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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. But... in my head this takes up WAYYY more mod capacity than the current system does. 

    I skimmed through the whole thing, and the idea is great... just... with all this additional space, how will we get above 74 mod cap?


    EDIT: A suggestion could be if, for example: (again, I skimmed through what you said so apologies for anything repeated)


    You put Constitution on Null star and you put the same constitution on Molecular Prime, then it would not take more space, because it's the same mod. 

    But, if you were to change that and put two different constitutions, then I guess it would cost you.

    First of all (of which I completely forgot - thanks for reminder) as you can see abilities have no cost.

    Currently even without polarizing slots we have some spare points on our frames so Forma should do the trick. Also ability modifiers coud have their cost lowered

  2. Concept loosely based on this topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/125661-hey-de-in-response-to-can-we-get-more-slots-question-in-lstream16-a-proposal

    DE recently promised us additional mod slots for our frames and weapons. This is my idea how to do it and add a bit of immersion at the same time. First, some images:
    Section I: compatible mod menu as we know it - personally I find it quite convenient so no changes here.

    Section II: Abilities
    The point here is that abilities would have their dedicated slots (marked as B). Menu A would allow to switch between 4 pages - one for each ability. Pages labels would be dynamic they would display <empty> untill ability is equipped, e.g equipping Null Star on second page and Worm Hole on fourth would result in:

    <Null Star>


    <Worm Hole>

    The reasoning behind this is to allow implementation of alternative abilities in future. Also ability cards would cost no capacity.


    Three slots marked as C are dedicated to modify ability on corresponding page - this allows separate customization for every ability. This would be followed up by restricting mods like Streamline, Focus, Stretch and so on to those slots only while some mods, like Constitution, would affect all mods but would be equipped in different section (F).


    One slot would be automatically unlocked every 10 levels (first on lvl 10, second on lvl 20, third on lvl 30).


    Changing pages in menu A would possibly refresh compatible mods menu so same instance of mod could be used with multiple abilities.

    Section III

    Starts pretty regular, with D as aura slot. However Buttons present in section E switches between three separate pages labelled as: Helmet, Chassis and Systems; four mod slots each. Different mods would be exclusive to those 3 sections e.g. Vitality and Redirection would be Chassis mods while Thief's Wit - Helmet mod.

    Three slots per page would be available by default while fourth could be only unlocked by polarizing it (using Forma on it) for the first time.


    Thoughts? Suggestions?

  3. You are basically suggesting a variation about extermination. Oxygen mechanics is what puts survival aspect into survival mission.
    The point is not to suit mission for a frame but frame for a mission - they are nothing more then tools - you pick stealthy frames for stealthy missions.

  4. Have you people even been PLAYING the Gradivus event? I'll tell you how it goes:

    If there is no Nova on your team, everybody gets to shoot something and you steamroll the mission.

    If there is a Nova on your "team", there is no mission. You just run to the exit point behind a rolling explosion.

    Has there already been a mandate from heaven that Nova is OP as hell and going to stay that way, ala Soma? Did I miss that? Because I can think of no other reason for there to not be an ocean of ongoing complaints about how utterly broken this class (well, really, molecular prime) is.

    Did you ever played Nova? First of all she is designed for high level content where her MP is used for utility becouse it barely scratches enemies. Secondly her health and shields are medicore at best and she have no escape skill - in hands of reckless player she dies easily. Last but not least doing tons of damage is her role - complaining about that is like complaining that DPS is higher in damage table then Tank in WoW.

    This topic should be named: Why Is This Subforum Not Page After Page Of Complaints About Low Kill Count Hurts My Ego

  5. oh boy. here we go. *deep breath*


    let's not get out of hand. i would go for having a couple slots tailored just for certain classes of mods, so core mods, Utility mods, etc(so a mod slot for the core of your frame, and a mod slot for Utility - perfect to stick one of your survivability mods on, and Quick Rest or whatever is to your fancy).

    no more than that is 'needed' IMO. especially if powers moving off of the mod group to separate slots means we'd get more slots out of that. though if that happened, 4 extra slots (assuming it'd be 4) would be far more than enough. two more mod slots on Warframes is all we 'need' atm, IMO.


    i do REALLY like your different variations idea.... but i don't want to have 5 different types of each item in the game.

