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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. 4 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

    Anything he can do a different frame does better.

    Nope. Nothing beats Repelling Bastille, especially for effortlessly soloing Interceptions at any level.

  2. 18 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    Rivens are to Balance weak items... The WF Balance is done by direct changes to them... They don't need a Riven... Pets are not direct interaction items, they also do not need them.

    Weapons get direct changes too all the time. 

  3. 6 hours ago, novalery said:

    I don’t know what DE final decision on how the on-plain quest giver for POE gonn be.

    but if it really is a hacked grineer probe or console, like what the last devstream showed, can we have Saya to be the voice.

    I understand this will need some adjusting especially for those who haven’t done saya’s quest. But at least it gonna feels like they (konzu and saya) are complementing each other

    Nah, it will just be the same "Early lunch for Konzu!" lines and then the Lotus covers everything in the mission itself.

  4. Okay, you like the new system. Cool. 

    However, a lot of people don't like the new system. They are doing nothing but giving their feedback here on the feedback forums. If you disagree with them, feel free to comment on their threads instead of just complaining here. None of them are going to look at this post and think to themselves, "damn I've been told. Guess I'll delete my threads."

    • Like 2
  5. Nah. You only need to complete 60% of all the challenges to get all the reward tiers. Obviously veteran players are going to have an easier time ranking up than new players, but that's the same for any progression system in any video game. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, (NSW)TeddyTalks said:

    This just makes your argument look even weaker.

    Not racist because you don't know slurs? LOL. That has nothing to with anything. Nice meme. I doubt you are innocent and this probably is not the first time.

    It's not racist because it's the name of a common type of cat. And no, I have not heard the slur before. Sorry for living under a rock, I guess. Nice ad hominem, though.
    What meme?
    How can you possibly doubt my innocence?


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Honest accidents/mistakes doesn't stop someone from incurring a penalty from that accident/mistake. 

    Yes, but do you know what actually happens in real life when something like this happens? You get let off with a warning, a slap on the wrist at most. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    And by his own words, it isn't the first time, and he claimed innocence for the first time as well....  Sorry, but had to believe.   

    I had screenshots/proof which I sent to DE and was thoroughly ignored/disregarded by DE so I'm not going to waste my time again by sending another ticket. I am making this post because the same thing happened again - Kickbot suspended me by "accident" I said a no-no word but in an entirely appropriate, unoffensive context. The first time, it was because someone was spamming chat with random obnoxious garbage, and he said something like "tbh I'm gay guys, stop hatin" and I replied with "nobody cares that you're gay, just stop being annoying." Since I said "you're gay" I got suspended for two weeks. How is that fair? Is gay a bad word or not? Kickbot's "context detector" is tragically inept. There are so many harmless things that you can say that include "you're gay." What if a friend was just talking about their sexuality, and I remarked, "Oh, I didn't know that you're gay." Whether you get kicked for saying "gay" or not is basically arbitrary. There are certain ways of saying it that kickbot ignores, and certain ways that get you banned for weeks, and there is no way of learning the difference except by trial and error. It needs to be fixed.

    If you can say "I'm gay" and not get banned, I should be able to say "There's a pretty Maine Coon that lives around my apartment complex" without getting banned. 

  9. I just don't want to be banned for two weeks for talking about my neighborhood cat. I wish I could contact DE and have them unban me, but the Chat Suspension category for tickets doesn't do anything.

  10. 4 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    That's what pretty much everyone says when they get hit with a ban.

    Mind showing us what exactly you said/did to get banned?   Because otherwise its just another person claiming "I said nothing wrong..." when they actually did.
    And honestly the number of times its been brought up as almost always shown that the person claiming innocence was in the wrong.

    People were talking about cats. I mentioned my favorite breed, the Maine Coon. That triggered Kickbot and now I can't chat at all with anyone for two weeks. maine-coon-cat-484757920.jpg

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