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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Personally I think that Chlora is one of best looking S2 helmets and surely best Saryn helmet in terms of appearance however one thing bothers the hell out of me, namely, shouldn't those semi-transparent tubes match energy colour instead of being violet whole the time? Not sure if it's an actual bug or is it intended but it looks quite odd when excluding violet from colour shame.

  2.  The people in the suits are infected with Technocyte. The suit is a focus for the crazy powers they are given as a side effect of the mutation. See: Hayden Tenno.


     The suit doesn't make the powers work - it just focuses them.


     No. You are the player. You play a character of your choice. 


     Not unlike League of Legends or DotA2.

    Is this your personal belief or some official information?

    Until there is a statement from DE in this matter all of this are just speculations.

  3. Patience is the virtue of the wise. Build times seems rather reasonable and add immense to the game. After all how long would it take to make highly advanced weapon or out of salvage, even with autofactory at disposal? What about vastly superior, complex exo-armor? Or a whole room? Try at least that last one in real life - then we'll talk.
    Time is also a currency - if you have more money then time you can rush things or yet better buy pre-manufactured item from market. Otherwise patience is your only refuge.

  4. There is a clan vault although it's just a proud name for a chunk of data that keeps record of materials you used for building. When contributing for new room you can see two values: one marked with V (materials stored in vault) and second marked as P (player's personal resources). Requested materials will always be taken from vault first.

  5. Before you search for gender and such stuff, let me emake it fast.


    DE sees every frame as a person. Making gender selection not possible.

    DE now thinks about adding frames of the existing themes with opposite genders. Ember=Blaze ect

    We dont have to argue about "simply changing the meshes" or anything else.

    Thats what DE might do. Nothing else.



    Actually this was original approach (although not whole DE crew shared it if you watched live streams carefully) and it's a bit stale now considering that last live streams talked about each player having personal Tenno.

    For now there is a NO for gender swapping because DE simply lacks resources for it at this point.

  6. So my suggestion to improve it is this (DOJO is in alpha so lot's of things can be changed):


    - 1. all labs can be build without the need of ORACLE, they function as they function now in this ALPHA stage of dojo

    *** adding ORACLE (super-computer, multithreading etc.) to dojo enables ***

    - 2. faster research time of weapons in labs (50% faster)

    - 3. reduction of resources needed for research of weapons (20-40%) - resarch process is optimized, no wasted/destroyed material during the research

    - 4. available multiple research of the weapons at the same time (no queueing, ORACLE is capable of powerful multithreading)

    Why not make those into research options available in Oracle? I mean some kind of passive boosts that would require to be researched (by investing resources and time - just like weapons) before they take effect? Some additional idea is one time only increase in dojo basic energy (improved power core).

    Oracle researches could also unlock access to new dojo buildings.

  7. Currently we have Bio, Energy and Chem labs for Infested, Corpus and Grineer based technology respectively so why not Orokin? Orokin technology might be forgotten but not lost - Void Towers hold remnants of Orokin supremacy - why Tenno can't tap that incredible source of power? Why can't we research long forgotten secrets?

    Void Laboratory could allow access to:
    - new weapons - those would be a Tenno-Orokin hybrid (similar to Grineer-Orokin hybrid - Seer) and thus should not be confused with Primes (which are purely Orokin in origin)

    - dojo upgrades - possibly new buildings

    - Orokin inspired sentinel


    Those researches would utilize new kind of research resource that would only drop from crates and lockers (which would make opening of them meaningful again) in Orokin Void, giving yet another reason to visit it.

  8. Multiple styles would be nice however DE would have to make alternative look from the scratch - it is literally impossible to use old dojo pieces as they have different dimensions - they are incompatible with new pieces and new grid system.

    As a side note: I would highly advice you to tear apart whole dojo if you want to expand your dojo in future or else you might be unable to avoid incompatibilities.


    Also got I strange feeling that old pieces could return as part of Orokin Void tile set.

