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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 8 hours ago, DP_KRoM said:

    it never was p2w.

    Well that's not true, if you watch the DE doco by Noclip that came out last month, it's made perfectly clear that one of their early mistakes was to have potatoes locked behind a premium pay wall.
    The disdain was vocalised and the issue rectified.

  2. 3 minutes ago, VengefulMaelstrom said:

    I don't see a single soul using scythes

    Well, just because you don't notice them does not mean they don't exist.. Case in point; I use mine daily as the main weapon on my main frame...
    Choice is always better than straight up replacement if both are valid forms of play.

  3. I've just been watching Devstream 109 and I'm up to the talk about Scythes becoming 'Heavy Blade' weapons, I don't see a thread on this so I figured some dialog on this would be good.

    This concept will affect me quite a lot, to clarify I main a Nekros with, what I would call a unique personal build I've refined over 2 years of WF, I play a Channelling Melee build with Reaper Prime and a riven with 246% Channelling Damage and 274% Melee Damage. I've even altered the Stance Polarity to use Stalking Fan, so I'm highly invested in this Scythe.

    So ultimately I'm both interested in the Heavy Scythe changes, but worried about them also.
    Which brings me to another concept in WF, the Dark Split Sword: "The Dark Split-Sword is a melee weapon with the unique ability to change weapon type depending on the Stance mod with which it is equipped: a double-ended greatsword when equipped with Heavy Blade stances, or wielded as two separate blades when using Dual Sword stances."

    What if Scythes stood out as unique (aside from the DSS) as being able to switch stance from small (as they are now) to a Heavy Blade stance (the new versions) as defined by the stance you use? I don't see why we can't have the best of both worlds given that the small version already exists, and the new large/heavy blades are clearly being worked on anyway.

    Thoughts on this? Might even make them feel a little Darksiders 2'ish... (Death in DS2 uses dual single handed scythes that combine into a large one when used in heavy attacks)

  4. 8 minutes ago, piratePTK said:

    i need to get 8 headshots 100m away.... WITH A SHOTGUN

    As others have alluded to, I've never seen a riven that states a weapon type required to fulfil a riven.
    Just use a Lex while the Riven is in your shotgun loadout.

  5. On 3/30/2018 at 3:22 PM, zWhiteKz said:

    so the avg kuva u get per min is:

    Siphon 625/4 = 156.25/min

    Endless 200/min

    Flood 1250/4 = 312.5/min

    now we look back at endless and the kuva/min is 200/min which sit somewhat in middle between siphon and flood just like [DE]Sheldon said and this is good

    I guess you'll never bother to update your post to reflect the truth that in Endless it's 90 seconds between Life support drops.
    Which at best puts the Kuva at 133/minute... Basically destroying your OP.

    You've had more than enough time to edit it, a lie needed to make a point, makes that point invalid.

    On 3/29/2018 at 5:19 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    Survival Life Support Towers no longer have interval spawn scaling (90 seconds + 1 second per pillar), instead they will just spawn every 90 seconds.

  6. 44 minutes ago, (PS4)ZodiacShotgun said:

    This is my mag pneuma skin, and I flipped the grustrag three emblem and fiddled with it a bit.

    This is very important. We need to spread the glory of tit fram. 


    Warframe is suggested to be for an 18+ audience, are you parents aware you're playing this game?

  7. 5 minutes ago, RDN-5263 said:

    Sciathin Syndana disappears off Zephyr Prime depending on camera angle.

    Happens is camera angles from below the waistline or directly from the top.

    Doesn't seem to affect that Syndana on other frames or other Syndanas on Zephyr Prime.

    You'll see this happens with lots of items, 90% of items disappear when not in camera view to save on GPU load.
    Every so often I guess the vales get a bit missed and they disappear a little in view.

  8. 32 minutes ago, (PS4)Echo_X said:

    I had a conversation with someone last night who was offended that I asked them to trade an item that I'm not quite mastery rank for but wanted to have ready when I...okay honestly the mr was recently changed in the update and I had completely missed the change. But I will be the proper rank soon and wanted to complete the set and get it building.

