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Posts posted by (PSN)Xx-Ribbium-xX

  1. 14 hours ago, (XB1)DARK SALVATlON said:

    two slams just to drop shields when most melee do it in 1. take 4 5 hits to ket kills. everything else. 2 3. its really really bad. unuseable. people move to fast to kill with 4 5 hits on a MELEE. see most melees are actually hitting you alot at once. the nikana cant anymore. 3 swing combo. gets 1 hit per swing. 

    trash. there is a reason there are no nikana in cc. if they are they didnt win.


    I say bring all melee weapons down to nikana level. The nikana slam combo requires no effort and would 1 shot most frames back in its day with ashs passive.

    Use rhino roar, saryns toxic lash, mirages eclipse, excalibur, ash,chroma to add damage to the weapon to get results. Stop trying to buff easy to use meta weapons.

  2. I dont see how this is related to conclave feedback whatsoever, also i dont see how yet again pc should be able to dictate what happens on console.

    Its also only official if it comes from de themselves, Not some random irrelevant pc player nobody has ever heard of. 

  3. Just now, ---RV---Maniac said:

    15K people dedicated discord server only for raids, Im in contact with alot of the most popular clans in warframe and while raids where supported/enjoyed by most of them, conclave isnt, like most don't really view it in a positive light at all. 

    Besides you really saying people don't play conclave for rewards? Conclave has more rewards than raids and it forces you to grind to get them. 

    In terms of activity, it's on the same level as raids, that shows the players enjoyement on that game mode. Specially considering conclave forces you to play through it to get certain rewards (can't trade some stuff, unlike arcanes). I don't really see how you can turn around and say that raids are less enjoyable than pvp. I see alot more people enjoying raids than pvp conclave.

    If you play conclave for the rewards you stop playing after you have got them and trust me it isn't hard getting conclave standing or the rewards if you cheese it

    Both conclave and raids have about 1. Something constant players out of the entire warframe player base i dont think raids would survive or even be played by anyone if they kept them up and mobed arcanes to the plains unlike in conclave if you were to move the rewards to the market the player base would remain the same

    Also i doubt 15k players even play raids anymore, maybe when they first came out 

  4. You have just killed raids, the last purpose big moon clans had in this game. We need something to keep clans like that alive and competitive because currently why have a giant moon clan with all those players when you have nothing in game to do anything with them? (Apart from events that come once every 3 months) 

    Gone are the days when clans would compete over rails to show strength, superiority and skill. Sure rail conflicts had problems but why not incorporate a system like that into conclave? Give us competitive clans and alliances something other than pve related challenges. We want pvp 

  5. 19 hours ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

    Im all up for dark sectors being up again but the current conclave is so unpopular and wouldn't really get people interested

    Well thats where youre wrong, one of the reasons raids were removed was lack of player's. Half of that 1.something percent played raids only for the rewards unlike in conclave our community played because they enjoy the pvp

  6. 21 hours ago, .Zel said:

    That 1 shot required a headshot, headshots on PC requires actual aim since it's really a twitch style gameplay on PC. It makes sense for snipers to one shot any and all frames on HS aside from Heavies. This is one of the reasons why PC and Console should get separate updates + The OP is on PC and his suggestions was towards PC balance. 

    But currently every change effects all of us and since 2 of the 3 platforms are going to be negatively effected by this proposed change it shouldn't happen 

  7. On ps4 snipers were over used and required little to no effort to aim and kill people with, now snipers require players to use other methods like damage boosting abilities or even finisher weapons.

    Basically stop trying to restore meta builds and restore it to cheep 1 shot forget meta 

  8. We already have 2 objective based modes in conclave which nobody plays, adding another will dilute our already shrinking player count 

    The conclave devs should be fixing bugs and balancing weapons and damage before adding new content tbat further breaks the game

  9. 26 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    How about we give players who have a melee weapon equiped an aura that reduces gun damage from opponents to zero within 5m of the melee player? You know, to keep consistency with melee dealing zero damage at range when guns do.

