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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. On 2018-09-05 at 5:42 AM, (PS4)DAYNICK101 said:

    Honestly that’s the main issue that I have with it just the fact it can deal that much damage while also being able to just stop you in yore tracks.

    The Charge only resets if you do a bullet jump in to a air extended flip it won’t get canceled if you just spam just bullet jumps  even then it really isn’t hard for players to collide on multiple occasions with it as well if anything it wouldn’t be hard to in the slightest, even then The thing does alright damage but the problem for me is that why wouldn’t you just have the knowdown on the Full charged shot instead on you just colliding with anothe player I mean I can get with it doing damage but having constant knockdowns is just ridiculous.

    Honestly when I use him I feel like I’m just kirbstomping people with little effort but even then I understand that that sentiment of not changing him much due to being a hard Counter to Melee

    I do feel like nidus does need talked about but its important to talk about the bigger problems conclave has at the moment and work from there.




    Then specifics like loki decoy and nidus staticor 

  2. 15 hours ago, (PS4)jones_jake said:

    Totally agree with OP. Melee is broken and holding conclave down. I also think that some frames like nidus are broken and need a special rework. 

    Nidus doesn't need a rework. I suggest you try him before making tasteless comments such as that

  3. 8 hours ago, (PS4)DAYNICK101 said:

    I really don’t have to suger coat it and say these three things are just straight up broken when put together. So what seems to be on the rise is the use of the Staicor, Arca Triton, and Nidus in together that give the player way to much of a advantage over the others and I’ll give a brief deal to why they’re so broken


    Nidus: Mostly people will always use his 1 for those stacks and the Problem is that his 1 does way to much damage for what the range that it has plus if they’ve got anything that can stagger you they basically get a free stack with little Effort thanks to the Stagger system in conclave, his 2 and 3 are fine since it’s really just you having the aim and coordination to use them effectively, then his 4 is just plain unfair at times you can easily just place it down and let your maggots run wild while they one shot pretty much anyone regardless of what Frame you’re using and the only way to counter it is to use another Nidus with Stacks plus the fact you gain easily just regain stacks makes him able to just spam it non stop which is really boring after a while and really just seems unfair at times. Then his stacks act as a get out of jail free card which reallys seems unfair as well 


    Staticor: this weapon Really just gives people free kills Not once did I fire this weapon and I can easily just bullet jump into people and get free kills with its massive charge up damage not only does it deal a lot of damage but also staggers people as well which is also another icing on the cake then combine that with Nidus and it’s basically just instant free stacks for him.

    Arca Triton: As much as I like the weapon in PVE its an absolute 1 hit kill on pretty much anyone plus with the fact of its slow attack speed it really feels like this things hit registers are just always get a hit regardless if the initial air attack animation and this is only used for the Air Attack and nothing else 



    Honstly They really need a fix or stat vaule change or just general change but Honestly personally I have a few ideas for changes on them

    Nidus: Just reduce the damage on the maggots and you can keep the Number of maggots the same or do the other way around on his 4and also reduce the explosive radius of them as well,  Make his 1 only count to stacks and reduce the range but maybe keeping the damage just so it can still be useable. Then make his undying Passive only work when he has 2 or 3 stacks so to just not let him just get away from from a kill shot I get that he has No shields   and there's risk involved using him but with the Staticor, and Arca Triton it basically just makes him mind numbing to face against.

    Staticor: Honestly remove the Stagger and Bump in Hits because it really just makes the weapon annoying to play against because all people do with it is just bullet jump into people and just have their way with their victims. Plus the weapon does good damage anyway so why bother letting it have this much power as well.

    Arca Triton: Reduce the weapons Air Attack damage there’s really nothing to it.


    Wether You agree with me or not I really don’t care I just wanted to put that out just to let people know what I see and feel about this combo.

    With the way conclave is currently played and how nidus's first ability works having a knockdown weapon is almost needed for those players who are always airborn. I suggest removing the damage from the staticor which will solve the problem of nidus's first ability 1 shotting players when they have no shields and also the easy kills gained from tge staticor in general 

    I however disagree with your proposals to changing his abilities because as they are i feel they balanced in comparison to other first abilities which you can spam easily.

    I would reduce the cost of nidus's first ability down to 25 but remove the energy refund on hit. 

    I would change his 3rd ability to cost 50 energy rather than a stack to encourage more use

    Nidus overall is one of the few warframes that requires the player to earn his survivability. Nerfing him would only make the real problems such as melee meta stronger 

  4. 18 hours ago, Stormdragon said:

    There's a melee rework in the way, so I'd rather wait for it to be released and play with it in order to give better feedback. If there's something i can agree with OP is with the removal of zaws, or at least with a huge "conclave treatment" (aka rebalance, which would still need their temporal removal) for all of them.

    The knowledge of a pve rework made me want to see specific changes happen in conclave as well. Since its on everyones mind already 

  5. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)Ninja_Tennobean said:

    LUNARO FOR me is one of the most fun things to play in warframe it's like space basketball. Only thing is there should be more players on each team and map should be a tad bigger. And the amount of time you can hold the ball for should be increased I feel Lunaro should get it old build slotand come with it own mods for the game like speed mods or movement mods even mods that help you pass further or hold the ball longer. I feel also should be just three pillars add some platforms and walls to latch on to. Make the game more tactial so you can make epic plays with the movement system. Imagine running along a wall then you friend passes to you then you jump of that wall with a bullet jump into a glide the you another team mate on a platform next to you that u can pass to. Quick pass to him he bullet jumps off the platform into a glide to make the winning shots. Warframe has the most potential It can be better than fornite if it felt more competitive show people warframe can be competitive like all other games. @[DE]Megan @[DE]Rebecca

    Again you have only played 1 full game according to your warframe profile. Play the mode more to give proper feedback 

  6. 22 minutes ago, (PS4)Ninja_Tennobean said:

    Warframe has been team based so i CONCLAVE should be more focus around team work like everyone has a roll to play. It should be 4 v 4 where everyone gets to use their builds. health should be double or trippled along with shields to make the fight challenging and also so the player builds aren't too over powering it should be set up in a away where the only way to win the proper team work and communication, Make CONCLAVE more tactial and less run and gun. ALL ABILITITES SHOULD FUNCTION NORMALLY but certain abilities should be able to nullify other abilities like ember would be able to melt frost ice bubble or unfreeze anyone frozen by frost. Just a rough sketch of what i feel warframe PvP could be . If warframe PvP can get more competitive then the game it self would gain more popularity. Give the players a way to feel truly God like by letting the put their builds against one another. Also remove all the high or tall obstcale from CONCLAVE maps too many places for people to run and hide .  Competitiveness=popularity= more players= more money= Warframe becoming more popular than  Fornite Or you can partner with fornite Free 2 player partnership. Just ideas a d suggestion at the end of the day just another dedicated warframe player. Thank you sincerely



    5 minutes ago, (PS4)Ninja_Tennobean said:

    Very true, there's alot to be looked at but my main thing with the right change Warframe can be more popular than fornite just need to feel more competitive so people don't get bored watching the streams 

    You have only got 3 kills and 9 deaths out of your entire time playing conclave. I suggest you play the mode more to understand it in order to give worth while feedback 

  7. 11 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    You do know weapons deal far more damage than Warframe abilities right? My Zaw Dagger for example easily hits over 80K without having to stack much combo and i use Exodia Contagio which extends its deadliness much further.

    This is conclave feedback 

  8. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)prisonerzero4300 said:

    It wont be fine as eventhough the devs listened for once and there wont help with other problems as they will be there

    It would be cool to get constant rebalances of popular weapons to stop meta 


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