    i would instead prefer a sort of 'skill tree' when you first level equipment to lv30, and can be changed using... a Forma?(would be choosing either change a single polarity, or have the option to wipe all of the slots and redo the skilltree - which would wipe any polarities added or changed from past Forma) at any time.

    a sort of RPG type skilltree, basically you have X number of points to distribute, and you have skills to choose from, including Stock / Grip, Magazine, and Barrel. let's say, you have 3 points to distribute (somewhat random number). depending on how many points you distribute to each area, you would get more slots for each type of these things. a 'skill' having 0 points in it, would mean 0 slots of that type. having all 3 points in Magazine, would give you 3 slots for mods like, Ammo Drum, Fast Hands, Magazine Warp, Wildfire, etc.


    this would mean moving a good portion of mods out of the general pool of polarities we have now, and instead, having them be tied to certain slot types, and can only be used in those slots. so you cannot use any ammunition or reload mods if you have 0 points distributed into Magazine.

    same general story could be the case for frames and pets. specializing in how you want to use equipment, but at the same time, sort've locking yourself into those. and the general purpose mod slots would be for the mods that are more general, damage increases, Multishots, Crits, elementals, etc. 



    i quite like this. i really do. 

    This reminds me of old upgrade tree:


    Back in the days before U7 frames and weapons received one point for every level to unlock different passive bonuses, powers and mod slots. By default a large sector of tree was locked and could be unlocked by supercharging. Although mods were merely a shadow of what we got now it was kind of a interesting concept.

    Now imagine such a tree divided into four sectors: core (abilities), helmet, systems, chassis - each with different passive bonuses and slots for current mods - now this could be quite interesting.

  6. Something similar already showed up on this forum although less complex. All in all I like the idea but ability system mustn't be altered too much in case alternative abilities will be introduced some day.

    I suggest something like this:




    where [A] are slots dedicated to abilities and [m] are slots for their mods. Also each column of [m] slots could be unlocked every 10 levels.

  7. Lots of people seem to know who is winning this event, so can someone please tell me who is winning and with how big of a lead please? I hear its Grineer but I wanna know how big of a lead they have.


    PS: To the Developers, I feel I really must point out that asking people to spend time getting 100 missions is asking a bit much, what about the people who dont have the time to sit around for something like that? Does anyone else here think 100 missions is unreasonable? I personally know some friends who find it ridiculous. I understand greatly that the DEs have the right to do it this way if they want to...but why do it this way? Why not require people to just do 60 or 70 missions? Why 100?


    Also: Because of what I just learned, it seems very pointless for anyone to try to fight in favor of Corpus when they are not gonna get the rewards. From the very beginning the majority of people have favored the Grineer. Why was this sort of event even released? When the likely hood of one side having the majority favor was very high? You should never do an event like this where people favoring the one side end up with something they dont want, I sure as heck do not want any of the Grineer weapons should the Corpus lose. I did this event for the Corpus weapons and the Corpus Weapons only, just to find out that Ive wasted time because the two sides were unbalanced in how many people were supporting which. This event is just...*sigh* a bit of a middle finger to the face to anyone who didnt support Grineer. I realize if i do 100 missions ill get Grineer stuff because I didnt support em, but again, dont want Grineer stuff.

    The reason behind giving Grineer better rewards in the beginning is that victorious side will be determined by sector dominance (side who will have more nodes at the end will win) and since Corpus started with whole Mars under their control things cried for some balance. People bragged so loud about their support for Corpus but many of them sold themselves for rewards - don't blame DE for it, blame soldier of fortune8 at heart.

    Furthermore maybe people just like Grineer more...

  8. 8,3h at best indeed but you got 7 days for it. This makes it:

    8,3 / 24 * 7 = 0,049 => ~5%

    Around 5% of time you received.

    Not to mention that top tier rewards are ment for dedicated players. Casual ones need to do with commemorative badge or second tier at best. Not like I did my 100 already.

  9. What if...DE purposely created a rift between Corpus and Grineer supporters to make everything seem like an actual War?

    Like what would happen if the Tenno truly did take sides in this war?

    I wouldn't put it past them to use us to simulate a war lol.

    You've got me thinking now.

    If what you say is true them I'm interested to see how things will pan out.

    DE could simply introduce few paragraphs of text to alter lore but instead they invited us to be part of it. Tension between sides can be seen everywhere on the forum to the point where many players unintentionally started to role-play. Forum posts from Alad V and Sargas Rug brought it to even next level. Was it intentional? I don't know, probably. Nevertheless I think it's amazing.

