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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 31 minutes ago, BestDisguise said:

    Rather than forcefully sending your team mate to the rift they will instead get a buff, that essentially grants them Limbos current passive for the remainder of Banish, Less comfusion, more synergy! 

    Back off Satan. (jk)

    This idea is worse than current Banish. Allies are forced to play like Limbo for the full duration of Banish unless they jump into a pit.

    Imagine it with max duration Limbo , god its such a nightmare to get punished with each roll.

    People WON'T be happy with anything that alters their playstyles in negative ways and it will cause much more issues with Limbo.

  2. 3 minutes ago, kyori said:

    Players: More cephalons in ship pls!

    DE: oh ok! More cephalons fragments hidden in the vast space it will be!

    I wouldn't mind even if it takes ages ( or forever ) tho. I love exploration and finding secret stuff. :)

    1 hour ago, (XB1)Kawaii Asa said:


    I love the idea. +1

  3. 22 minutes ago, Stormwind81 said:

    Is it true that the operative will run around more and not be stationary when you give him a secondary?
    If you it would be advised to not give him any weapon. Or is that just a rumor?


    Also is it a bug or why sometimes an Operative can be downed multiple times and you just revive them but then on other missions if he gets downed a second or third time the mission has failed. oO

    It is true that Operative moves alot to shoot enemies when you give him / her a secondary.

    No idea about bug.

  4. Corpus have Amalgams and Animo tech so they can make a Megazord for themselves.

    If anything , Infested will have some kind of stealth and deadly " Arlo " strain.

    1 hour ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    I get a feeling it won't necessarily require kuva. That's just the theme/explanation used for the Grineer kingpin.

    Nope. It's been explained that Kuva Liches bring themselves to life and steal Warframe abilities that are casted on them / killed them by using Kuva.

    Not just a tag or prefix that slapped on Kingpin target.


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