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Posts posted by (XBOX)sinamanthediva

  1. 45 minutes ago, Irene_Wolf said:

    Thank you, you are amazing. I was honestly wondering what kind of contribution I could make to the Warframe community. I mean...I don't know how to explain it exactly...this art, it's more of a personal thing, not for fun. I had an idea to make coloring books for the community or some kind of mini educational drawing lessons for those who don't know how to draw at all. So far I don’t have a specific plan in this direction, but it’s obvious that by the winter holidays, by the beginning of the new year, I would like to do something really useful for everyone. Moreover, I love giving gifts hahaha

    Along with these thoughts, I want to share my new work. I had been mentally preparing for this for a long time, but, of course, gold gold scared me - it is a very capricious material. The impetus for the creation of this work was my experiments with the appearance of Voruna during the game - I spent a long time adjusting the type of material and color of her voidshell skin. I absolutely love the worn effect of the material, as if it were a real piece of a spaceship.





    I would gladly take any class you offered just for a taste of your artistic wizardry!  I look forward to your creations every time I visit the Forums, so thank you sooo much for sharing with me/us!  I know I sound like a broken record but you are EXTREMELY TALENTED and have a gift that is difficult to describe with simple words.  It's your attention to detail from color, texture, proportions, down to the placement of a simple crease, to simulate a beat-up space ship, it all just WORKS!  I don't know how you would even begin to teach others such skills, if it's even possible?  Have you ever considered making a GoFundMe type page where people can donate or contribute to assist you on your Artistic Journey?  I am certain you would find admirers of your work willing to encourage and help you fulfill your destiny.  I just hope that you can be rewarded for your talents in some fashion, other than my simple accolades that is!  Carry on with your vision....


    I almost forgot, I love the red foil texture!  Magnificent!

    Season 1 Love GIF by Paramount+

  2. 1 hour ago, selig_fay said:

    Latern is literally Titania's best steal path ability after Razorwing. If you put in Latern augment, it's literally amazing for damage when you need to fight crowds of enemies (and it looks like it works for bosses and excimus, although it shouldn't). I recommend ditching the spellbind for helminth and making sure footed until you get the prime version, as this prevents air stagger from walls. It’s just that this mod literally replaces spellbind, but not a single mod will replace mob pulling + damage boost for you.

    I think you are failing to understand the full potential of Spellbind as it removes ANY Status Effects such as Bleed Procs, Toxin Procs, etc. of which I would not want it removed from her Abilities.  I have both PSF and Spellbind intact on my Titania so I don't have to worry about ANY Status proc or annoying flight mechanics from a ship tileset combined with a speedy trigger happy Volt to ruin your day.  I can't recall the last time I've used Lantern, oopsie I replaced it with Roar.  Titania is just fantastic and fun to play, so you play her however you like and I'm ok with whatever build brings you happiness!

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, BleedRainbows said:

    What a disingenuous set of replies. If you actually read the text wall you'd see all this comes out of a place of love for the game. I conveyed both problems and potential solutions, while being completely fair to the devs. This elitist attitude towards me because im not on the forums all day so my opinion doesnt matter is so cringe. How you can sit on here all day and not even read the stuff you reply to is so wild. You literally just read a clickbait title and assumed the rest. Also, you dont get to decide whos part of the community and who isnt. My views are no more or less valid than anyone elses. Grow up.

    Welcome to the Forums and unfortunately Trolls are real and will occasionally chime in with their sweet anecdotes to brighten your day.  You have every right to express your concerns and sometimes it is good to be reminded of the clunky mechanics that have been around for so long, we tend to forget they even exist because they get overshadowed by new ones that are more current.  For me it's maybe your choice of words is the issue, as I don't feel DE is removing player control, but more they didn't think it through when designed and implemented.  The fishing and conservation animation is not game breaking but is terribly inconvenient and a nuisance when you are forced to endure an animal capture animation when you are not even involved. Deimos is probably the worst for such things and is very disruptive to gameplay to be lurched from many meters away into some capture animation shenanigans.  The Archwing back-flipping roll animation is so bad, I have put Prime Sure Footed on Titania otherwise it is a nightmare to navigate in ship tilesets while in Razorwing.  Throw a Volt or Wisp into the squad and it becomes intolerable! Lol  Even on PoE or any open world ,when actually in Archwing if you barely touch the ground or tree branch you are forced to endure the silly air gymnastics animation.  Don't let the cranky Vet's stop you from voicing your opinions or concerns otherwise nothing would get fixed because DE tends to forget, or simply ignore, the ever growing number of bugs and Kuaka Krap game mechanics unless reminded repeatedly.

