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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 1 minute ago, ShiraHagane said:

    >Pretending there's a difference between then and current conclave

    certain weapons like the daikyu are overpowered, true but implying that 1.0 conclave and 2.0 conclave has no different is just wrong

  2. Just now, Alucard-TheGrandVampire said:

    PVP mode that use PVE mod. Kills and deaths wont count toward your pvp stats neither standing point. Believe me it very fun and can make people enjoying pvp alot because i have to be honest,pvp at the moment doesnt seem to be fun but i have tried the pvp with pve mod through circulum and it very enjoyable but will be more enjoyable if we have bigger maps like pvp one since we only have 2 ways to do pvp with pce mod that is through duel and circulum and both of them are too small. Circulum and make you see other tenno through wall btw.

    Yes and this is just an option for pvp so i dont mean to say that we should change pvp at the moment. Riven can be disable(optional).

    we had this type of conclave, nobody liked it or played it. 

  3. Just now, Matoro1992 said:

    Dang, I throw out a suggestion and it is already getting thrown down. :/ So players who do play conclave doesn't want anything new to be added? 

    Ok...close the topic then. :( 

    because unlike the pve players of warframe we dont want our old current content to be neglected and left to become irrelevant, what we have right now needs fixing and improved on. only then should new content be added.

  4. 1 minute ago, Matoro1992 said:

    Ok to be honest,  with Lawbreakers not doing too hot (on PC), the next best thing when it comes to a fast-paced shooter with a decent player count is Warframe's Conclave (from my experience).

    I'm aware that most people enjoy Warframe mainly for its PvE, however, I'm one of the few who enjoy Warframe mainly for it's PvP. As it has a unique set of movement mechanics. But I'd have to admit it is under-cooked when it comes to its current game modes. They're too generic and doesn't fit well with the fast paced nature of the game. 

    I was wondering if Warframe Conclave can take some inspiration from Lawbreakers and create a new team-objective based gamemodes such as, Capture the Uplink. Unlike CTF, I think Capture the Uplink game mode would offer more focus action and teamwork. Personally, I like this game mode in Lawbreakers as it discourages camping and gives a chance for the enemy team to steal the uplink before it registers as a "capture" within 20 seconds after 100% charge. Since our characters fly 100mph anyway, I think it is best to reduce the capture time to 10 or 15 seconds.  

    Since Warframe abilities plays as "Supers" in a way, I would think it would be best to take out the blue orbs from maps and have our character's power regenerate over time instead, to give some "tactical-flavor" when and where to activate the "Super" abilities. For example, we don't want Frost to put up a snow globe around the capture point all the time.


    You can also do something experimentally interesting by adding a Battle Royal game mode into Warframe with its Plains of Eidolon expansion coming out soon. It would literally be the first ever fast-paced Battle Royal game ever created. 


    To those who play PvP, what do you think? Does these game modes sound ridiculous enough that it'll peak your interest to try out them out?

    we have a capture the flag in conclave and nobody plays it, adding more modes wont make conclave better it will just dilute the small player base even more due to its poor balancing and dev bug maintenance.  

  5. Just now, Heckzu said:


    There is a reason why Warframe's most upvoted post on the /r/gaming is a Conclave gif. Conclave's gameplay with parkour 2.0 is a revival of the fast-paced Korean TPS genre from the 2000's, which lost popularity as FPS games became more popular.

    shame that conclave on ps4 is dead

  6. 13 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

    The console certification process delayed Update 21.7.1 for consoles, and because PoE's deadline was approaching, Update 21.7.1 had to be dropped altogether for consoles. This means that the fix won't arrive until the PoE patch, which should be within a week's time based on the news.

    de has told console players that poe will be in november. and my community reported to bug in September, regardless of what the pve team is doing the conclave team should still be fixing bugs and problems within conclave and especially bugs that kill the mode and make it unplayable. the planes update is no excuse for poor bug testing and poor handling of something this serious

  7. 1 minute ago, Jackel7 said:

    A few random questions: 1) why were the variant conclave modes removed Ex. Opticor FFA 2) what is TAE I'm unfamiliar with that.

    variants were limited time conclave events which were never continued after quick steel because not even the conclave community enjoyed them.

  8. 1 minute ago, Killershot_br12 said:

    Consider TAE a properly working conclave,where you can't do all that parkoury(afaik) stuff but its still cool.

    will do. anything is better than conclave right now.


  9. 1 minute ago, Jackel7 said:

    I personally remember making posts about ways to improve conclave months ago never got any traction, even brought up the idea of Bots too.

    i dont like the idea of bots persoanlly but i will take a bot over a hydroid panthera or a mios player anyday.

  10. Just now, -N7-Leonhart said:

    Conclave is not dead anywhere, and even here it's just that people are abusing a bug. I am tired of "Warframe is not a PvP game.......it's the kingdom of casuals......blah blah". Warframe is exactly what you want it to be, whether that is PvE or PvE + PvP. Not like it forces your hand to play PvP, right? Only then you would have the right to complain.

    try getting a game on ps4, youre lucky if it lasts 2 minutes. because its dead. all because of lack of bug testing and balancing.

