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Posts posted by trndr

  1. The mastery requirements are to stop you from throwing plat at higher ranks, so you can blast through the game.

    Rivens are suposed to be "end game", there is no need to have a riven on any weapon to be able to do the entire starchart.

    In fact you could, if you wanted, do everything up to and including sorties with a starter frame, and starter weapons, and mods picked up allong the way.

    And if you feel like throwing Plat at problems, buy frame and weapon slots, use the slots for frames and weapons, you might even find some good or fun weapons that arn't considered meta.

    There are hundreds of weapons in the game, there is no need to rush to get todays/last years meta.

  2. Your operator can heal. Furis has heal augment, Hema heals on headshot.

    Thats 3 options, only 2 of which you have disqualified.

    It's at least 1 year since I could fit lifestrike on any melee.

    Inaros dosn't have a healing problem, he gets 20% of his max from finisher and would be completely unkillable if he also got 2k hp per orb.

    Mesa has 80-95% damage reduction, how much healing do you need?

    Since adaptation and rolling guard got released, there is no frame that can't happily go up against lvl 100s.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Jenarickman said:

    Make a separate vendor that sells the old cosmetics and old rewards for vitus essence. (Changes with each season) 

    If by old cosmetics you mean the event badges, GTFO. Badges are to show you participated in an event, if you didn't participate, no badge.

    Everything else, you can already get them.

    50 minutes ago, Jenarickman said:

    The 300% bonuses should be limited to the things you have in your inventory and they have to be rank 30.

    The point of the 300% bonus is to get us to use different stuff.

    If it was just the stuff in inventory, I would feel forced to sell about 120 weapons so I always got the bonus on the good weapons I have good rivens for.

  4. 8 minutes ago, BoarWarrior said:

    So what? We already have many and better options for endo, like Vodyanoi Sedna. Kuva gain is abysmally slow compared to how much we need it, and it's the last resource you'll ever need because of those god rolls you go for. No point in not rolling for them, unless you dislike pressing that rolling button. Lol.

    And you expect it would be faster than 7k kuva per 10 min interval?

    7k kuva would be the best you could expect given how "endless kuva" got calibrated, and on top of that it would be given as a reward, so if you got kuva it wouldn't be affected by boosters, and even then it would reduce the endo so noone would farm endo in a fun way.

    If you prefer standing on Vodyanoi with a nekros pumping kohm shots into a nidus ball, go do that, but in my oppinion that is not fun, and a game should be fun.

  5. 3 hours ago, Thanzilla said:

    Endo is pretty underwhelming. I wish the common rewards would change depending on who you are fighting. Example:

    Vs grineer: common reward 1= kuva, common reward 2= orokin cells

    Vs corpus: common reward 1= polymer bundles, common reward 2= nitain extract

    Vs infested: common reward 1= plastids, common reward 2= Alad V coordinates

    Vs corrupted: common reward 1= argon crystals, common reward 2= corrupted mod (the ones you get from orokin vaults)

    If endo is underwhelming you shouldn't need cells, you only need about 60 nitain total. Salad coordinates...

    Endo only has 1 reasonable farming place outside of Arbitration, and it's the most boring farm in the game.

    Corrupted mods while not that easy to find squads for, as is you dont need to.

    Argon poly and plastids are easy to fram, and not that grindy.

    Kuva we already have 2 options.

  6. 10 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    The only other suggestion I would do is for Rolling Guard. As a player who does a lot of rolls, the 7s cooldown make it almost unusable as it's never ready when you need it.
    I would rather decrease the effect duration to 0.5-1 second and reduce the cooldown as well to 2-3 seconds so, you need to be more be more reactive about when to cast it but also can do it more oftern.

    At sub 3 seconds it would only make it usefull on frames that already can take damage.

    3 seconds is just enough to allow Loki and Limbo to be proactive, and not just be frames used for spy, kuva and excacation.

    We have operator for reactive survival, Rolling Guard gives us proactive survival.


    The mod is well balanced and no more niche than Steel Fiber.

    The only issue I have is not having a counter while active, but I could just git gud and learn to count to 3.

  7. 6 hours ago, Calthous said:

    Was looking forward to it as I used to use her a fair bit, but stopped when her 4 pretty much became a close range ability and her survivability took a nose dive because of her tissue paper armor. Well 125 but for being cut to close range for her ultimate that is terrible, a corpus with a shotgun can take her down past shields with a full redirection at those levels (60s-80s).