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    Hey, talk about something important for once! Like how you added a whole bunch of new planter decorations to buy in Duviri but haven't actually added anything to put in them! I've been planting one of these useless, empty pots of dirt every day in protest of this horrible oversight. Kahl's camp now looks like this:

      Hide contents


    It's terrible! Devstream 174 will be day 94 of my valiant protest. Please just add some greenery so I can stop.

    I shall be there with my pitchfork ...err  shovel in hand, to march with you in protest demanding some greenery for our beloved, lonely pots of dirt!
    Less Dirt, More Green! (T-shirts available upon request)

    • Like 5
  5. Yes the Aerolysts are annoying especially since the hit-boxes on the canisters seem to be minuscule.  Personally I find it easiest to perform a Heavy Slam Attack on or near the Aerolyst which will force them out of the air, onto the ground, where you can whack away at them with your favorite melee and destroy the canisters with relative ease.  I use the Paracesis due to the damage bonus against Sentients along with the removal of any damage resistances.  I know that Gunblades, like the Redeemer, can also knock out the canisters pretty quickly too.  Frost Avalanche works well to keep them stationary, although only momentary sadly, so shoot fast!  Many of the players before me have also given good options for you as well, so just find one that suits your playstyle.

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

  6. Wow that looks SWEEEEET! Not that I care too much, but do you need DE's permission to display their artwork?  I would imagine they wouldn't mind the free advertising.  Anyways, it looks like a lot of work and it came out awesome.  There is no doubting your dedication to Warframe!

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Sean said:

    Quite a few in this very topic that keep saying of how awful it is still decided to buy it, those people probably get under my skin the most.

    True that! They give new meaning to the term "Hypocrite."  The power of FOMO has besieged their very Soul!  Even the most vocal Tenno declaring the perils of FOMO can succumb to it's temptation to acquire a new "shiny" before it's gone FOREVER! (or at least until DE decides to change their mind, which they can (See TOS) and most likely will do because why? The Power that Money can offer can corrupt even the most "Indy" of Developers to turn to the Dark Side and plunge their game into the Cesspool of Chaos known as FOMO!  Is it "The End of Days" I ask?  Maybe not, but it still sucks!

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 2
  8. According to the Wiki:
    Garuda does not require line of sight to target enemies in her focus ring area.

    Initial field of view angle is 25 degrees, which can expand up to 95 degrees when fully charged; the range of ability can expand up to 60 meters based on the charge time. Upon release, Garuda unleashes 8 flying talons as homing projectiles that cannot be obstructed by walls and the environment, piercing through all enemies within the focus ring.

    I hope that answers your question.

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 2

    8 hours ago, Irene_Wolf said:

    Oh yes, Warframe really is a huge endless world that gives a million ideas in completely different directions.

    Today I finished one of my favorite drawings. This turned out to be a very personal work, because this plot is connected with one person from real life. To be honest, when the Duviri update appeared, at some points I could not hold back my tears - all this very much intersected with my real life at that time. In reality, at that time I had just escaped from "the kingdom" of a person like Dominus, so completing this quest in the game was psychologically painful.

    "Why are you crying, Dominus?"



    Wow that is mesmerizing to look at and I'm sure it's even more hypnotic in person! I find myself in awe of your vision from color selection to intricate details that simply are breath-taking!  Your struggles in life have made you even more determined to explore your untapped artistic potential and it is finally coming to fruition in just the small selection of art you have shared with me/us.   I can not express enough how impressed and proud of you for having the strength to persevere through the cornucopia of calamity that Life can throw at us, and yet still create such fantastic, wondrous things of beauty!  You are truly a special Tenno with a Gift and can't encourage you enough to please continue on your journey so we may all gaze upon your artistic talent.  [insert inspirational music here]

    Have a pleasant tomorrow! Hugs!

