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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 15 minutes ago, Gamer3548 said:

    Well, that will be a decision we make during the quest. You got 2 sides to choose from and you can only choose one.

    I don't think that'll happen. The Lotus is too popular a character. Teshin's kind of like a side salad.

  2. 16 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

    Either on Friday or release day.

    Looks like the whole War Within and Silver Grove stuff has made DE's animation team take a hit :P

    Hardly surprised really. Prime Access isn't their top priority. Still I hope it comes out before the day of release.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    Yes it is, and people frequently complain about it. The difference is that WoF doesn't scale well, so that people can't nuke entire maps in the sorties as ember. If that weren't the case then ember would literally be a "press 4 to win" frame and it would deserve a hard nerf.

    For the first fifteen minutes of any mission, WoF can kill things pretty easily and at very long range. It's the same principle.

    1 hour ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    No, of course not. But the argument is the same. The reason why it's not okay is just different. The point is that saying "I find it fun" and "It's a PVE game" do not excuse all behavior no matter how inconsiderate. While the spamulor doesn't block shots, it does make it hard to see and aim. When you're (generic you, again) in a defense mission and the mirage is running around the entire room spamming vortices there's simply no way to "move past them."

    No it is not the same at all. Frosts globe completely blocks your shots. Vortex doesn't. That is the bottom line.

    You are correct in saying that not all behaviour is acceptable in a PVE game, but this argument of "I can't see enemies so you shouldn't use that" is completely ridculous. I bet if the Simulor's effects were turned down completely you'd still complain about not getting the most kills. Like I said, it takes less than a few seconds to move beyond a vortex and get a good shot, so instead of sitting there trying to squint through it and crying when you can't, why don't you just move? In defence missions just simply find a spot and stay there. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    Here's one: 1

    Here's another: 2

    And one more for good measure: 3

    1. Do Vortexs block your shots like Forsts bubbles? No. I know people who actually don't complain at all when they have a Spamulor in their squad because they are constantly moving from one area to the next and moving beyond the vortexs.

    2. I have already addressed that:

    1 hour ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

    Why is your fun more important than the Mirage's fun? It can go both ways. They aren't doing anything illegal, they're enjoying themselves which is the whole damn point of a video game. Not every single player is an inconsiderate #$&(% and I'm sorry, but even if you do nerf the Simulor, there will always be douchebags. They aren't going anywhere. They'll find different ways to be douches.

    3. Same principle with Ember's WoF. If *generic you* brings an Ember and just spams WoF running around the map passively burning everything to crisp, you are also taking away other peoples fun. Yet she's not getting any nerf is she? Neither do I want her to get one, as there are people who just use WoF in solely an realy enjoy without annoying other people.

    14 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    And then, of course, there's the fact that the combo is not only incredibly powerful but has the lowest skillcap of and setup in the game. No aiming, skill, or situational awareness required. just click M1 while running in circles. At least WoF takes energy...

    This last bit is the sort of thing you would say to a teacher if you were caught out doing something bad. "Well at least WoF costs energy" Really? That like me saying "Well at least the Simulor consumes ammo."

  5. 10 minutes ago, SinergyX said:

    Face it, every single mirage uses synoid.

    I don't and nether do a lot of people. Don't say stuff like that unless you have actual physical evidence to back it up.


    10 minutes ago, SinergyX said:

    Just like the other said, what about Tonky and Zephyr? I've been back with this game for about 2 months now, do a huge number of missions, yesterday for the VERY VERY first time in all those public missions.. i saw a zephyr. Even if she was the most easy deadly combo around, nobody uses zephyr anyway.

    And if the Simulor gets nerfed, what do you think people will start doing? Go to the Zephyr + Tonkor combo. People here are going on the principle of "It's too OP therefore it should be nerfed. Well since we're on that railroad, why not nerf the Tonkor and Zephyr while we're at it? I mean it's too OP right? One-shotting every enemy in the game. 


    29 minutes ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

    No, there is one vital, fundamental difference, choice.

    The game gives you all the tools you need to play with like minded people, friends lists, recruiting chat, clans etc. if the current meta upsets you, you can avoid it, you have that choice.

    Your way however negates choice, you want the other persons playstyle nerfed/removed just because you don't agree with it. Sure it can impact your fun but only if you let it, the choice is still there for you, your fun is still in your own hands. The other guy isn't complaining about your style, nor is be asking for it to be removed, Hek he is just using the tools the game gave and probably has no idea he is even upsetting you.

