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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. Like a few other frames in the game, Zephyr has a lot of potential due to her theme. She is a frame that can manipulate the wind, which as a powers has a lot of varied applications. Right now though, DE don't seem to be making the most outof her theme. All she would need are a few changes that would make her more fun to use.

    Changes to her abilities;

    • Tail Wind
      • I would change this ability so that it functions similar to Archwing, like Titania's fourth. I have never really understood why Zephyr, a frame based on the element of Wind and is themed after a bird, has never been able to truly fly. Right now Tailwind just sends you hurtling in one straight direction and while it's useful for travel across large AOE maps, it's not very practical anywhere else and not as fun as it could be. Making it similar to Archwing so she can actually fly would better fit the theme, make the ability more useful/versatile and would make it more fun to use. This could either be a drain ability, with the drain affected by duration, or it could still be on a timer. Zephyr would also have her own version of blink, like how Titania is getting hers.
      • While not sprinting/boosting, the hover mode would be a lot slower, which allows you to have more control in general environments.
      • To add more functionality and incentive to the ability, I'd also add a damage boost to staying airborne.
    • Airburst Rupture
      • This ability is rubbish. It's only real use is to make the Tornados bigger. It honestly feels like a temporary placeholder ability until something better comes along. I'd remove this and in its place, I'd add a new ability called Rupture. This ability would be a spherical blast AOE that expands outwards very quickly, causing enemies to suffer from bleed procs caused by Zephyr manipulating the pressure of the air within them and crushing their organs, which causes internal rupturing. This also causes enemies to be stunned for a small duration. The AOE distance and bleeding proc ticks would be affected by ability duration, but the damage of the ticks would naturally be affected by ability strength. However, the stun duration on enemies would not be affected by mods.
    • Turbulence
      • This ability is fine as it is. No changes.
    • Tornado
      • Remove the unnecessary synergy with the second ability. Other than that, it stays the same.

    I think these changes would make Zephyr a much more fun and versatile frame. What do you guys think?

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Ah, my apologies, you're clearly not exaggerating our viewpoints, no no. I'm sorry almighty WiFi god for disagreeing with you, how dare I have a different opinion and present it in a calm and reasoned manner. Please smite this sinner with your almighty wrathful gaze.

    Honestly, there is no need for sarcasm and insults mate. I've spoken to you before and we've had amicable conversations, which I enjoyed. I've also responded in a calm manner and have not offered you insult.

    I don't feel like I have exaggerated anything, as people have openly stated they don't want the walking animations in the game due to the possibility of someone using them for stupid reasons, which isn't a real argument. It's annoying.

    13 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    We have absolutely no control over it

    We all know that DE listens to its community and decisions are made based on popularity. So we do actually have some small sliver of control. If enough people want it, it happens.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, ThatGuyFromThatPlace32 said:

    No, I am not saying that people are not allowed to have feminine male frames. I am saying that it is just plainly stupid to have a pink, floating, ass shaking sumo wrestler.

    And I'm saying; so what. How would anyone making a pink, floating ass shaking sumo wrestler, negatively affect you to such a degree that you don't want to add a walking animation in the game. Yes, that combination may be purely for lols sake, but who the hel cares. This is not a valid reason to not add the walking animations into the game.

    Just another reminder, Wisp's agile animations are avaliable for universal use, so what you just described is already entirely possible. Only difference is the walking animation is not there yet.

    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    You're grossly exaggerating our viewpoints and being rather expressive, I'd say that's you caring far too much.


    21 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

    Never, I hope.

    Last thing I need is some genius floating around with some pink, flying Hydroid or Rhino. That sh*t kills my immersion harder than anything else.

    Like, the main reason I don't want their movement animations to be universal is the fact that people WILL abuse it by making unholy combinations that should be illegal.

    20 hours ago, ThatGuyFromThatPlace32 said:

    I don't know in what world a Pink, Floating, ass shaking (Wisp most certainly shakes her ass while moving) Grendel is "Expressing yourself", but, if you think it is... I don't know what to say

    Its false equivalence to say I care too much when I'm not the one who doesn't want people dressing up male frames in pink or having slightly feminine animations, simply because I personally don't like it. The difference is that the animations are entirely optional, so its not like people have to use them. There's really no argument here.

