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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 6 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

    I mean we can't know without trying it first hand, but I personally agree with the reasoning Steve gave for removing this feature - it sounds cool on paper but in practice would be just an annoyance during the fast paced Warframe combat.

    RJ Loadout ( only for avionics ) would work if implemented. Like being able swap your presets during mission with a cooldown instead of keep changing stats.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

    I expected it to be much worse to be honest. I thought that the ship hijacking and ground combat objectives would be scrapped (at least for the beginning), since it could be too difficult for them to manage a situation when one player is in a completely different instance while another is piloting RJ. I also expected worse (yep) bugs even for solo play - doors not opening, ship getting stuck in asteroids forever, stations (like turrets, crafting) not working, enemy boarders spawning in unreachable locations, enemy AI being all wonky, not attacking the player, crashing into each other, flying away, not spawning etc (not ocassionally, but on a regular basis).

    Basically I thought that what they showed during the Tennocon is too ambitious, and had doubts that they could make it work. It seems like they can.

    I still don't like the fact that we can't change ship specs during mission , like boosting shields / speed / weapon damage / etc when needed like shown in Tennocon.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    Literally my ENTIRE post other than the title was about the fix that you commented about.  The whole post was about it.  And forgive the hostilities but literally every post or comment I make with literally any criticism is immediately hounded by ONLY 2 types of people:  People that didn't read a damn thing I wrote and DE shills telling me I'm wrong because DE is perfect and the game is perfect.  

    It's getting really, really frustrating.

    Funny thing is that if someone ( like sleepy me ) misses your post's 2nd row while reading, whole post doesn't sound like its about latest fix but more of our complaints since RJ's release. Also sorry if I sounded like either of those 2 types of people.

    22 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    The idea though, that they're increasing Avionics gain by putting them in the drop tables for the enemies that are at the end of the content is hilariously stupid.  "We put the things you need to farm enemies in the drop tables of the enemies you want to farm."  That's...  Not how progression works.  You kill enemy 1 and it drops the thing you need to kill enemy 2 which drops for 3 and so on.  DE thinks they're being generous by putting the things you need to farm enemies 1-3 in enemy 3's drop table while enemies 1 and 2 just got a by the numbers EHP increase.

    I agree about player progression but still battle avionics dropping from all elite units instead of single unit is a nice change. Hope DE adds some of them back to Earth / Saturn elite drop tables.

  4. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:


    People can misread and I have missed the part you mentioned about fix as I am kinda sleepy right now.

     My response was mostly to your title and I just wanted to give information about drop rate change. No need to be THIS hostile.

  5. DE changed drop rate of battle avionics with latest PC hotfix. It will eventually come to console too.

    4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    All Battle Avionics are now potential drops from Elite fighters in Deep Space. Also, with new permanent markers on Avionics, you’ll now ensure none go unclaimed, because you’ll see them! 
    Battle Avionics rarity was exacerbated by the units they dropped on - adding drops to Elite fighters should increase your chances of acquiring one. We want to see the effects of these new drops before making additional changes.

  6. Just now, Cubewano said:

    Unfortunately they're playing beta tester on consoles as well right now as we rushed empyrean to them so quick even their version is filled with bugs and balance issues. 

    At least We All Suffer Together now. :3

  7. 5 hours ago, Daziri said:

    Kinda ranting, today marking my 400 runs (of which 50% or more are done via splitrunning instead of solo). I'm already past 1.2k aborted missions of which 3rd is thanks to this anomaly brainlessness.

    I am officially done with this degeneracy. I'm waiting DE making it a drop on regular Sentients instead of brainless caches. I'll continue playing anomaly when changes are made. Not before. Pity because the tileset is mesmerizing. But hey at least I have 5 capturas of which 2 are duplicates leaving me with a total of 3 unique capturas.


    I'm so burned out that I don't even wanna hear the word Sentient.

    I feel you mate. :(

    I'm so irritated and disgusted by Sentients and Sentient Tileset ( even tho I loved them so much ) because of this ephemera grind and I don't want to see anything related to them including New War anytime soon.

  8. 20 minutes ago, (XB1)AlingsasArrende said:

    There is always the Simaris mod that scans whatever you kill with Archwing melee.

    That would be really good if Arch-Melees didn't lose their lock-on attacks.

    1 minute ago, Draegan said:

    Melee scan is not the easy way, more the like the hardest.

    Just put your scanner in your shortcut like F1,F2,F3, etc, to equip it while in archwing then press the 3 (and 1 for protection) of Amesha and enjoy the easy scans.

    Yep , this works well.

  9. There is a bug that causes player to don't get any end mission reward from RJ.

    I got " Skirmish Complete " message with no reward details when mission is completed. Then my teammates told me that we got Vidar Reactor , checked my mission progress screen and saw that I didn't get it.

    Heard some people got this issue , hope it gets fixed soon.

  10. 40 minutes ago, MollAgdeduba said:

    We are tenno and honour is our philosophy of life (or it is supposed) so is our job to save him.

    Well that is not true. Honour is a lie and our philosophy of life are just looting and genocide.

    I am sure we ravaged and killed more than Orokin , Grineer , Corpus , Infestation and Sentients combined.

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