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  1. I'm conflicted, on one hand undoing years of armor bloat is a good idea, on the other there's just so much outgoing potential player damage that I'm not certain that this will effectively change much other than maybe a passive boost to lower end weapons due to curve changes. But standardizing the health/shield/armor types is a good move imo, Warframe always had this problem of not particularly communicating things and requiring a trip to the wiki to even remotely understand the expected damage type mix, and most factions had different types within their own ranks so that doubled the issue and often just caused people to be pushed to the most common denominator elements (Toxin for Corpus, Corrosive for Grineer, Viral/Slash for "I really don't care what I'm fighting") and caused other elements to become active burdens far more often than not. On the topic of Blast and Gas and Magnetic, the issue they have is mostly redundancy (Puncture also suffers from this lately status wise imo, since Impact now has mods that cause Slash status). Blast lowering accuracy is pretty much irrelevant at all levels, lower levels damage isn't an issue and higher levels a single stray bullet is enough to damn near kill you from max health so the passive survival it grants is almost always pointless since functional immortality is always preferable. Gas' DoT is basically useless because it's fixed in a position and also REALLY tiny (3m is less than half the range of a Tonkor explosive), on top of the formula being very weak compared to things like Slash, Toxin or Heat's DoTs. Magnetic is the most redundant of all of them because Toxin just blows through shields outright, thus making the Corpus a faction that doesn't even need consideration of a combined element to trounce. The biggest problem overall is that Viral being a native damage multiplier is just far too potent to consider using most other elements, it just doesn't make sense to bother reducing an enemy's durability when you can just overwhelm them with raw power (hence why you guys have had to do things like status caps/immunity on a consistent basis for things like bosses). I mean you could make Blast deal bonus AoE damage based on the weapon's total damage on every proc and it would still be less preferable to the potential of 325% extra damage to health that Viral gives because it's JUST that damn good. I don't claim to have any ideas or suggestions, but for me I think no amount of adjustments of elements are going to help much as long as Viral is still around as it currently is, it's a nuclear option while everyone else is playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.
  2. Honestly to me it more seems like a method to get people out of their comfort zone and engage with more than 1% of the game's equipment.
  3. Less the game modes themselves and more the fact that Defense and Interception very often take place on just the WORST &$^#ing maps in the game (the Uranus defense missions and the new Corpus Ship with its damn vertical map design...).
  4. Honestly the last "toxic" interaction I had in Warframe was...honestly I can't remember, I think it was about a year or so ago with somebody having a meltdown when I told them I already sold something that I posted on the trade chat (several minutes after the post). Unless we're counting things like Wisp/Limbo/Nova players purposely slowing down Defense missions, but that's more often just ineptitude rather than malice.
  5. I'll never understand the conflation of "fun" with insanely over-the-top performance and/or straight up power creep.
  6. -crashes through roof- Sorry for dropping in.
  7. I would throw the entirety of either Uranus or Europa into the trash and start over from scratch. Miserable tilesets associated with those planets, especially the underwater segments of Uranus. As for how...honestly I'd wager I could put a bunch of random words on a dartboard, blindfold myself and toss a fistfull of darts to decide the design philosophy and it would still be an improvement.
  8. I honestly can't tell if OP is trolling or not, and I'm afraid of both possibilities.
  9. The sad thing is that the complaint about nuke spam at least has some basic foundation to it, this thread is just...complaining about a QoL change like it somehow ruined everything. This thread gives me the same vibe as the ones that showed up in certain corners of the internet when they added map markers to characters you've already met in Elden Ring, complaining that it somehow ruined the game or whatnot.
  10. This really doesn't seem like an issue to me, mainly because the solution previously was just mindlessly ping-ponging from room to room until the beeping got louder and then killing the demo.
  11. Only one left is Proto Volt...and/or maybe Proto Loki if they want to be cheeky.
  12. I must be an odd duck because I've been playing on controller since I first started playing and don't have too much of a problem landing headshots...at least on anything that isn't the Infested (which I'm pretty sure nobody likes trying to headshot). Though I also have my sensitivity on the lower end while aiming so making small adjustments is a bit easier with that factor. The big thing that makes the guns feel different to melee though are things with Alt-fires though (So many of my favorite weapons in Warframe are guns with alt-fires), the Quellor for example has been rather fun for me with a full auto main fire and charge shot alt-fire. But much like how I don't like how every Melee Incarnon is bound to combos, I do also get why most Incarnons being bound solely to headshots can be just as much of a problem for some people (especially things like shotguns which are beholden to random spread). I feel like you could have slow firing weapons charge slowly on hit/kill and like they currently do on headshots, I'd also like to see some Melee Incarnons that work off kills instead of combo stacks personally. Really though most of what I love Incarnons for is the stat boosts it gives to lower end weapons, I was so happy that my Braton, Burston, Boltor and Strun all got stat boosts to keep up with other weapons in higher end content, the alternate forms are just icing on the cake compared to the stat boosts.
  13. I more mean that melee feels like it only realistically has one really worthwhile type of build most of the time and that build is "Combo or GTFO". Preferences notwithstanding it just feels empty to me, very "Number go up, damage go up", there's no real execution to it imo even with Tennokai as a part of the equation. It just feels less involved to me than with guns which have to both aim and depending on the weapon focus on headshots, but also has other builds like Internal Bleeding and more variety in behaviors between different firearms. Attack speed (and a handful of weapons like the Syam from Duviri or with natural passives) notwithstanding every weapon just feels like every other weapon in the same class with few if any reasons to not take the best statline possible and call it a day. Probably doesn't help that a lot of stances are...awkward especially in their forward moving combo, I mean Decisive Judgment for example has this dead stop to your momentum every second swing that they've never fixed since Melee 2.0 dropped iirc. I personally just don't feel like melee is that engaging and lacks a depth outside of a very shallow combo meter that is comically overcentralizing and actively punishes using anything other than melee weapons due to the falloff timer, which yes, is circumventable, but with how easy it is to circumvent kind of renders it a "Why is it here in the first place" question to me. Again, all just my personal feelings/hot take, if you like Melee as it is more power to you, I just...kind of don't.
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