    Even with the 300% bonus, it took enemies several seconds to die from world on fire... at close range! Afterwards I tried a ranged build at 250% with Firequake and less strength it worked alright for preventing enemies from attacking while you finish them off with a weapon. Range it still horrible when its at 100% with range mods. At that point all ember seemed to be good for was staggering enemies to finish them off with her gun.

    It seems to me the buffs don't work on prime frames.

    I was running Nova Prime with less than 85% strength assuming the buff would make it go full 75% slow, but that was not the case.

    Needs more testing though.

  8. 8 hours ago, Auron471 said:

    1)Every hour give players a selection of 3 missions. Once one AA is complete, all of them say completed, so you cant just get 150k per hour. This is just so players can have more choice in what mission type they get to play. If someone solely wants to do survival arbitrations, it would suck to get no survival missions for several hours.

    2)Make arbitrations replayable once you beat them. If you die near the beginning of the hour and you technically completed the AA, you just have to wait like 50-40 mins for the next one. 

    3)Allow the warframe buffs to be something other than just power strength.  (Just not efficiency)

    4) Make the drones less annoying to hit. I mean seriously. They are tiny AF, things like the amprex dont chain to them, and it seems that it requires a direct hit from AOE weapons. Also they arent all that noticeable. Make them more flashy or something.

    Only having 1 mission avalible is good, since it should reduce repeat burnout, even if interception spawns are buged since .2 and defence is slow, and excavation spawns are hit and miss.


    You can restart if you don't get any reward.


    Increased range and duration would increase complexity to the RNG since some frames could quickly become too op.


    The drones have a reletiveatly simple AI, so if they arn't behind cover, and you don't have a jitter host, they are easy to hit.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Diveris said:

    May I ask where you see confidence? I am not being salty at all, just would like to know. All I've seen is a solid maybe in very cautiously worded statements.

    Even the recent Prime Time post. Maybe live maybe Dev build.

    Redtext seemed quite confident, but it's still only 10:30ish at DE HQ so they have a couple of hours to estimate if the build is too buggy to release.

  10. Sharpshooter, Power Donation, Vigorous Swap and Rolling Guard all have potential to be considered "required" mods on some builds. (Volt, Nova, Equinox, Limbo)

    Adaption is meh unless more missions will have increased elemental, without increasing single shot damage by much.

    Cautious Shot is a traingwheels mod, but even if it provided 100% damage reduction it would still not make the "end game" cut, and at 90% it still teaches players getting hit is bad.


  11. 7 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    If you were a veteran


    Guess what stoped javelin being OP and hence not considered in this thread even if it has a 70m range.

    Polerize mag was never that legendary, as it was dwarfed by Greedy Mag, so most players didn't realize it was a thing, before the void got a major orokin drone count reduction.


    39 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    people chained Nyx's Absorb for infinite repeatable damage, which is what Equinox squads today emulate.

    This has been possible since Equinox got released, and yet it's still not the most popular cheese.


    32 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    Current mod stats: 1.0 base range with mods contributing 45/90/30/15 range.
    New mod stats: 1.12 base range with mods contributing 30/35/20/15 range.
    The base multiplies with any range on top of it, thus Stretch would be slightly better than it is now, while Augur Reach and Cunning Drift would be buffed. Overextended builds would be less effective but the penalty would be decreased to make the mod overall more stat-positive, from +90% range and -60% strength to +35% range and -20 strength. Add new mod "Exhausted Prowess" for +40% efficiency -45% strength, and you have yet another viable option for kits.

    I would recommend choosing words carefully, when making things needlessly complicated. RFCs and patent applications would probably be a good source of inspiration.

  12. 12 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    Mesa has 60 meters range on Peacemaker, while half her kit is devoted to defending herself and her first ability buffs one shot.

    Afik no frame ability can have over 56m range Volt and Saryn, Equi is 3rd at 50.4m, and mesa has 50m range.

    22 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    Meanwhile frame abilities like Mag's Polarize and Nyx's Absorb were nerfed due to how their proportionally effective their enemy-based scaling was, while not suffering at all from any loss in power strength and only gaining from more range stat.

    I didn't mention Mag Polarize as I considered it a too niche build after corrupted got a shield drone reduction.

    And the range was less than 50m with all mods and helmet at the time.

    28 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    Quake Banshee always relied on Overextended to increase her range.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC Resonating Quake had no limit, so overextended only changed how much energy was required.

    31 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    +35% range and -20 strength.