    You sir, deserve kudos. I wish I could upvote comments more than once.

  6. 6 hours ago, Xekrin said:

    So my fun doesn't matter since I crap on others for having fun their way yet I'm chastised for wanting to have fun too and accused of demanding others play my way while you are basically doing the same thing.  If I don't 'have fun' your way then clearly I'm unimportant.

    Okay.  Good luck with that. Nice way to belittle those who don't agree with you.  Don't bother replying as I will not feed you any longer.  


    I'm not asking others to play any specific way gameplay wise. Play any damn way you want I do not care. Just don't try and spoil other people's fun, whether you think they're OP or not. 

    You claim you're oh so laid back about it all and yet you're in the forums complaining.

  7. 1 hour ago, Redthirst said:

    Yeah, because I play PvE games to see someone else kill everything with an overpowered combo.


    1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

    It has to do with the perception of the observer and the situation.  If I take a soma prime, a notably strong weapon, or even a tonkor, an extremely strong weapon into a game and before I can even spray and pray a mirage spamulor has shot 16 times and created 50 vortexes that have not only killed everything in this level 100 sortie but also completely obscures my vision so I have no idea what's going on, then yeah it affects PVE.

    I suppose if everyone just used the same weapons on the same frame every time in every squad with no difference between anyone then it wouldn't affect the playing of others, but we don't so it does.

    Saying what happens in pve has no affect on others is just observationally wrong, meaning I see it as wrong even though you see it as perfectly okay.  Neither of us are correct because it is opinion only.

    Now If I said the sky was poka-dotted yellow made from green cotton candy and you said no its just blue, then you'd be right and I'd be wrong.

    There is a difference.

    Well then my advise to both of you is to go solo or play with friends. Since the SOTR update there is literally no reason for anyone to play public now. You don't need to farm long term Void missions where you would need to team up with random people to get the best chance of survival. If you play public, you do it of your own accord and not out of necessity.

    I know it may be unfamiliar, but you will encounter other human beings in public matches, who might actually have different ideas of fun than you. You can't go into a public game of your own will and expect everyone to play to your standards, that is both selfish and arrogant.

    Before you think about uttering the same tired line of "oh but I shouldn't be forced to play solo because I like playing public", you obviously don't, because people don't play the way you want them to. Personally I don't play Mirage + Simulor because I find it boring, that doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and just whine about how they're getting all the kills and it doesn't mean I'm going to b***h and moan when other people use it. Live and let live.

    Xekrin, you mention how a person with a Soma Prime could easily be outclassed by a Mirage with a Simulor. You do realise the Soma Prime is a rifle with infinitely better range right? In open maps you should have absolutely zero trouble taking out enemies before a Mirage, if you actually bother to put the effort in. The Simulor is very limited in range you know.

    Redthirst, I suggest you get good. I have absolutely no problem matching a Mirage with a Simulor and believe me, I've had a few encounters. It all comes down to whether or not you have the mindset of a quitter or the mindset of a skilled player.

  8. 1 minute ago, bowiespoon said:

    Joke's on you, they're all me. I killed you unarmed, it took a lot of tries.......

    Well at least you got there in the end. Maybe another dogged contender will use the same method.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

    A can opener is better for opening a can than a multitool. Sure, the multitool can open a can, but you'll have a much easier time with the can opener.

    A genius way of summing up this entire situation in a nutshell.

  10. 2 hours ago, King said:

    Abusing a weapon means you're not playing the game like how people want you to.

    Literally this. The word "abuse" doesn't really count for anything in a PVE game. In PVP it might do, but for other people to point fingers at you and claim that you're "abusing" a weapon to "trivialise content" have absolutely no right when it is not directly affecting them, such as PVP. It's people who claim that they "have the games best interests at heart" who are the ones who get so up-tight when they see you having fun.

    Just the other day I was using the Tonkor to one-shot high level eximus units so my team could survive in the mission just that little bit longer. Next thing I know, I get a PM from a member of the team telling me I wasn't paying the game the right way and that I was "too OP". Dude, I just saved your ungrateful backside and had fun while doing it, who are you to tell me I'm not playing the game properly if I'm actually having fun.

  11. 5 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    At this rate, we can only agree to disagree. I can only agree that his passive is undeniably forceful and practically useless, so there's that. 