  10. 2 hours ago, NecroPed said:


    That's a lot of information but nothing is mentioned about having a TOS that explicitly states that DE has the right to change anything at anytime for any reason and we agree to these terms by playing Warframe.  It's NOT fraud if they tell us upfront that they can change their mind at anytime.  They have already made a change to their original advertised product and now have the updated bundle Ad with the additional Plat listed.  It DOES NOT matter if it's additional Plat, it is still a change that they made.  Nothing I have read in your gigantic wall of text mentions anything about our particular situation with regards to having a TOS contract that is agreed upon by us.  All of what you have shown us is for consumers who have no agreed upon contract prior to any purchase of products from a business.  If you sign an agreement that says its ok if the company makes changes to their products, then that is not fraud because you agreed to those terms.  Exclusivity more than likely would not be considered in the value of the product offered unless it was like an autograph or something so unique to place a value upon it.  All they are saying is that it won't be sold again but does that make the product MORE VALUABLE or just MORE DESIRABLE due to FOMO?  The skins value are not dependent upon the limited time frame that they will be sold, so it would not be fraud, if they were to offer them for sale in the future because they changed their mind, which we already agreed upon by the TOS.  It would be fraud if we paid for skins and got nothing.    You are beholden to this magical Anti-Fraud Law but I don't think it applies to this situation because of the TOS that we agreed upon already.  That's my interpretation but like you, I'm not a legal expert on Law in the US and most definitely not for Australia or any other country, so I could be wrong.  Not trying to be mean or confrontational with you or anyone else and am just expressing my opinion in this discussion.

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 6
  11. On 2023-10-14 at 5:16 AM, SneakyErvin said:


    This word generally is associated with negative connotations so I apologize if I misread your post.  I don't see any need to discuss further what only I know occurred.  Thank you for your input. 

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!


    8 hours ago, Zimzala said:

    Too true.

    His genius showed us how to laugh at our antics, so he lives forever.

    Well said! 

    I am sad that my Pee Wee Herman Collection is on VHS and don't have a player now! Ugh!  I'm sure I can find one cheap on Ebay! Lol

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 1
  12. On 2023-10-14 at 8:18 AM, Zimzala said:

    When ever I need a good laugh, these forums always deliver.

    Some of you literally sound like children on a playground fighting over made up dodge ball rules as if they have some greater meaning in society, it's frickin' hilarious.

    All over how you get to kvetch and moan about each others opinions on a video game.

    You folks are too funny and some of you have a lot to learn about how the world works, so it's great you can learn here where there are no real consequences.

    Ah, rules lawyers, they do entertain.

    Thanks again for the Saturday morning entertainment!

    Yes the Forums always provide a good show.
    To quote a much beloved and now gone, entertainment guru:

    youare GIF

    His comedic genius transcended all ages and will be missed.

    RIP Pee Wee and thank you for your many years of silliness that brought a smile to young and old alike!

    (A bit off topic so I apologize)

    • Like 1
  13. On 2023-10-14 at 5:16 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    If you cant stand for what you say, the most simple solution is to not say anything at all.

    So are saying to not defend yourself against personal attacks upon your character?  I stood up for what I said and continue to say and silence is not an option, for me.  You do you.

    On 2023-10-14 at 6:43 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    With that snarky sounding comment towards a simple clarification of what applies to tickets and the forums in general you still think people will believe that the moderated threads/posts of yours were an innocent getting hit?

    To quote a wise fellow Tenno:

    On 2023-10-14 at 10:29 AM, Qriist said:

    Your opinion means nothing to me.

    Unless you know exactly what transpired, you not in a position to make any opinion about it. Period. Full Stop!  You are providing only a negative portrayal me and the situation that I casually mentioned, of which you have no evidence to provide other than your gross interpretation of MY experience.  You were hostile at the get go towards me so don't patronize me with acting like you don't deserve any snarkyness that might be reflected back at you.

