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(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Erudite Prime

  1. I just got insta-suspended for literally no reason. I have screenshots/clips to prove this. 

    The last time I sent a ticket to DE about this, they told me that there was nothing they could do, and I had to go through a week of no chat at all, despite PROVING that I said nothing wrong. 

    It would be really great if the kickbot/suspension/ticket system was reworked so I didn't have to make posts about this. 

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  2. On 2019-02-16 at 5:43 PM, (XB1)SL VADER said:

    Thanks Erudite for being a so nice about this and assuming I have not read the wiki. I found on the wiki at the top of the page several of the relics I was looking for state "no longer available".  The game doesn't exactly guide you through everything. I've tried asking in game and have received curt responses similar to yours, with a few exceptions. 

    My apologies if you think I'm attacking you personally with my post and you have gotten your feelings hurt. Was I irritated when I posted, sure. But as you can see above, it was already taken care of. 

    Thank you for assuming that I'm a liar, but I have provided a link so that you can see for yourself. 


    If for some reason it has been updated when you get there, don't worry, I grabbed a screenshot too. I don't want you to worry about me lying about a game after all. 

    Stop being ridiculous... I don't know which Syndicate you're trying to rank up in, so I'll choose at random for example. The Perrin Sequence. 

    You need a Nami Skyla Prime Blade to rank up with them. You click on "Nami Skyla" and then "Acquisition" and it tells you right there, in plain English, which Relics drop its parts. It also clearly tells you which Relics are vaulted and which are not.

  3. 3 hours ago, (XB1)SL VADER said:

    What is with the void relics being listed on the wiki as unavailable? I am trying to level up my syndicates but I am being blocked by the requirements to provide prime parts that I can only get from relics. This game is complex enough without the dev blocking you from completing milestones.

    What are you talking about? Just get the Prime parts by opening relevant relics or trading for them. Don't know which relics to open? Read the wiki. It's very, very rarely out of date.

    "I can no longer progress in the game because the things I need just aren't there."  This is completely false. There aren't any Syndicate requirements from Relics that you can't get. You claim to have read the wiki but evidence suggests otherwise.

  4. Umbra - The ones that were actual people, the 1st Generation, the prototypes.

    Primes - Clones of the originals, more or less just as strong. Cloning process included the Helminth virus, so they were never people.

    Regulars - Tenno reproductions of Primes. 

  5. 9 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    So let's say we remove the cap...I run 1 hour random ESO and can buy 4 Mods. Make this clan/friends only and 4 hours...maybe 20 Mods per day. I could wash so many Mods into the Trade Chat and I wouldn't be the only person...the prices would drop to 1 or 2 plat per Syndicate mod or 10p for each weapon. We need less plat, we buy less plat


  6. Why not let the "no-lifers" grind as much as they want? Why not let people enjoy the video game at their own pace? If they give criticism for there being nothing to do after reaching max standing, maybe take the criticism seriously. After all, daily limits don't neutralize those complaints - just push them back until people finally max out the standing.

    If Warframe has to rely on slowing down player progress with daily limits in order to keep player retention, maybe there's something that needs changing. 

  7. Make it so that swapping to Operator Form acts as a pseudo-Void Dash, meaning that it ragdolls enemies and activates whatever Focus perks are related to your Dash. 

    The movement of exiting your Warframe wouldn't be affected at all, and you wouldn't be invisible either, hence the "pseudo-dash."

    Basically I just want Energizing Dash to be a one-button input than a four-button one.

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