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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 3 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Well that was a bit of my point, a child is more apt to adapt but seven years of hunting our parents and isolation on a ship drifting in the void is going to leave many a bit unstable mentally.

    Probably. But children tend to suppress bad memories like that with good ones. Like when we were doing the War Within it's clear that the children became one big family. If they didn't have each other it's probable that they would have gone mad. Speaking of which, Rell did get cast out of the group by that one guy and Harrow's quest seems to revolve around that. It's clear somethings gone wrong with him. "He suffers while you dream". Very interesting.


  2. 6 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    I can safely say it might drive the average person insane where as a child whom is still mentally flexible might be able to adapt to a degree... But we were still "broken" in the end.

    Broken in what way? Our Operators don't seem to display anything that would make us think they're mentally unhinged in anyway. That is if you don't count the relentless slaughtering we do every day to Grineer and Corpus.

    8 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Imagine trying to live in a world where merely blinking can completely change an object, or looking away then back a block of steel becomes a block of flesh... The implications are rather disturbing.

    For an adult definitely. But for a child, it's probably a whole different thing. After all, the children of the Zariman were apparently laughing and playing while the adults were swallowed by the abyss.

  3. 15 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Something along these lines...the energy made us more "of the void" rather than corrupted/driven insane BY the Void.

    Probably involved some sort of emotional trauma that adults were not able to recover from. It's still unknown what exactly the Void is anyway. 

    Just now, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Lazy?  News flash.  Everything's been done.

    So that automatically means that it's not lazy to use a concept that is used when the writers can't write interesting motivations or backstories for the villains? Also, no. Everything has not been done. Imagination is limitless. Only cynical/lazy people believe every concept has been explored.

    2 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Your "trope" argument is so cliche that you don't even see it.  

    Complaining about cliche tropes, is not cliche. Also trying to accuse me of being cliche when you are bringing forth the most overused concept since Nazi Zombies, is not really going to work.

    5 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    You don't have to like my idea, but I do.

    It's not your idea. It's an idea that has been used in media, poetry and various other forms of entertainment throughout recent history. It's an overused Enemy Within trope. You just plucked it from the many fictions that you've seen use it.

    3 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    It's easy to churn out product from the "poo-poo it" factory.  Lol

    Whatever that means.

  4. 9 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Compare the figure with red on chest and face with this. Look at elbows waist and shoulder.

    Is it not Harrow?


    Hmm, could be. I can't help but notice a few different things when I look at the thing though.

    1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:



    His helmet is definitely different. His shoulders seem to have extra bits on them and there's that glowing thing on his chest.

  5. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Because angry (dead?) guy trapped in a Gimp suit with "jilted lover" syndrome is so much better...*eyeroll* lol.

    That's a scenario you just made up, I never said anything like that would be good. Compared to that rehashed "Dark reflection" concept used in every film though, it's pretty much gold.

    8 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    Sorry, I like my possibility better.

    It's not your possibility. It's a scenario that has been used time and time again by writers who prefer being lazy and can't be asked to write something interesting.

  6. Meh, the trailer is okay. Not really as scary as everyone makes it out to be. Anyone can create some flickering red lights and blood writing on the wall, which is basically the template for creating easy horror. I've definitely seen worse. Still, looking forward to the lore.

    1 hour ago, .Fire_Fly. said:

    that had a dead space vibe

    You say that like it's a good thing.

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Oreic-Reynier said:

    It wasn't put on the back seat, the file was corrupted and had to be restarted. 

    I.e; put on the back seat for now.


    29 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

    to bad theya re wasted on me..my equinox is all black lol DCoo5PsWsAAAMvN.jpg

    Thats weird. When I checked last night there was nothing there.

  8. I've always liked Equinox. The concept, the powers and how you can be a damage dealer and a CC healer at the same time. The only thing that stops it from being one of my favourites is the fact that Fashionframe is practically non-existent. 

    I can understand why, Equinox isn't exactly the easiest frame to do regular alternate helmets and skins for. But honestly I'd thought we'd at least have gotten one Tennogen item by now. When I heard the new Equinox helmet had been put on the back seat, I was really disappointed.

    Part of the problem is the fact that Equinox has three forms or "skins" by default and it can be a challenge to colour and match up with attachments correctly. Speaking of which, how come we cannot customise our attachments similar to the forms? If I wanted to slap on a nice looking armour set, say for example Targis Prime, I can really only colour it for one form. Is there any indication that DE plan on implementing a feature that allows us to customise the armour for each form? So when I switch to night form I have dark coloured armor and when I switch to day form I have light colored armor?

    I know this might be tricky considering Equinox's neutral form. But nothing is impossible.

    What do you guys think? Could individual forms have different coloured armour? Equinox needs a lot more love in terms of fashion.

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