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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 22 hours ago, supernils said:

    But apparently it's not a custom to say "thank you" when players save strangers XP which I find weird. You even have your hands free when you're down.

    I don't expect a thank you when I revive someone simply because I know its not really something I need to be thanked for. Like how I don't expect to be thanked for simply not being a complete tosser in real life.

    Its just kind of the thing you do without the need for a reward. That's my personal opinion anyway.

    17 hours ago, Laxmibai said:

    Do good, without expectation of reward. 
    It will come to you automatically,

    This a contradictory statement.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 hours ago, Wolfdoggie said:

    Why do they hate Hydroid so much?

    Because they know the same thing everyone else does; Hydroid is the most unpopular frame in the game by a decent margin. Nyx is a close second, but at least she has more reliable CC and you can use weapons to quickly move around in her invincibility mode. Subsequently, only a small minority are actually concerned whether or not his deluxe even sees the light of day.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)FISTO ROBOT0 said:

    Dude with how some of those skins look compared to the art, idk if we want them to touch hydroid yet 

    Hydroid's skin is being worked on and unlike the other frames, a dog-doo quality skin would perfectly reflect Hydroid's place in the game right now.

  3. 20 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


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    I always get terrified when DE brings out the latest version of "The List", because what normally follows is a slew of "fixes" (nerfs) to the things that fall into the popular group, as opposed to the buffing of the unpopular choices.

  4. 2 hours ago, zakaryx said:

    So her abilities are going to scale with enemies levels then? I hadn't heard about the scaling part. Last time I used a Vauban Flechette orb it was hitting for around 300k per tick in a long kuva survival.

    According to the stream, the more enemies Protea's turret hits, the greater its damage becomes, so yes it is scaling in a way and if you have high duration its bound to be very powerful powerful.

    Flechette Orb doing 300k per nail is something I have never heard of outside of Vauban strength abritrations. Thats a ridiculous amount of damage for it to be doing. If you have actual proof of it hitting for 300k without some kind of innate mission bonus to power strength or someone else giving you power strength, then please share it because I'd genuinely like to see that.

    Also, didn't you flat out admit near the Winter Solstice last year in a Flechette Orb specific thread that all of Vauban's damage abilities are crap in high levels when compared to his Tesla Bank augment?

  5. 8 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Which echo chamber have you been in? I've seen plenty of experimenting and debate over how to make New Vauban work

    And anyone who keeps complaining "Vaubam is an engineer, why doesn't he get the sentry gun?" clearly hasn't used Flechette Orb. The particle effect might show it going off every which-way, but I assure you its actual code is a sentry turret. It aims hitscan bullets at enemies deliberately

    Flechette Orb is nice but it is not what people wanted. Protea's turret is exactly what people envisiioned for Vauban and it is obviously a lot more powerful than his orb.

    With her release it seems like Vauban will sadly always remain a outcast.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

    I might actually agree that having a kick button would be pointless.

    What you are suggesting is pointless as it takes merely a few seconds to reassemble a group anyway. What you want is something completely different to what average pro-vote-kickers want, which is good, but its still an absolutely redundant and unneccesary feature.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

    I take it you do not know about the augment Tesla Bank? or how he can lock enemy spawns with Flechette Orb? or how he can artificially increase the range of Bastille with Tether Coil? or how he can boost his own damage, on top of his passive already, with Overdriver?

    I do know about those yes. My opinion does not change however.

    1. Tesla Bank. I have always held the opinion that if an ability needs an augment to be viable, then there is something wrong. 

    2. Flachette Orb is very situational and not as useful as other dedicated lockdown abilities.

    3. Tether Coil extending Bastille’s range does make it useful as an ability. All it does is add another bit of range to an already good one, which can also be achieved by simply adding more mods.

    4. Overdrivers damage boost just isn’t great. There are much better frames out there like Chroma that give much better bonuses. 

    Like I said, Vauban only really has three useful abilities and unfortunately the rest are just cack. 

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Feeling "clunky" isn't a good reason either. Clunky to who? Not me.

    Again, who are you? Just someone who is part of the minority thats who.

    No, you might not feel clunky, but the majority do. Simple fact.

    7 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    I've seen people on these forums say we should get rid of the Operator because its "clunky" or "ruins the flow of combat"

    Again, a very small minority of people who are never listened to. Next redundant point please.