    The main thing is we both want Oberon to be buffed and to be able to stand on his own two feet, rather than standing in the footprints of other frames.

  12. 8 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    But my point still stands that people don't need a Trinity in their squad, it make things easier for them but it's definitely not a need.

    That's true, but saying all frames can make use of the rage mod and Zenurik isn't.

    8 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    *can completely incapacitate an enemy at a time. It's great and all, but it's the lil plus point that counts. He can't do things as good as others, but he can do things others can't.

    Yes he can incapacitate multiple enemies. For four seconds.....

    8 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    Yes I am aware that Link exists. I can effectively turn Oberon into a moderate tank as well with the proper modding but let's honest, in a situation where a room is full of energy leeches, Trinity would be the one that's gonna get mauled to death first before Oberon.

    Oberon cannot be the same level of tank Trinity is, no matter how much you mod for him. Her 75% damage reduction to herself AND allies will always outshine him.


    9 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    I'm not comparing religion to Warframe entirely, but more on your premise of "If everyone believes so, it is so". And sure Oberon's not the best in the game, I would know. I enjoy his jack of all trades role, makes it less of a hassle for me to decide should I bring x or y frame to the game. Master of none but better than a master of one. If you had Oberon's current role removed in favor of a more specialized role, then it won't really feel like Oberon again. You can go on and say Oberon is beyond salvation and requires a complete change to his kit that removes his all rounder theme, but for me he just a need some tuning to two or three (Smite is perfect as it is) of his abilities and he's all good.

    Video games are far different from contexts like religion. When a majority believe that something in a video game is bad, it's generally because it is and they have actual evidence to back it up. As in they can show you numbers and say "Hey Oberon isn't as useful as (Insert frame here) because so and so."

    How is a master of none better than a master of one? By definition that doesn't even make any sense. Being a specialist in Warframe is what counts. Trinity is good at healing, Inaros is good at taking bombard missiles to the face and barely being scratched, Chroma buffs your weapons, Frost provides cover and CC, Nyx provides CC for herself and a team, etc etc.

    They tried to make Oberon an all-rounder, but they couldn't make him too powerful otherwise what would be the point in using other frames? And that right there is the main reason why he should not be an all-rounder (IMO). He's been made purposely weak because of the very theme he wants embody. If Oberon could blind enemies for 40 seconds, what would be the point in using Excalibur? If he could heal himself and whole teams instantly with the push of a button, why use Trinity? If he could instantly smash high level enemies with Reckoning, why use Ash? If Smite had huge damage, extremely long range why would you use Ember? You see what I mean. If Oberon was like that I know I certainly wouldn't touch other frames.

    If he truly was an 'all-rounder' he would most likely outshine every other frame in the game, as he can cover all the basics, so DE effectively make him useless. This is why I think his 'all-rounder' theme, should change. Not completely rework it so it's like we're playing a different frame altogether, just make him focus on being more of a debuff to enemies and a buff to allies kind of thing, like an actual paladin. Maybe his laughable passive could be replaced with an in-built Corrosive Projection mod. Maybe they could rework his carpet ability so that all players get the armour and get to keep even if they leave the carpet. And the armour bonus was buffed too. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Urlan said:

    A majority of people being wrong doesn't make things right. It just means that an opinion is popular. Yes, many players think Oberon is garbage, this is incorrect and usually said because as a warframe, Oberon is a jack of all trades instead of a specialist. If players had used Oberon they would realize he is not the best at any role because as an all-rounder he is not meant to be. A skilled player uses the tools to do the job they need to accomplish that job. If that player needs a specialty tool, they exist; if the team needs roles they are not capable of covering, Oberon exists. His damage is not low, while not the highest, he deals status, and can remove status while giving armor buffs to allies. Comparing Oberon to Trinity is comparing the best healer to the second best healer - a healer that can still carry his own weight without enemies to Link, self damaging silliness, or hugging allies now to be within range for the superior heal to work. It is better to compare Oberon to other warframes with similar uses, Equinox, Hydroid with Curative Undertow; Nezha; and Limbo with his Haven augment - even in some manners Fire Chroma with his Elemental Ward. Oberon is not alone in being an all-rounder though the others don't have his flexibility without help.

