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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Darkrya said:

    I kinda like the walking animations being tied to a single warframe, it gives them a sense of individuality. I would rather have them put new ones for the current set of characters we have right now, like Oberon galloping like a horse, or Grendal walking tp conpinsate for his frontal weight.

    I really don't buy the individuality viewpoint. What makes a frame unique on its own is its powers and its visual look. Those can stay exclusive, but animations have long been universal by this point.

    I'm highly against making new walking animations if they were to be exclusive to certain frames. It removes a potential aspect of customisation, which is half the fun, from the game.

  2. 27 minutes ago, ThatGuyFromThatPlace32 said:

    The only thing I'm joking about is the "Illegal" part
    I don't know in what world a Pink, Floating, ass shaking (Wisp most certainly shakes her ass while moving) Grendel is "Expressing yourself", but, if you think it is... I don't know what to say

    Then you clearly have some kind of issue going on to care this much about something that really doesn't matter. Who cares if someone uses a pink Grendel?

    Also just for the record, Titania's new animation doesn't have an arse-shake unlike Wisps. So you can calm down about that one.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    hydroid had a rework and his puddle does scale damage , i mean he is tanky and able to aoe. not sure what youd need to improve as i ran him for a while after the rework. also has some kit synergy iirc

    That cynically timed hotfix was not a rework. All it did was make Hydroids kit revolve around his puddle. It didn't solve any of his core issues, which is that his powers are incredibly boring, clunky, heavily RNG based and reliant on the environment as well as enemy AI. He's basically inferior to every other frame in the game. His farming augment is the only thing that stops him from being completely unused.

    Hydroid especially is not tanky. He just sits in his puddle avoiding damage while being able to do nothing else.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

    Last thing I need is some genius floating around with some pink, flying Hydroid or Rhino. That sh*t kills my immersion harder than anything else.

    So its not the fact that someone has a full-blown pink Rhino or hentai-themed Hydroid (whose theme is Davy Jones in Space by the way) running around, its the fact that they might be able to float that finally pushes you out of the game world...

    Honestly I can't tell if you guys are joking or not. If you aren't then you have some really arbitrary boundries for immersion, as well as a weird sense of what needs to be "illegal" in the game.

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  5. I personally bin the vanilla version when the Prime comes out. Unless you're one for nostalgia and/or are a collector, then there is zero point in keeping them IMO. Primes have better stats and better looks (though not in every case with that last one, looking at you Cow-beron Prime).

    Also it frees up a slot, so thats a plus.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, ThatGuyFromThatPlace32 said:

    Never, according to the devs. And I personally hope it stays that way.

    I already think it's actually the dumbest thing to use one Frame's animation on another. That Frame's animation set was made, for that Frame, to fit that Frame's personality, that Frame's body, that Frame to the core of it's design.

    If I seen someone going around with a Grendel with Wisp's walking animation, I'd flip out. No. Wisp Grendel is illegal; Punishable by life in prison

    What annoys you so much about having more in-depth customisation options? It's great that you can use other frames animations because it allows you to express yourself more rather than just having to stick with th bog-standard animations the frame comes with, which you may not think looks good on the frame. It'd less interesting if each frame was restricted to only its default animations.

    Having new walking animations would make it even better.

    DE didn't say it would never happen and even if they ever did, they've said that sort of thing in the past, such as when the community asked for a universal vacuum. They initially said no, citing the same sort of reasoning you just did about how its unique to a certain thing. Then they ended up making Vacuum a universal mod.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

    They said they wouldnt be doing it universal and most likely it will only be for the warframes, like how hildryn has that dash instead of roll would be pretty cool to have, but its her exclusive.

    That's different though, Limbo and Hildryn's Dashes actually are a part of their powers. However, walking animations are a different story, as they're not tied to a warframes power set. I don't know why they don't seem to want to make the walking animations universal. The "uniqueness" argument kind of fell flat long ago when they made it possible for frames to use other frames animations in the first place and its not like we're using their powers.

