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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. Uh, no. Undertow should not allow you to hoover up resources. We do not need Hydroid to be even more of an AFK frame than he already is. That ability should not exist, let alone allow you to pick up resources while doing absolutely nothing.

    Undertow needs to be removed an replaced with something else. Hydroid as a whole needs to be reworked so he’s not such AFK-incentive/useless frame.

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  2. 39 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    It is just that WF is so far beyond power fantasy at the moment that it can be dialed back alot without having any impact on the current gameplay but opens up the opportunity for challenging content to be added. It would also help DE to create content that lasts a bit longer. That is why we need balance.

    The issue is that many people like the game for what it is now. An overblown extreme power fantasy.

    At the end of the day, players can blow through content pretty easily in a lot of games these days. Warframe just does it slightly faster. 

    The smart AI and clever tactics are literally not needed in this game. The thing that always baffles me is why DE kept introducing more and more stuff that made you more powerful if they knew it was going to make future content a cake-walk. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Aadi880 said:

    They have to force players to wait weeks for the next update. Players get bored, or find themselves nothing to do, and takes a break. Player retention has failed.

    Thats always been the case though? In-between updates, players have always gone to other games. But they always come back and thats a sign that DE is doing something right. I don’t know of any other live-service game has such dedicated returning players each and every time. If it didn’t work, Warframe would have died off long ago.

    Sustainability is something DE have been able to achieve in a very unique way IMO.

    3 hours ago, Aadi880 said:

    Failure of the Old Blood update caused another failure in the Rising Tide update, which carried on to the Empyrean update. Notice playtime on ALL of these was increased by giving extreme costs (Rising Tide), or giving bullet sponges (Empyrean), or by giving wait times (Rising Tide), or by using RNG (Kuva lich)

    But thats a fault of DE, not the playerbase. The playerbase has shown that they are willing to keep coming back over the years despite the content draughts. DE feel the need to push these things out early, but the issue is that players prefer well-cooked updates as opposed to rushed out ones. The fact the updates were broken were what caused a lot more players to loose interest in the game.

    We also do have evidence that management/communication at DE isn’t quite as top notch as most people would think, which is what can lead to slower/rushed updates.

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    Bit of advice: Never say "So what you are saying". It makes it clear that you're not responding to a person, but to a strawman of your own making.

    No, its called summing up. And it is 100% what you are asking for. All you want is Warframe to be Old Warframe again. 

    There is something called The Fallacy Fallacy.

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    My opinion, and that of most of the people asking for the game to be more balanced, is that it would be better somewhere between the two extremes.

    And the fact is, that will never happen, unless DE want to loose a sizeable chunk of the playerbase who like the game as it is.

    Warframe is at a state where it is near impossible to balance without majorly scaling back a lot of systems, effectively nerfing a lot of the game and that would annoy a lot of people. DE have so many frames and weapons in this game, its basically an overflow of OP. 

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    Also, the game didn't have trouble staying afloat when it came out. It had less players, but that was largely due to a lack of exposure at the time, not problems with the gameplay.

    And you think the lack of exposure had absolutely nothing to do with the barely average gameplay and general state the game was in at the time?

    Also, yes they did struggle to stay afloat as that was the whole reason for the Founders programme. They outright admitted without those funds they likely would have had to turn the lights off on the game. 

    2 hours ago, Corvid said:

    It's also not a very good "God simulator", given how inconsistent the experience is.

    How is this a rebuttal? The general gameplay of Warframe makes you feel like a God. Thats where the main fun is for playing this game and its not exactly inconsistent.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Corvid said:

    As I've said before, we want Warframe to be Warframe, not "Mindless 1-button AOE Spam: The Game". Because believe it or not, Warframe wasn't always this unbalanced.

    So what you are saying is you basically want Warframe to be 2013 Warframe, back when it was a barely average third-person shooter that was struggling to find a decent playerbase, so much so that they had to promote an exclusive deal just to stay afloat.

    That time has long passed and the game has evolved into a lot more. So yes you are asking Warframe to be something its not and has not been for nearly a decade.