    So this guy is really pissed off that I "wasted his time"... Now, I feel almost certain I've traded items to people who's mastery rank is below the item being traded. Mostly because I tend to just give stuff to friends when they'll take it.  I know you can't collect an item from foundry when it's above your MR level but I didn't think the system prohibited trading... Is this the case? Because, as stated, I remember doing this with someone....

    Yes the weapon MR adjustments made it a little more screwy till it's all settled, but you have never been able to give someone parts of a weapon they are not MR ready for, and even if acquired via relics or whatever, they cannot be built.

    I can only assume you remembered wrong.

  9. 1 hour ago, Oreades said:

    Honestly I hammered the Plaguestar event pretty hard last time and I don't recall seeing much if any problems outside of the initial issue with it sending spawners way out of bounds which caused you to essentially fail one of the missions on the regular but they patched that out pretty fast. 

    Same, clan was under the impression this was like 90% of the other introductory operations, so we smashed it hard, got everything we needed, and we have literally no reason to bother touching this event. I'm betting we're not the only ones. 4-5 months between the same operation is pure recycling... I mean, I've played for 2.5 years and most of the operations were held before that time, we only have 3 trophies in the dojo in all that time, would have been nice to have one of the old Vey Hek ones again, a lot of his dialog I've never heard.

  10. On 4/4/2018 at 4:01 PM, (XB1)MintyFreshMike said:

    Ik zephyr prime came out recently (well not really) but I was wondering does anyone have any clue what the next prime Warframe will be. I personally hope it will be mesa. Especially since obtaining her is extremely difficult. That or Equinox. Hopefully it's not a frame like Atlas 😒

    For Reference: (everything from Limbo Prime down, is an assumed date and order based on initial frame release and 3 month release period).

    Frame Prime Date Sex Days Between Primes
    Excalibur Prime 18 December 2012 M  
    Frost Prime 3 May 2013 M 136
    Mag Prime 13 September 2013 F 133
    Ember Prime 20 November 2013 F 68
    Rhino Prime 5 March 2014 M 105
    Loki Prime 11 June 2014 M 98
    Nyx Prime 24 September 2014 F 105
    Nova Prime 17 December 2014 F 84
    Volt Prime 25 March 2015 M 98
    Ash Prime 7 July 2015 M 104
    Trinity Prime 6 October 2015 F 91
    Saryn Prime 16 February 2016 F 133
    Vauban Prime 17 May 2016 M 91
    Nekros Prime 23 August 2016 M 98
    Valkyr Prime 22 November 2016 F 91
    Banshee Prime 28 February 2017 F 98
    Oberon Prime 30 May 2017 M 91
    Hydroid Prime 29 August 2017 M 91
    Mirage Prime 12 December 2017 F 105
    Zephyr Prime 20 March 2018 F 98
    Limbo Prime 20 June 2018 M 92
    Chroma Prime 20 September 2018 M 92
    Mesa Prime 20 December 2018 F 91
    Equinox Prime 20 March 2019 F 90
    Atlas Prime 20 June 2019 M 92
    Wukong Prime 20 September 2019 M 92
    Ivara Prime 20 December 2019 F 91
    Titania Prime 20 March 2020 F 91
    Nezha Prime 20 June 2020 M 92
    Inaros Prime 20 September 2020 M 92
    Octavia Prime 20 December 2020 F 91
    Gara Prime 20 March 2021 F 90
    Nidus Prime 20 June 2021 M 92
    Harrow Prime 20 September 2021 M 92
    Khora Prime 20 December 2021 F 91
  11. 37 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    I think a decent chunk of us have a disdain for running long distance fetch quests ad infinitum for merely decent rewards

    But you sentence pretty much sums up Plague Star...
    Go to cave, fetch item, go to new place, protect item, go to new place, follow item 1K to boss... kill boss, repeat...

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