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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 6 hours ago, -dapoy.Amily- said:

    Hya, one boy keeps telling me there was a 50% platinum sale for PC Tenno last year so he got a 75% discount for login and got platinum 50x75% cheaper than usual.

    I've never seen such a thing for PC (just for consoles because we all know...) since I started playing.

    Did those really occur? When was it? Is there an article about? Any proof?

    Ty for answers

    I'm pretty sure the conditions indicate that the discount cannot be used with any other discount, so I think there are some fibbs going on with the 50X75%... whatever that is?

  2. On 3/21/2018 at 4:51 PM, DogManDan said:

    Why is this even a discussion? Not one person here is a lawyer and even if there is not one person here has any clue about the legalities of the logo and/or whether it was properly obtained for use in the game. 


    OP could have simply reported it instead of making a needless discussion about it.

    1. because it's interesting to some.
    2. you don't need to be a lawyer to do the following things: Read, Watch channels like Lenard French, Follow other similar law suits in the industry from the many various sources that report on it.

    We might not be lawyers (not that you actually know who is reading), but it's pretty easy to infer what will happen given what normally happens in these types of situations, because this is pretty commonplace.

  3. I just 'did' a Kuva Flood survival, so we get 5 minutes to find the siphon keep the life support up, and survive?
    This is ridiculous, Kuva floods are on the higher end of difficulty already and takes about 5 minutes to complete, I ran around for more than 5 minutes and was unable to find the siphon, hit all the life supports ran out of time and had to leave... what a pointless waste of time... 

    Why in the world are they a count down? It's a survival, it should work like a normal survival where as long as I can keep hitting life supports, I can keep going to find the apparently clandestine room containing the siphon.

  4. 1 hour ago, cookieknife said:

    general discussion GENERAL its the most popular anyways. its a discussion about zephyr

    DeMonkey has a point, are you talking to the general WF population or the Devs?
    Your OP implies the devs, as it's a list of things wrong with a frame, were you after a back and forth on something we can all agree are bugs that need to be fixed?
    I don't really see what the "discussion" is about, we can all see the issues and test them, but we can do nothing about them.

  5. 4 hours ago, LegitPasta said:

    I recently just came back to Warframe for about a month and my account was suddenly suspended yesterday. Right before Zephyr prime too. I've contacted support and tried my best to help them out and figure out what is going on quick so I can farm Zephyr today but NO RESPONSE from support in 24hrs. Looking though over a dozen of my old tickets, their average response time was ~10m - 1hr. 

    Last time a clan mate had an issue with an account ban, it took support 40 days to reply...
    So yeah... don;t expect to be playing for a while.

  6. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDrakenguardxX said:

    I've been looking through my armory and taking out weapons I haven't in a while. One of those weapons was the fragor prime.

    I've more or less been running a standard crit build but the thing doesn't do a thing to armor. 

    I know that's this weapons biggest weakness so I'm wondering whether I should sacrifice some damage to use shattering impact, sense lv multipliers do not matter with it(unless there was a change it should strip a corrupted bombards armor in 6-7 strikes.)Or try and roll 3 dual stats for better, but still low status. 

    Below is my loadout for my Fragor on Harrow, Depending on how much you use it in game, you could swap the Riven (85% Crit Chance on Slide & 80% Crit Chance), Body Count and Maiming Strike for Fever Strike, Voltaic Strike and Condition Overload... The Corrosion will be good against Armour, It builds up to Speed with Berserker so fast Body Count is only good if you use it enough to keep the combo going.


  7. 4 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Archaeologist is the top right one that they're hovering over, looks like a vase or a pot.

    The red outline may look like the generic ''currently selected icon'', but it isn't in this game. I have no idea what talent the :lotus: one provides, although if it's a stealth one that'll be quite interesting.


  8. On 3/15/2018 at 12:28 PM, TheCoolcg10 said:

      While testing out Captura with the new Dex Excal skin and the Dex Weapons, I noticed that the smoke after you fire the Dex Sybaris is the Lotus Symbol. I am not sure if anyone else has noticed this yet, but I thought it was a cool touch.

    Also Dex Furis, it's a muzzle flash.

  9. 2 minutes ago, StarScream2926 said:

    I am a very new player and I am loving this game alot. Just downloaded yesterday and I wanted to ask if I can macro ctrl+space to one key so that my hands don't get tired after bullet jumping so long.It would be a huge help for me if I can setup an ahk macro to do that but I am scared for ban.