    Yes the game is unbalanced, but again; so what? If you want balance there are so many games out that can offer that to you. Warframe has found its niche in being a God simulator and that is how it is staying. Its never going to go back to how it was and that is perfectly fine. The whole reason the game is popular is because it has changed so much in such good ways.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with standing out for just being a truly completely overpowered God simulator in an industry that is so similar and always cares about balance.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Nothing wrong with adding challenging content aswell.

    Never said there was. The thing is that in Warframe there is very little that is an actual challenge. Its a game of extremes. You either have enemies who are easy to kill in droves or enemies that are slightly more annoying to kill.

    The only real thing that makes an enemy a challenge is whether or not they have an invulnerability stage and/or cancel out most of our abilities, because we simply do far too much damage for any sort of middle-ground to exist. As Pablo said; its pointless to try and follow other games in terms of challenging/smart AI for enemies and such, because at the end of the day we’re still going to blow them to bits with one shot.

    And you know what, thats great. No other kind of game offers that kind of power. Its what makes WF unique.

    19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    You dont need to be able to Thanos snap everything in order for it to be a power fantasy

    I agree, but that doesn’t mean having that kind of power is bad either. Not every power fantasy needs to be the same.

    19 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Most superhero games are power fantasies since you beat up mucks and goons mostly, but most of them also have real nemesis encounters where you face other superpowered enemies that may even be stronger than you.

    Again, why does that mean Warframe needs to be the same as your average superhero game?

    This is the thing I just don’t understand. People seem to think that Warframe needs to be like every other power fantasy, where balance is considered. Why does it need to be that way when there are already so many other games out there like that already?

    I honestly do not understand why people are so down on Warframe being the way it is. Its supposed to be a chill out game you can play when you literally just want to play a game without caring too much. There is definitely room for that in an industry as homogeneous as this, where we get yearly churned out sequels of the same thing and where most game developers are trying to ape other popular games.

    • Like 3
  6. I’m sitting here looking at all these people who so desperately want to turn Warframe into something its not and I have two questions that continuously pop-up in my mind;

    1. If you guys like a challenge, why don’t you just remove all the mods from your builds and play that way?

    2. Why are you even bothering to play Warframe if you want a challenge? There are a lot of other games out there that give a good controller-smashing challenge experience. Yes I understand you like Warframe’s style, but you need to accept that you can’t have your cake and eat it. Accept the game for what it is.

    Warframe is a power fantasy game. Its purely meant to be played to relax and allow you to just feel like an overpowered God. I honestly do not understand the people who want to turn it into just another boring semi-challenging shooter experience. If you want challenge guys, go and get it somewhere else. Not everything needs to be the same and Warframe is a unique gem in the fact it allows you to experience a lot of power. Its a game meant to allow you to chill out.

    Also, to those who say that power becomes boring after a while; so what? When people get bored of the game, they leave and play another one for a bit. Once they’ve have had enough of that game, they come back to Warframe with renewed enthusiasm. This game has been around for seven years now. Its a formula that works. Any game, no matter what its difficulty level will eventually become boring if you play it often enough, so changing the difficulty and the fundamentals of what makes Warframe a literal blast, will not permanently relive the boredom/burnout. If anything, the majority will be highly annoyed that the game has just been turned into another somewhat above average third person shooter like so many other games of that type and simply abandon the game since it no longer has that unique escapist power fantasy.

    At the end of the day, it comes down to what you personally want from a game. If one game isn’t what you want it to be, then simply go and find one that is. And likewise if you get bored of the game, go and play something else until you get bored of that and come back to WF again.

    We do not need to keep turning games into other types of games. Its unnecessary and quite frankly detrimental practice to the diversity of gaming as whole.

    • Like 2
  7. Not going to lie, I do want to be able to decorate our RJ with all of our ship decorations we have collected over the years, making it feel more personalised and maybe even have it as our main ship replacing the Liset one day.

