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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. You shall be forgotten and thrown in the sea of sorrow where you will painfully drown in the shadow of each new weapon forged by the hand of the perfectionist.

    To you little dagger,isnt your simplicity proof of your greatness?

    To you longsword,to your glorious and swift blade that could cut the sky in half,one cloud at a time.


    May you find love in the hands of those who will still look at your face.

    That is true only for crazy min-maxers that throw away fun for sake of math formulas. Some of us pick melee basing on personal preferences.

  2. Needles. As already mentioned would discourage people from joining bigger clans especially that dedicated player can build dojo single-handed. Also Ghost clans consisting of a group of trusted friends can pretty much promote every member to Warlord. In other words:

    - Oh look, I'm warlord!
    - So what?

  3. My suggestion:
    tier I - common nodes - rare Orokin Derelict (and possibly any other maps that would be unlocked similar way) drop - pretty much equal exchange (eg. 5% gain for 5% loss)
    tier II - uncommon nodes - rare Orokin Void drop - a bit better trade-off (eg 10% gain for 5% loss)
    tier III - rare nodes - only comes with corresponding helmet (automatically grated upon helmet acquisition - either built from alert BP or plat-brought) - best trade-off but warframe specific

    Alt helmets can't be changed to plat only just like that. Why? Because they already released and new players wouldn't get fair chance to get them free like old players. Syandanas on the other hand were released plat exclusive from the start.

  4. Do you know why I called it a conspiracy theory? :P

    So I guess I got trolled :P Anyway if I recall correctly golden people (or kind) was translation given by Steve when Rebecca asked him about how to pronounce Orokin in one of livestreams.

    If Warframe is anyhow related to Dark Sector in terms of lore it would be rather this Dark Sector:

    then the final version.
  5. It seams that you went a bit too far.
    Orokin = oro + kin
    oro - surely means gold, from Latin aurum
    kin - group of persons tracing or claiming descent from a common ancestor, or constituting a family, clan, tribe, or race.

    So Orokin can be loosely translated as golden people.

    Technically, and relatively, every species is from outer space (to someone)

    The Tenno appear to be the descendants of Hayden Tenno from Dark Sector, but they might be moreso followers of him, descendants of his followers, cloned from his DNA or something, the connection is ambiguous, but Hayden Tenno was the first Tenno as has been confirmed on Stream and in the Glaive description.

    It was a metaphor. Warframe is spiritual successor of original concept of Dark Sector by fulfilling the ideas that were cut out and Hyden was first Tenno in ideological meaning.

  6. Didn't they say the weren't going to make Alt helmets have stats on them anymore ? And new ones are just cosmetics ?

    Yes but what about old helmets? Using old helmet with stats will be more efficient then purely cosmetic new. OP introduced quite reasonable way to make old helmets purely cosmetic and retain stats alternation at the same time. The new "nod system" would also bring a whole new level of customization. It's all there - just ignore the part about plat and go for the point.

  7. I have a strange feeling that this would cause quite a mess - scaling can be quite troublesome when it comes to balance and (with all due respect) DE isn't best at balancing things (yet). For now I would just wait for armor 2.0 and check out how things will work out after it arrives.

  8. To be honest somehow I approve the idea. Maybe make highest tier nodes warframe-specific to emphasize their role? Those nodes should come with alt helmets only. But plat wall is a bad idea - the idea is that everything that affects gameplay should be possible to acquire for free (so alerts).


    Such an elaborated opinion supported by constructive arguments!

  9. did you assume the blade is the curved side straight away when you look at the blade?

    i judge the blade by how the handle is positioned as you should be since the handle is uni-directional



    PS: if you think its just me, let me ask this simple question.


    Why the replies was divide into the blunt side up and the sharp side up? so which is the sharp?

    #3 and #4 clearly said the blunt side is up which is the point i'm making

    I'm pretty sure they mentioned flat (like in flat side of the blade) not blunt (like in blunt edge as opposite to sharp edge).

    Look closely at how hands are positioned - this is clearly a defensive stance (as already confirmed by JohnnyBoomstick) that allows to rotate blade to counter attack with flat. Also notice how fingers and sharp edge are in one line.

