough.


  7. 9 hours ago, (PS4)EVILFLUFFMONSTER said:

    I dont think its the weapon so much, I have seen players do this with destreza, Orthos prime, jat kittag, and the old stance nikana combos. They were all counterable.

    I think half conclaves problem is a big variety of less effective weapons amongst a few that shine, and a few that are good for the highly skilled(snipers, thundermiter, daikyu etc). Weapon choice and how well I perform go hugely hand in hand, and while certain weapons obviously work better for different playstyles and players the disparity should not be as great as it is.

    I can pick up most other popular shooters(i know warframe is nothing like them) and for the most part always perform well regardless of weapon choice. Warframe..I have a few primaries worth using out of the 20 or so I have available, because I will just get outgunned.

    first off i want to point out that the daikyu is broken because of its hitboxes. i have 3 videos proving that which you can find on the ps4 bug reports.

    as i have said melee is pretty broken but the reason im addressing this weapon in particular is that its become popular aka a meta weapon 

  8. 5 hours ago, (XB1)Tylers Legend said:

    Hard to say it needs a nerf.

    On xbox, I barely see the mios because of so many ways to counter it. There was one time when it was popular, as time went on most of us adapted and know how to challenge it. Only when there are casuals in lobby, someone will pick a mios to farm them.

    A direct melee counter is the throw weapons like Kestral. Out ranges it and both hold and pause combos are brutal and hit 360s while the blade and whip has its cone.

    Also, the players allow that person on video to get his combo fully started leading to quick deaths and that can be done with most melee weapons. The weapons that do not kill as quick have other great abilities.

    Furax for example, I can perform 3 ccs in  less than 2 seconds and cover a huge distance, much more movement and cc than the blade and whip. Damage is also sometimes great with 2-3 shots, but not as strong as most.

    Nikana out damages the blade and whips, there are times I will get one shotted by it and I have 280ehp Vauban. Nikanas combos can also travel further, the melee it's self does not out range the blade and whip however.


    i know how to counter it personally but when you see people claiming to be good at conclave because they can spam melee combos and kill randoms in a flash it getrs kinda dumb. also if you are in a normal lobby and you have someone using a mios on you team chances are you wont get nearly the same amount of kills you usually get which is also wrong.

    throwing melee is the worst counter i have ever heard of especially when the mios has a combo that makes the player model spazz out it so i really wouldnt recommend. i personally freeze them with the sibear or have seen people freeze them with frosts 1 which slows them down enough to be actually hittable 

    and the last two things sum up why melee is more unbalanced than most people realise .

  9. 17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    The melee player hitbox isn't bigger than that of a bulletjumping frame, so it's still shootable. The Swordwhips have an interesting quirk compared to other melee. While other melee have radial combos or full AoE slams, the swordwhip series have a frontal narrow "cone" (it's more like two parallel lines) with about 2m verticality and about 3m more range on the whip attacks.


    true, but if you were to aimglide down from the max height of the mios it causes knockdown(which it shouldint)causes immediate death because of the high damage and the insanely fast attack speed so yes the range is a problem with this weapon

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    I have played around with it, though I play on PC, so things are different. The Mios hits faster than Lacera, but Lacera hits stronger.


    ok? the lacera hits stronger. brilliant but the slow attack speed balances it out mean while the mios does still very high damage and has a very fast attack speed.which are two things meta melee weapons have.

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    That's a bit of a perspective thing. Melee may seem broken, but when comparing it to gunplay that allows for full mobility and melee is stuck on the ground, the power it has becomes justified.


    but when a melee user gets down to low healthy while getting shot they can just channel block and take 0 damage and just fly away at the speed of light because of the high mobility equipping melee gives. guns are not even close to over powered because accuracy and comes into play.melee users can stagger and knockdown with their weapons while we cant. and air swiping while channelling does a lot of damage for almost all melee weapons so i dont get where you get the "melee is stuck on the ground" idea.

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    That's the balance point of Mios vs Lacera. And Mios in particular is in a sweet spot.


    and that said sweat spot is over powered and needs nerfed

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    That's the point of the weapon since it doesn't have any radial attack.


    it does have a radial attack. at one part of the combo you can hit people behind you.

