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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. 7 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    If you are only behaving because you know there's someone watching, you aren't getting it.

    Great strawman. I find it unsettling that you prefer people to get banned left and right, then for them to be less likely to break the rules at all due to noticeable warnings. 
    Well then, chat mods might as well not give warnings out at all. But they do. And people literally cannot see these warnings because they don't stand out and get drowned out, which completely neuters the warnings. 

  2. 7 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    On one hand, taking it away gives the Guides a break.  How annoying would it be to have the purple text when just goofing about, only to be taken seriously and then reported for behaving in a manner unbecoming of a Guide?

    What do you mean? Guides/Mods had the ability to turn purple on or off at will, until the last change where it was forced off.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm genuinely curious as to who thought this was a good idea, and who allowed it to be implemented. What does it add to the user experience by not being able to easily tell who the authority figures are? When chat mods were purple, it was very easy to see their warnings and know that they were legitimate. Now, their warnings are easily drowned out by all the rest of chat. A new player has no way of knowing at all who the chat mods are and not notice the warnings at all. The amount of people getting kicked is going to increase because they're simply going to miss warnings or ignore them because they don't know that the "warner" is a mod. Especially since there aren't any clear-cut rules anymore, the main way people figured out the rules was by seeing plainly visible warnings from the mods. Now that's basically gone. New players are going to find themselves getting kicked way more than before now. 

    Of all my problems with chat moderation, having them easy to see wasn't one of them. This is just another issue that should really be reverted. Imagine if all cops suddenly went undercover. No uniforms, badges, or anything. Making chat mods less visible does nothing beneficial to the game. 

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  4. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)Justinsane-HD said:

    I never said there was I said it should or would be cool IF there was an option to change the visuals back to the way it was with that atmosphere. Examples are like legacy color pallets, the constant weapon trail, particle fx, bloom, ect..

    Thanks, I had no clue you were talking about a hypothetical change to the game. 

    Now, what kind of setting could you just flip in the options menu to make a change as drastic to this?

  5. 13 minutes ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    guess you never watched the stream where DE did say that PoE is getting wildlife conservation

    The caves are set in stone only way to expand them is if DE opened more of the plains up

    bounty giver out  in the plains would be a great addition

    Guess I didn't see that stream which was it?

    Why can't the caves be open all the time? I see no reason as to why they're only open if a Bounty takes you there. If Fortuna can load all of its caves at once, so can the Plains. 

  6. What are you talking about? That's pretty rude.
    A huge amount of stuff that they've shown in the devstreams years ago still hasn't made it into the game yet. The devstreams aren't promises. It's just an update on what DE is currently working on. Stuff changes all the time. Priorities switch around, things get cancelled, things get replaced. Hydroid Prime trailer? Damage 3.0? Sentient arm canons? Flying Eidolons? The list goes on. I'm not upset that any of these things aren't in the game yet, and I'm certainly not bashing on DE at all. All I'm saying is that the devstreams are not a perfectly reliable source of what's upcoming for Warframe. 

    EDIT: This conversation has completely derailed. I'll conclude this side-track with this: Just because DE didn't include it on the roadmap, doesn't mean its impossible for it to ever happen. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I was going to say that they are planning to update POE to have the better systems that ForTuna has, but I just realized that POE part 2 wasn’t part of the 2019 road map. Crap....

    Well we already got PoE 2 with the Tricap update. 

    Also, this wouldn't necessarily be big enough to be worth mentioning on the roadmap, nor do I expect that roadmap to be very relevant at all to what DE releases this year.

  8. Fortuna came out with a handful of cool QoL changes and features that made it way better than the Plains. Why not add these to the Plains?

    -Bounty bonuses that award extra Standing + a whole extra reward
    -Fish ingredients and gems in containers
    -Bounty giver near the gate to Cetus
    -Caves always fully explorable
    -(might be pushing it) wildlife conservation

    Just because the Plains weren't as successful as you might have hoped originally, doesn't mean that nobody has any interest in it. Adding in the features that are the main reason Fortuna is better than Plains would help a lot to keep the area relevant. 


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  9. 17 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    It's not as subjective as you might think. There are many sub categories of Science Fiction for this reason.

    Realistic Sci-fi might mean kin to hard Sci-fi which is based in Scientific accuracy. Examples like Interstellar, The Martian, Blade Runner or Altered Carbon. Plausible things that can and might happen in the future. Well.... except the end of Interstellar... lets pretend that's not there.

    Warframe of yesteryear was far closer to a hard sci-fi concept than Warframe of today which has taken far more liberties to the point of having magical children save the Galaxy. It's quite a few hops through the spectrum of Sci-fi. Where exactly you want to put it is subjective I suppose but it's certainly in a much different place.

    Tell me, what kind of setting you could just flip in the Options Menu could just make this happen?

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