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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. In both Void and Infested missions there isn't an Alarm system. When enemies detect you they start swarming toward your position endlessly.
    That would be a problem, if you couldn't stop enemies following you inside the Vault.

    • Fixed the Attica not firing as a silent weapon - the weapon is now functioning as a Silent weapon by design.

    The fix is live, we have to check if working properly.

    Thanks for the effort!


  2. Those regarding Magazine Capacity had been removed since the last patch, so not long ago.

    Probably you're right, they didn't include them in the drop table.
    Looking on Wiki there are just new mods for "Assault Rifle" and "Pistol"

    Shouldn't this be in the bug report section?

  3. garants means guarantees yes? other than that these are some solid concepts. i would hope that forbidden alchemy would cause an additional drop if the target was going to drop one anyways, but either way i'd probably use it because it sounds so baddass 

    Thanks, I'm a bit rusty on English. :)

  4. I had been brainstorming on some rules and features of this concept.

    First of all, I'll open a parenthesis about stealth, I noticed that Mirage's Eclipse works according to Light/Shadow on the Tenno, so essentially I'd wonder if it would be possible implementing in Warframe a system of Light/Shadow helping stealth and making harder getting detected. Obviously, when you are inside Shadows or Crouched you'll be harder to detect, involving also distance, similar to the enemy precision system.
    Also I'd like to understand how the Tenno Detection works, if enemies have a detection threshold involving a Line of Sight mechanic check on partial or full body. Maybe a full body would send the enemy istantly on alarm while a partial detection would require investigation or a time lapse before alarming.
    It could promote stealth and add taste to many missions.

    Now, regarding Conditions for the Assassination Rework.
    First of all Stealth isn't a mandatory condition, but it creates the atmosphere and if ignored it can make things harder.
    For this purpose I was thinking that Tenno Detection won't ever fail the mission, Enemies are aware that there are Tennos in the installation, but the real alarm starts in sectors where Tennos are seen.
    That's the logic.

    Even if you fail all Challenges you should be able to reach the Boss; the only way to fail the mission is by dying repeatedly, ending revives or abandoning the mission.
    That's why Teamwork here helps: it makes the mission faster by splitting the challenges, deciding together how to split (maybe a Warframe more suited for stealth can be sent to a Stealth Challenge, etc.), you can ress your teammates if they fail, etc.

    To remark the previous statement, you should be able to proceed even if you fail your task; thus some ideas like the Key Gathering and the Locked Boss Gate wouldn't work without a proper alternative...because of logic, what's the ideal condition to define if the challenge is a success or a fail? How can you proceed if you won't get the key? Or a single key out of 3... Which would make things just more confusing. So I'd discard those.

    That's it. Later I'll update a brainstorm about some Challenges and will be detailing them.

  5. Imho it's a mod made to fit both Bows and other weapons.
    Anyway I agree with this. On the Boltor atm it's game breaker.

    Accuracy is an attribute that should hamper weapons, so giving the player the opportunity to ignore it is a dangerous option.

  6. On some weapons those 2 mods were overpowered, it made, for example with Latron series, pretty easy to bishot a target with a quick flurry at the head.
    Also the new mods are interesting and Imho the way to go: increase an attribute, reduce another.
    If a player is skilled (and since "players" crave for something to make them show they're skilled) this will help them and it is a step in the right direction.

  7. But that would be kinda silly, don't you think?

    At all.

    Imho for a 3D sculptor they're too small details to be that important. The shell is another story.

    Either let's make them more visible or elseway there's no need to realize them.

    Also the asymmetry isn't a relevant detail since it's a canonic way to make seem 3d models more detailed.

    This clearly bring us to the statement that it's just a coincidence that those parts seems to be remnants of a skull eyesoket or some kind of mechanical implant.

    Would it be then the result of randomic inspiration from the artist who made them? Probable.


  8. 1)  If I have "healing warframe", i shouldn't use abilities, because it's "abuse". Right.

    2) Nope, it's awful idea. Another strike for heavy hard-hitters.