    But for now why don't we just let DE focus on ironing out the game mode itself, making it fun and then finally integrating it into the main game so its not a vestigial side salad like Archwing. Then we can focus on blinging the inside of our ships up.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Loza03 said:


    This doesn't necessarily mean what I said was incorrect. We're still going to have cinematic quests, those will never be going away, its just that they've now expanded their method of storytelling so instead of waiting a year a piece for a quest that can be completed in a hour, we're taking part in the story as it unfolds. But we still have the now traditional cinematic quests as well.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    They've said that New War isn't a single event anymore. More than once. This is straight-up old news.

    In other words, if it's not a singular thing, then it can't really be put on the roadmap as a singular thing. Especially since it's already started - both Erra and Scarlet Spear were parts of it.

    New War is an upcoming quest though. They've clarified that as well. Scarlet Spear is just the lead up. I think when they say the New War is not a singular thing, I think its more in reference the games progression, like its not going to be a one-off quest where we kill the Sentients and Ballas and go back to our monotonous killing spree of Grineer and Corpus..

  10. 22 hours ago, supernils said:

    But apparently it's not a custom to say "thank you" when players save strangers XP which I find weird. You even have your hands free when you're down.

    I don't expect a thank you when I revive someone simply because I know its not really something I need to be thanked for. Like how I don't expect to be thanked for simply not being a complete tosser in real life.

    Its just kind of the thing you do without the need for a reward. That's my personal opinion anyway.

    17 hours ago, Laxmibai said:

    Do good, without expectation of reward. 
    It will come to you automatically,

    This a contradictory statement.

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  11. 19 hours ago, Wolfdoggie said:

    Why do they hate Hydroid so much?

    Because they know the same thing everyone else does; Hydroid is the most unpopular frame in the game by a decent margin. Nyx is a close second, but at least she has more reliable CC and you can use weapons to quickly move around in her invincibility mode. Subsequently, only a small minority are actually concerned whether or not his deluxe even sees the light of day.

    2 hours ago, (XB1)FISTO ROBOT0 said:

    Dude with how some of those skins look compared to the art, idk if we want them to touch hydroid yet 

    Hydroid's skin is being worked on and unlike the other frames, a dog-doo quality skin would perfectly reflect Hydroid's place in the game right now.

  12. 20 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


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    I always get terrified when DE brings out the latest version of "The List", because what normally follows is a slew of "fixes" (nerfs) to the things that fall into the popular group, as opposed to the buffing of the unpopular choices.

  13. 2 hours ago, zakaryx said:

    So her abilities are going to scale with enemies levels then? I hadn't heard about the scaling part. Last time I used a Vauban Flechette orb it was hitting for around 300k per tick in a long kuva survival.

    According to the stream, the more enemies Protea's turret hits, the greater its damage becomes, so yes it is scaling in a way and if you have high duration its bound to be very powerful powerful.

    Flechette Orb doing 300k per nail is something I have never heard of outside of Vauban strength abritrations. Thats a ridiculous amount of damage for it to be doing. If you have actual proof of it hitting for 300k without some kind of innate mission bonus to power strength or someone else giving you power strength, then please share it because I'd genuinely like to see that.

    Also, didn't you flat out admit near the Winter Solstice last year in a Flechette Orb specific thread that all of Vauban's damage abilities are crap in high levels when compared to his Tesla Bank augment?

  14. 8 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Which echo chamber have you been in? I've seen plenty of experimenting and debate over how to make New Vauban work

    And anyone who keeps complaining "Vaubam is an engineer, why doesn't he get the sentry gun?" clearly hasn't used Flechette Orb. The particle effect might show it going off every which-way, but I assure you its actual code is a sentry turret. It aims hitscan bullets at enemies deliberately

    Flechette Orb is nice but it is not what people wanted. Protea's turret is exactly what people envisiioned for Vauban and it is obviously a lot more powerful than his orb.

    With her release it seems like Vauban will sadly always remain a outcast.

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  15. 13 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

    I might actually agree that having a kick button would be pointless.

    What you are suggesting is pointless as it takes merely a few seconds to reassemble a group anyway. What you want is something completely different to what average pro-vote-kickers want, which is good, but its still an absolutely redundant and unneccesary feature.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

    I take it you do not know about the augment Tesla Bank? or how he can lock enemy spawns with Flechette Orb? or how he can artificially increase the range of Bastille with Tether Coil? or how he can boost his own damage, on top of his passive already, with Overdriver?