    1 hour ago, Zeyez said:

    probably when they release the prime access, just like every other noble/agile stance of each warframe

    You seem to misunderstand, I'm asking when the levitating/floating walking animations will be made avaliable for all warframes, not just exclusive to two warframes.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Neuerwinter said:

    make his 1 into his passive too so that I don't actually have to press 1 and follow the skill rule

    Do you really want to open up that can of worms? Okay.

    Baruuk's abilities (along many others) actually require zero actual skill. I mean you press 1 and then you simply put the controller down and stop playing the game while his restraint erodes away passively. Where on earth is the skill in that. It's literally flipping a switch, which even a monkey can do.

    Hypothetically making it a passive ability simply just removes the need to flip the switch. No skill lost or gained whatsoever.

  9. I was wondering this too. IMO it seems very likely TennoCon will be cancelled this year.

    Countries across the globe are now actively advising people not gather in large areas, as it's just a breeding ground for the virus and I don't think Canada is any exception. Tennocon is also a good few months away and the virus is spreading very quickly so I don't think DE are going to risk themselves or the players who wanted to attend TennoCon.

  10. 22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    If a frame can go into high level does that still mean its a turd?

    Yes. You don't seem to understand that just because a frame has the capability to survive, that doesn't make it a great frame. Its the method of survival that makes it a good frame. I think your standards for a great frame aren't very high which does explain a lot of the things you are saying and why you're defending Hydroid in his current state.

    Hydroid can survive but his method of survival is very boring and removes 90% of the games fun. His other powers are all very situational and depend on outside factors such as the environment and enemy AI rather than being adaptable to any situation, which a lot of other frames powers can do and they are all very clunky to use.

    This is why he is known as a turd. Surviving is all well and good but you don't want to just be sitting in a puddle moving at a snails pace when you have the capability to be parkouring and soaring through the map without having to worry about getting mowed down instantly and having a set of inferior RNG based other powers.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    if you understand how to utilize it.

    Again, this "how to play" defence has historically been debunked in every single thread dealing with nerfs or buffs. There is no right way how to play frames. There are stronger/popular builds, but there is no 100% definitive way to play a frame.

    Hydroid's CC simply is not very strong compared to other frames, that is a fact. Doesn't matter if you're a Hydroid main, you cannot look at Hydroid's capability for suvival and CC and say they are better than other frames. There is liking a frame and then there is denying whats in front of you.

    I''m not saying you cannot like Hydroid, but don't take it to a level where you are denying pretty obvious things. I have played Hydroid for a long period of time and explored a vareity of different builds and I still stick by the consensus that he is not a good frame.

    This is not a valid defence for a problem.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    but the status chance and survivability of Hydroid outclasses them.

    No. Straight up no.

    Hydroid by definition does not outclass Limbo or Revenant in survivability. Limbo especially, since his invulnerability does not cost him any energy and in fact gives him energy. His and Revenants survivability also do not restrict their gunplay or movement. Hydroid is not superior to them at all.

    Same with status. Revenant straight up has an ability that causes relevant damage to all different enemy factions and it is very powerful. Limbo can stop enemies in their tracks for nearly a minute.

    This is what I'm saying about denial. Hydroid simply is not better than Limbo or Revenant in any area.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Puddle is not the antithesis like you make it out to be, if anything its comparable to Limbos rift.

    Again, this is simply factually untrue. Limbo's Rift and Hydroids Puddle are worlds apart in both mechanics and restrictions. Limbo's Rift has very little drawbacks at all and can be cast anywhere on the map without restricting Limbo's movement or gunplay. Its range is also huge and it can lock down entire platoons of enemies for incredibly long times.

    Undertow on the other hand has horrible range and Hydroid cannot cast it to different places from across the map. He always needs to go to a place in order to use it properly and it completely removes gunplay and restricts your offensive capabilities to powers only. It removes nearly all aspects of Warframes normal movement system and slows you down to a snails pace. It is the antithesis to Warframes current game flow, which is fast paced, hectic and based a lot on the freedom of movement. Slow paced tactical based gameplay has not been present for a very long time.

    Saying it is comparable to Cataclysm is just not true, mechanically and logically.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Last time I checked the bulk of the game is still tight corridors and cramped spaces.

