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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 4 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    Exalted blade would still be stronger. It pulls off of power strength and and the melee mods. blood rush and body count aren't necessary for exalted weapons due to the strength they get from pulling from 2 sources of mods. I never said it should be removed, but it's default mode shouldn't be "fluctus-on-a-stick"

    Blood Rush and Body Count will always outshine Exalted Blade especially if it's attached to a hybrid status/crit weapon.

    In your opinion it shouldn't be "fluctus on a stick", but in mine it is perfectly adequate. It is the main reason why people use the blade in the first place. It's not going to be changed. He's been nerfed far too much already.

  2. Hydroid was never truly "bad". His kit is just very clunky and not very reliable. He's a very good farming frame. Partner him with a Nekros and you've got yourself the perfect farming duo.

    Unfortunately like I said, his kit mostly relies on crossing your fingers and hoping they hit enemies. He needs a few tweaks and maybe even a new ability, then maybe we will even start seeing "Need Hydriod" in the recruitment chat more than once every blood moon.

  3. 1 minute ago, Airwolfen said:

    Just don't hype yourself up for it. the Cetus area is just a 50 player area and the plains are 4 player max squad based. These are confirmed parts of info.

    I look forward to the day when we will be seeing eight or even twelve players at a time in the Plains.

  4. 5 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    Exalted blade in general needs a second pass. It's a sword, not a fluctus. Don't get me wrong, the waves come in handy, but it feels cheap at the end of the day.

    There are plenty of swords in games that create energy waves when you swing them. Destiny has apparently introduced it as well.

    The waves are the only thing people use Exalted Blade for. Why on earth would anyone want to take them away? They've been nerfed already. Taking the waves away would only result in people just using their normal melee weapons which are already much more powerful with the Blood Rush and Body Count combo, thereby making Exalted Blade obsolete.

    People need to stop asking for nerfs to perfectly adequate abilities. 

  5. 1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    No excuses. they rewrote tww, the leak was after it was rewritten. Unless you're a DE employee, you shouldn't be saying that definitively "yes, it's all done"

    Well considering they are using the exact same concept from that leaked script (i.e; Using Umbra to explain what the warframes are) I think it's pretty safe to say they've at least got something done. Nothing else has given me cause to think otherwise. They've had enough time.

    1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    Not saying it's impossible for it to come out, but the main focus seems to be PoE which is a huge resource drain

    Is it? I have not seen anyone from DE saying that. Source please?

    Like I said, I doubt everyone in DE is working on PoE.

    1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    Depending on when we get that, could determine when umbra comes out.

    If it isn't announced that we're getting Umbra first then perhaps.

    1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    they've shown it, like they've shown the giant arm weapon, several deluxe skins and such.

    This is Umbra we're talking about remember. I haven't seen anyone mention that giant arm thing for quite some time. I'd forgotten all about till you brought it up in fact. It could be brought in with PoE, but that's just speculation. The point is however, Umbra has been sought after for nearly half of the games life-cycle. Every devstream from July 2015 onwards, there were comments of "Where's Umbra?", "Pls giv us Umbro DE!" etc etc. Now that they have announced it, they are not going to simply hang it out to dry for whatever reason. That would only infuriate the community. The equivalent of holding a slab of meat above a lions mouth and yanking it away at the last moment.

    1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    They don't divide teams into "umbra team" and "PoE Team" it's the art team, sound team and such

    I know this. There are different sections of those divisions that work on different parts of the game however.

    1 hour ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    Remember, This is a cinematic quest. Those take a lot of focus from DE. They can't split focus between PoE and Sacrifice.

    And you know this how? Is there any official source saying that they are not currently working on both TS and PoE because I certainly have not seen it. Only an insider from DE could confirm that statement. I don't think PoE is as draining as you make it out to be. Yea it's a big project, but you make it sound like a vampire sucking the life out of everyone at DE.

  6. 4 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    after two years, the script and general idea of what to do with umbra would change as well. 

    They had this idea ages ago clearly, way back in early 2016 when the script for TWW was leaked. It's remained the same since then. Hell even the line "All miracles require sacrifice" was found back in the early scripts for TWW.

    So no it has not changed. Enough excuses.

    6 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    in the current state, we just got a teaser with no definitive proof it's ready. 

    True, but I highly doubt that we won't be getting Umbra before this year is out.

    6 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    somewhere down the road, development might be put on hold for something else. 

    Doubt it. They've shown it now. It's official. Can't suddenly turn around and say "Sorry we're putting him aside AGAIN."

    7 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    If they were really gonna release umbra before PoE, they'd have given us the date stating "yea, it's this year"

    It is coming out this year. Things shown at Tennocon get implemented sooner or later in the year. For the most part it's looking like PoE is coming first. Don't forget they have different teams working on various projects. The people who are doing PoE are not also doing Umbra's quest. They could be developing side by side. Who knows. 

  7. 3 hours ago, ______Dread______ said:

    DE could release Umbra prime in global build, but they`re were too greedy and now all players who collect only prime items can`t get prime ex  (if frame or weapon don`t have "prime" word in it`s name - this is not prime!) Or they could never ever release umbra with "prime" word. But they`re spitting in a face of all player even founders.

    We are basically getting Umbra Prime in evrything but name. It's only called that in China. DE have already said Umbras are like the dark alternatives to Primes. So there will be a line of Umbra frames that have the gold trim.

  8. 3 hours ago, Marine027 said:

    He is mostly support with jsut high shields, he is simply not suppsoed ot Tank, its like you expect Rhino ro heal.

    Overall i think he is more solid with own abilitys that work fine and plays nice without to much trouble.

    Unlike nidus which i sitll tihnk isa waste, yes he works welll and stacks make him scale better but most his pwoers are blant copys of existing things and overhpyed becasue "dark, edgy and a infected frame".

    Only issue i say is, his 1st ability is what Limbos Stasis should had been maybe, a simple quick CC without interfeering with others.

    Are you drunk or something?

  9. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    Lol from bloodborn right? 

    Ebritias? Yes she is.

    Just now, 4628Gin-san said:

    Btw, a bit out of topic here, but where do you talk about Warframe lore? I haven't come across any dedicated categories thus far. I posted this question as a topic in Extras, but no answers so far, so might as well ask here I thought.

    You can talk about it on General Discussion. That's the main place people discuss lore/get into fights.

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