  9. 1. Phobos: are Vor and Krill just placeholder? Can we expect some unique boss for Grineer settlement?
    2. Torid: currently it shares model with Orgis - can we expect some unique infested-themed model for it?

    3. J3-Golem mission uses Corpus ship tile set although it supposed to take place on millennia old Orokin ship. Will we ever be able to board actuall Orokin vessel?

  10. Wow a constructive feedback for once - faith in community restored. You have a few good points and a few even better don't judge to harsh though - remember that events are not only for our entertainment but also for testing purposes - DE needs to try new things to check what suits player the most. The event might looked good on paper but it's literally impossible to predict everything.


    There is still plenty of time so I hope that DE still got something up in their sleeves - maybe operation's mastermind as boss? Also I believe that phase two rewards were planned earlier rather then forced by community and devs were only teasing with us.


    The worst part IMHO is that the event forced players to host while the best is multiphase aspect, especially that second phase showed up out of blue (we can't, just can't expect to know everything - these are the laws of war and we are at war after all).




    For something in the void, why does the map look just like your regular ol' Corpus ships? Just saying.

    Because Scouts were lunched into Void in whole Corpus ships.

  11. I like the idea however DE already stated in one of livestreams that Infested are supposed to (nomen omen) infest things (that's why they won't be birth places although I hope for some chambers with half-transformed Corpus and Grineer) thus they won't get their own vessel. Some heavily infested environment is possible however it still would be based on pre-existing architecture.

  12. What really makes you suffer is your own impatience. Warframe offers everything except cosmetics (that have absolutely no impact on actual gameplay) but you can't expect that developers will hand you everything on silver plate. Time is also a currency - if you have more money then time you can invest Pt to rush things or buy prefabricated equipment - it is called pay for convenience.

    Personally I love long crafting times - they add whole new level of immersion to game play. After all - how much time would it take to construct advanced weapon from a scratch?

  13. So as always we got a bunch of greedy complainers. You guys really need to be short-sighted to not see something like this coming - event scheduled for 6 days so easy to complete? Lazy hands make a man poor - anyone who didn't care about possible rewards and was active during phase one will have no problems with getting all the mods. There was something fishy going on from the very start. And judging by how things look now there will be at least one more phase.

    We are at war and on battlefield situation can change drastically in matter of seconds - you can't expect to know or predict everything. For all those complainers this could be poorly designed event, for me it's really immense and authentic experience - well played DE, well played.

  14. 1) To early for such a post. You may be not be familiar with it but 9.5 doesn't mean we are half way from U9 to U10 - we can either get U10 after 9.6 or even 9.5.5 as well as after 9.20.
    2) Aquarium. No, really there are rumors that there will be aquarium room for dojo.

  15. Current events are not only to entertain us but for testing purposes as well. How else DE can acquire enough experience for full release and decide what direction they want to take in future? Only by experimenting. You see a carrot and a stick, I see tons of priceless statistics e.g. how community is dedicated to unlock new content. However if the consequences aren't real ("Let's check if you can do it! Don't worry, well unlock all after event anyway!") nobody would take it serious.

    As for cash shop - why nobody reads FAQ?
    How can you call this beta if the cash-shop is live? (Why isn't everything unlocked? How can I test everything? I want to help, you should give maximum Platinum.)

    Many F2P betas have proper functioning cash shops and Warframe is no exception. Beta for us is as much about testing the game as it is about testing the Market and the experiences of both paying and free players. With this feedback we can respond to very serious issues quickly; for example we recently dropped the Platinum-only Pro system in favor of super-charging with a Foundry alternative.

  16. Dojo system is still in alpha stage - changes are inevitable and building anything at this point is at our own responsibility. Starting from a scratch is good decision - you will avoid building incompatibilities in future (old pieces have different dimensions then new and don't fit new grid). I already wrecked my little dojo - took less then I thought. It's rebuilding it that pains me.

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