    For now, but they will be phased out eventually like how the Corpus Jupiter map was. And even then, the old maps still have wide open spaces that render the tentacles very useless, like the Grineer galleon, Corpus ice world and Orokin/Derelict tilesets for example. They have open areas where tentacles can easily spawn far out of the way of enemies on high ceilings and walls.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Defense, extractors, enemy control level, roller sabotage, jailbrake, these sorts of mission types where you know where the enemy are going to attack from or at least understand where they are going makes it so that his crowd control isn't straight up useless out in the open.

    A lot of the POE and Orb Vallis inner buildings are also very open and do not allow tentacle swarm to be very useful. This is another reason why Hydroid is viewed as trash. Tentacle Swarm would only be 100% useful if the entire game took place in a very tightly packed corridor that does not have open spaces.

    Other frames do not have that drawback and have far more reliable methods of controlling enemies.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Again, there are better options, but I mean, the game is so easy that I hardly can say I care to use em unless I want to. 

    This is not a defence.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Really this is the basis of my argument, you and perhaps a majority of the playerbase dont find hydroid to be fun, but as a long time vet I still get a ton of mileage out of him

    I'm sorry but this just is not a viable defence. DE listen to the majority and the data, not the minority. Its a fact that there simply are far better options than Hydroid out there for basically everything. The basis of your argument is that you like how Hydroid functions now and how you personally like to use him.

    But the data and the general consensus just tell a completely different storey. Its factual that Hydroid has had no real changes since his introduction, where other frames older than him have had a lot of updates. He just is not in a good place.

    He doesn't need simply to be polished. Like I said, you can polish a turd all you want but that doesn't change the fact its still a turd. He needs a full on rework in order to bring him into the modern Warframe era and DE are likely to give him that, seeing as how only a tiny number of people use Hydroid regularly and the majority would rather use anything else. I know that change to something you're comfortable with is never a nice feeling, but change is needed. Hydroid won't be a simple nuke frame I don't know why you went straight to that.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    By your rational,  oberon prime is trash because its right around the same usage stats as hydroid prime, and we can both agree that's not even close to true (coming from both players with an oberon profile pic)

    Oberon Prime has higher usage than Hydroid Prime on the chart.

    No one ever talks about Oberon being trash because he isn't. His powers work and do not interfere with gameflow. You hardly see any Oberon rework threads/discussions on the forums or elsewhere on the internet like YouTube.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Plus, embers stats are massive and this was when she was considered the trash of all trash.

    Ember wasn't trash for clearing mobs, thats why she has high stat usage. She was cheese. She was considered bad because she took fun away from other players. There are different kinds of trash.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Plus, im sure some of that has to do with acquisition of a frame too, hydroid is much more locked off due to a bad boss fight.


    Frame aquisition has nothing to do with it. This is proven because of frames like Mesa and Equinox, who are very annoying to farm but have way higher usage on the chart. Mesa requires you to get special coordinates for Infested Alad V and Equinox requires eight parts and you have farm Tyrl Regor for a very long time before you get them all. Hydroid's farm is a cakewalk compared to these two.

    Its also highly unlikely that a MR25 player has not levelled Hydroid up but has done frames that are much more of a pain to get.

    So that is incorrect as well.

    22 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    It tells us hydroid needs some work, but his usage is healthy enough that I dont think it warrants a full overhaul.

    Well, the majority of the playerbase wholeheartedly disagrees. Hydroid's powers are just not very good to put it lightly, when compared to other powers out there and they simply do not function well in the newer content of Warframe. His playstyle is slow, his powers are clunky, very boring and completely inferior to other frames of his type. Like I said at the start, the only reason his usage stat is where it is and he has not sunk completely into obscurity is because of his loot augment. Thats it.

    Hydroid does need a full overhaul and you're in the very small minority that thinks otherwise. Just saying that you like the way he plays and how good he is in solo, sadly just is not good enough. DE can see the numbers and the overall opinion on Hydroid and they will listen to those, as they always have done.

  11. 9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    but I guarantee its a matter of how you play him

    This is demonstrably untrue. Try and dress up a turd as much as you like, but at the end of the day its still a turd. There's only so far the "how you play them" defence goes.