    This would place it in the same pile as warm coat and intruder. No ammount of Legendary cores would protect DE from the flack they would get.

  13. 19 minutes ago, MechaKnight said:

    over the years what I noticed is if a frame feels powerful and people want it nerfed, Overextended is the culprit

    Mesa didn't use overextended when it got mag nerfed. Nore did it use overextended when Mesa got nerfed.

    Rhino hasnt been nerfed even if the only decent team build uses overextended.

    Nuke Limbo was not OP due to range, but due to how the calculation was done.

    Ember was not OP, even pre range nerf it was just a cc frame over level 30.

    Ash pre rework was activly helping enemies with overextended and bladestorm.

    Quake Banshee didn't would be just as good pre nerf if it didnt have overextended.


    Blaming overextended is a cheap tactic, and if you actually look at the frames that have been called OP, the thing they have in common is the abilities aren't limited by line of sight (mesa is the exception, but DE wanted it to be stupid OP).

    Sure many frames are much better with overextended, but few low armor frames have any survivability without it.

    All abilities could be line of sight limited without wrecking any frame.

  14. As a player who still has Supra (not Vandal) as most used weapon even if I got Vandal when it got released, I must say 100% status is not nessisary on Supra.

    The mod does what it's inteded to do, even if the text has been badly worded since it got released.

    No mod changes the base stats of the equiptment it's on.

  15. It makes sense helios stops scanning, when codex is complete, while it still uses charges.

    It would be great if helios with scanner upgrades just went to town scanning.

    Plants and dna are the most annoying things to gather, we have the bandaid, but we can't use it since the mission is started after codex got completed.

  16. The problem here is a combination of 2 issues.

    You get the reward if someone enters portal, not when the portal closes.

    Host migration dosn't work at all.

    So if host dosn't enter the portal, but a client enters, host gets the reward.

    Then the game attempts to migrate, which fails, so the client who triggered reward won't get anything.

  17. I like the mode, there are some issues though.

    Firstly the drop chances for Khora parts and vandals is too high on elite, for the longevity of the mode, reducing the chances would at least make it so there wasn't a 10% chance of getting a useless reward after getting all the parts.

    When you let the portal close on you on a reward giving wave you don't get any reward, unless someone goes through the portal, this is rather counter intuative, especially as host migrations don't work, so host has to be convinced to go through the portal, when they want to leave.

  18. 1 hour ago, NezuHimeSama said:

    So heat damage is reduced by ancient disruptors. Not even a real eximus, and it reduces heat why???

    Are you sure you didn't mistake a healer for a disrupter?

    Last I checked disrupters only reduced ability strength and duration.

    While healers give 90% damage restiance, heal every now and then, absorb all procs and get healed to up to 150% health when mobs affected by its aura take damage.

  19. 4 hours ago, JalakBali said:

    I wasn't saying to move these mods exclusively to the mastery rank tests. Just that a player should be guaranteed to have these mods by certain rank because the tests would reward them the mods, because they're so crucial on your power progression. Also, almost all of my suggestions do not remove the grind. There is 'grinding' and there is 'progression brick wall'. You cannot progress in your secondary's killing power without Hornet Strike. The grind to rank it up will still be there.

    I can understand what you are saying, just completely disagree it should be done.

    I remember my first mod grind, it was for Split Chamber, now soon 5 years ago. There was no nekros, you could not get it as a mission reward, or at least not as far as I knew. So the remaining option was spaming grineer Mobile Defence. And yet that grind paled compared to the now rare mods, like Condition Overload, which manages to replace Primed Pressure Point on some of my builds.

    Slowly building up the grind for new players from the start, is, IMO, the fairest way to allow players to know what type of game Warframe is.

    Handing out mods for no effort, would help them get started, but when they progress further, they will stand with the same dillemma, grind or go to an other game. Personally I would get rather iritated if the game, I've had spent hours on, suddenly shifted.

  20. There used to be a way to force "crash report" system to activate (the one with game logs and a text box when you start Warframe), don't know if it's still there or if DE removed it due to bad bug descriptions.


    Fixing bugs is about twice as hard as making them, and bad bug reports are useless at best, infuriating at worst.

  21. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars all have Hornet Strike as rewards from Spy Excavation and Interception.

    There should perhaps be a way to access mission drop tables from the game, but moving the mods to MR tests would just make the grind wall at mr8-16 seem that much worse.

    Warframe is a game with grind, hiding all the grind until the players has spent considerable time is unlikely to increase player retention.

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