  5. 53 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

    Wisp has jet like feet that's why she floats, Titania can fly now they gave her hovering

    Then you give that to Valkyr or Excalibur, why are they floating? Cuz CoSmEtIcS

    Again, not a valid reason against adding the animations in the game. Half of Warframes fun is about customisation. You do realise that we can already use idle animations right? What does it matter if they float while walking as well.

    Why do you care so much that you actively do not want a walking animation to be made universal? How would this being added into the game negatively impact your life as a whole?

    53 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

    The best way to make you happy would be to give all Warframes unique walking animations to match their personalities.

    Uh no, I'm entirely against giving Warframes exclusive walking animations. I don't want exclusivity, which is why I've made this thread.

    17 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    We aren't denying others anything,

    You are. People saying they never hope it comes to the game because for some odd reason seeing floating male frames triggers them, means you'd happily deny people more customisation.

    17 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    It's something you want because you like it. We don't want it because we don't like it.

    Difference is that having the animations in the game opens up customisation even more and is also an another way DE could make money, which improves the game.

    You don't want it because for some reason people walking differently would freak you out. From a business and expansion standpoint, I think I know which argument is stronger.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    honestly dosnt sound like the frame , but then again its wielder and all that.

    No. The “you’re a bad player” has long since be debunked and is not a valid defence for obvious badly designed features.

    Hydroid is one of the least used frames in the game and the opinion that he is in dire need of a rework is shared by the majority of the community.

  7. 1 hour ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

    It already looks stupid when Excalibur or Rhino is using something like Octavia animation. The floating would make this insulting

    Thats entirely your opinion and is in no way a valid reason for the feature to not be added in the game.

    How some people take the notion of floating male frames as a personal insult, I’ll never know.

    1 hour ago, Learicorn said:

    So if i bought that they wouldn't float like these two?

    Sadly no. Which is why I made this thread.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, Learicorn said:

    ?? Since when Wisp's animations are exclusive to her? What? I can buy it for other frames just fine

    Am i missing something here?


    I’m talking about the walking/movement animations. At the moment Wisp and Titania have two unique walking animations which means they hover rather than walk when moving. We have access to their idle animations, but not the walking part of them.

  9. 54 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I don't know how you can criticise people for caring, when you have also displayed quite strongly that you also care.

    The only difference really is that people disagree. It's not caring too much or caring too little, it's simply people not sharing your opinion that it's a good thing.

    I don't like pink Rhinos, I don't like silly anime glyphs plastered on defence targets, so I also don't like the idea of flying pink Rhinos with anime glyphs. There's no arbitrary line being crossed, I personally dislike all of them.

    I do not care about how other people choose to customise their frames. These people do, up to the point where it makes them deny other people the chance to use those customisation options because they’re afraid of floating pink Rhinos and Grendels. That is caring far too much.

    What I care about is having more customisation options in the game because I think it will add more variety. Its not the same thing. At all. Complete false equivalency. I’m not denying other people the chance to use customisation options on the basis that I personally do not like them.

    Its absolutely fine if you don't like Pink Rhino's or anime glyphs, but that gives you absolutely zero right to deny other people the choice of using them. It is a very arbitrary line that some people have, because somehow having a floating animation on a pink Rhino or Grendel is the thing that really makes them uncomfortable, despite the fact that we already have a lot of idle animations that can make make male frames look overly effeminate.

    And the uniqueness thing is also a redundant viewpoint.


    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Darkrya said:

    I kinda like the walking animations being tied to a single warframe, it gives them a sense of individuality. I would rather have them put new ones for the current set of characters we have right now, like Oberon galloping like a horse, or Grendal walking tp conpinsate for his frontal weight.

    I really don't buy the individuality viewpoint. What makes a frame unique on its own is its powers and its visual look. Those can stay exclusive, but animations have long been universal by this point.

    I'm highly against making new walking animations if they were to be exclusive to certain frames. It removes a potential aspect of customisation, which is half the fun, from the game.

