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Posts posted by Burnthesteak87

  1. I agree, I found 1 the first time this feature was out; the last week I almost found them twice.
    That's great, and of course promotes exploration more.
    If just they wouldn't hold Paris Blueprints-like prizes, it still would be more rewarding.

  2. I don't agree with the "CQC will always be dominant" there is first the issue of skills one/two-shotting, which atm is the meta given the fact, as you stated, that gaining energy is so much easy.
    Also a melee fighter isn't that difficult to counter, given melee combos usually makes the user vulnerable since he/she's locked into the action without the chance of moving or parrying.
    That's not the same for Quick Melee, which should be toned down.

    For what concernes TTK, I'd slow it down or elseway it will become a Far West where who shoots first wins, then a race from the spawning point to the fight area.

    The buff to Bratons was stupid. They had to bring down the upper weapons to the lowest's level.
    I don't think this buff was meant to make gunplay more relevant over melee.

    Also I don't agree with your suggestions.
    The first promotes coptering, the second promotes Far West, the thrid nerfs the channeling which instead is a really nice mechanic to overturn melee fights.

    The solutions to preserve the melee and the balance imho would be:
    1) Martial Magnetism should be toned down or removed, it's like an Aimbot as I heard around, automatic mechanics in PVP are toxic.
    2) The nerf to melee and coptering should be done with a Vigor overhaul, making melee attacks deal less damage when out of vigor and coptering less impactful.
    3) Dodgerolls (Shift taps) and Melee Parry should be faster and more responsive, interrupting melee combos and whatever action performed. This way whoever can decide when to block and which attack to block. This would raise the skillcap and the chance to fight back.

  3. On your suggestion about Flag Grabs, I will say that's an interesting idea. However, that takes a ton of the Agency that the players have in going after and getting back the flag. Traps and any other sort of Hazards only serve to reduce the urgency and threat of a Flag Capture, as the mentality would deviate to "There are traps, let them do the work." That might be good for Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch as that would add some random factor into how the levels are designed.
    As for Cool downs, I think those numbers are fine. However, the more I think about it the more I think a Dual Energy-CD system might work out better. As Energy is already a limiter and powers are already overused, so having a CD on top of a power might work out better. However, the energy costs would need to be changed to match, like Radial Javelin would cost 75 or 50, which might pose a problem on chain spamming.


    Make all abilities Charge-based, where once an ability is expended that's it and the only way a player might get it back is to go for the enemies flag. This way, a player can't just kill everything without having some sort of plan and would be pretty gimped once expended of all powers.


    What do you guys think? Would you like Charges? or what about a system where the Twin limiter of CD and Energy?

    About the traps I'd have them to spawn in the opponent map's half when their Cephalon gets taken, a sort of system lockdown to make things harder into capturing and escaping with it. Not defenses spawning around your base when you get opponent's Ceph.

    Essentially, after you get the flag, you have to get out of the opponent's half through more obstacles than normal.

    This, I think, would make things harder for the runner, given Warframes' extreme mobility, and a chance to the side which is losing their Cephalon to get back and defend before it's too late.

    Now that I think about it, maybe it would imply a more defensive strategy, with 3 people bunkering in base and 1 quick capper going after the opponent flag. Can't say if it's gonna work. Expecially now that we don't have heavy CC warframes like Vauban.

    Talking about Energy and Cooldowns..

    Yay the Energy along with Cooldown was implied. In my hopinion it would be the best all around.

    If I'm not wrong you are proposing that the only way to have your #4 back is to cap flags. This would give more emphasis to the objective thus promoting more strategy and to avoid a brainless spam.

    That's an interesting alternative, but wouldn't then allow too much snowball to the winning side? If a side is meant to use all their #4 to kill the opponent flagger and to score a point to have their "cooldowns" resetted, what would happen to opponent's cooldown?

    Shall them be resetted too? I think it would be fair to work like this.


  4. Is there something other? /sarcasm


    Melee weapons are good for one thing: to get from A to B fast.

    Are the Dex Dakra good for this? No, not really. Why should I using them besides mastery fodder?

    Mastery Fodder... they're nearly the strongest dual weapons in game..

    And also theyre good for melee facerolling in PVP, nothing more, nothing less.

  5. Nice Topic, well written, structured and argumented.

    Regarding the discourse about Flag Grabs, what if grabbing the Enemy Cephalon would enable traps around the area to make things harder?
    Something similar to Spy 2.0 alarm traps.. Passages locking, freezing carpets from void, the Grineer electric traps, magnetic trapdoors, Corpus repelling lasers...
    Sure, coptering and exagerated mobility won't be fixed soon, so the change can be done otherwise.
    Do you find it something of any value?

