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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 3 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

    I didn't imply that you didn't play him at all. I am just saying that he is obviously not a frame for you. He is great in the right hands.

    How so? As Tactical Potato once said, all he can do is 'slightly annoy' high level enemies. I've only seen one Hydroid in my entire time here and even then it was at Draco and all he did was sit there passively leeching points.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

    Obviously you don't know how to play Hydroid. Not everyone needs Shadow Step as a crutch.

    I have played him thank you very much. He's awful. His panic abilities are a puddle and a water version of slash dash. The tentacle swarm is outclassed by every other CC ability in the game.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

    Oberon isn't a "bad" frame. There is no such thing as a "bad" frame when put into the right hands. Is there even a point to this thread? All i see is this thread encouraging players to mock and belittle Oberon players because they don't like him. 

    Even if Hydroid was in experienced hands, he wouldn't last very long without Shadow Step. There are some frames in this game that are worse than others. That's fact. Just like the Lato is worse than Lex Prime.


    2 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Click bait title is click bait.

    Because Oberon isn't bad, he just suffers a bit from old age like all older frames.

    Make him focus more on being unique from others, not trying to be others.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:


    Speaking of Inaros there is power creep to the max lol. I really like Oberon's style, but Inaros, despite all his issues, pretty much does feel like everything Oberon could be as a tanky battle healer with some cc (Oberon still has proc immunity niche though), and he is just insanely powerful. 

    Totally unfair, he makes a lot of old frames look inadequate. 

    Inaros was everything I hoped Oberon would be. Hopefully DE actually give Oberon a rework that puts him on the same level because right now he's a member of the Trash Trio; Oberon, Limbo and Hydroid.

  5. 1 minute ago, cookieknife said:

    also hes a considered paladin and cant tank even slightlyyyy 

    Yea traditionally Paladins are like walking tank healers. Trinitys and Inaros seem to have won that title though. Honestly I really like Oberon, he was the first frame I truly enjoyed when I started this game. I hope he gets a good rework because I really canno find a reason to choose him over my Loki.

  6. 1 hour ago, Teloch said:

    People use to hate everything that doesn't kill an entire map via one button push (everything that is not like Ash), everything that doesn't lock down all map (everything that isn't pre-nerf mirage), and everything that isn't nearly invulnerable (unlike Inaros or pre-nerf Valkyr)

    Yes, Oberon has problems, like the timer on renewal effect, but his main problem isn't his niche but the fact his niche is unpopular among vast masses of players and will always be ignored . An average player doesn't want to heal or buff, an average player wants to kill everything easily and to stay alive while doing so. That is why Oberon is mostly slapped across his deer mug not for flaws in his support abilities, but because he isn't damaging enough.

    Not true. No one hates everything that doesn't kill with one button press. We have weapons to kill for us, CC and healing has always been more popular than straight up damage. No one hates Loki. No one hates Mirage. If anything people HATE press 4 to win.

    Oberon does a very poor job of both CC and healing. His blind is a joke, the rad proc is laughable, the armour buff is so small it might as well not be there. 

    I played Oberon for the first few months I started this game and I loved him. Then I started picking up frames like Nyx, Trinity, Inaros, Excalibur, Loki. All of them did a much better job than Oberon in both CC and healing.

    Oberon is trying to have its cake and eat it but in doing so makes himself so utterly useless when compared to others.

    You are incorrect in saying average players just want to press 4 to win. I'm an "average" player and I find that the most boring way to complete a mission. I prefer running Loki and Inaros most of the time. The frames keep you alive and your weapons do the killing.

    Stop saying that everyone hates Oberon because he's not damaging enough. If he had decent CC and zero damage people would use him. But he has pitiful CC and laughable damage.

  7. 5 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    If I would say how I think warframe had to work.

    1. Any flips and rolls and such would be removed. In their place would be sliding, jumping+bullet time, double jump, slamming and so on by use of speed, tilts and visual effects.

    2. The field of view would be greater to better handle multiple angles.

    3. Player speed would be increased.

    4. Wallrunning would be actual free wallrunning.

    5. The hud would constantly show enemy radar around you.

    6. Powers and melee would be like Jedi Knight, Elder Scrolls, Crysis.

    Okay now you are just not being realistic. Why don't you get into game design and actually create the game you want because it certainly isn't Warframe.

    Also I don't think you can mod gameplay in an MMO.

  8. 3 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    The very reason I said we need a dedicated game mode, not just a camera.

    Second I think a FPS as Grineer or Corpus is much better.

    Ok so you want fast? Quake Arena, the original Quake are still the best examples I have. I think the reason is games are made to be slower, like Gears of War.

    You need to remember that FPS uses jumps, fast 360° turns and strafing to their advantage.

    First person shooters are naturally more slow than third person because it's all about precision. Making Warframe first person would basically slow down the pace of the game. You also need to remember that there really aren't many games like Warframe out there.

    I think what you're trying to do is find a AAA title like Warframe but in first person. 

    Having a small mini game where you play Grineer and Corpus vs each other would be fun I admit. But I doubt it'll happen.

