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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 12 minutes ago, .Zel said:

    Dojo duels are broken anyway, Conclave Balance+PvE Balance is no bueno.

    That is a completely different subject. I'm not discussing the duelling system itself, I'm discussing the utter pointlessness of DE now making us go into different rooms to fight.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Vulpei said:

    Everyone always complains about sortie spy missions, but I VERY rarely fail them in pub groups.


    Out of all the sortie spy missions i've done, I think around 3 have failed.

    Were those failures because of you, or morons who run into the vault you're currently in and setting off the alarm?

  3. 41 minutes ago, MopUpCrewman said:

    Seems highly impractical to me, currently.

    You finally have a possibly fair connection to duel with and then you get transported to a peer-to-peer instance.

    It just seems impractical to me period. Why transport us to another room when it worked perfectly well beforehand? The clan I'm in has a dojo with eight duelling rooms and I used to see people duelling all the time. Now I know why they're all suddenly abandoned. Is it because of lag or something? I don't recall any problems with duelling in the dojo. For me seeing people duel while I'm doing my trading made the dojo actually feel alive and like it was an actual place people go to when not doing missions. Now the dojo just feels empty again.

  4. I haven't done a dojo duel for quite a while, but yesterday I just tried it again. I noticed that instead of simply sitting down and starting a fight, we now get transported to a different area entirely seperate from the dojo.

    My one question is why? Why was this needed? What was wrong with simply going into a duelling room in the dojo and fighting? Why do we now need to be transported to a completely seperate area?

  5. 2 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    As I pointed out, when you boil them down that far, what becomes apparent is not that DeadSpace is Event Horizon-as-a-game, it is that they are both 'freaky ghost ship in space' stories. At that level, DeadSpace owes just as much to Alien and Lovecraft as it does to Event Horizon.

    No it doesn't. Alien didn't have anyone finding an artefact/ship that made everyone crazy. The Crew also did not stay on said ship when Kane got a facehugger kiss and left immediately. 

    Alien also did not feature the crew finding a ship that had it's entire crew go haywire thanks to some malevolent force. It had a dead guy sitting in a chair.

    Event Horizon and Dead space both take in place inside the ship they set off to find. I'm not boiling it down to "Oh it's a scary ship in space". I'm boiling it down to "Oh it's a ship in space whose crew has gone insane and now the rescue are slowly going insane witnessing hallucinations and end up trying to kill each other."

    Alien and Dead Space are literally worlds apart. Event Horizon is basically Dead Spaces older brother.

  6. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    Because apparently it was unclear last time:

    LOL...no. (To the bolded statement.)

    You don't believe Dead space is based on Event Horizon? Even though both feature a crew going onto a big ship, finding out the crew went insane and they start to go insane themselves, then the main protagonist gets betrayed, then they have to destroy the thing that's making everyone go crazy.

    You really can't see any similarities? 

    Literally the only difference is that there are no Necromorphs in Event Horizon and it's an ancient artefact causing everyone to go insane as opposed to the ship itself.

  7. 4 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    You can see textures and props corresponding to the derelict tileset in the trailer. There's no reason to believe that a derelict tower would be suddenly pulled back into the void.

    Who says there aren't derelicts IN the Void? Or that something hasn't corrupted a pre-existing Tower.

    DE have told us we need to unlock a certain part of the Void, so it seems obvious to me that we're going there for this quest.

  8. 10 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    The trailer has scenes set in the derelicts. Maybe dust refers to the remains of the Orokin empire, ergo derelict towers.

    I don't think it's set in the derelicts. The hype site tells us that we need to have unlocked the Mot node in the Void, so it's more than likely going to be set there.

  9. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    finally, some proper horror themes! this will be for everyone who wanted a darker quest, and it looks like it suits Red Veil perfectly.. trailer looked like a cross between a Ghost music vid and a Dead Space trailer lol.

    Dead Space left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It looked good on the trailers, but for me at least was completely disappointing when I got my hands on it. Hope that's not going to happen with Harrow.

  10. 1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    More and more, I am in favour of the theory (floated by a redditor) that the Syndicate rooms in the Relays are actually holographic projections in otherwise empty rooms, 

    Wait...so that means Cephalon's Suda's false hologram is a false hologram of a false hologram? Inception.

    Joking aside I think that it's the same situation as the bosses in that it is purely a gameplay reason that the Syndicate leaders are in every relay. The same way the bosses never die no matter how many times you kill them.

  11. 3 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Is it a void tear or burning void"tree" in there?

    And I just saw grineer dead on the floor. Then, this is Steel Meridian right?

    Is is possibly void corruption?

    There is a burning tree in what appears to be a Void Tower. 

    Yes those were probably Steel Meridian soldiers, since our first destination is apparently a ship belonging to that faction currently in silent orbit around Earth.

    I think it's more to do with Rell than the Void itself. But then again, we won't know until we play it. I speculate that since we were in stasis for a while, Rell is now an adult.

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