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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. On 2019-01-13 at 10:12 PM, DevilmanWeebSlayer said:

    My main concern is MR test gating which cant seem to be sped up

    While this is annoying early on, once you get to a higher MR it becomes completely irrelevant since it's basically impossible to level that much stuff up in one day to reach the next rank.

  2. When the weapon first came out, I remember the hologram components being dynamic - they disappeared when you weren't attacking or when it was holstered. This was pretty unique and cool in my opinion. I recently decided to put some Forma into the War, because fashionframe with Revenant, and discovered that the holograms are persistent. What's up with that? I know that this is subjective, but I found it a lot cooler the original way. It's a lot less interesting to me with a static appearance. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, erny0507 said:

    I like the idea, now many wf have separate weapons which before they didnt, like mesa, valkyr and so on, just do the same for all the pets, not sure what is the weapon of helminth, tentacle?

    The name of the weapon doesn't matter. All it is is a separate loadout for mods that increase offensive stats.

  4. 2 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    This isn't simple and there's no way that happens and they maintain the same number of slots.

    This is just as simple as giving Sentinels their own weapons, or making Exalted Weapons separate in the arsenal, which already is in the game. 

    Why couldn't they maintain the same number of slots? Sentinels get 10 slots + 8 weapon slots. 

  5. Give them "weapons" like Sentinels and Moas. These weapons would just be "fangs/claws," and you wouldn't be able to swap them out or anything, but you would be able to mod them separately from the animal's other mods. This is where all the universal offensive mods would go, like Bite, Maul, and Flame Gland. This would fit in line with the recent updates where Exalted Weapons were separated from the other stuff, and it would really help since DE just released new dualstat mods for animals and it's super hard to find a place to put them on our builds, especially if you want to put on some of the new Set Mods too. ALSO, it'd be great if there was a new Attack Precept mod for pets that determined if they attacked at all - My Smeeta Kavat is built completely towards utility and survivability, and I never want it attacking enemies for any reason at all. If there was a Sentinel-like mod for them, I could simply not have that mod equipped and it would never run off and get killed. 

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  6. Has anyone an idea how to find a final solution for the speedruning question?

    Seeing as the game is called Warframe and not "Squirrel-Simulator 2019 - ADHD Edition" I am always pissed when people just race through the level at breakneck speed.
    I can barely get my secondary objective done, let alone open a few lockers or scan ceph fragments even though I am sprinting all the time.

    I was thinking of the following:
    In a non defense/intercept mission the game calculates the shortest route from start to finish and divides it by each frames sprinting speed. If a player arrives at extraction faster than that AND faster than another player by 20s (that can be tweaked) then it is speedrunning and the punishment is playing the next 10 missions under permanent cold proc.

    What do you guys think?

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)AnimeWeebooTrash said:

    PC player has told me that they can buy prime things seperate like the Tenno outfits seperately. As for the animal man on, cetus totally forgot about that one. Yeah he needs more gear too. I know how to get Glyphs. I own the one on my profile up here. Im talking about emblems that are attached to your warframes. ie, ki teer sekara, vox solaris emblem.

    Those emblems mostly come from Events.

  8. I don't know how to quote properly so I'll do it like this.

    >Hanging on Walls aint really much of a passive. Also has low shield health and armor.
    Yes his passive does suck, but his low HP is irrelevant since he rarely takes damage at all.

    >The problem with Loki is that he's not offensive at all Sure okay but him being the opposite of tough really makes him worse.
    Have you heard of guns? Try using your weapons, and Loki is just as offensive as everything else.

    >Like Saryn, every stat is great balanced and her abilities are great. Loki just has switch teleport and runspeed… 
    I find it troubling that you didn't mention Invisibility.
    There's no difference between him and his prime counterpart other than a great helmet and 50 Energy. That's the only Prime difference.
    So? Most Primes only have minor stat differences. 

    >Banshee Prime's Sonic Boom ability is useless.
    Yeah it needs both more damage and more range.

    >Credit Booster, Forma, and Exilus Adapter really isn't much of a reward for sorties
    All of those are better than Endo. 

    >Conclave wins being determined by Oro isnt really all that great.
    Conclave isn't all that great.

    >Literally takes forever to grind any sort of Focus so you nearly have to cheat the game. 
    Literally not true. Hunt Eidolons and do Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.

    >PC players can buy anything separately that comes in bundles
    This isn't true. At all.

    >No Emblems at all. I've Played for 180 days. I'm Mastery Rank 18 with 1 Emblem. A Vox Solaris emblem..
    Menu > Profile > Glyph

    >War was deemed trash when Galantine Prime came out, Galantine was deemed kinda obsolete by Gram Prime. Hate? Oh you mean that weapon that was replaced by Reaper Prime?
    Yeah, powercreep sucks, but what can you do? New items would be pointless if they weren't better than old items. It can't all be side-grades.

    >Foundry rush costs are, very dumb. Costs 50 platinum to rush an item that costs 10 platinum... It'd be very smart to introduce credit costs to rush things.
    It would be very stupid for DE to introduce credit costs to rush things. It's part of the backbone of their monetization platform.

    >A limit on how many times you can trade per day... What is the purpose for that? There is no valid reason for slowing down player productivity.
    The valid reason is to incentivise you to buy plat. Also, this becomes completely irrelvant once you're above MR10.

    >There's really not many options to get Ship decorations without spending a ton of plat.
    Almost every cosmetic is plat-exclusive.

    >Warframe has weak options for customizing your character. (Tenno).
    The last update just added a ton of new hairstyles. I get what you're saying, but it's kinda silly to make this criticism when the developers are clearly in the process of addressing it. 

    >Instead of Void Relics giving you a Forma Blueprint, It be smarter just to give us the whole FORMA ITSELF
    Yeah and Prime parts shouldn't be blueprints either.

    >Nakak has nothing at all. Period. Her few little stone masks really don't offer much in terms of customization. We want more than just 4 stone masks and a Grineer mask. However we still love Nakak! 
    Watch out with those "we's." Don't talk about Nakak until after you've talked about the Animal Man in Cetus who sells literally nothing. 

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