    First person is not needed and would quite frankly make Warframe a completely different game. I don't want Warframe to be thrown in with COD or Modern Warfare. Warframe is its own unique game. Stop trying to turn it into something it's not.

  9. Warframe is a very complex game. Changing it to first person wouldn't work for a number of reasons:

    1. With the movement system and the amount of special affects, it would be very disorientating for players.

    2. Warframe was built around being third person. Changing it would mean having to change dynamic of the game. Horde, enemy spawning etc.

    3. There is literally nothing that would be improved if Warframe was made first person.

    Why do you even want first person anyway? In a game like Warframe it's an alien concept.

    34 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Mirrors edge, Portal and Titanfall. 

    Mirrors edge is the best example of parkour and movement by far. Portal uses momentum and gravity not unlike how we jump around.

    Titanfall have both in the air combat and wall running.

    Tell me, are anyone of those games as fast paced as Warframe? I've played them all and can safely say they are nothing like it. Mirrors Edge made me dizzy, Portal is a puzzle game, Titanfall is also not a horde shooter. It may be fast but not as fast as Warframe. Those are bad examples man.

  10. With the way the game works it would be really weird for it to be first person. Warframe has fast gameplay so it would be very disorientating. I can barely play Mirros Edge. Warframe would be like the extreme version of that game. 

    Warframe was never meant to be first person.

  11. 1 hour ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

    Let me tell you something, how would you like to be harrassed and tormented on a constant basis simply for not having something hmm? I stopped playing public because I'm sick and tired of the Founders being vulgar and spewing their Elitist Hatred torwards me. Okay when it gets to the level of Death Threats it makes me wonder why I keep playing anymore? DE sure as Hell will never do anything about it, They are the Golden Child who saved them from Financial ruin who can do no wrong and I'm the B****** Child been left out in the cold. But sure blame the victim and not the aggresors.

    Oh my god. You are being "tormented" on a constant basis? So every time you entered a public game you came across Founders who purposely "harass" you. Yea I call BS. Not all Founders are nasty people. 

    Now you're just being stupid by saying DE don't take death threats seriously. You can send evidence to support and have them banned. So that's BS right there.

    Youre just incredibly butthurt that you didn't get the Founders package in time.

    "blame the victim and not the aggressors"

    Oh woe is me! Keep playing the worlds smallest violin buddy. Why should I listen to you when you've blatantly said to everyone here that you would sacrifice their chance for a new line of frames for the sake of your own spite.

    If all Founders really were nasty people, I doubt there would be any Founders. Supporting a game doesn't give you a green light to be an arsehole, no matter how much you paid. 


  12. 10 hours ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

    This. In honesty I wish Excalibur Umbra Stayed China Exclusive to Spite Founders so they can feel even remotely they way I do anout them Flaunting their gear at me, thinking they are above reproach.


    36 minutes ago, ChaoSoldier1986 said:

    I don't have to win, I just have to make them lose.

    I do see people's annoyance when the 1% of total Founders whine that they're getting outclassed by Umbra. However you are the most immature and selfish person I've seen on this thread so far.

    You would want to deny them umbra out of spite? What are you, twelve? So you'd sacrifice everyone's chances at umbra just because you've got a petty hatred for Founders. That puts you on the very same level of the &#! Founders who think the sun shines out of their backside.

    You realise not all Founders "flaunt their gear" at you. Most Founders are pretty nice people. The same way that most normal players are nice apart the ones who like to be $&*^s.

    Have your little temper tantrum of hatred somewhere else.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

    Hype is the first step towards disappointment. I used to be hyped for TWW in July. You know, back when it was supposed to be released. And then all we got is Lunaro and a broken star chart.

    I haven't really hyped for anything major since Watchdogs and Destiny. Hype only leads to disappointment. In rare cases it doesn't. 

    I am Hyped for Titania and her badass noble stance though.

  14. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    Lol right....  He said he was going to lose his job if tww wasn't out by the end of July..... Now we" might " get it in September 

    And even that date is only for PC. Only the gods know how long you guys will be waiting. Probably November.

    Point is these people just seem to take every word that DE says as truth, which is silly.

  15. 18 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

    I see no need on start attacking our moderators, please remain civil as this kind of comment might only bring more negativity to thread and eventually lead it to a lock. I guess losing the megathread tag is better than getting the thread locked


    It was a joke. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)Twinna25 said:

    From the forums guidelines

    Misleading Thread Title 
    (Creating a thread with an inflammatory, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate title. "Megathread" and "PSA" tags are also not permitted, as they are reserved for DE staff and Community Moderators only.)

    The rules clearly state that only a mod or member of DE can use the Megathread tags. Removing it does not mean they don't think that it counts as a megathread, just that the OP does not belong to either of those groups. They are just doing their job, so they shouldn't lose their job or anything like that.

    But the mod added the mega thread tag....

    And even they didn't, Its had the mega thread tag on it for months and only now they've removed it?

  17. 13 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

    Looks like a mod changed the title and removed the Megathread tag. Not sure if the latter was a mistake or intended, but I guess the best way to know is sending him a PM asking for it

    If a mod thinks 200+ pages doesn't count as a mega thread he shouldn't be a mod.

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