    Additionally, you implied that I spammed emails demanding results, which was not the case.  I sent 2 emails to the Mod in question, several weeks apart in an effort to be allowed the opportunity to explain any questions or concerns that led to my warning point.  I wanted clarification of the reasons because there were undertones of discrimination that I wanted to be addressed.  It was never resolved but I have moved on and so should you. 

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, Packetdancer said:

    So I will admit that this part -- that it vanished silently, entirely, and without notice to the poster -- bothers me a bit, yeah.

    Yes and it bothered me and @Qriist too! 

    @NekroArts I have made several attemps and NEVER have I received a response to ANY inquiry! 

    @SneakyErvin  I know threads can be merged into one giant blob of discombobulated posts, but I can assure you, after many search inquiries, it was not merged, it was DELETED with no explanation given, even after several Support inquiries, nothing, 10+ pages of dialogue gone, poof!.  It was extremely frustrating and disheartening to be so casually silenced.  Several years ago I got a "WARNING" for defending myself using the exact same language that was used to verbally attack me first, yet I was penalized for being abusive.  I was never allowed to refute or explain the situation or the particulars of the matter to any "authority" or whoever monitors the Forum Mods, despite several attempts on my part.    Wearing a Scarlet Letter A for a year, without any due process, has forever tarnished my Forum experience but I persevere in the hopes that my/our voices will effect change, to make Warframe even better!
    ( Cue Inspirational Music )

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 2
  15. 2 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

    I'm not saying they can't change anything that we want. Just that they can't necessarily always do it JUST because we or they want it. 

    No they can't, they have to abide by laws. They can do what they want within the law and their set terms and we have to deal with it yes, but they can't do everything just because we or they want it. 

    No, in Australia at least, false and misleading advertisement doesn't even have to be intentional.

    Adding a bonus afterwards is not misleading as it was simply never accounted for in the original pack. The problem here is that they've explicitly advertised it as never returning and not being available individually, which can be false advertisement if they change it now, considering people have already bought it under that advertisement. Though there is still more they could possibly do without a breech, like a cheaper bundle that contains the skins now, but this needs to happen before the current bundles end and they can't be available individually so not everyones problems can be resolved here. 

    Their terms literally state that its exempt when there is a law saying otherwise. Just because they have it set in their terms doesn't mean those terms are above the law. 

    It wasn't an OOPSIE we forgot to account for the Platinum that prompted the change, it was the players that voiced their discontent.  They CHANGED it because they could just like they can say OOPSIE, we changed our mind and we will now offer it every anniversary celebration.  Even if it considered fraud, there is no intrinsic value lost if they offer it again some other time.  Players are not losing any money by such changes thus there is nothing to sue for except hurt feelings.  The laws pertaining to fraud are in place to prevent loss of actual money not exclusivity.   They even said something like it wouldn't be fair to those players that already purchased, not it is against the Law if we make changes, because clearly they can and they have.  I don't know why you continue to subscribe to this notion that maybe they can't because it's against the law somewhere in the world.  The only people being swindled are the one's who actually paid for this overpriced "celebration in support of our 10 year anniversary" bundle.   There is no amount of Plat or Regal Aya they could add that would make me spend nearly $100 for two Cosmetic Skins, regardless of how exclusive they are or not.  There is NO Cosmetic ever created worth $100 unless it was handcrafted by Picasso or Dali themselves, and even then it would still be outrageous.   The only way DE will ever stop this nonsense is when there is less than ideal sales results and apparently they have met their sales quota hence the lack of new more cost appropriate bundle.  Maybe the Christmas spirit will instill some charitable notion to create something for the poor folk like Tiny Tim. Let's hope that DE Scrooge learns their lesson and acts accordingly.

    God Bless Us ALL ( with a better deal on the Heirloom Skins!)