  10. Classic is bad deal - you get less colours at same price since 1/5 is already unlocked.
    I use Classic Saturated and I'm pretty happy with it - intense colours, wide diversity. Only cons are: lack of pitch black nor any shades of violet.
    Packs are good deal for anybody who is decided for more then one palette, eg. You. I would rather go with BETA - Infested palette  gives you some nice choice of green, violet and blue; Grineer supplement shades of green with some darker options as well as brings orange and light blue to the table. Smoke is pretty much just a bonus since Grineer already gives you some black-ish colours.

  11. I think that making mutagen samples Orokin derelict exclusive it was good idea and I sincerely hope that they will do the same with rest of resources although I don't quite much like the way it was implemented - I was hoping that replayable derelict Orokin vessels missions will pop up in like Fomorians although with random objective. Now when I think about this it would be awesome if nav coordinates would allow to access them just like corruptors did. The only key that could be left is assassination.

    I think all we need is yet another purpose for derelict voids. My wishlist for derelict is like:

    1) Orokin cells droprate buff (like control modules in normal void)

    2) Derelict-exclusive mods

    3) Derelict-exclusive weapons - for example new clantech infested weapons would fit well for derelict

    1 and 2 - couldn't agree more.
    3 - since clan bioweapons require mutagen samples and mutagen samples are exclusive to OD you can say that clan bioweapons are OD exclusive.

  12. Oh sure, we should be able to buy everything just after one mission... You don't seem to be familiar with the meaning of verb to earn. I rarely play T3 (3-4 times a week) and rarely play more then 3h a day and got enough credits for my needs but maybe that's just becouse I don't want to have everything at once.

  13. The cost of the Djinn needs to be reduced to one (1) forma, not two (2). I haven't forma'ed a single sentinel or sentinel weapon, and I have no intention of doing so in the near future, as I haven't had a reason to. So, the fact that you expect us to pay/use 2-3 forma on a sentinel that we might not even ultimately enjoy seems more than just a tad egregious.

    This is a rapid judgement - you have no idea how common will Forma become after this fix. You have access to 3 more sentinels - 2 Forma is quite a fair price for pure curiosity.

  14. Feedback doesn't always have to be constructive. Constructive feedback is considered "positive" feedback, while complaining is considered "negative" feedback, but both are equally valuable. It's not always the player's job to think of ways to fix everything.

    Healthy feedback, especially negative, should always be constructive: if you see a flaw you should at least tell why you consider it a flaw - not necessary suggest a solution but don't be like this guy: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110501-forma-as-a-crafting-recourse/


    If that's the point that you're trying to get at, then I agree. People also don't seem to realize, however, that baseless praise is just as pointless/toxic as baseless criticism. I assumed you were simply trying to tell people not to criticize DE because they're trying their best, and I apologize if I was mistaken. I've run across enough people who seem to be afraid of pointing out something's flaws that I tend to assume it by default in places I probably shouldn't.

    I guess we both went wild a bit so no hard feelings. I admit - hard to disagree that DE made a mistake (a big one to be honest) but they are only humans trying to make their long lost dream come true (check Warframe and Dark Sector history if you don't know what I mean). They created some awesome single player games but they lack experience - that's a thing they know and by labelling the game beta they asked us for help - we should be all aware of this.

  15. "Feedback" does not mean "licking DE's boots and telling them what a good job they're doing", it means "telling them how they can improve their game". If I didn't have at least some faith in them making their game better I wouldn't be here complaining, I would have simply quit playing Warframe.

    Feedback also should be constructive. Currently maybe one in ten threads can be described with this term - most people just yelling out baseless demands without even bothering to support them with some logical arguments. If you expect high standards - represent high standards yourself.

  16. @Rain_Maker: you have my deepest sympathies however rushing content isn't a good idea for like 2 weeks after update, at least as long as the game is labelled beta. Maybe a ticket to support will bring some recompense.

    You all seem to forget that this kind of game is a new experience for DE - they are still learning thus frequent changes of mind are inevitable. I unshakeable believe that they are trying their best. They actually listen to players' feedback and trying hard to meet our expectations, this however spoiled community. Truth to be told is that we, players, are also partially responsible for faulty content as many of us are forcing new content - every time a new update is announced there is an avalanche of threads demanding it ASAP.

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