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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. On 2018-12-05 at 8:53 PM, RoyBatty72 said:

    Would it be possible to:

    1. make all blueprints tradable

    2. add visible/invisible on blueprints in foundry   -there's a lot there you don't need to see after a while and it gets really long with all the blueprints you won't use

    3. make UI more configurable, like move around the windows

    4. make chat window configurable, like resizing, how long the text should stay on before it fades, text size, undock the tabs so you can see more than one window at a time, and other settings and configurations

    5. I know this one isn't specific enough and it could maybe become a problem, but could it be possible to implement some kind of mail system, both messages and maybe attachments?

    1. This would nearly ruin the game. If beggars knew that they could get all that much more stuff for free, then chat would be nothing but spam. Also, considering how easy normal blueprints are to get, they'd be practically worthless. I get it that some blueprints can be hard to get, like Ivara's, but I don't think it's a crime to make people play the game sometimes. 

    2. I guess a hide option would be fine. More UI options the better.

    3. Sure. 

    4. You already can resize the chat window, how do you not know this? I guess the other stuff is fine. 

    5. Just play on console. I don't see why not - just make a separate inbox in the menu. 

  2. Primes only have boosted "body stats," which are HP/armor/energy/etc.

    Primes never have better ability stats, because Primes aren't supposed to be that much better. Armor-scaling abilities get lucky, but there's nothing really gamebreaking about them. If we start giving Primes better ability stats, then they'll become absolutely mandatory over their normal variants. Prime warframes aren't supposed to be that. 

  3. As it stands, Venari only has one mode: Healing. Protect mode doesn't do anything at all, and Attack mode is simply worse than Healing. I think that it would be really cool if swapping Venari's modes changed how she behaved more, rather than just changing her main ability.

    Attack mode: Most similar to current pet AI where they mostly do their own thing. Also, while in attack mode, Venari and Khora's IPS damage would be buffed by 20%
    Protect mode: After swapping to this mode, Venari would stay near wherever you place your Mark. This Mark could be placed on Defense VIPs, in Rescue and Special Defense. Also, her disarm ability would be replaced by a modest AoE blast proc to knock away enemies that get too close. Without a Mark, Venari would stick close to you. 
    Healing mode: No changes necessary, except maybe add a modest armor buff to anyone who is currently being healed.

    I believe that these changes would make Venari's other modes worth using and make Khora a lot better overall. 

  4. The rules will still be the rules, and breaking the rules will still get you kicked. All we need are more well-defined rules and a way to find out how long your ban will last. An hour? A day? A week? There's no way to know unless you've broken the same rule before. The rules are unclear because it says "No profanity" but you can use as much profanity as you like as long as it isn't targeted directly at someone. I also got banned for an hour once for saying to an admin, "If you keep banning people who criticize you, you'll start proving them right." I don't know which rule I broke there. 


    You'd never get permabanned for something as harmless as leeching, unless it was MANY repeat offenses with undeniable proof.

  5. 6 hours ago, (NSW)Jerusalem said:

    Hi, I started the game off with the electric guy, a Bow, and knives, it is THE WORST. I hate playing because of what I chose and I just need to restart. I know I can buy new weapons but I don't even want to play anymore. It is really frustrating. Please tell me if there is a way I can restart



    (EDIT) I play on the Nintendo switch

    The electric guy, knives, and bow aren't even that bad. Just get the other starter weapons from the Market. They only cost credits. 

  6. On 2018-11-27 at 2:43 PM, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Also, they dont close topics unnecessarily, you probably were rude in some manner when complaining/asking.


    It should never be open to interpretation as to why as topic is closed. A clear reason must always be given so that you can be sure to not repeat the same mistake again. 

  7. 14 hours ago, renatro said:

    can we please have an option that would give us the options to host or not... the people that care or know that they have a good or bad connections will be able to change that and those who don't really care cant leave that to any.

    please... the ping limiter is a joke and doesn't match you with people at the set ping


    This would be awesome. Sometimes I cannot start a mission because I get stuck in "finding squad" forever. 

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