    Melee doesn't do 0 damage at range because channel blocking reflcts damage (even aoe damage) back at the person shooting which is pretty dumb 

  10. On 14/01/2018 at 7:44 PM, (PS4)neurotic01 said:

    Just played a few hours Overwatch and Fortnite and had lost of fun, now back to Warframe..did the daily sortie, now leveling some weapons on Hydron, not much fun :(

    Just finished looking at your profile, you havent played a single game of conclave, not even one.

    You have no right to dictate how pvp in this game should be because you dont play it

  11. I think this is a prime example as to why we need a conclave melee rework.

    When firing a gun in warframe eventually you will need ammo or reload the weapon to shoot again 

    For powers you are constantly needing to gain energy or wait on it regenerating 

    For melee? Nah lets just allow them to spam the same combo over and over without a pause period between the next combo execution 

    I suggest adding a "combo cooldown timer" to stop combo spam and add consistency to our 3 modes of attack 

    I also want the knockdown immunity to be removed on players in combo animations or so add knockdown immunity to those shooting to keep consistency 

  12. On 10/12/2017 at 8:25 AM, ----Legacy---- said:

    The heartseeker mod allows knives to stick to enemies like glue with no need of aiming, which paired with mods like sword alone (increased mobility with melee equipped), martial fury (increases attack speed with no other drawback tjan hañved energy regen, which can be dismissed if the player uses no current leap to focus on mobility) and mechanics like impair on hit makes even the dumbest player someone who cannot aim for his life able to compete, leading to annoying frustration from those on the receiving end due to the low effort high reward given by this mod. To make things worse it works on the rakta dark dagger, which has a gillick that allows the user to restore shields with every hit on an enemy affected by radiation status, which also has a 100% status "chance" on hit.

    Due to the short range from daggers I'm not sure how it could be toned down, perhaps it could be made mutually exclusive with some other mods, for example martial fury, sword alone and Explosive Demise which can an issue on it's own due to the lack of a visual indicator of which corpses will explode, the explosion size, and when will they do it (a noise or a slight glow on the corpses with a dim circle showing the area of effect come to mind as possible changes to turn this mod from a random death to something we can at least try to avoid)

    Simple fix, just make heart seeker not target airborn targets. 

  13. 6 hours ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

    The Undertow and Panthera exploit was fixed a month and a half ago in U21.7.1.
    Tell me more about how the Conclave devs "can't be bothered with fixing the problem".

    As everyone (but you) already knows, console players need to wait for the next certification approval.
    Keep complaining though, I'm sure that will accelerate the process. :clap:

    Fixed on Xbox and pc but not ps4 (the community that has been posting for about a month about it) and have yet to receive a hotfix for it.

    and constantly complaining about stuff works for pc players, I mean look at the sniper nerf threads from pc players.

  14. 17 hours ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    The bug on hydroid is getting worse each day, lots of skrubs are abusing it, we dont know when PoE gonna drop, and while we wait, we cant enjoy what we can play  either. I play conclave alot, how can i enjoy it when people constantly cheat everywhere? WE NEED HOTFIX ON THIS CONCLAVE BUG ASAP!!! 

    We have been talking about this fix for well over a month and nothing has happened, the conclave devs are either inept at bug testing or just can't be bothered with fixing the problem.


    17 hours ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:


    On the other hand, i would like to suggest a penalty for players doing t-bag on the match, like impair for 10 secs or oro & killcount -1 on crounching less than 2 sec after a kill , also disable emotes in match as well, its really inappropriate, and seeing how broken the conclave in console currently, DE should give this idea a try. 

    No, just don't die to player who you know tbags Or kill them first.

    I tbag players who use effortless meta weapons such as the daikyu or melee combo spammers etc which forces them to use weapons that require effort (if they actually care) 

    all im saying is just have a hydroid panthera build ready when one of those players join. If they want to farm kills then make sure they get deaths too.

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