    • Like 6
  16. 1 hour ago, NecroPed said:


    I hate to break the news to you but they did change it because we did ask for it.  The change wasn't the change that most here wanted but it WAS A CHANGE.  They can do basically whatever they want, when they want, how they want, and we have to live with it.  They are not breaking any laws by making changes unless they are explicitly being devious and taking peoples money with out providing something in return, they CAN make changes.  They didn't advertise the Heirloom packs with the current amount of Platinum offered yet here we are with a CHANGED amount not originally advertised.  I would think that qualifies as "misleading" or fraudulent advertising but they still made the changes.  Why?  Because they can under the TOS that we agreed to as a binding contract.  I understand your Devil's advocate position and I commend you for trying to make their actions appear to be altruistic in nature because it "might be more complicated" than we know.   I don't need to be a lawyer to smell the coffee and wake up to the reality of the situation being they could do something more to allow us poor folk the ability to obtain these nice shiny skins. But have chosen NOT to offer them in a more affordable Anniversary-Celebration-Like price range.  It is that simple.  The paradox being that if they had offered the skins at a reasonable price, they most likely would have made a LOT more money.   Now don't get me started on the 10 year supporter Accolade, as that is just plain tacky and rude to all players with any amount of time and money invested in the game.

    Good Chats!

    • Like 11
  17. 31 minutes ago, Packetdancer said:

    (Bolding for emphasis on my part.)

    In all honesty, I do recall that thread going well into territory one would be hard-pressed to define as still being "civil." Which was why it didn't surprise me that it got locked down; I think it was less from "this is negative feedback" and more "this has degenerated into a bunch of name-calling while people metaphorically roll around in the mud pulling each other's hair, and has lost all constructive value."

    Like I said somewhat civil, and if it did degenerate, then remove the degenerate comments and leave the rest that were civil, but don't silence an entire post.  It was well into 10 pages of discussion all wiped from existence because of some Mod's decision to be Judge and Jury without any notice to me about it being deleted.  It is distressing to think the ease at which we can be silenced and erased from existence.  I don't have a problem with some mud being thrown as sometimes you need to get dirty to defend your perspective from the trolls that you might encounter.  I prefer to be civil but have no issue with hair-pulling if needed, as I will not be bullied into complacency or mediocrity. 

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Qriist said:

    I recall one thread complaining about the then-upcoming change to Tauforged Archon Shard drop rates simply poofing after about a week. I wasn't even the dissenting voice at that time -it wasn't my thread, IIRC it was @(XBOX)sinamanthediva's- and I still don't think that discussion should have been silenced. whether or not I thought his complaint was stupid (which I did) and regardless of how acrid the thread may have become (which was "very") and despite how much DE might not have liked his criticism (which they probably hated), he still didn't deserve to be silenced. His dissent mattered just as much as my own agreement. Arguably more, because it provided echo chamber-preventing contrast. That's the entire point of a feedback forum. This level of thread-nuking is likely much more rare, though it's impossible to say for sure.

    Wow I feel honored someone actually remembers me and that traumatic deletion, which like you said was not warranted, at least by our standards.  I also inquired about why I was silenced and never got a reply, SHOCKING!  My opinions about Tau Shards has never faltered and I don't recall the specifics of your dissent, but most definitely you/ we should be allowed to voice whatever opinion we have on any subject presented, provided we remain somewhat civil.  I have no problem with mild catty banter and see it more as a way to show our passion and inject some humor; if just to reinforce the point that we need not take ourselves so seriously, as most of the discussions here are not that important in the grand scheme of things.  I appreciate your candor and fortitude towards your posts and despite our differences of opinions, I truly hold no grudges against anyone that might challenge my perspectives.  

    I still am on the NO Dislike button side of the fence, as it realistically is just more problematic then beneficial, in the context of the Forums.  If anything it promotes more discussion by forcing those that oppose a topic to stop and think about the why when they reply, generally speaking of course.  Even I like a good meme to sum up my thoughts, so yes it's not a total fix, but it's a nudge in the right direction.

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    • Like 1
  19. 9 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Does it not ? I wish to analyse how players feel about a particular opinion , I cannot do that when there is only one way to show dislike and more than one way to show agreement with it. 

    I cannot say things like "oh this post has a lot of people agreeing as compared to disagreeing " as there are two different parameters to measure , the number of likes vs number of possibly individual comments which need to be read individually to be understood are a terrible indicator.