    Thanks for your time

    No, make all the Macros you wish.
    The only time you might be reported, is by another player if you do something like just macro spam at a wall for 20 minutes while everyone else does the work... Happened to me... I reported the spammer.

  10. On 3/14/2018 at 2:01 AM, DeMonkey said:

    They work independently, but have never replaced each other. 

    It's still separate 20% chances for +600 armour, if both proc then it stacks to 1200 armour. 

    I've been using 2 sets for about 8 months, (well before the changes) I'v never seen 2 PROC, only ever a higher refresh rate of the timer, my experience seems to indicate that it's 2x chance to get the PROC, not 1200 Armour as seem to be assumed here.

  11. 5 hours ago, TrinityPrime said:

    Is this a copywrite issue or a trademark issue? I was always under the impression the difference between the two was like being hunted down by a group of bounty hunter lawyers vs meeting a canadian mountie while out camping.

    A copyright is more making something so similar that it would considered as a derivative of the original, the example given is; say someone draws a dog in a hat, and copyrights it, other people are free to draw dogs in hats, but if the lines and composition of the other dogs is so similar or clearly derivative of the original then that is a copyright infringement, it's normally applied to an art asset of some sort.

    Trademark is like a company Logo, something that defines the company (and game in this case) being used elsewhere without consent or acknowledgement for profit that is not a fair use (as in a review of the company etc).

    This case is a primarily Trademark issue as the Lotus Symbol is used everywhere in Warframe, it's the image on every splash page and exists in front of the "warframe" name even at the top of this forum, and as this game is I assume paid for, that means the logo is being used out of the WF context for profit without acknowledgement.

    I imagine the outcome will go as follows: WF issues cease and desist letter, it is followed, icon is changed, end of issue.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

    This is kinda petty. So what if another game is using Warframe's symbol? The fact that it's illegal doesn't make it that bad. Technically all of those companies taking down youtubers for 'appropriating' their music/footage is legal but that's just greedy BS. Do you really want DE to go that road?

    It may seem that way, but there is a good reason for defending a trademark, this Vid is linked at the time of the explanation start but to get the entire story obviously go from the start, In this case it's about Zenimax (Bethesda) holding onto their trademark "Prey" from the game 'Prey to the Gods'.
    Yeah it's petty, but legally speaking they need to uphold trademarks.




  13. 32 minutes ago, sixcandy said:

    Just noticed in a youtube video that the game called The Council has the Warframe logo in the talent tree. Thinking they pulled it from google images and just put it in there game without looking at where it came from.

    Link? Image? More info?

    Cleaner Image:
    For Reference:

    Video with Icons:




  14. 8 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

    Actually, it is relevant, since he asked for a second slot and clearly already has an old account. I dont see why bother setting up a new one when a slot is like.. the cost of a mod or two if sold. Nothing in the OP says specifically "can I make a new account with a new email" though. Jeez.

    "I want to know if it is possible to just delete my account and start over fresh? Or, if possible, have a second character slot to start new there?"
    He means "slot" as in a second character, which is the same as an account, as WF does not specifically have multiple character slots per 1 account like other games.
    The answer to his question is to use a new email, so no he's not going to ask about if he can do something he does not know he has to do...
    New Character = New account = New Email... and the new account will be asked to be linked when he logs in.

  15. 21 minutes ago, Zanchak said:

    just trade something and buy a slot.. or spend $5 for some plats.. far less bother than starting from scratch again

    This is not relevant, he does not need a new steam account.


    19 minutes ago, Rokon2 said:

    I want to avoid spending money if possible, especially since I'm not sure if I'll be spending a lot of time on the game. I was just told by friends that it's gotten much better so I wanted to see for myself.

    You can just make a new account with a new email, Steam will ask if you want to link the new account when you log in.

  16. I have a friend who is also experiencing this with a PS4 controller ATM, he mostly cannot upgrade his items with mods, kind of annoying as he's only been playing for 4 days, and this does not make a good impression.

  17. On 3/16/2018 at 2:40 AM, (PS4)SquidHead13 said:

    As the title says do those abilities create more rubble for Atlas? Curious to know if anyone has tested this yet. It could make for some fun synergies. 

    My presumption, being a Nekros main is no, because from what I can tell, the Rubble is added by Atlas to the drop of an enemy, and as such it is not part of the normal drop pool of an enemy, Nekros and Hydroid increases the chances of a drop from the drop pool of an enemy, as Rubble is not part of that pool, I am highly highly doubtful they will have an effect on rubble drops.

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