    7 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Guess what else is clunky? Reloading, Switching weapons, activating an ability, getting knocked down, well getting CCd at all really, dying, reviving, when the enemies levels goes up and I have to hit them 6 times instead of 2.

    Wow. Did you really go there?

    You do realise that what you just posted goes beyond the bottom of the barrel and actually tunnels into the ground beneath it.

    Honestly, I knew this argument was over when you started thinking insults was the best approach to an argument like this, but this feels like an encore to hammer that point home. If you’ve already shot yourself in the foot you might as well do the other one while you’re at it I guess.

    I hope you have a very nice day in your small echo-chamber with RamRaid while the rest of us actually help get clunky mechanics sorted out.


    • Like 4
  9. 20 minutes ago, Annnoth said:

    Why is vauban the only one allowed to have a specific theme?

    I never said that. You can have different themes for frames. But when a frame is very blatantly just a rehash of an already existing theme, then it becomes a problem as it makes the original version completely redundant. Protea is everything people wanted for the original Tech frame.

    There was simply no need for Protea as all of her abilities could have been given to Vauban and it would have been awesome. 

    What worries me is that this is a sign of things to come. Maybe this will become a trend and eventually the older frames will have their themes rehashed and subsequently made redundant in the future. I mean DE can only keep making frames for so long before they eventually circle back to the originals.

    11 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

    Vauban, actually has a solid kit, hes the techno wizard, while Protea, will be the Engineer.

    The only solid abilities he has are Vortex, Bastille and maybe the new orbital strike. His first two abilities are useless and this is not something that is argued about. His grenades are simply memes and his rollers are worthless.

    Those frames you mentioned in pairs have just enough to differentiate themselves from each other, albiet they are still very similar I’ll grant you. But its DE aren’t even trying to be subtle anymore. Protea is a point for point rehash of the engineer tech wizard theme that Vauban was designed around. They might as well have just released Protea as a special one-time gender-swapped skin for Vauban for all the subtly she has.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, RamRaid said:

    Now all frames have that option.

    Did I say that? No. Continue being sarky and putting words in my mouth all you want but that doesn’t make it true.

    I’m perfectly happy with where the game is right now and am not asking for a straight up delete everything before it even spawns button. I’d play Garry’s Mod if I was in that mood. Stop exaggerating and trying to twist my words.

    Just because I defend frames like Mesa does not mean I effectively don’t want to play the game, because you people insist on falsely acting like all nuke-type frames require about as much input as pre-rework Mesa.

    1 hour ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    I use a different frame.

    So why are you even whinging then? If people prefer keeping the frame on, let them. Its no skin off of your nose if Ash’s fourth gets made less clunky, because the straight up truth of the matter is that it is clunky.

    I love the blatant hypocrisy of how you’ll happily get out the cheese when its convenient, but you have the nerve to look down on people for using it more frequently than you.

    56 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    to adjust it to make it more OP, because you either got so bored that you need a "new nuke", or....you simply dont want to move your finger left and right kinda fast for 2 seconds on your controller.

    All you can do is offer insults that just show how you just don’t like people who don’t share your view. Again, a very convincing argument.

    No, I and others are not asking for Ash to be made “more OP”. Its adjusting his fourth so that it does not feel clunky to use, because it does. No one is asking for a damage boost or a stat increase. Just reworking his ability so that it feels better to use.

    56 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    I'm ripping high levels apart just fine.

    Again, two things wrong with your thinking;

    1. I never said Ash’s fourth wasn’t powerful and can’t adequately deal with enemies. Its way I have not said a word about changing the actual damage.

    2. Just because you like Ash’s fourth the way it is now, does not mean its suddenly okay. The world does not revolve around your anecdotal experience. 

    Ash’s fourth is clunky to use as are some of his other abilities which could do with a look at themselves. Its simply changing the way it functions, not its damage output, so jump off that train.

    56 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    If anything, give people time to learn Ash and I guarantee he'd be more likely to receive a nerf.

    There we go again; the old “people don’t actually know (insert frame here)” template for dismissing criticism. Highly effective and works every time evidently.

    Melodramatic is all I have to say about you. Ash is not overpowered enough to need a nerf by a long shot and the changes to his ult would not change that either. He is in the category of clunky frames at the moment and its a shame because with a few small QoL tweaks he could become widely used again. 

    The numbers don’t lie and it shows your opinion is an unpopular one. For good reason.