    I agree with your concept that because of the limitation of only allowing "Likes" is a minor form of censorship, but we are still allowed to voice our discontent,  just not with the ease of a "click."  I don't have a problem with making people put the extra effort into "Disliking" a particular topic, because it generally requires some thought process to proceed, which hopefully stimulates a logical reason for the "Dislike."  It has already been established due to humans being humans, that there was an abuse of the Dislike button which was producing a more negative than positive tone to the Forums thus the Dislike button was removed to minimize this from happening.  Just because someone has to literally read and count the dislikes of a particular topic doesn't qualify as true "censorship," it only makes it inconvenient.   In essence we were the reason the censoring of the Dislike button occurred, thus we censored ourselves in a way.  I don't feel the loss of the Dislike button is a worthy of a "1984" or "Fahrenheit 451" dystopian level of concern. 

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

  20. I'm speechless...it's soooo cool, amazing and awesome! Not much more to say except you have found your calling friend and am so glad you continue to share your journey with me/us!  I would love to see your concept of something Sentient, as I always thought it was one of Warframe's best showcase for their creative talent.  I have no doubt anything you create would be inspiring and unique.  Hugs!

  21. 33 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

    Constructive criticism is not as common as we want it to be, mainly because there's no "fun" involved

    Winner!  I think you hit the nail on the head with the no "fun" associated with Constructive Criticism, because sometimes a simple funny meme is all that is needed.  Sometimes the topics posted are pure trash and constructive criticism is just a waste of time when a  (good) meme can suffice.  TIME is something we all have to manage and coordinate through the chaos that life can throw at us, so sometimes a simple LIKE is all time someone has to offer to the conversation.  It's NOT about ego to like having "LIKES," it's more that it tells the person that others share the same opinion or that they support your ideas.   I can't imagine why anyone would want to be "Disliked" so it makes sense to not make it too easy to casually dismiss someone with a simple click.  I think it's generally not a bad thing to have people "like" something and usually it means others agree with you.   I do think the term Toxic is used too frequently and has lost the meaning and power behind its use.  Toxic should be relegated to those that are overtly demeaning and cruel and not be used against others who simply don't agree with your post.  Very few times have I encountered a truly toxic individual in the Warframe Forums. 

    I agree with you that constructive criticism is always welcome and encouraged, but that would make the Forums less fun.  I think that humor can be effective at making your point and offer the Forums a little less stagnant and monotone experience.  I think we all could use a laugh occasionally being that life can be so oppressive at times.  I must say that even despite my squabbles I've had with some of the "Regulars" here on the Forums,  I still feel connected, in an odd but positive way, to everyone on the Forums as we all share the same passion for all things  Warframe.   Even when we disagree about the particulars of the game, we all still "Like" Warframe otherwise we would not be here. 

    Have a pleasant tomorrow!

    (Disclaimer: Nothing I mentioned was personally directed at you @GEN-Son_17  as your intellectual comment inspired me to post!)

    I think a simple "Like" here and there, lets people know individuals, who might not have the time to commit to a written response, agree with your statement and it shows they support the game in general, simply by being here in the Forums.  Dislikes serve no Positive purpose and as such should not be available with such ease, as it won't explain your reasons for Disliking. It's like saying "I don't like it because I said so"

  22. I just encountered the Stuck Loid Bug on Deimos Iso Vault Lev 1 and it would seem to be the same bush as shown in the OP's Photos that Loid gets stuck in.  I am on Xbox so it would appear to be across all platforms that this bug is occurring.  Hopefully they can squeeze in a fix with the next update coming up else we might be waiting for quite some time for a fix!

    Fingers crossed they actually read this post and do something!

  23. 48 minutes ago, (XBOX)Coliflorindo said:

    What do I have to do when someone invites me to their dojo for trading?

    There is NO Cross platform trading as of yet and no visiting of cross platform Dojo's yet either.  In the trade chat you will see Xbox Members only to trade with so you don't have to worry about trading with another platform.  I don't know about Warframe Market as far as cross-platform trading but Warframe Market is a 3rd Party App and not officially managed by DE employees so any issues with it must be taken up with the Warframe Market Support.

    I hope that helps.


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