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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Echo_X said:

    Well, technically my build is around keeping a continuous flow of combat, technically a whip might be even better but I just love the brutal stance for sparring. With the drifting contact I have plenty of time to get from one engagement to another to keep my combo counter building, plus dispatch overdrive makes you run so fast that can easily cover vast amounts of space in the ten seconds or so it takes to reset, I have a mod that increases my channeling damage obviously, but the problem is quickening, which has a negative 80% efficiency. With focus energy and coil I can still get the channeling cost to 4, but that's really kinda too high on a low energy frame....

    I don't know what the solution is, maybe channeling kills could restore a small amount of energy? Or maybe having channel active causes energy to restore slowly like that one aura but attacking anything causes you to lose it, I don't know what the solution is but the fact that I don't see many channel builds makes me agree with you that they need to revise the mechanic...

    I've always been of the opinion that the Focus Schools could have been utilised, but I guess that will never happen now, Zenurik kind of helps, but with the 5/sec energy gain it's much too powerful other the other schools.

    I hope they revise Channelling in damage 2.5-3... 

  2. I main a Nekros Melee Channelling build (also a Harrow and Valkyr build), and Channelling needs a LOT of love.
    The real problem seems to be that although there is an extra cost (energy) to use a channelling weapon, you can always do better with a Crit build, there is very little incentive to use a channelling build mostly do to the poor mod selection as you point out, I think even in my channelling build, I don't use any channelling mods other than my Riven which has 260% channelling Damage or something.

    I don't think Warframe efficiency mods are the way to go, but a buff to existing Channelling mods is required, more mod slots does not really fix the issue as it would just allow other mods to be used and get even more powerful non-channelling builds.

  3. On 19/02/2018 at 8:35 AM, Crystalshadow98 said:

    42 Cells in 32 minutes? That has never happened to me on a normal run, note that besides me, everyone else were running nekroses.

    While I understand that you've posted the clear difference in squad configuration as a factor and that you're conclusion is correct, you've not stated anywhere I can see that you were running a double booster, therefore all your results should be halved at least.

  4. 1 hour ago, NIkuno said:

    Could you explain this a bit more please? Or rather, the interaction with Shadows?

    Fleeting Expertise is there to get the health cost of Despoil down to 3 Health per, and I rather like having the less duration so that the enemies don't spend too much time away from objective, and, like you said, I am swimming in energy, so I can spam it for armor reduction. I also don't use Shadows too much for something other than a detraction, honestly.

    There is not a direct interaction with Shadows, what I mean is that with Health Conversion you will have 1415 Armour basically all of the time, with 7 shadows up taking any damage you do sustain you'll be very difficult to damage, if you had Power strength of 214% you would have a 98.25% damage reduction from all this stuff working together.

    Edit: Oops I didn't notice you're not using Shield of Shadows, I would use that over Soul Survivor any day of the week, and it's required for the damage mitigation detailed above and below.

    If it's the cost of Despoil with Fleeting you're concerned about, don't be as long as you keep spending energy your HP orbs and HP from Energy Orbs via Equilibrium will keep you very healthy all the time, particularly when you do pick up Health Conversion.

    I use a Channelling Melee Build in this way to drain energy as I play so I'm always picking up HP orbs and Energy Orbs and getting huge amounts of both continuously, if a Melee build can survive with ease, you're build will be fine.

  5. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)TheDragonsGaurd said:

    So last week I was helping a friend get up and running on warframe and he asked me how I got the vectis so I gave him the code and it didn’t work. So I put it in myself a few times to make sure there were no typos and very time it rejected it. Why isn’t the code working or do I have it down wrong? 

    This is the code I have


    Pretty sure that was a limited Time deal...

  6. Mmmmm option for secondary to equip shield... Axe and Shield, Sword and Shield, Sword and Pistol... I say you go Skyrim on this game, Option to change Melee and secondary in to left hand right hand allowing the weapons that can fall into that category be tossed onto left or right in any config of the players choice...

  7. Yes, this is still happening a lot.

    Quick Fix: open your menu via mousing over the "hamburger" button in top left of screen, reopen the arsenal to fix bug without restarting.

  8. 11 hours ago, Dornez said:

    Since the gem type is not affected by score you can wave your mouse wildly and mine faster and you will still get 1 (2 with a booster)

    Since the mining update, a Gem Score increases the chance at getting a Rare... so that is not a good idea in general...

