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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    Haha, totes man. I was so stunned! Darvos lucky we cant take weapons into the relay, I woulda slapped him silly.

    don't slap him, he's onto something. if people are that thick, i should set up stalls beside him. lato and braton only 40p each for a limited time!

  2. 1 minute ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    Iv been hoping this was the case as void farming was a lil bit tedious.

    As for people having sense?!?

    A few weeks ago Darvo was selling a skana, a normal, run of the mill skana, for 30 plat. And it sold. Most, if not ALL of them, sold.

    Dont talk to me about sense ;p

    really? wow, whoever spends 30p on a skana shouldn't be allowed to have financial independence xD

    guess some parts of the community aren't a sensible as i thought.

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    Im not sure about the only ones, as plat isnt that hard to make with a bit of void farming (although I cant speak for the new SotR system, as we dotn have it yet on PS4

    However yes, I have seen some ridiculous prices, but I laugh and move on...

    well actually I laugh anyway as I am not the kind of player who spends plat on that, I recently bought the Vauban prime pack (I love my frenchie!) and with it I get over 2k plat, most of this will go on weapon and warframe slots and a bit on catys.

    thats what i use my plat on as well. the new void system makes it dead easy to farm, so anyone charging a high price doesn't have much sense.


  4. 1 hour ago, Nashucus said:

    But also I just wanted to mention what do you think about the fact that the operator was kinda forced on us. It would kind of been nice to keep the operator on the moon safe and sound honestly

    well the moon was falling out of the void which caused most of its structures to collapse and the corpus and grineer are fighting over it. if either one of those factions discover the operators, that's it, game over. they're much safer in our lisets imo.

  5. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    Im not sure what you mean by only the few with 10k plat. edit: as in, Im not sure of its relevance to what I said.

    I dislike trading as I find people inherently dishonest (not meaning they would trick me, but people are greedy)

    However, its not hard to earn plat in this game and I agree with selling it cheap is a good way to get a good rep with people

    i meant that the only people who like spending over 100p on prime sets are the ones with a lot of plat in the first place. i'm definitely not paying over 100p for a prime set, i want to save my plat. 

    you can either charge a stereotypical high price or sell it cheap which like you said, makes you popular and more people come to you.

  6. 24 minutes ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    I like that you put your price up, kudos and respect.

    Dont worry about those "hundreds" of potential customers, theres plenty of fish in the sea ;)

    Yea only the few with like over 10k plat who don't mind forking out over 100p for a prime set. or you could have smart business sense and make it cheaper so all of those people come to you for cheap prime sets, so in fact you make more thank you ever could selling them cheap rather than sticking to the 1% of Warframe

    thats my strategy anyway and it works like a charm. cheaper sets attracts more customers

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mobb-Deep said:

    well ive noticed console prices are half the price so idk lol pc players greedy

    Personally I've never had to pay more than 90p for an ash prime set. my console buddy paid even less

  8. 120plat for ash prime is damn high. at least on consoles. they're worth 60-90. maybe lower your price a little more.

    1 minute ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

    Those "potential customers" are scum. Above all else, I value my pride and want to keep it, even if I lose a bit of plat. So, those that abuse the Ignore button can all go to hell for all I care.

    well you're certainly never going to start a successful business

  9. 1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    You may complain that I am putting words in your mouth if you want, but I will point out that twice in a row, I said "Making a hypothetical 'Umbra Chamber' mandatory for all players would be a bad idea," and twice in a row you answered not by saying "yeah, it should be optional," instead saying "but it would be really cool."


    "Making an 'Umbra Chamber' mandatory for all players would be a bad idea." ----->    "But it would be really cool."


    See how that might create the wrong impression?


    You may have wanted to say "It would be really cool to have as an option." That is not what you said, though.

    Depends on perspective. I never specifically said it should be mandatory did I? anyway at the beginning I did say it should be optional. not directly, but I didn't word my message in a way that said "this is what I think is cool, if you don't like it you're an idiot." like mk said you're putting words in my mouth.

    like I said; I'm just sharing my thoughts and that's all they are. try not to be so negative.