    3) It's immune to Corrosive

    If you fail to understand my points please read them again.

    The point #1 is about the Boss dealing Aoe damages not avoidable and sometimes oneshotting. To sustain the fight with a reasonable mechanic, DE should allow a way to soak damage so the player isn't on his own to bring that heavy amount of HPs from 100 to 0%.

    This is the meaning of "abusing" consumables (which I despise) and the necessary use of healer skills/ Warframes; I didn't say to not use them, I'm explaining that having an healer is advisable because of the circumstance.

    But again, Healers are a thing in games that use the combination Tank-Healer-Dps. Warframe isn't such a game, so the necessity of abusing Consumables and Healers is a symptom of something not going in the correct place.

    The point #2 is an awesome Idea beacuse it solves the Serration problem and is a step in the right direction to have prolonged and funny fights, not just a sick "rush-oneshot-reward" system.

    It's not immune to Corrosive.

  9. Even if it's still to balance, because essentially its Aoe skills can't be dodged every time and there are no Health Orbs coming out, so essentially players will have to abuse Consumables and Healing Warframes, it's a better boss than every other boss in the game.

    The damage Cap is an awesome idea.

    The spikes do oneshot certain Warframes, this is ridicle. (I keep maxed Vitality on every WF)

    I feel it lacks an extreme ranged attack to avoid people abusing staying on the highest places to totally avoid its skills.

    Also, it's vulnerable to Freeze, Slow, Corrosive.

    Anyway a step in the right direction.

  10. STAMINA:

    Stamina is a resource to limitate player mobility and actions.

    As I suggested in other topics, it should be mantained and emproved to fulfill its role.
    Also in PVP, given the quickness people are moving around, the Stamina should be the major feature to stop them from being eternally mobile and giving a window of opportunity to their opponents to catch them.

    Given you can't sprint without stamina, that's how all the other features should work: (These are just options)

    •  Melee Attacks while low-to-no-stamina should be slower and deal less damages. (What about combos?)
    • You can't Copter without stamina (Exactly as sprinting).
    • You can't Aerial Attack without stamina or its range is reduced in %.


    Now Mods like Quick Rest, Marathon and Second Wind become important.
    Also please merge Quick Rest and Marathon.

  11. Check this Concept:


    Recap: it's generically a dynamic Bossfight that is set up by 3 random sabotage tasks that will influence the final fight.
    It aims to give the player a better feeling of inflitration and facing obstacles between Tennos and their objective, making the mission more interesting and removing the necessity to rush the fight in the shortest time.

  12. I disagree.  I think that being able to one-shot your opponents should be treated as a form of art, and anything that does so should require a level of commendable talent.  There are powers that one-shot, melee attacks that one-shot, and only one bow that one-shots pretty consistently.  Unfortunately, due to lag, there are instances where even rifles will seem like they one-shot :-P


    If you want a game where there aren't really any one-shots, I would suggest a game like Firefall.

    If there isn't a ranking system which is going to split players basing on their skill, allowing free oneshots means giving freely the chance of most "skilled" and nerd players to indescriminately massacre other players with no chance of fighting back. Thats not PVP, that's frustrating and imbecile massacre.

    I think it would be useless discussing of balance with people that get satisfaction just from oneshotting slower connection and less skilled players on a totally umbalanced online shooter.

    You can lurk in my profile history to understand my point, I won't waste other words on these useless threads.

    I'm just worried that the developing PVP is going to be a meal for egocentric, pride seekers and faceroll-friendly players, who just think about getting skilled and getting self esteem out of it instead than having fun with other players.

    Thats the 90% of playerbase in most of nowdays pvp games anyway.

    Art... lol. That's pretty egocentric.

  13. Spy 2.0 Missions.

    The possibility of new Lore, ala oldschool single player games. Go on to progress in the story.

    The actual PVP is **** imbalanced, oneshot spams, cheese waeapons abusing, skill abusing, tanky frames abusing, a lot of egokids around, so nothing positive.

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