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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Also, remember that you're getting this perspective from the Umbra thread, where everyone gathers to complain about delays and swap tinfoil hat conspiracies about how the game is doomed, doomed!...unless DE release Umbra.

    not really. my console friends were complaining about it long before I joined. in fact their whining was what caused me to look this game up the first place xD 


    1 minute ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Fair enough. But there's nothing to worry about, mate.

    As for Parkour 1.0, it was basically people only running 1 melee weapon, and then flipping at lightspeed across the map. Very broken and unfair, and it limited melee choice.

    really? that sounds fun. flipping around at light speed.

  2. 6 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Look at the quality of current, 'long-wait' updates, compared to older updates. While we do wait longer on these major updates, we get much more content, that content is far more game-changing, and we get huge amounts of lore now. Not only that, but in between the wait, we get little bits of new content that keep people happy.

    Overall, in the numbers, such quests are good for Warframe, as they're what really attract people to Warframe. Worry not.

    I was more attracted to Warframe because of how cool you can make your character look with all the accessories and the weapon variety. lores kind of on the back burner for me. 


    6 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    I disagree. It's not like they just shell out quests every six months and that's it. We get major changes. You didn't even see Parkour 1.0, or damage 1.0. The game changes drastically with major updates and usually for the better. Not to mention we get things inbetween and the 0.5 updates are usually huge.

    point taken. they are introducing major new mechanics in war within. also what did parkour 1 look like? 

  3. 1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

    Yes, they're worth it. They don't just spend time on the quest. They've rebuilt the game's mechanics in the last major updates.


    Also that post shows that the time between major updates has been fairly consistent.

    Update 17 to 18 was from July to December

    Depending on the amount of content created depends on how long it takes for the update to roll out. 

    15 to 16 was from October of 2014 to March of 2015. The earlier updates didn't push out as much content as these do. They take time. Don't rush them.

    fair enough. it just seems like the game is kind of dead from the waiting in my experience. I have a few console buddies and they've stopped playing entirely. im a little concerned that a lot of people especially the vets are experiencing heavy burnout and "Warframe fatigue".

  4. 11 minutes ago, BlazerEraser said:

    Right, but it's not like they did nothing between 2nd dream and War Within, and all quests before were just gimmicks.

    It's nice to have SOME semblance of quality story telling.

    I'm all for quality story telling but waiting half a year for each quest? I know de work hard on them, I'm not saying they don't. but i feel like the wait for these quests really hurt the game overall. i mean the appeal of Warframe as an tpsmmo is that it updates regularly with fun updates. 

    but since the second dream they've set a bar for themselves and imo it just seems a little high for a game of this type.

  5. I joined only three months ago but from what i can tell, before the second dream there were no cinematic quests and major updates were rolled out like five times a year.

    now de are a small studio when compared to other devs, so these new cinematic quests must take a long time for them. my question is, is it really worth it? I mean don't get me wrong i love this game and it's lore, but when I look back at all these previous updates it seems like de were doing a lot more before they got enough funds for a mocap studio (I think that's what it's called correct me if I'm wrong), thus gaining the ability to do cinematic quests.

    the second dream came out in December last year. it's now july, Sven months later and we've only now getting the last part of a major update.

    idk it just seems like de arent really fit for cinematic quests. they're definitely good, but will it always be half a year for each major update from now on?

  6. apparently before I joined this game had major updates like five times each year. the last update came out in december. It's nowJuly and were only just getting the last part of a major update. I have a feeling no one will want to play Warframe if the new cinematic quests take this long. like mk said, it's pretty much dead on xbox. ps4 not too bad and PC is okay.

    ive still got loads of weapons and frames to grind to I'm okay for now. but I am worried I'll get really bored waiting seven months for a new update.