  11. 43 minutes ago, RamRaid said:

    That data proves nothing other than people will use the best they can because that's what is available to them.

    And why do you think that is? Because its more fun.

    People prefer using the best things that allow them to breeze through the game because its fun. You and Tzu are in the minority when it comes to viewing this type of playstyle as not fun.

    43 minutes ago, RamRaid said:

    Nobody is saying the game should be "difficult" but why are you so afraid of a little challenge? What is it that you fear about not being able to press 4 delete?

    Bet you're the kind of guy who doesn't stay past the first C rotation either right?

    I see you and BeaTzu both favour insults and assumptions, rather than actually substantial replies.

    Yes you are saying the game should be "difficult". What else are people supposed to take from you saying you want every popular frame to recieve a massive nerf.

    Not afraid of difficulty at all. I highly enjoy high difficulty games such as Cuphead and Dark Souls. I used to run the old for hours Void when the key system was a thing. So I do enjoy difficulty. That doesn't mean I want every game I play to be a challenge and there is nothing wrong with that. If I want to take on challenging enemies that can't be killed easily, I will simply play a different game that was built for that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking a game where you can wipe entire battalions off the map pretty easily, alongside liking teeth-pullingly difficult games.

    You however, seem to want to turn Warframe into something it has not been since 2014. Sorry to say, but your ideal vision of the game is never going to happen. If you want a more challenging game, there are plenty out there for you to indulge in. Warframe is a power-fantasy game. Stop trying to turn it into somthing else just because you personally don't like it.

    I often wonder why people like you even play this game if you're that offended by the playstyle it promotes.

  12. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    If you need to AFK some more there are frames for that. I'm MR 20 as well so no, I didnt know that MR20+ liked to play so lazily. You're better off just playing Mesa if you wanna wipe the screen in one button. 

    I can provide some other MR 20+ super easy suggestions for you as well if you're going for maximum low effort and afk.

    DE’s official Warframe usage spreadsheet by MR. Loki and Mesa are among the most played at high MR, with the former being at the very top.

    You are in the minority when you say this type of playstyle is bad. Warframe is a power fantasy game. Continue being sarky all you like.

    20 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Any semblance of challenge doesnt equal Dark souls. So no....not "basically”.

    My reference to Dark Souls was obviously in reference to him wanting what is essentially a completely different game.

    Do you now feel the need to reply to every post I make, even if its not directed at you?


  13. I think its a waste of a Warframe slot to be honest. She is what everyone wanted Vauban’s rework to be (especially the turret) and so is essentially a gender-swapped Vauban 2.0.

    All her abilities could easily have been given to him and there would be no need for her.

    • Like 5
  14. 10 minutes ago, RamRaid said:


    Insta-gib isn't fun, never has been, never will be.

    The game needs more challenge, I don't agree that Ash should recieve a nuke 4, I would prefer a "sleep" ability for Ash.

    Saryn, Mesa and all the other nuke frames need reworks to bring them down. Frames are way too strong and enemy scaling is not enough to make the game a challenge.

    So you want Dark Souls basically.

    You do realise that Warframe is a power fantasy game. If you want a challenge in then you’re better off looking elsewhere, instead of effectively asking for the game to be completely ruined with major nerfs to every single decent frame just so you can turn into a standard cover-shooter.

    Killing a lot of enemies at once may not be fun for you, but for the grand majority of players it is a lot of fun to just completely wreck enemies and feel like a God.

    Also, Ash is a ninja. He doesn’t put people to sleep.

    You can jump off that train of thought because Warframe is never going to be a slow paced shooter, which is what you seem to want. 

  15. 3 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    .I'm implying that you have no idea what you're talking about....because it's a bad and extremely nooby idea.

    So I have no idea what I’m talking about because I don’t share your opinion. Right. Highly convincing argument there.

    Wanting Ash’s Bladestorm to be like Mesa’s Peacemaker is not a bad idea, if done correctly. And how exactly is it “nooby?”. Do you refer to all opposition like that or are you one of those difficulty enthusiasts who just think if you’re not pressing five keys/buttons at the same time while standing on your head and reading aloud a passage from À la recherche du temps perdu to activate an ultimate ability, then you’re an inexperienced noob? You do know that veterans like things to be fairly easy right? There is a reason why Loki and Mesa are among the most used frames by MR20+

    I like how people just expect others to take their word for it when they say something is a bad idea when all they have is their own personal opinion on what counts as “noobish”. Not liking an ability and wanting it to be changed into something more viable does not mean you’re inexperienced or a noob.

