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Posts posted by TheGodofWiFi

  1. 2 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

    not really, its just the people here have other prioritys, and there you would have people that have the same thoughts as you.

    Not that you wonder in the end why noone argues with you about it...

    Um the delay and Umbra go hand in hand. So in fact the delay IS the priority as well.

  2. Disappointed with DE, definitely. I mean this update has supposedly been in the cooker for nearly ten months. And now here they are delaying it again because of some changes nobody asked for. I mean Lunaro? Really? You want to work on THAT instead of TWW?

    Quite a few people in my clan have completely left the game and are not coming back. This dry spell better not be a foreshadowing of future updates. 

    Real disappointing. I wish they hadn't shown anything in Tennocon.

  3. 2 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:


    Okay, I understand curiosity is a thing, but I personally feel this kind of discussion might be going too far, especially on a public video game forum. I'd personally refrain from asking this type of question and just leave it at the known facts; a player has unfortunately died, and DE paid their respects on a stream. I hope I don't sound forceful or rude, but such a question is stepping over the lines of privacy on these forums in my opinion.

    Well, they shouldn't put that in Prime Time if they don't want people asking questions should they.

  4. 6 hours ago, siralextraffo said:

    Umbra is cool, but Starkiller is like on a complete different level, he's the coolest character ever to me. 

    I'd pay real money to have his movesets into Warframe. Or a lightsaber to be held on reverse. 

    Meh, I always thought he was the biggest light saber wielding emo ever.

  5. 2 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    We have been reading your feedback on the Nova Asuri Skin/Danavi Syandana, and would like everyone to know that we understand where the confusion is coming from.  Our social media copy + imagery made it difficult to understand where the arms on her back effect was coming from. (Skin vs Syandana)

    We have added additional details to help clarify this confusion and will follow up on this issue. 

    Thanks Megan. Still a bit disappointed we can't have those arms on other frames but oh well.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

    First of all Warframe is unreal game,and second its a game not real life.... if they managed to create good combo in star wars force unleashed game, why is Warframe special and better?

    It's sci fi era....And in sci fi World you should not be expected anything seriously and nothing is by the book...Either way we are away from the main topic and Umbra,Excal art...

    whoa no need to get snappy. i'm just saying it makes me laugh to think that some people in the world actually think that reverse-sword grip is a viable form of combat. i enjoy looking badass too. i'm not one of those battlefield morons who go around whining about how games need to be more realistic. i'm not expecting anything at all. it's fun to be a complete ninja with staves and greatswords.

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