    I do know about those yes. My opinion does not change however.

    1. Tesla Bank. I have always held the opinion that if an ability needs an augment to be viable, then there is something wrong. 

    2. Flachette Orb is very situational and not as useful as other dedicated lockdown abilities.

    3. Tether Coil extending Bastille’s range does make it useful as an ability. All it does is add another bit of range to an already good one, which can also be achieved by simply adding more mods.

    4. Overdrivers damage boost just isn’t great. There are much better frames out there like Chroma that give much better bonuses. 

    Like I said, Vauban only really has three useful abilities and unfortunately the rest are just cack. 

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  17. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Feeling "clunky" isn't a good reason either. Clunky to who? Not me.

    Again, who are you? Just someone who is part of the minority thats who.

    No, you might not feel clunky, but the majority do. Simple fact.

    7 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    I've seen people on these forums say we should get rid of the Operator because its "clunky" or "ruins the flow of combat"

    Again, a very small minority of people who are never listened to. Next redundant point please.

    7 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Guess what else is clunky? Reloading, Switching weapons, activating an ability, getting knocked down, well getting CCd at all really, dying, reviving, when the enemies levels goes up and I have to hit them 6 times instead of 2.

    Wow. Did you really go there?

    You do realise that what you just posted goes beyond the bottom of the barrel and actually tunnels into the ground beneath it.

    Honestly, I knew this argument was over when you started thinking insults was the best approach to an argument like this, but this feels like an encore to hammer that point home. If you’ve already shot yourself in the foot you might as well do the other one while you’re at it I guess.

    I hope you have a very nice day in your small echo-chamber with RamRaid while the rest of us actually help get clunky mechanics sorted out.


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  18. 20 minutes ago, Annnoth said:

    Why is vauban the only one allowed to have a specific theme?

    I never said that. You can have different themes for frames. But when a frame is very blatantly just a rehash of an already existing theme, then it becomes a problem as it makes the original version completely redundant. Protea is everything people wanted for the original Tech frame.

    There was simply no need for Protea as all of her abilities could have been given to Vauban and it would have been awesome. 

    What worries me is that this is a sign of things to come. Maybe this will become a trend and eventually the older frames will have their themes rehashed and subsequently made redundant in the future. I mean DE can only keep making frames for so long before they eventually circle back to the originals.

    11 minutes ago, Yakhul said:

    Vauban, actually has a solid kit, hes the techno wizard, while Protea, will be the Engineer.

    The only solid abilities he has are Vortex, Bastille and maybe the new orbital strike. His first two abilities are useless and this is not something that is argued about. His grenades are simply memes and his rollers are worthless.

    Those frames you mentioned in pairs have just enough to differentiate themselves from each other, albiet they are still very similar I’ll grant you. But its DE aren’t even trying to be subtle anymore. Protea is a point for point rehash of the engineer tech wizard theme that Vauban was designed around. They might as well have just released Protea as a special one-time gender-swapped skin for Vauban for all the subtly she has.

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  19. 1 hour ago, RamRaid said:

    Now all frames have that option.

    Did I say that? No. Continue being sarky and putting words in my mouth all you want but that doesn’t make it true.

    I’m perfectly happy with where the game is right now and am not asking for a straight up delete everything before it even spawns button. I’d play Garry’s Mod if I was in that mood. Stop exaggerating and trying to twist my words.

    Just because I defend frames like Mesa does not mean I effectively don’t want to play the game, because you people insist on falsely acting like all nuke-type frames require about as much input as pre-rework Mesa.

    1 hour ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    I use a different frame.

    So why are you even whinging then? If people prefer keeping the frame on, let them. Its no skin off of your nose if Ash’s fourth gets made less clunky, because the straight up truth of the matter is that it is clunky.

    I love the blatant hypocrisy of how you’ll happily get out the cheese when its convenient, but you have the nerve to look down on people for using it more frequently than you.

