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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 11 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

    So it looks like his 2 has been changed to absorb physical damage. Yeah, that sounds more useful.

    Khora is still my favourite new (released since I started playing) frame, but I'll give him a go.

    Kinetic Plating did absorb physical damage alongside with cold and fire damages when Reb showed him in devstreams. Only thing that is different it absorbs blast now.

  2. Eh forma count is not an issue for me. I wouldn't even mind if it was 5 forma act as long as I have new stuff to put forma on. I have no intention or desire to put another forma on the items that are already forma'ed 5 times.

    Currently I'm waiting for Gauss and his weps to drop this week , so I can complete this act.

  3. Wukong Deluxe Helmet ( primary channel ) doesn't match body after U25.6.3 changes. Not sure if it's related to lighting ( helmet and body are affected by lighting differently ) or just texture mismatch.


    Also I summon thee @NightmareT12 , I know you like finding visual issues such as this. :)

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

    Is there any NW challenge people don't complain about?

    Nope. They find something to complain about in every challenge.

    Next one will be ;

    " Why does daily challenges of kills with X damage require 150 enemies ?! "


    " Why do you force me to use the damage types that I don't care about ?! ".

    • Like 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, ISMW said:

    i think they should refound becouse riven system icnludes moeny and time investmen. If it wasn't so hard to get kuva, then it'l be fine i guess. My question is why they don't?

    You invest ( either money or time or both ) into something that is subject to change ( like everything in game ) knowingly. You also agreed to the terms when you created your account. They literally tell you in ToS that they don't owe you any compensation. Now I ask you again , why'd they ? It's more beneficial for DE to not refund kuva , so people farm more , play more and possibly buy boosters too.

    As for Kuva acquisition ; Kuva Missions , Kuva Floods , Kuva Survival and boosters exist. Not to mention Nightwave gives a nice amount of Kuva too. Kuva is not so hard to get nowadays ( tho a buff to Kuva Survival would be nice ).

  6. Kuva refund ? Nope.

    Why'd they refund ? We were and are well aware that rivens are subject to change. They don't owe us compensation.

    They didn't even change our rivens' specific combination of stats, they just reduced numbers. Those stats might get buffed in future who knows ?

  7. Seriously , how did you come up with a conclusion that a kinectic energy based speedster frame has to deal toxic / viral damage with his ability ?

    He just changes temperature around him by speeding up / slowing down molecules in air with kinetic energy.

    If you are that desperate for so called " scaling ", use AoE status weps with Viral damage then.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Indeed, it only counts "picked up" credits from mobs or lockers. End of mission rewards and caches from spy hacks or round rotations don't count toward the total.

    " Pick up 15k Credits ".

    They have to be more clear with it but it says " pick up " , safe to assume only drops from enemies count toward it.

  9. Here are my ideas ( not good with naming ) ;

    Corrupted Aura :

    • Deadly Devotion - " -50% Health ( self ) , +100% Damage Increase for Squadmates "

    Nightmare Aura :

    • Elemental Boon - " +15% Elemental Resistance , +15% Elemental Damage "
    • Haste - " -30% Shield Recharge Delay , +15% Sprint Speed " 

    Please, take a look. @[DE]Rebecca :)

    • Like 1
  10. You just need 60% of all acts to reach rank 30 and skip some of them if you want.

    Also catch-up system helps you to complete acts from previous week. Here is quote from workshop post ;

    On 2019-05-10 at 5:54 PM, [DE]Bear said:

    1) Playing Catch-Up: Stored, Missed Acts!

    The biggest change we wanted to announce was the addition of a system which allows you to play missed Acts after you have completed the current Acts for your given week. This will only apply to Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts. 

    When both Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts are completed for a week, a ‘missed’ Act from a previous week will be available to play and complete. Once you have completed all ‘missed’ Acts, they will no longer appear, only to be refreshed in the next week’s rotation.


  11. No, thanks. Last thing I wanna see is people with black / red schemes climbing to the top and get rewards.

    I never trust this edgy community's fashion taste. 

    4 minutes ago, Giantconch said:

    You want feedback then take some screenshots and post them somewhere for upvotes, I hear theres a few places for that nowadays. I am absolutely 200% against any in game rewards for fashionframing. You'll end up with groups of people mass upvoting their friends simply because they're friends, when another person who spent a ton of time, looks great, but doesnt have a ton of friends to upvote them, geting nothing. So no. No popularity contest rewards.

    Also this ^.

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