  10. 2 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

    You admitted to have read spoilers, many now know of the fact you know something they don't. Ergo, when you say something like "...this makes me think he'll be in the War Within mmmmmm..." just gives off the impression that you're probably spoiling something while trying to be crafty about it. This is me at least, I don't know about others.

    at least he's not spelling the whole thing out right.

  11. 8 hours ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

    The sassyness level is OVER 9000!!!! No but seriously Your not making anyone agree with you and I can see that. I'm defending you because I hate when people shove word in my mouth so I'm guessing you aren't to happy right now either.

    yea for some reason this guy thinks I'm trying to force everyone to accept something when I'm really not 

    I'm not a jehovahs witness xD

  12. 43 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Yeah, which is why if you look back at my suggestion? It's that players should be able to choose how they allocate the chambers of the lower deck. Here, please take a look at what I actually wrote: "If, when we get access to the lower decks, it is an option to rebuild the section below and choose what to do with rooms, that's fine, and cool, and peeps should definitely do it if they want to."


    When it's come up in the past, I've actually made a similar suggestion regarding the Operator physical therapy room: If you want to build it, then you choose to build it, at the cost of some resources, credits, and probably a Forma. Building it means that your Operator regenerates and becomes the default body for walking around the Orbiter.


    See? Choice.


    Similarly, no-one is forced to breed Kubrows or Kavats. 




    You get what I am saying, right?


    Look, this is going to sound a little patronising, but I have to ask: you do get that it is possible for someone to disagree with you, right? Not just to misunderstand you, or for them to fail to realise how cool it would be? That people can fully understand you, can see exactly what you mean, and can still think it's a bad idea for their own reasons? And that the best way to resolve disagreements like this between players is to not force one player's preferences on others?



    I'm just sharing my opinion. no one has to agree with it that is why it is an opinion.

    youre right it would be a good idea for them to implement a dojo-like customisation system into the ship. there's plenty of room anyway.

    im not forcing anything on anyone I never said "hey you guys should like this!" I'm just saying my piece. 

    yea I do know people can disagree with me thanks. I'm not specifically asking them to agree with me.

  13. 1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    I feel like you are now deliberately not listening.


    If your counter-argument starts with the premise "But Umbra is cool...." then stop, pull back, and please try to think about this from outside of your own perspective. I am going to repeat myself: Not every player in the game thinks that Umbra is the coolest Warframe and needs to be a core part of everyone's experience.


    Please. try again.

    i'm saying it would be cool to see a room full of sentient warframes whether it be umbra or the normal ones. idc i just want to see my frost walking around my liset.

    not everyone wants kavats and kubrows to be a core part of their experience either mate.

  14. 7 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:


    If, when we get access to the lower decks, it is an option to rebuild the section below and choose what to do with rooms, that's fine, and cool, and peeps should definitely do it if they want to. However, it is perfectly possible to think that Excalibur Umbra is a pretty neat Warframe, and to want to pilot it, without wanting DE to effectively say to the players "Hey, we heard you thought Excal Umbra was cool, so we installed it permanently into all of your Orbiters. Have fun."

    Basically, it is fine to think that Umbra is a really cool Warframe. It is kinda not fine to think that it should be mandatory for everyone to be super hyped for Umbra and that it should be a core part of everyone's game.

    but wouldn't it be cool if when we get more umbras they all hang out in that one space, doing there own stuff until we eventually use one of them? like loki umbra, frost umbra or maybe even nezha umbra. hanging out in a cool room separated from the rest. i mean just because we have one room dedicated to umbras doesn't mean the whole ship has been taken up by it right. i never even knew it was that big. it's basically the same with what you suggested with pets. "hey we heard some of you guys like pets so we're going to shove a room full of kavats and kuborws in your face". not saying i would hate that but you've undermined your own point by saying you don't want something that you personally don't like shoved in your face, but you do want a different thing shoved in your face.

  15. 3 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Right, but I can think of several different rooms, right off the top of my head,  which I would be far more interested in having aboard my Orbiter before I'd want a room dedicated solely to Umbra.


    - Meditative garden.

    - Rifle range.

    - Physical therapy room for the Operator.