  16. 23 hours ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

    I wish Ash's bladestorm would work like hydroids abilities

    Thats like saying "I wish my frame had its arms and legs cut off".

    Hydroid's ridiculous charge mechanic does nothing but slow down gameplay and damage his overall DPS.

    22 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    We're not "salty nerf herders" for not actively trying to ruin a frame.

    Yes you are salty and yes you are just trying to nerf Mesa. She fine as she is and there are many frames out there like her. Not all frames have to function the same. That would just dimish variety and make all frames essentially just paint-swaps.

    23 hours ago, (NSW)Matt-S said:

    Mesa presses 4 then holds fire and maybe spins the camera around.

    So do a lot of other frames? Only difference is you can move with them while dealing out massive damage, so they've got one over on Mesa if you don't have the augment.

    It's clear you were not here when Mesa first came out, since the way Peacemaker worked back then was truly broken. You didn't even need to move the camera, all you needed to do was start the ability, weigh down the fire button and everything that so much as poked a square inch of its face out from behind cover was immediately sniped by Mesa.

    That is what broken truly means, since you didn't even need to move the camera and could make a sandwhich while Mesa was basically on auto-pilot killing everything. The shrinking reticle and camera movement were implemented to balance her and now she is in a really good place.

    Not every single frame needs to have the exact same mechanics.

    If anything, you lot should focus your attention on buffing other frames instead of nerfing them. Frames that are functional but bland, such as Oberon and Inaros. Or frames that are so bad that even Banshee Prime has higher stat usage than them and they are the butt of all jokes in the game, such as Hydroid.

    • Like 1
  17. 10 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:


    So basically what you are saying is that you want a kick feature that only allows you to kick after a mission has been completed? That is 100% pointless, not worth DE's time and isn't at all what most people who are in favour of a vote-kick actually want.

    It would be a pointless feature to add in since it achieves exactly the same result as simply reforming the squad without the troll. Its completely different to what people on this thread are talking about.

    Pro-Vote-kickers typically want the ability to be able to kick a player as soon as they believe they are trolling them in a mission. This system is ripe for abuse by people as it can be used by trolls to kick players out of the mission for the fun of it and it does happen in other games where this feature is a thing. Worse still if the vote-kick was an ability given to the current host.

    That is how a vote-kick is ripe for abuse. The thing you are talking about is completely irrelevant since it achieves the same thing as simply reforming a squad after the mission has ended.

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  18. 7 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

    I'd love the option to kick people after a mission is over even if it means that my 2 friends who are around have to confirm this with a vote.

    You see the problem with this though? This is the exact type example of how the system can be abused. The kick would obviously not be useless if you were with two of your mates already, but if you were going in random squads there is a high chance it will be.

    But this is the exact type of set up that is ripe for abuse, a group of three toxic players all decide to kick the fourth for the lols. Not saying thats you, I’m just saying there will be troll groups out there.

    Honestly guys a vote kick is just not happening. The potential for abuse just simply outweighs the potential benefits. Its never going to happen.

    7 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

    That's actually not the case. Just because you invited people to the squad by having them apply by chat doesn't automatically make them team-players, nor are they guaranteed to not be toxic in the game.

    Thats correct, but the chances of the player being toxic are reduced quite a lot when compared to PUGs.

    Unfortunately, you just have to deal with the toxic players by either leaving yourself, or just ignoring them. You can report them to DE and they will sort them out. 

    Like I said; a vote kick system is simply far too likely to be abused and would not solve the problem of toxic players. It would only give them a new way to be toxic. DE have said it won’t happen for many years and it is not going to:

    • Like 1
  19. I don’t know how many times this request has come up. It must be since the game started and the answer is always the same; No.

    Vote Kicks as a system a ripe for abuse as evidenced by other games and will only further allow toxic people to be toxic. DE have repeatedly said no to this request multiple times for that exact reason.

    Like someone else has said; getting a pre-made squad together removes the need to have a kick vote entirely as well.

    19 hours ago, (PS4)Earth_RickC-137 said:

    Kicks must be unanimous

    This is just makes the kick useless as its no guarantee you’ll have one troll in a public group, so if there is two the vote kick is completely redundant.

    if you gave control to one person it would be a nightmare, but having the vote be unanimous would also be useless. Its not a good system either way you look at it and it is for this reason a kick will never be implemented. 

