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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. Problems I have found with Deluxes ;

    • First of all, body could use a bit size increase.
    • Ash Shroud doesn't have a tintable metallic channel.
    • Ash Shroud's hood fabric shares tertiary channel with a shiny material.
    • Ash Deluxe doesn't colour well because of materials used on it ( looks darker than they were supposed to be ).
    • Cremata Syandana doesn't use dual energy colour for smoke effect.
    • Causta Bow Skin has awfully pixelated textures.
    • Causta Bow Skin's secondary has quite dark material, its impossible to use white or any other light colours. ( white basically becomes a gray ).
    • Causta Bow has a weird visual issue, it almost looks like its fading out / vibrating while holding it.
    • Causta Bow quiver doesn't use equipped arrow skins.
    • Like 3
  2. 15 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    I am hoping the duviri paradox will not only power up the tenno with new and more talents. But also  overhaul the entire creator system to give us customization down to the last pixel. Proper sliders,  face and body morphers, etc.

    No more face blending bs. A age slider to make the tenno whatever we want.  No more androgynes child tenno please. Unless the player wants to.

    Maybe more weapons then just the amp. A void energy melee weapon would be badass.

    I think we will have both child and adult forms unless in story, we save our adult selves from Duviri Plains and merge in a single body with an option to keep child / adult form.

    I'd love to have a better character creation system and be able to use void blade with Operator.

  3. Are you using any Vigilante Set mods on your Bramma or Sentinel weapon ? If so, your orange crits have X% ( based on number of set mods equipped on your equipment ) chance to become red crit.

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  4. I like Sci-fi / Fantasy stuff and WF caught my interest with cool biomechanical space wizards ninjas. Hopped into the game by myself because had no gamer friends at that time but made many in my playtime. 

    Enjoying the ride so far :)

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