    56 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    to adjust it to make it more OP, because you either got so bored that you need a "new nuke", or....you simply dont want to move your finger left and right kinda fast for 2 seconds on your controller.

    All you can do is offer insults that just show how you just don’t like people who don’t share your view. Again, a very convincing argument.

    No, I and others are not asking for Ash to be made “more OP”. Its adjusting his fourth so that it does not feel clunky to use, because it does. No one is asking for a damage boost or a stat increase. Just reworking his ability so that it feels better to use.

    56 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    I'm ripping high levels apart just fine.

    Again, two things wrong with your thinking;

    1. I never said Ash’s fourth wasn’t powerful and can’t adequately deal with enemies. Its way I have not said a word about changing the actual damage.

    2. Just because you like Ash’s fourth the way it is now, does not mean its suddenly okay. The world does not revolve around your anecdotal experience. 

    Ash’s fourth is clunky to use as are some of his other abilities which could do with a look at themselves. Its simply changing the way it functions, not its damage output, so jump off that train.

    56 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    If anything, give people time to learn Ash and I guarantee he'd be more likely to receive a nerf.

    There we go again; the old “people don’t actually know (insert frame here)” template for dismissing criticism. Highly effective and works every time evidently.

    Melodramatic is all I have to say about you. Ash is not overpowered enough to need a nerf by a long shot and the changes to his ult would not change that either. He is in the category of clunky frames at the moment and its a shame because with a few small QoL tweaks he could become widely used again. 

    The numbers don’t lie and it shows your opinion is an unpopular one. For good reason.

  20. 43 minutes ago, RamRaid said:

    That data proves nothing other than people will use the best they can because that's what is available to them.

    And why do you think that is? Because its more fun.

    People prefer using the best things that allow them to breeze through the game because its fun. You and Tzu are in the minority when it comes to viewing this type of playstyle as not fun.

    43 minutes ago, RamRaid said:

    Nobody is saying the game should be "difficult" but why are you so afraid of a little challenge? What is it that you fear about not being able to press 4 delete?

    Bet you're the kind of guy who doesn't stay past the first C rotation either right?

    I see you and BeaTzu both favour insults and assumptions, rather than actually substantial replies.

    Yes you are saying the game should be "difficult". What else are people supposed to take from you saying you want every popular frame to recieve a massive nerf.

    Not afraid of difficulty at all. I highly enjoy high difficulty games such as Cuphead and Dark Souls. I used to run the old for hours Void when the key system was a thing. So I do enjoy difficulty. That doesn't mean I want every game I play to be a challenge and there is nothing wrong with that. If I want to take on challenging enemies that can't be killed easily, I will simply play a different game that was built for that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking a game where you can wipe entire battalions off the map pretty easily, alongside liking teeth-pullingly difficult games.

    You however, seem to want to turn Warframe into something it has not been since 2014. Sorry to say, but your ideal vision of the game is never going to happen. If you want a more challenging game, there are plenty out there for you to indulge in. Warframe is a power-fantasy game. Stop trying to turn it into somthing else just because you personally don't like it.

    I often wonder why people like you even play this game if you're that offended by the playstyle it promotes.

  21. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    If you need to AFK some more there are frames for that. I'm MR 20 as well so no, I didnt know that MR20+ liked to play so lazily. You're better off just playing Mesa if you wanna wipe the screen in one button. 

    I can provide some other MR 20+ super easy suggestions for you as well if you're going for maximum low effort and afk.

    DE’s official Warframe usage spreadsheet by MR. Loki and Mesa are among the most played at high MR, with the former being at the very top.

    You are in the minority when you say this type of playstyle is bad. Warframe is a power fantasy game. Continue being sarky all you like.

    20 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    Any semblance of challenge doesnt equal Dark souls. So no....not "basically”.

    My reference to Dark Souls was obviously in reference to him wanting what is essentially a completely different game.

    Do you now feel the need to reply to every post I make, even if its not directed at you?


  22. I think its a waste of a Warframe slot to be honest. She is what everyone wanted Vauban’s rework to be (especially the turret) and so is essentially a gender-swapped Vauban 2.0.

    All her abilities could easily have been given to him and there would be no need for her.

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