  11. Just now, Killershot_br12 said:

    Conclave was destined to be dead.You should wait for TAE to be released.

    its a shame because i have a small clan who loves playing conclave and it sucks watching them quit due to incompetent bug testers and devs (the conclave ones)

  12. 2 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

    Conclave is dead everywhere (i hope). 


    A bad mode that should not even exist.

    at this point im starting to agree, there needs to be proper balancing done by a competent conclave dev team.

  13. Just now, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    Yep. If the server doesn't automatically crap all over itself within 10 seconds of the game, it's gonna be filled with the two douchebags who curb-stomp you with that stupid blade-and-whip stance. And of course, when you complain about this overpoweredness, the same people tell you to "git gud" and "go with the flow." Exactly why I don't use Conclave anymore.

    oh but pc players say nothing wrong with mios or ash nikana and we just need to "adjust". wasn't that then their little 2 shot snipers were nerfed and they were chimping out until it was undone.

  14. right now on ps4 it is impossible to get a single match of conclave without host migration obliterating the lobby. the reason for this is hydroid panthera glitch making it impossible to remain alive for more than 5 seconds resulting in people copying the glitch just to get a kill in the lobby which spreads the disease even further and ruining the new player experience.

    usually overpowered weapons like the daikyu and snipers etc have a counter forcing those players to use weapons that actually require an ounce of effort. but this is different, we as a community (ps4) have been posting about this glitch for over a month  and have yet to see a fix for ourselves. it is purely unacceptable the length of time we are expected to wait for a fix. 

    the glitch has caused irreversible damage to conclave and is probably too late to fix at this point as the loyal conclave following as dwindled down to single figures and god knows if those players will ever return as this was the last straw of incompetence they were willing to take from the mode.

    i have no clue who the conclave devs are nor do i care but if you are reading this you need to do something and quick, if there was any excuse for an emergency hot fix now is the time. 

    (video below is the average conclave game, player count included)


  15. 11 minutes ago, .Zel said:

    it's actually slightly stronger now tbh, more than worth it for those with the aim and reaction time.

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    even just looking at that game play that doesn't remotely strike me as conclave, apart from that good shooting.

  16. 4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

    Ive been playing conclave for almost 2 years. Time and time again i have seen the wrong weapons nerfed because when they nerf them, they only take the pc mechanics into accountability.

    i agree, i do think that pc conclave and console conclave balancing should be separate.


    4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

    . I really dont understand why? They nerf the snipers but they dont nerf the one shot melee weapons.

    snipers and melee are equally easy to use on console. i dont see how you think a 2 shot kill weapon that works with aim assist requires "skill"


    4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

     It takes me 3 shots to kill a player if its not a headshot but it only takes them one combo slash for the to kill me?

    even if that were true which i highly doubt with all the factors i have previously listed i feel that snipers needed the nerf they were given. also melee also deserves to be nerfed in terms of damage or to have a """"combo cooldown timer"""" which will stop combo spam and make melee require timing and finesse.


    4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

     I cant even 



    4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

     one shot kill them if i head shot them IN THE FACE LOL.

    a lot of weapon cant do that and they require more effort than any sniper (apart from lanka) so just because snipers cant you seem to feel like that specific class should?


    4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

     Does DE not realize that using a sniper with a controller actually takes skill? Thats why i used to use them! because when i killed something i felt proud of being able to do so!

    on console they dont, and maybe you use thembcause you think they are "difficult" to use but the people i know use them to get easy kills. however i do know people who enjoy using snipers because thats what they prefer however they understand how effortless the weapon class is.


    4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

     Now everyone just runs around with melee weapons and ability spams. Mag was supossively nerfed but she still one shot kills. 


     i agree, no effort players have put down their snipers and equipped ash nikana or mios. swapping one meta for another isnt the answer but mag on the other hand isnt as bad as avalanche in my opinion but power spam is another matter.


    4 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:


    Why would you even nerf Lie in Wait mod? it wasnt broken at all? It was perfectly fine.

    lie in wait wasnt "nerfed" the damage lie in wait added was given to snipers and the mod has been changed and has made snipers even more effortless. you snipers mains should be happy and not complaining.


    5 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:


     I miss the latron as well. When it could actually kill people and had more shots per clip. For countless updates you have nerfed 10 precision primaries or secondaries over 1 melee weapon??? 

    the latron takes more bullets to kill people? oh no the world has ended, whaterver shall we do? maybe do what everyone else has done and switch weapons or keep using the weapon because you like it.


    5 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:


     i like games where i can dodge bullets and shoot at another players while they are shooting back at me. Not me contantly running from a charged melee weapon the entire game. Thats frustrating and boring. 

    i enjoy that style of gameplay too. but nerfing damage of a melee weapon wont stop that, however i believe this forum thread has the answer 


    5 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

    . Were not using a mouse to aim. Were using a joystick so take take that into accountability.

     we also have aim assist which evens that out.


    5 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:

    Trying to kill a guy who is guarding and charging with an obex is almost impossible if your using a primary or secondary. 

    my advise is use chroma or nidus  or even just slam attack them while their trying to get close. obex arent the most broken melee weapon.


    5 hours ago, (Xbox One)She Was Ready said:


    i dont get what you mean by this, we have plenty of those. 

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