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    What this for? Unless it's paired with reduced channeling cost to compensate.



    to reduce damage. thats what its for and no the efficiency is fine 

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:



    That's usually the lag.


    no its not lag because i can go into a solo lobby and do it myself

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    It was suggested many times to separate energy from channeling and add a Stamina system, so far no luck.


    because the community hasn't pushed enough for it

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    This has also been suggested as the drain per hit is kind of unfair to fast weapons with multihit combos.


    not really when the weapon like the dark dagger inflicts stagger which is a real pain for gun users

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    I saw the video, it may be a console thing but few attempted to create distance. When a melee player is on the loose you can't really be on the same ground standing.


    which is a major issue if you are using a shotgun which is apparently thew melee counter (which it inst especially if the combos are as uninhabitable as the mios)

    17 hours ago, Nazrethim said:


    I think overall it could use a balance pass on consoles, but only a slight damage nerf, not something really dramatic as the weapon works mosly as intended.


    if the intent was an unhittable broken meta weapon i get where you are coming from.



  10. Just now, Omnipower said:

    ahh ok then, didnt know that since i dont pvp but it did show during the video that person has some use with valk using her ripline to close distances and her yell to slow enemies to get the mios kills though so you cant exactly attribute their kills to the mios alone otherwise EVERYONE would be using it no?

    everyone does use it. the kill you are speaking of in the video only happens once compared to the 20+ kills he gets with just channelling it and spamming melee combos 

    the most common frame the mios is used with is nezah because of his speed plus having an iron skin that doesn't degrade over time 

  11. Just now, Omnipower said:

    Go for it though it sounded and looked like they were also using valks 4 not sure if that counting as mios' kills since its melee based.

    no it will come up with "valkyr talons" on hysteria kill  

  12. as you can see in this video the mios has an incredibly high range and damage and its combo animations makes it incredibly difficult and almost impossible to hit. 

    i think this weapon needs an overall nuke nerf of all its stats because this is just insanely broken compared to other melee weapons (which also block all damage and have hard to hit combo animations.)

    i honestly think melee in general in this game is just a little bit broken but in pve its not really a problem but in pvp it needs combos that are physically possible to hit at all times and not just when they slam or when they  land wrong or something because in the slam animations for mios and heavy weapons like the jatkittag they can move when they are supposed to be in a slamming animation

    how i would personally fix this weapon;

    reduce attack speed

    reduce ark range by a lot

    reduce channelling damage 

    add combos that dont make the model of the user just flip out and make it iimpossible to shoot

    (more of a general list of changes to conclave melee inbound.)

    fix slam animation allowing melee users to more while in combo slam

    add stamina bar when melee is equipped stopping insane combo melee channelling spam 

    make melee channelling drain energy while melee is being channelled 

    change sword alone to increase sprint speed instead of mobility






    (please do not come here and comment without watching the video)

  13. 19 hours ago, (PS4)TheKiller9805 said:



    You made a 5 pages long topic some months ago claiming this but a thousand times people have told you that its latency yet a thousand times you have choose to remain ignorant. So how about you a video about you using it and see for yourself that the Daikyu is already balanced.

    I have asked each individual to show proof that this is a latency issue and yet none have given me any. "Ignorant" isn't the correct word more like "consistent" 

  14. 2 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

    This looks a lot like a knee-jerk reaction to unreasonable posts from entitled PvP critics.
    There is no need to respond to unreasonable posts with your own unreasonable posts.

    And this is a knee-jerk reaction post to this thread.

    I can see the magic of internet argument is hard at work today.

    Can I get a lock?

    You don't need to be here. Especially when you haven't contributed to the original post at all.

  15. 1 minute ago, Shinobu_Scorpion said:

    Not entirely sure this is relevant, given Warframe is a PvE based game.

    Then to the other part, no one should be forced to play PvP. It's more of a side mode for those who like it. 

     I gave the the infested salvage mission of a mode I don't like yet I must do in order to get certain content. It is only fair pvp should have content only available in pvp that has more of a functional use than just skins which is what I'm trying to get across 

  16. Just now, Cook-EN- said:

    Yeah... you shouldn't force people to play what they don't like. Nidus is different, its a PvE gamemode that unfortunately has a lot of RNG, whereas PvP is a horribly unbalanced mode that doesn't really reward you that well.

    That is your opinion. In my opinion pve is less balanced especially at end game levels and has terrible AI, spam enemies, grind, pointless quests with terrible story pvp on the other hand is fast and highly skill based (unless using a daikyu) 

  17. Just now, (Xbox One)CFE Discord said:

    Can you post evidence of this ? Preferably not in this thread, as it pertains to Valkyr.

    Sure thing I will pm you the links to the videos. Please note that the 3 videos are from different matches and from different updates and changes 

  18. I have obtained every single reward in conclave and I personally think it would be in the developers interest to add more exclusive conclave items to encourage more people to play the mode regardless if they like it or not. For example I hate the infested salvage missions but in order to get nidus I a man forced to play that mission until I obtain what I desire. 

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