    Oberon could use additions, or tweaks, this is true enough. Oberon's last buff to his survival stats increase was overshadowed all the enemies getting buffed right after as I mentioned earlier. Most warframes however don't scale, its odd to think that Oberon would be different in this respect. With the exception of warframes that have non fixed values, Loki, Nova, Trinity to name the most popular of these; all warframes have a point where they hit the wall. The only fix for that situation is improving the game balance but that is a different discussion; instead, we must consider what the warframe of balance needs in this current environment. Are we saying we want Oberon to further embrace his Paladin side and become more tanky and healing or do we want to see his spell-casting Druid/healer side? Both have pros and cons, however neither would really change the situation of people wanting an all-rounder to be something he is not.

    Being the jack-of-all-trades may be good in other games, such as single player RPGs, but Warframe is an online MMO RPG and every player is assigned a specific role in squads just like other MMOs such as WoW. What do you mean by "if the team needs roles they not are capable of covering, Oberon exists." Oberon cannot cover every single role in the game. He's not a god frame. In Warframe there is no second best if you want to do serious missions. A high level team will always have a variety of Warframes at their disposal. I have never once seen in the recruitment chat "Need Oberon.". He is a beginner frame and by the time people end up doing serious raids and high level missions, they generally have a good idea about how the game works and that Oberon isn't exactly the most useful of choices when in a squad. Never once in a raid squad has anyone requested an Oberon. Which like I said before, is a damn shame.

    The armour buff is laughable as you need to stand within the tiny light carpet to keep that buff and you cannot afford to stand still in high level missions otherwise you will be one-shotted. No one wants to be an all-rounder as being good a one thing and focusing on it in this game is the best way to go. I mean if you're a Loki, you're not going to charge headlong into a group of Corrupted Bombards inside a Nullifier bubble are you. Maybe you know people who actually use Limbo and his Haven augment to actually help people, in my case all I have seen are trolls. Teabagging downed players while they are invincible.

    I absolutely loved playing Oberon. But when I started actually grinding for big rewards, like in Sorties, I had to constantly focus on keeping myself alive rather than completing the actual objective. Getting other frames such as Excalibur, Chroma, Inaros, Loki and Trinity made the job so much easier and actually lifted the weight off my shoulders.

    If DE do give Oberon a rework, they should completely take away the all-rounder theme. Make him into something new and fresh. Give him his own unique playstyle rather than painstakingly pretending to be multiple things at once. 

  14. 3 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    Sure that not every frame can synergize well with Zenurik and Rage, but I am specifically referring to Oberon right now.

    That's not the point. You said that "most people don't need a Trinity" because of Zenurik and Rage, which is untrue.

    3 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    Smite can rad proc and knockdown the initial stagger along with staggering nearby targets while Reckoning momentarily disable enemy auras, and the rad procs aren't nullified by Nullifiers so that's plus point compared to Nyx's Chaos. 

    Meanwhile EV and WoL can completely incapacitate enemies for the duration of the ability. Now you're comparing Nyx's chaos to his rad procs? I'm sorry but you're diving into the realms of pure fantasy with that one. Sure Nullifiers can break the chaos ability on enemies but can Oberon lock down entire rooms with his rad procs for nearly a minute? No he cannot.

    3 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    Still better CC than Trinity that could ensure survivability, and he's less squishy too.

    Okay now you've made me laugh. Less squishy? Trinity with a Link build gives her 75% damage reduction. So she effectively becomes a tank. 

    3 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    If you want him to be a main healer, by all means go ahead. Renewal still has an infinitely better range than Blessing's shared affinity range albeit slow projectiles. And if you want more healers, go for Inaros, Nezha, Equinox, Nekros, Hydroid or even flipping Limbo if you wanna heal teammates but in a different manner, but if what you're looking for is a literal genderbend Trinity then you won't be seeing it in this game ever.

    The difference is that Blessing returns 80% of her and allies health and shields instantly. Renewal provides it over time and in Warframe, time is of the essence. That is what makes Trinity superior to Oberon.Not to mention Blessing also grants allies 75% damage reduction as well.

    Maybe Oberon will never get to the same level as Trinity, which is a shame.

    3 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    And guess what? Majority believes Noah's Ark is legit, must be true then!

    Now you're just being silly. Comparing religion to a video game. Unlike religion, video games tend to have facts and numbers to back up debates such as this. You're just clutching at straws. It is a common fact that Oberon is not the best frame in the game, this is backed up by play testing and overall common sense. He's trying to be too many things at once and subsequently spreads himself too thin. He's got a little bit of everything in him, but that's just the problem; it's a little bit.

