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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 47 minutes ago, (XB1)YouBitePi11ows said:

    Who cares about traces when resource boosters exist? You get traces back so fast the extra capacity becomes redundant. 


    Load out slots? Unless you have different fashion frame setups or you only play 1-2 frames it’s again useless since minor changes to weapon selection, fighting a different faction, team composition or simply an aura swap will still have you going through the same  frame change process without a pre set load-out.


    Standing. I’m unaware anyone over the MR 16 who’s really hurting and struggling to gain standing.


    The only thing irrelevant is your immediate thought I was bashing everyone who has a MR16+. You must have missed the part where I stated I’d like to see the MR system updated to be much more useful than merely small bonuses that most can live without and miss nothing.


    1. "Spend plat" does not make your tracer amount redundant, If you farm Prime sets like I do, you'll want and need both or at least a big pool you can use, in fact a bigger pool means you're less likely to hit your max and waste tracers if you do some longer fissure missions which can be exacerbated by a booster with more ease.
    2. You're selecting population A out of populations A to M and saying because population A does not need loadout slots, they are therefore redundant... It makes no sense and only caters to you, I use about 15/20 loadout slots, I know I'm not the only one.
    3. Standing = Relic Packs and other such things... Reaching zero every day in syndicate standing is a bonus, more standing per day = more bonus.

    My immediate thought was not about you bashing anyone, it was actually your use of the term "literally" in the statement: "It means nothing! No I mean it literally means nothing..."
    It does not literally mean nothing, because it does actually provide a benefit that some people, like myself utilise every day, making the term "literally" just pure hyperbole, If you need to use hyperbole to make a point it means it does not have enough merit to stand on its own, just because you do not take advantage loadouts or standing does not mean it does not exist. If the MR ranks can be more beneficial past 16 was not something I commented on, if you think there is a valid case to make that they should, using hyperbole will only diminish such a case.

  2. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

    See, you guys think I'm an idiot for not taking what a corporation says at face value. I think the opposite lol.

    No one called you and idiot, but I'm not sure what response you expect when you make an argument from ignorance on a forum, require contract evidence, refuse to accept what many of us already know or assume because it's been stated in the past, infer it's all a company conspiracy then say "[you] don't care about it lol"...
    It appears a little delusional...

    And they have done account migrations in the past, but it was ONLY from PC to Console, not the other way around as the OP wishes. 

  3. 1 hour ago, (XB1)YouBitePi11ows said:

    It means nothing! No I mean it literally means nothing past MR16. Once you hit MR16 everything is unlocked and you have access to everything.

    How many Traces, Load-outs slots and Daily standing points in all areas, can you acquire as a MR 16 Vs an MR 25?
    Hyperbole makes any points you have irrelevant and over inflated.

  4. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)KingGuy420 said:

    Lots of games have done it. You guys are saying it's impossible when it's clearly not lol.

    Ever heard of a contract?
    DE has a contract with Sony and Microsoft, That contract includes Sony and MS basically owning the space where the game is used while DE manages it, it is their decision alone as to if Crossplay or Account Migration happens. If DE did what you and the OP want, they would be breaking a contract and could be held accountable for it. You're basically asking DE to risk being sued by a partner company because you and the OP want to move platforms... It's ridiculous.
    At this current time it may be physically possible, but it's not contractually possible, so take it up with Sony they hold all the cards.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Shades404 said:

    I know it's a minor thing but nothing infuriates me more than when I inch a little too far in mid-jump to the left and instantly get respawned. Please, just allow a bit more space so I can actually get to my destination before getting ripped back to the spawn, that's all I ask. This game is supposed to make you feel like a ninja, and when you pull off a time saving move, it feels amazing. No one likes be told "No. You CAN'T do that BECAUSE."

    And for anyone who says "This is not worth the time of the dev's" I don't care what you say, the entire game should be good, if you add something, it has to be at the same level as the rest of the game, none of this "because its a side thing, its S#&$tily developed" that's not how it works. Please for the love of all that is holy, fix this.

    The Dojo obstacle course is being replaced (probably this year) by a modular version that is build by the clan owner (or any anyone with building permissions), so there is no point working on it as it's not going to exist soon. You'll just need to wait until the Dojo revamp is released.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Blackflux said:

    So after asking one too many of the same question on the warframe reddit,in game and on this forum AFTER looking through the wiki for something i am not even using. 

    the question now pops up "how much is this worth" what think i am asking that to trade chat? i would end up selling it for 5 platinum. I also don't know how to edit steam photos so enjoy the view. i sold a riven once for like 20P but it was the war within riven reward so i didn't care, but now its the "i spent like a week of getting formas" riven. shotgun only BTW. i see people selling things like this for 100-1000P so i assume there is a big overpriced group

    Few Rivens actually sell for over 1000, the trade chat in game is more people trying to get lucky on a hyper-inflated price than a representation of the actual Market.

    For that I suggest using this site to see the actual trading prices, this is the page for the Convectrix.

  7. 19 minutes ago, (PS4)de_sch0sch said:

    Will lthe vaulting be announced early enough to have some time farming for missing parts? I've just reacently started with WF and would like to get my hands on the Prime Akstileto before they get removed for an unknown (?) period of time.

    You should have a day or 4, but really, you should be farming those parts (or the relics for them) right now.

  8. 5 hours ago, Rinkata_Kimiku said:

    Better shoot it from the front side of eidolon, despite the fact that it looks bigger from rear side.

    The angle of shot is ultimately irrelevant, because the problem is the dodgy hit boxes, players should not have to account for invisible walls blocking line of sight, it is the developers responsibility to match a visual model to the interactive model, not ours to find a work-around for poor design.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Oleum_Stig said:

    May be DE can add something like PvP in the Dark Souls III. I mean player comes like a Stalker. Also he can fight with 1 or 4 players. Winner(s) gets something like a Form. And may be he comes like a evil mirror of host. That's add some action in usual missions:redveil:

    I have no idea what this has to do with Lens Distillers... But that idea has been tossed around a lot and I would love to see it in game one day as a uber rare reward.

  10. So I bought the Octavia Deluxe skin, only to see that the Verismo Syandana has none of the cool metallic areas covering 75% of the Maestra body...
    In the image below I've used the same colours for both, Octavia gets the gold, the Syandana gets a creamy poo colour :sad:...
    Not sure if intended or some1 forgot to add the metal layer to the model, it seems like it should be metallic with all the gloss in that area.


  11. It would make Lenses as a reward in bounties near pointless, If you're playing on the plains you will collect more Lenses that you'll ever need, a distiller is a little pointless IMHO, all it adds is 1 more pointless reward in the bounty table. 

  12. Seems like an odd thing to be thankful for, but as someone who is unlikely to be able to go half way around the planet to be at Tennocon 2018 in person for various reasons, but still loves this game and wishes he could be there, it's nice to see a rectification of the irritation felt with the main 2017 digital item (the syandana) being limited to physical participation.
    I can't get the Swag Bag or Collectors T-Shirt, but at least I can get the same cosmetics in game as everyone else who buys a ticket :)


  13. 13 hours ago, -Insan1ty- said:

    But should I believe it will be added in the future? I really tryhard to make this reach DE's eyes but for months that this doesn't happen


    This is the Bug forums, this is not a bug, there is a feedback forums exactly for this kind of thing.

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