    9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    You are correct in that he is slow and focused around crowd control but that's not to say he is completely useless

    Never said Crowd Control was useless. Its his methods of CC that are useless on top of being very slow, boring and highly inferior to other frames that fit in his category.

    9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    lso, your graphic is a very poor representative of your argument, as it is very outdated. At least 4 frames are missing, MR rank is not what we can currently make it, and clearly frames that have been in the game longer will have an inherent time advantage over newer ones anyway. Though usage stats are obviously important to extrapolate data, you have to remove a certain amount of personal bias from the chart in order to see what it is portraying. 

    This isn't a very good defence for your argument. The usage chart is only one year old and no other charts are avaliable right now. However, Hydroid has not changed one bit since the chart was made and neither has the consensus on him. You only need to look at how many people still continue to write him off as a failure both on here and elsewhere on the internet.

    I assume by "MR rank is not what we can make can currently make it" you mean it does have the current top MR level, which you are correct in. That doesn't mean Hydroid's stats are likely to change. The chart shows a very consistent pattern in warframe usage. It either goes up in usage or down, with slight fluctuations between MR 10 and 20. Hydroid, like a lot of rubbish frames, sees the most use around the lower MR ranks, due to the fact they are trying him out and/or levelling him, but he very noticeably drops off very quickly when the MR stats climb higher and it is highly unlikely to change at MR28 because, like I said, he has had no changes and there are far better frames avaliable to the MR28 player.

    Also, Hydroid is definitely not a new frame. He was introduced a year after the game came out. He's in the same vein as the older frames. So that defence does not work either. The newer frames have more usage than Hydroid.

    The chart portrays what I said at the beginning; Hydroid is trash and subsequently unpopular. There's no bias distorting the chart, its written there for you to see. I'm just pointing it out.

    9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    You're totally right in that his 1 is nearly a complete waste without the augment. We can agree on that. But WITH the augment, it is not only a powerful status and armor stripping tool but also a fantastic area lockdown for a long period of time.

    When an ability is utterly worthless without its augment, that is a good sign that it needs more work done on it than a simple hotfix.

    As for the CC, as I said previously, its not as reliable as other frames and not as effective. The armour stripping is also outpaced by other frames that also have that power but for far less of a cost. Even weapons can strip armour better.

    9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Its all about placement and utilizing tidal surge and weapons to gain a significant advantage over the enemy. Hydroid can go just about anywhere on the battlefield while being completely invulnerable, and set up for his next onslaught with his 1 and even 4 if you want to block off a hallway.

    The game is not about tactical play and precise stratergising and has not been that way for years now. When Hydroid was introduced and the game still took place in tight-corridor environments, he found some use, but he was never a great frame even back then because he took all of the fun out of the game.

    Hydroid can go anywhere true, but at the pace of a snail unless you use Tidal Surge, which is incredibly awkward and clunky due to poor/old design. The game no longer takes place in tight-corridors and so his 4 is a lot less useful than it used to be, with all the maps becoming more and more open and bigger. The tentacles spawn randomly on walls and ceilings and when out in open worlds like POE, they are just straight up 100% useless as opposed to being 90% useless.

    A number of other frames can achieve invulnerability with far less the cost and in much more fun ways that do not take away/slow the games movement or gunplay, like Limbo and Revenant. There are simply far better options than Hydroid out there for invulnerability and CC. Everything he does is done very poorly and at the expense of a lot of the games flow and fun.

    9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    His gameplay is extremely tactical and adaptable, allowing a player to analyze what they want their next move to be. Sure, in pubs where a saryn wipes out a whole squad of enemies effortlessly he seems outclassed entirely, but I promise you it is a completely different ballpark for solo play.

    Like I said; the game is no longer a tactical based shooter and it never truly was to begin with. The early days of Warframe allowed Hydroid to find some usage, but he always needed work at the start.

    Solo play is not really a viable defence in a game like this. Frames and weapons get changed all of the time despite the fact that some people only play solo. By definition, everything works in solo play, so its not a real defence.