    When Pheonix Renewal came out, I actually thought they'd done Oberon justice. But the augment turned out to be next to useless with that insultingly long cooldown. They tried to copy Wukong's Defy only they took out the immortality part.


  15. 33 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    I mained Oberon since the day he was released, which is for almost three years. I dare say that his CC is above Trinity's. Trinity is less likely to survive an onslaught of Infested being buffed by Healers and Disruptors aura especially when the aforementioned Ancients are hidden somewhere while Oberon can disable them.

    And I don't exactly see how Trinity buff squads? Sure she gives energy, but with Zenurik and Rage a Trinity ain't even a big deal in my squad. As for the healing part it's understandable that Oberon shouldn't heal as perfect as Trinity, otherwise that'll defeat her purpose of being the main healer of the game. As long as you keep a sharp eye on your teammates health and cast Renewal at the right time, all's good for the squad.

    Trinity and Oberon can't be as good as each other because they require different playstyles. Also:

    1. Yes the skin is amazing.

    2. There's a difference between being an actual paladin and paladin/druid-themed. A rework/change to his HG and Renewal would still be nice but he's far from being in the sh*tty pothole most players would like to believe

    3. That's sexist.

    Glory to Deer Goat Ninja Jesus

    Zenurik and Rage are selective additions to the game. Not every frame is suited for those. Tanks like Chroma and Inaros make incredible use of the rage mod and Zenuruk energy as they can take more than a few hits.

    Oberons CC is very, very limited. A tiny blind that might as well not be there and a rad proc that doesn't last long enough for it to be useful. Trinitys has damage reduction so she'd do much better at survival than him.

    Why does here only have to be one main healer? Why not two? Then you won't be forced to pick the best as there will be no "best".

    If most people believe he's in a sh*tty pothole, then he is. That's why it's called the majority. 

    Also how on earth is it sexist for me to say I'm male and don't like being forced to play female characters? That's like saying a man who is being forced to wear a dress is sexist for protesting against it. I've always felt more comfortable playing male characters in my entire gaming experience. 

  16. 5 hours ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    Oberon can't heal as good as Trinity does yes, but take note Obe can damage, buff via Smite Infusion, status removal, knockdown immunity and CC in a way Trinity can't. Just my two cents on Oberon vs Trinity.

    Yes, other frames are better, but again he can be versatile too. All it takes is the right player who wishes to explore and bring the best out of him, of course that doesn't mean there ain't any room for improvements for him.

    As someone who mained Oberon for the first two months of playing this game, before picking up other frames, I can safely say his CC is pretty laughable.

    Trinity can damage enemies with her EV and WoL abilities. Clearing status procs isn't really a priority when you have a Trinity as she can just keep buffing you right back up again.

    Also Trinity doesn't need an Augment to buff allies. She can stand in her own two feet from the start. Oberon is basically Trinity's little brother. He'll get there one day hopefully. 

    I really want him to be as good as Trinity for a number of reasons;

    1. His alternate skin looks amazing.

    2. He's supposed to be a space paladin/Druid who can dish out nice damage and heal pretty well. Oberon is not quite there yet.

    3. I don't really like playing characters that don't conform with my gender. I like playing support classes and would happily give Trinity for Oberon if he was good, but right now he's a laughing stock compared to her. So I'm being forced to use a female frame as she's the only good squad healer in the game.

    Please DE buff the space paladin!

  17. 3 minutes ago, GiraffaYandereBeetle said:

    There's like 2 millions players in the game, how sure are you that all of them shares the same mindset as you do?

    Wouldn't exactly say that nobody wants to play Hydroid, but more of some players either have better options or different playstyles. I can put a Hydroid next to Chroma but I'll still see players going for Hydroid because they prefers his moveset. Besides, Chroma is a Mighty Glacier/Lightning Bruiser and Hydroid's a Master of None, can't really compare them can you now?

    I'm not saying that everyone hates Hydroid. I'm sure there are people who like playing him. 

    Its just a universal fact that he isn't a very good frame in terms of usefulness. I mean he would never be as useful to a squad as a Loki. The same way Oberon could never be as useful as Trinity in squad play.

    As a solo frame, he would probably hold up. But then again you have Ash, Excalibur, Inaros, Chroma, Mesa etc.

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