  11. 27 minutes ago, ThatGuyFromThatPlace32 said:

    The only thing I'm joking about is the "Illegal" part
    I don't know in what world a Pink, Floating, ass shaking (Wisp most certainly shakes her ass while moving) Grendel is "Expressing yourself", but, if you think it is... I don't know what to say

    Then you clearly have some kind of issue going on to care this much about something that really doesn't matter. Who cares if someone uses a pink Grendel?

    Also just for the record, Titania's new animation doesn't have an arse-shake unlike Wisps. So you can calm down about that one.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    hydroid had a rework and his puddle does scale damage , i mean he is tanky and able to aoe. not sure what youd need to improve as i ran him for a while after the rework. also has some kit synergy iirc

    That cynically timed hotfix was not a rework. All it did was make Hydroids kit revolve around his puddle. It didn't solve any of his core issues, which is that his powers are incredibly boring, clunky, heavily RNG based and reliant on the environment as well as enemy AI. He's basically inferior to every other frame in the game. His farming augment is the only thing that stops him from being completely unused.

    Hydroid especially is not tanky. He just sits in his puddle avoiding damage while being able to do nothing else.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

    Last thing I need is some genius floating around with some pink, flying Hydroid or Rhino. That sh*t kills my immersion harder than anything else.

    So its not the fact that someone has a full-blown pink Rhino or hentai-themed Hydroid (whose theme is Davy Jones in Space by the way) running around, its the fact that they might be able to float that finally pushes you out of the game world...

    Honestly I can't tell if you guys are joking or not. If you aren't then you have some really arbitrary boundries for immersion, as well as a weird sense of what needs to be "illegal" in the game.

    • Like 1
  14. I personally bin the vanilla version when the Prime comes out. Unless you're one for nostalgia and/or are a collector, then there is zero point in keeping them IMO. Primes have better stats and better looks (though not in every case with that last one, looking at you Cow-beron Prime).

    Also it frees up a slot, so thats a plus.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, ThatGuyFromThatPlace32 said:

    Never, according to the devs. And I personally hope it stays that way.

    I already think it's actually the dumbest thing to use one Frame's animation on another. That Frame's animation set was made, for that Frame, to fit that Frame's personality, that Frame's body, that Frame to the core of it's design.

    If I seen someone going around with a Grendel with Wisp's walking animation, I'd flip out. No. Wisp Grendel is illegal; Punishable by life in prison

    What annoys you so much about having more in-depth customisation options? It's great that you can use other frames animations because it allows you to express yourself more rather than just having to stick with th bog-standard animations the frame comes with, which you may not think looks good on the frame. It'd less interesting if each frame was restricted to only its default animations.

    Having new walking animations would make it even better.

    DE didn't say it would never happen and even if they ever did, they've said that sort of thing in the past, such as when the community asked for a universal vacuum. They initially said no, citing the same sort of reasoning you just did about how its unique to a certain thing. Then they ended up making Vacuum a universal mod.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

    They said they wouldnt be doing it universal and most likely it will only be for the warframes, like how hildryn has that dash instead of roll would be pretty cool to have, but its her exclusive.

    That's different though, Limbo and Hildryn's Dashes actually are a part of their powers. However, walking animations are a different story, as they're not tied to a warframes power set. I don't know why they don't seem to want to make the walking animations universal. The "uniqueness" argument kind of fell flat long ago when they made it possible for frames to use other frames animations in the first place and its not like we're using their powers.

    1 hour ago, Zeyez said:

    probably when they release the prime access, just like every other noble/agile stance of each warframe

    You seem to misunderstand, I'm asking when the levitating/floating walking animations will be made avaliable for all warframes, not just exclusive to two warframes.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Neuerwinter said:

    make his 1 into his passive too so that I don't actually have to press 1 and follow the skill rule

    Do you really want to open up that can of worms? Okay.

    Baruuk's abilities (along many others) actually require zero actual skill. I mean you press 1 and then you simply put the controller down and stop playing the game while his restraint erodes away passively. Where on earth is the skill in that. It's literally flipping a switch, which even a monkey can do.

    Hypothetically making it a passive ability simply just removes the need to flip the switch. No skill lost or gained whatsoever.

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