  7. Just now, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    well .....part of the metamorphosis theory a concept that we sacrifice a vanilla frame (or its parts) to gain the umbra or we have a trial that turns a vanilla to umbra ... (few variations back and forth) or earn umbra parts from trials/quests

    but aren't umbras supposed to be dark primes or something like that? and primes are the original frames so you can't upgrade a vanilla to a prime. lore wise it doesn't make sense.

    idk it sounds cool but im a little confused how it would fit in lore wise

  8. 9 hours ago, Erebus_Nacht said:

    I meant to write "Focus" Points not Umbra points, steve had mentioned Focus "maybe" <<<< being part of umbra, then I said if anything it'll be some sort of resource power up that changes a warframe into it's Umbra Variant. All this umbra rambling is just wild speculation based on the very light explanations from past devstreams. I also posted pictures that were photoshopped to english from the original chinese so english speakers could under stand, the translated files have been out there for a long time now. "Talking crap" < This is why I don't frequent the forums, I thought we could have a better discussion like I do with people on the Warframe Reddit. =( 

    sry if I came across as rude but it did seem like you were pulling that concept out of your behind. I've been skimming through these pages and no one has mentioned anything about upgrading a regular frame to an umbra.

  9. 3 hours ago, Erebus_Nacht said:

    No Moderator said that, he was saying to be civil and I agree.

    19 hours ago, NovusNova said:

    They have not mentioned anything to do with "Umbra Points" that is a player made suggestion or concept being passed of as "official".

    nova stated in a very civil way that you're talking crap.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Erebus_Nacht said:

    The Chinese Founder Nikana was "primed Nikana" We recieved Nikana Prime, The Kunai Prime we can't get do to Chinese Founders exclusivity was a skin swap and became Spira Prime. Ways to get around the Exclusivity while still giving global the same assets, since DE loves to make sure we all get to enjoy all the cool things they make. 

    The whole Umbra delay seems to be about getting in the game in a way people would enjoy, they've mentioned it being a focus choice, transform a warframe into umbra with umbra points. They seems to not want it to be another prime part farm, if anything it'll be some sort of resource power up that changes a warframe into it's Umbra Variant. All this umbra rambling is just wild speculation based on the very light explanations from past devstreams.

    what? where did they say anything about "umbra points"? And how could these change a Warframe into an umbra?

  11. 34 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

    Believe me, I'm calm. If you somehow interpreted my post as angry, well that's you. About the second part, sorry, but you're wrong about that as multiple users have blatantly posted spoilers with no regard or consideration for others. Many times have mods and admins cleaned the thread. Pardon me for trying to prevent another similar situation from occuring, because if it's to continue, this thread will be inevitably locked.

    Regardless of that, if what's been found happens to be true (for War Within or not), some will realize it not far long into the update. Datamined logs can still be considered spoilers even if not finalized.

    Have you read the spoilers?

  12. Just now, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    I mean in his trade chat posts sorry. If someone doesnt name their price upfront for all to see then I wouldnt even bother considering it.

    yea definitely. i don't trade with people who don't put their prices upfront. i think most people don't do it though because the want to reel in customers into talking to them first, try to haggle a little then sell it. the op probably knows 120p for ash prime isn't cheap otherwise he would have included it in his trade posts, not leave it ambiguous  

  13. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    Wait I misunderstood. I thought he was putting the price with the post!

    If not I call that a timewaster. Im only gonna be tempted if someone is upfront with the price, otherwise Im certain they will be greedy and try and squeeze as much plat as they can from people.

    @Mobb-Deep If someone offered you 500plat for a prime set u were planning to sell for 150plat, would you accept it?


    He did he said he was selling ash prime for 120p which he thinks is cheap. which it isn't in my experience.

  14. 1 minute ago, Nashucus said:

    so maybe the war within will be as important

    well it will have to be. i mean the second dream set a bar for them. if they go for anything less people will be disappointed. i'm kind of dreading that actually, considering its been half a year since the last major update, that means these quests are going to take such a long time to develop.

  15. Just now, (PS4)AnaLoGMunKy said:

    If you cant beat em, join em, lol.

    in all seriousness though, i'm glad i only trade with smart people looking for a good bargain. no offence to op but when he puts 'selling ash prime cheap' he shouldn't be surprised when people come to him with offers of like 50p -80p. customers being rude is uncalled for though.

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