    Also, the cooldown on high damage skills seems to be mandatory and even if it would promote a "disengage, reset cooldowns and engage again" strategy it still would leave an occasion for opponents to fight back and a punishment for a miss or a bad use.
    What about a 10 -15 secs cooldown on #1 to #3 skills and something like 60 to 120 seconds on #4?

  6. Its a speed weapon that does appropriate damage. Just change the slide attack and nobody would be complaining anymore. 

    Probably you fail to understand that the superior damage and the superior attack speed allows for quick bursts that ridiculize whatever weapon which isn't outdamaging Kogakes nor it can't respond to its attacks.

    In a balanced PVP, something that is too much fast, shouldn't hit that hard with no other repercussions.

  7. I play some games with a fast TTK and enjoy them. However I don't think a fast TTK is really compatible with several of warframes systems.

    If warframe is going to take advantage of all of it's systems it needs to design core factors like TTK with all of them in mind. 


    For example: what is the point of melee combos if the first hit were to kill? We would end up focusing on the quick rush in kill instead of the back and forth where combo systems show their real worth. It's the same problem we have right now with how powers kill so fast. Much of the interaction of well timed power verses power usage is not happening right now. Its just who ever grabs energy and unleashes it first. It's not going to get better by making weapons kill faster...it will just cheapen their interaction along with powers. The game will become more and more a "I see you, you die" situation where the true depth of warframe gets lost.  

    Exactly what I'm saying since CtC release. But people like to oneshot for ego and pride instead than having nice times on a funny PVP.

    Whatever, if while performing a combo a simple Lancer enemy evades it by running back, I can't really say how a combo would be meant to hit human players.

    Thinking about elements on weapons and statuses... I remember the old permastagger... Associating it with permaslow or poison bypassing shields... It doesn't seem to be that great.

    If that is going to happen, probably Critical Chance and Damage too will come back. The actual system is so baseline just to keep and balance things easier gradually.

  8. If I can kill people with a Lex P with 3 body shots, then I doubt those were head shots.

    Yazeth is correct.

    Lex Prime damage on single shot is 85. Can't say if it gets reduced by armor, but compensed with a #1 skill it can bodyshot in 2-3 hits. Headshots should allow 1.5x or 2x damage.


    Also it's pretty easy to land Headshots on people turned toward you while exchanging shots.

    Is it possible to get some screenshot for Latron Prime/Wrath and Braton Prime? It would help making more clear what's wrong. (Not that the problem is hard to detect, anyway).

  9. Q: Regarding Capture the Cephalon, till today it seems you nerfed some weapons oneshotting, but still you preserve abilities #1 and #4 with a ridicle amount of damage (if not oneshotting).
    Given the actual PVP 2.0 falls under a specific fight mechanic (1]Shoot with an heavy hitting weapon, 2]finishing off the opponent by spamming #1 or #4, 3]get again energy, 4]rinse and repeat)...
    Is the "oneshot with no cooldown" a work-as-intended mechanic? Will you put cooldowns to Oneshots and nerf imbalanced weapons allowing for longer Time-To-Kill in fights?

  10. The kogake can chain stun because of how fast you can get the slide attacks out. Dont nerf the damage of them, change how the slide attack hits, remove the knockdown, change to stagger or something else. 

    Sorry but the damage has to be toned down. Or the attack speed. One of those.

    You can't have better attack speed and killing a target with the same number of attacks of a slower weapon. Over the knockdown also.

    That's called Imbalance.

  11. The speed is fine IMO it's the speed it takes to notch an arrow back that bothers me because it makes getting a second shot off impossible if you're going against a good latron user or lex user.

    Just because Latrons are ridicle atm: that fire ratio is too much high for dealing around 50-60 damages per hit.

    If the arrow would move faster, you will have a better time to hit far targets better or land an arrow on a moving target.

  12. Bow damage is totally fine, they just need to increase the projectile's speed. Even with Terminal Velocity it's not enough.

  13. ^
    Another trick is to reduce Aim Sensibility on mouse or use special commands to raise the mouse's DPI sensitivity.
    Add the extraordinary mobility to compensate and you have an easier time to hit.

  14. That's called BALANCE, you fix weapons until everyone is fine. I think its an obvious thing. Probably you can't.

    Do you have some problems in comprension and learning?

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