  9. 11 hours ago, caspiansamurai said:

    I get 50% platinum discounts all the time but i can only use them once even tho i have hours more left 

    I don't understand why this keeps happening , please help me i wanna buy more platinum. 

    Not a bug...

  10. 18 minutes ago, --BFG--Vonn said:

    I currently have magus vigor and magus husk installed on my operator armor and hood. I unlocked the enduring tides and basilisk scales. Also activated them which is now colored red. My operator still has 400-ish hp. Can someone help me with this?

    How many Magus Vigor Arcanes are you using? Because you need 10 to get max HP and it sounds like you're using 1 or 2

  11. Not a bug.

    2 hours ago, AdamBomb77 said:

    BUG: The Shadows of The Dead ability is not working for NEKROS PRIME Specter(s)

    1.       Build a specter using Nekros Prime (FYI: I haven't tested this with the Nekros Prime Cosmic Specter, yet)

    2.       Equip the Nekros Prime specter once available (EQUIPMENT>ARSENAL>GEAR>place acquired Nekros Prime in slot on item wheel).   

    3.       Enter any mission that allows deployment of said specter (recommend missions that have a lot of enemies; not required, fastest way to see issue)

    4.       Allow specter to kill enemies, wait for specter to use 4th ability “The Shadows of The Dead”.

    RESULT: The casting animation and visual effects occur, but no allies spawn. I have yet to see any allies spawn for the Nekros Prime specter.  


    Has anyone else experienced this?

    As per the Patch notes


    Warframe Specters are now much smarter! If you don't recall, Specters are craftable gear you can equip to summon an AI companion in battle. We've done a general intelligence pass on their proficiency with Weapons, and we've also updated their power-casting logic. Virtually every power is now castable with only a few exceptions! Specters CANNOT cast the following Abilities: Vauban's Minelayer, Ivara's Zipline, Titania's Razorwing, Nekros’ Desecrate and Shadows of the Dead, Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Valkyr’s Hysteria, Wukong’s Primal Fury, Cloud Walker, and Defy, Atlas’ Petrify and Tectonics, Limbo's entire kit (save for the damage aspect of Banish), and finally Zephyr’s Dive Bomb.

  12. 1. Black Bodies; This only seems to happen in the Transference Room, the bodies of many, if not all Articulars is many shades darker than the weapons and Head.



    2. Arrows held in hands. (also another black body)



    3. Whips Stuck in extension. (right side out the back)
    4. Mastery Rank Sigil at zero rank. (chest area in pic)



    5. Zenistar Pink Effects Colour.




  13. This seems to happen every time I go to POE atm, I've only noticed it since the Patch with the New Eidolons was released.
    Basically Mag Deluxe Skin/model will turn a dark oil like colour entering the plains, it will remain until I leave the plains, it also goes away when in Archwing, sometimes it stays on into Cetus, but that is less frequent.


  14. 1 hour ago, Rawbeard said:

    it absolutely is, and you not knowing proves my point ;) spread out over the entire map the spawnrate in survival is atrocious. unless you all stay on the same tile.

    Even in the worst case scenario you have described it is no where close to the giant gaps in POE content...
    That is a ridiculous comparison because it's not a constant issue, differs game to game and survival spawns are dynamic, even going off alone still sees more action than the plains.
    It's not relevant due to those reasons so I'll not take it into account as an actual comparison, which is why I'd fail to see why it's relevant, not that I've never experienced being in a PUB because, your assumption and subsequent conclusion is ridiculous. 

  15. 16 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    how are bounties worse than standing in the same mission hours on end?

    The irritation I find is that a normal mission has a continuous flow of enemies which to burn through the entire mission length and hold your attention, as you wipe out a room, the next group is upon you.

    Bounties on the other hand are pockets of action, the plains are compartmentalised not continuous , do an area, take a minute to move to the next area, etc etc... it's too broken up to hold the attention of some one who likes WF due to the action from start to finish in normal mission.

    I was over bounties 2 weeks after the plains were released, WF is already grindy, but it's a fun, action packed grind I can do a survival for 40 minutes no issue, the plains is not a fun, action packed grind, it's a slow separated experience interspersed with 1-2 minutes of action, which most of the time is a defence type mission, which out of the normal mission is the most boring IMHO, on top of that, you need to brake to return to the plains just to do it again.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the plains, I can't wait for the next open world area on Venus, but It's only tolerable as an extra mission type you do every so often, being forced to grind the same 5 or so missions over and over and over is mind numbingly painful, and all the bounty levels are basically the same thing.

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