    Hydroid can survive for sure. I'm not denying that. I'm saying that his method of survival is tantamount to turning off the game and going to sleep. He can survive, but at the cost of most of the games pacing and charm. You have to constantly use his puddle as it is his only means of living in high missions and that should not be the case. As other frames prove; you can survive and have fun while doing it. Hydroid has not had that treatment yet and he badly needs it if he is to find any sort of real use in the upcoming content. He is going to be left behind entirely when all of the old maps eventually get reworked, which they will.

    His powers in general are just all in need of major reworks so they fit with the game today.

    9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    Sure he is heavily dependent on weapons to do the majority of the peddling but the right set up can have you ABSOLUTELY SHREDDING WITH ITS SYNERGY.

    Synergy does not automatically mean a good frame and Hydroids case its actually worse because all of his abilities revolve around his puddle since the cyncically timed "rework" before his Prime Access.

    The puddle is one of if the not the worst ability in the game and having synergy around that just does not help Hydroid at all. Other frames can shred enemies much faster than Hydroid without having jump through all of the hoops and are a lot more fun in their approach.

    9 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    saying he has no place in the game is a wildly inaccurate estimation of his potential.

    You really only need to look at the stats and the general consensus to see that is not the case at all. As he is right now, Hydroid has no potential whatsoever in the future of Warframe and his only saving grace is his loot augment, but even that is slowly being phased in favour of other loot frames with more reliable powers.

    Hydroid's theme has a lot of potential as a water manipulator, but he needs a rework in order for that potential to be realised. He's just not in a good place right now and there is no denying that. Your build does not actually matter I'm sorry to say as it does not change Hydroid's mechanics and powers, which is the main thing people have a problem with. You can build him however you like but at the end of the day his problems still persist and a rework is the only way to fix him.

  12. 7 hours ago, Obe-Ron-Kenobi said:

    people call hydroid complete trash and it is unjustified to say the least

    It's really not. Hydroid is complete trash. Its not a matter of debate, since he's lower in usage than Banshee Prime on the Warframe usage chart;


    The only reason he hasn't completely sunk into obscurity is because of his loot augment.

    Hydroid's gameplay is just the total antithesis of what Warframe has become in recent years. He was introduced six years ago and in that time he has no real changes, only a crappy "rework" before his Prime Access that made him even more dull and painful to use. He's a relic from 2014 Warframe and his age really shows in the newer content and its only getting worse for him as time goes on. Six years is a very long time to go without changes in a game like this.

    Tempest Barrage is garbage without its augment, really slow to start, not really reliable CC or damage compared to other abilties and it is RNG based.

    Tidal Surge is Excaliburs old Slash Dash in everything but name and is just as useless.

    Undertow is quite possibly the worst ability in the entire game, as it just completely slows the pacing down to a grinding halt and takes away 90% of the games movement and fun. But you're forced to use it since it's Hydroids only real method of survivability in any mission higher than level 30.

    Tentacle Swarm is also useless as it is completely reliant on enemy AI/RNG after the initial casting and since the maps are becoming wider and more open world, it just makes the power even more useless.

    Hydroid is trash and the overwhelming majority of players agree. This is backed up by data on top of general consensus.

    Your post should be renamed;

    "Please fix Hydroid"

  13. Warframe is a pure power fantasy game. It stopped being traditionally challenging a while ago and that is completely fine. It's a break from the mainstream games where you always feel like leveling up is completely pointless as the enemies feel the exact same even when you're at max level, like Destiny.

    With Warframe you start off shooting spitballs at the enemies, but then you grow and essentially become a one-shot God. Its great and it actually feels like it rewards you for investment.

    I like blowing off steam by being an all-powerful, death-defying Void God who wipes entire squads out of existence with a simple flick of the wrist.

    If you seek challenge, there are plenty of other games out there, such as Dark Souls and the aforementioned Destiny.

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  14. 31 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    One of the issues I have with him is remembering to apply Thrall on enemies effected by Mesmer Skin so I dont waste energy.

    Would be better if we were to merge those two powers and make a new 1st?

    You mean enemies who shoot you automatically become Enthralled? Good idea, but DE might think it a little too overpowered.

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