    Currently I'm really looking forward to some plot twist.

  10. I give you that much.


    Lore wise I think it's all smoke and mirrors as well. I'd rather keep the Grineer down and out at the cost of my fellow Tenno to save millions of lives.


    Honestly, I never have experienced something this unfair before so it's a shock to me. I never cared about losing or winning but even as a child I had a thing against being unfair. Even if I was being unfair myself I'd always change things around so it would be fair.


    It's kind of unsettling seeing a potentially great event become the product of ultimate greed.

    I admire such an attitude. Call me a blind optimist but I actually believe that DE had best intentions to balance Corpus dominance over sector by giving Grinner better rewards at the start. In a perfect world both sides would start on equal terms and would offer equal battle pays but this would kill all the drama.

    In my eyes DE merely created a scene where, after all, players are actors and I've seen all kinds of them: sworn supporters of Corpus as well as blind followers of Grinner, noble guardians of galactic balance as well as loyal warriors seeking rescue for their brothers in arms and last but not least - plain soldiers of fortune scavenging for best rewards. All of them will forge the outcome of this conflict - things can hardly be fair in such a situation.


    At the end of the day those who actually enjoyed the whole show and new game mechanics will be winners to me - regardless of the side they supported.

  11. None of this changes that Grineer are dominating due to rewards.

    None of this was fair to begin with.

    Grineer have the better rewards from the beginning making it go to the Grineer ever since it began.

    I'm wasting my time making Grineer supporters like you understand anything.

    Grinner had better rewards at the start (but currently scales are shifting into Corpus favour) to balance Corpus dominance over sector.

    To be honest I'm not fond of either side. Lore-wise it's all smoke and mirrors to me - Grineer used the whole situation as an excuse to invade Corpus territory and started a war that serves Corpus as a diversion from Zanuka project.

    Furthermore I consider the whole event a big spectacle rather than actual competition. This might be due to the fact that I'm a veteran pen and paper RPG player thus I'm accustomed to situation where game master have all tools and means to freely shift balance to create memorable experience - all the players are aware of that and agree to it for sake of common good.

  12. Sour loser?


    I don't mind losing.


    I mind things being unfair.

    Then why you conveniently forget about the fact that the winning side will be determined by the dominance over planet - Corpus already had upper hand by possessing all nodes on planet at start. Also, so far Grinner battle pays included one Reactor while Corpus - two.

  13. From the very start to the very end outcome of this event is in players hands. Don't use battle pays for excuses - Grineer supporters were able to sacrificed some good rewards. If Corpus can't come back it's just because they don't have enough support but hey, it's easier to blame DE.

    BTW it's actually quite logical that heavily militaristic fraction crush merchants.

  14. i wonder how many Nazis said that to justify genocide?

    By the power of Law of Godwin - your argument is invalid.


    We. Are. Ninjas.


    Guerrilla fighters, or terrorists in US-speak.

    We are soldiers - remnants of the ancient war. Times may have changed but not old habits.


    Then you acepted it already that the grineer will destroy the pods ?

    Pods are in Corpus possession. After loss Corpus will be weakened and there is quite a chance to retrieve pods. On the leaving them in Corpus hands leave those Tenno no chances at all.



    Well, if you look at it from a standpoint of bloodshed:


    Side with Grineer:

    - Civilians die and get enslaved.


    Side with Corpus:

    - Tenno get "captured". Not killed. We can always save them later. After protecting the colonies from slaughter.

    Let's take a closer look here: Mars is basically in Corpus possession - it means that colonies are also Corpus property, inhabited by Corpus civilians. Civilians that some day will probably be incorporated into Corpus troops.

    Oh, and by the way it's quite troublesome to save someone who had been dissected.

  15. Well, clans are supposed to resemble military structure which means that high command decides and everyone else supposed to follow orders - no individualism in big clans.

    Don't make mistake and take this event for an actual competition - this is rather a big spectacle. Rewards are uneven by purpose - they are helping to direct the whole thing. On the other hand DE are extremely generous about them.

    So - why so serious? Just enjoy the show...

  16. Well, clans are supposed to resemble military structure which means that high command decides and everyone else supposed to follow orders - no individualism in big clans.

    The event is rather a big spectacle then an actual competition and battle pays are here to help direct this spectacle. 

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