    We already have a system; get a dedicated team in recruitment and/or report the trolls and move on.

    • Like 1
  20. On 2020-04-30 at 3:06 PM, AltairFerenc said:

    I somewhat tolerate equinox just because he needs to do something to actually nuke not just press a button

    On star chart level Equinox can nuke everything with her bleed procs, so I don't know what you're talking about.

    On 2020-04-30 at 3:06 PM, AltairFerenc said:

    it does, I only played slow games

    Well why are you playing Warframe then, because it hasn't been a slow game since 2014. Warframe is a very fast paced game where you zip around all over the place killing things left and right. It's basically ADHD the video game.

    On 2020-04-30 at 3:06 PM, AltairFerenc said:

    if I want to play slow I play I walk and aim and do my stuff, and it volts speed does effect me a lot since I already have an eye problem and moving at least 2x as fast as you walked before and your aim is all over the place suddenly does f*ck me up really bad. 

    Unless you have parksinons disease, I really do not see how your playstyle could get messed that bad by going slightly faster than you normally would. You are being very melodramatic about a slight speed increase in an already very fast paced game.

    Also, his speed does not affect your aim, or your turning speed. That is all personalised and cannot be affected, for obvious reasons. What exact eye problem do you have that an increase in speed can affect you so dramatically?

    On 2020-04-30 at 3:06 PM, AltairFerenc said:

    why peaople who are burned out a game complaining about random things on the forum instead of playing something else? 
    theres no answer for both.

    Uh thats a completely different scenario and doesn't answer my question. The people who get burned out actually do play different games while they complain on the forums, that is how they stay up to date. That is why you see burnt out players on the forums, since they want a good reason to come back. Just because they stop playing doesn't mean they no longer care about the game.

    Like I said that also does not answer my question; how can you play frames you apparantly hate because they are so broing, "for months".

    You are really not coming across as someone who is believable or has genuine criticisms. You just like going against the meta purely for the attention.

  21. 33 minutes ago, AltairFerenc said:

    so since I like to play slower at a different pace that doesn't force me to play differently sure...

    Slower pace doesn't really exist in Warframe and its not like Speed turns you into Gauss. Also, it doesn't really force you to play different does it. You walk and run slightly faster than normal. It's nowhere near comparable to the actual gameplay changing Limbo who can stop you from killing enemies altogether. Why would you not want to be faster at killing in a game like this?

    33 minutes ago, AltairFerenc said:

    I did not say volt is a nuke I said I hate nukes and volt's speed

    You mean you hate the popular nukes because those are all that you mentioned.

    33 minutes ago, AltairFerenc said:

    I always found them unfun as hell, I played equinox and mesa prime for months

    This is a confusing statement. How can you play frames for months even though you apparantly were not having any fun?

    Your motivation behind your opinions does not actually seem like someone who has genuine gripes but instead just wants to appear as the guy who "doesn't follow the crowd".

  22. 1 hour ago, AltairFerenc said:

    No, I hate everything that nukes, I don't mid mete, I keep myself as far away from the mas possible but I don't mind them, or "meta" players. But everytime I see a volt and he casts speed I just quit, people say bad thing about llimbo and limbo players while you just have to roll once if you accidently get into the rift but volt's speed forces you to play in a differnt pace.

    So basically thats a yes then. Because saying Volt's Speed is worse than Limbo's Cataclysm isn't true at all and it most definitely does not affect others players gameplay in the same way. All speed does is make you run, reload and hit with melee faster. That's not exactly throwing your playstyle/pacing in the bin.

    It does come across like you hate popular stuff purely because you want to be the guy who doesn't follow popular trends, rather than having genuine well-founded gripes.

    Also, Volt isn't a reliable nuke and its only on low level maps that he wipes everything out, like all frames with AOE abilities.

    1 hour ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    He probably his. Volt is not a nuke, his 4 is pathetic for anything other than CC. If he includes Volt in his list, there is a possibility he could just be a meta hater.

    Yea it defeintely seems that way. He seems to just hate on stuff for the sake of being the guy who goes against the trend and not because he has well-founded criticisms of them, considering he lists a good portion of the meta frames/weapons and claims Speed affects pacing and gameplay more than Cataclysm.

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