    - A more comfortable, pseudo-natural habitat for Kubrows and Kavats.

    um for option one we have dojos. option two we have the similacrum (can't spell it) the third is just pointless as we're not here to watch our operator doing cardio and the fourth is kind of unnecessary as well. since the ship is that big i'm sure a room for umbra can be added without it getting in anyones way. didn't de say that theinfested side doors would open in U19?


    3 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


    there are other lore that bring into question if this was deliberate or accidental. we are not sure if the flesh puppets are dolls or "alive" because the second dreams end the frame breaks war while operators unconscious. so that  brings in new questions on the frames themselves

    ah. this games lore is real interesting. almost as interesting as dark souls lol

  16. 5 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Bear in mind that I'm debating this with folks who genuinely seem to want a huge chunk of everyone's Orbiter dedicated to a 'frame that not everyone wants. 

    Seriously. Please take a look back over this. I am attempting to point out to the people in this thread that not everyone in the game is super hyped for Umbra or wants to dedicate an entire room of their Orbiter to it. That is being interpreted as being negative about the whole idea of Umbra. Please try to accept that it really, truly is the case that a lot of players aren't interested, and should not be forced to have a section of their core gameplay, their player character's home base, dedicated to this thing.

    I am interested in Umbra, and if it's a 'frame which can be acquired, then I'll definitely go get one! I just don't want it shoved down my throat and installed into a part of my Orbiter which could be used for other things, regardless of my wishes.

    I'm just going to return to this point, and wait patiently to see if someone will acknowledge it: It is possible to be interested in Umbra, while still thinking that dedicating an entire room of the Orbiter to it is a bad idea and is going too far. In addition to this, not everyone in the game is super hyped for Umbra. Making it so that a huge part of everyone's player experience is dedicated to something which not everyone wants is going a bit far.

    fine fair enough. i personally wouldn't mind an npc frame somewhere in my orbiter doing its own thing. it'd add a bit more life to the place imo. i do agree with the sentiment that other peoples preferences shouldn't be forced down other peoples throats. like people who want to nerf everything


    3 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    in all honesty weve barely see much of it .....



    holy crap that's our ship?

  17. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    pretty much, the lore and mechanics to be added has us all sitting back and wondering what it could mean, change, alter?

    i think many of us viewed our frames in a different light before the operator, if umbra is to change that view further for good or bad it will change it in how we perceive them 

    i only joined this game like a few months ago so i don't really know much of the lore here, but from what i can tell is that we're teens controlling flesh puppets kind of like avatar and that we got powers from this weird space place called the void. that's pretty much what i've learnt atm. am i wrong?

  18. 3 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    You do understand, right, that not everyone is actually interested in Umbra? Really. It's basically a vocal somewhat-minority who insist that Umbra is the coolest thing ever.

    see this is the negative tone you project in your comments. this right here makes it seem like you're just like 'meh umbra ain't that great' not saying you are saying that its just the impression you're giving off dude

  19. 5 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    See also my edited message. I want to see Umbra implemented.....just, not in a way which would be bad for the game. Forcing Umbra into everyone's Orbiter would be bad for the game. Making Umbra massively overpowered would be bad for the game.

    true points there. but after reading through the beginning of this ridiculously long thread it seems clear to me that in the beginning everyone seemed to want it purely for looks. i'm still new to fashionframe but i can see the appeal. umbra does look pretty good. if only i'd had enough money to purchase that glowing syandana seen in the video :'(

    i'm not claiming to be an expert on this but it seems a lot of people here wanted it to just be put in immediately at the start. haven't seen anybody requesting this guy be made op. but i still have 175 pages left to go xD

  20. 3 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    You see, that's the part which people fail to understand, over and over and over again.

    I am deeply interested in Umbra. I am fascinated by the idea of what kinds of insight into the setting can be carried into the game with it. I like the notion that it might shake up some of our perceptions of how things work. I am interested in Umbra.

    I'm just not hyped for Umbra, and when people who have hype come into contact with people who don't, the people with hype tend to interpret lack of hype as being actively against it. Do you understand now?

    probably the reason why people fail to understand is because the way you present your messages is kind of negative. just sayin it makes it seem like you really don't care for umbra. i'm not that hyped either. i'm more hyped for fairy frame and the quest itself. 

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