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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. To be complicity honest - it looks amazing and surely would do the job when it comes to informative function (sort of a codex) but I got a feeling that it would be a b**** to use fusion or transmutation system.

    Nevertheless few suggestion:
    - scrollbar (vertical) > pages

    - question mark symbol (in slot background) for unknown modes - otherwise it looks like an empty slot

    - x<number> indicator instead of D

  2. I think that you gave yourself into the Dark Side a bit. Many points are fair and reasonable but a lot are exaggerated and full of grief. Also you barley touched good sides of the game like: unique gameplay and setting, unusual aesthetic style, pretty much all of the content that influence gameplay is obtainable in-game to name few. It almost seem like you did it on purpose.

    You accuse the game that is core mechanics is based on grind. Well I can point out at least one game that heavily depends on grind - Diablo 2. It might seem like a paradox but some players love grind because in it's own way it can be very rewarding. But grind-based games need one important thing: well balanced trading system. Why? Because different players have different luck and sometimes it's just simpler to swap. Hopefully it's on the way.

    You call devs "arrogant". While arrogant is last adjective I would use, there is one that suits much better: inexperienced. This is first MMO they are creating - it's obvious that they will make mistakes but bare in mind that any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice. Currently it's more reasonable to ascribe all the mistakes to the lack of experience at lest as long as the game is labelled beta. At least they are at least humble (which is direct opposite of arrogant, I believe) to apology for their mistakes.

    Even thou shorter then You, I'm here for a while. During this time I've seen many ideas suggested by players incorporated into game as well as many bugs pointed by community fixed. In my opinion DE created quite unique bond with player base. However they could overdo it a bit to the point where spoiled players think they can rush content, dictate their own terms and they deserve everything with no effort - I believe that could be one of the main reasons why Warframe's community seems so horrible. At the same point I hope that there is a fair amount of good players that quietly enjoy the game.

    When it comes to Primed chamber - the situation is unfortunate indeed. Rebecca official stated that we'll see it again. Why? This is very preious mod so I wouldn't mind yearly interval between occasions to get it.

    U11 and Alad V are announced to expand lore by bring some answers to questions about nature of Tenno. Personally I'm very curious what direction will it take - I'm a huge fan of in-game lore but at the same point I'm ready to wait even longer for some details if it would quicken some much needed fixes like optimization of netcode.


    DE is rather small team - give them some time and I'm sure they will improve their game but at their own pace - the progress can be seen every month. After all it has been their long-lost dream ever since original Dark Sector concept.

    My score? None at this point - the game is still in development. Rating it now it's like rating half-finished painting. It surely have great potential - I hope it wouldn't go to waste.

    I'm no white knight. I'm just showing you another point of view - probably a bit more naive and optimistic. The truth? I believe it's, as always, somewhere in between.

    The future could still be bright.
    With all due respect,
    your fellow Tenno.

  3. So what am I currently working on?...

    Over the last couple of days I have finished up and planned out the next 4 weekend events. 2 of these will be introduced as events but will become permanent additions to the game. The first will be coming on our first Wednesday update.


    You should really track News & Informations section of forum more carefully - happy time are coming.

  4. Actually since Void is behind key wall it would be quite reasonable to lover overall resources drop rate and put only rare resources on drop list. Just sayn'.
    I would also gladly see a void specific research resource utilized by Oracle so it wouldn't be only a hump in a road to actual clan-tech.

  5. Right now is true pay-to-win.

    As a reward for new players, the table should include Focus and Streamline. These mods are needed for them to go to medium level missions.

    P2W occurs when in exchange for premium currency player can acquire advantage that can't be earn by in-game means. In Warframe you are able to acquire pretty much all content that influence gameplay for free. Further some high-end items can be only acquired by in-game means. This game is as far form P2W as it's possible.
  6. Two solutions just from top of my head:
    A) (harder to program) Add two mini-bosses for each planet - one dropping (let's say) helmet BP and one dropping chassis BP. Leave systems BP at main boss. Set drop rates so it would still require few runs to get but at lest player can focus his effort.
    B) (simpler to program) Instead of credits each blueprint could be exchanged for a corresponding token - certain number of tokens can be exchanged for missing BP (perfect solution for players extremely unlucky with one part while still allowing those extremely lucky to get whole set in few runs).

    Trade system (as stated in livestream) will be restricted to mods.

  7. Cosmetics don't affect gameplay - it's safe to charge them with premium currency and far more fair then locking some weapons and frames behind cash wall. Colour palettes aren't that expensive especially if you are lucky enough to get plat discount.

    Classic palette is indeed quite controversial. IMHO it should be only palette unlockable by reaching certain mastery level - a reward for dedicating enough time to the game, especially since it costed 1 Cr for some time. Other option is that it could by awarded as a gift after buying some certain amount of platinum in total. It should be easy for DE to return plat retrospectively to all player who brought Classic palette on old terms - they already done similar things in past.


    Mmmm, would like this.  It would be nice if they took a page out of GW2's book of metalic colors.

    To be honest it could be quite hard if not impossible to achieve - metallic shimmer is something more then just applying proper colour. Probably we'll sooner see metallic skins then colour palettes. 

  8. However, throwing weapons look weird on him. The knife pouches of Despair and Kunai have a weird unfinished bulb connecting them to his thigh.

    This. You should really see this if you think that pistols are badly positioned.

  9. i hear ya brother, but tbh De is too lazy to bother with it, i already made threads about it and of course people were with me on the idea but DE never took a look in so it seems like its not going to happen.

    Yeah, because creating and maintaining such a big game is so easy that devs got time for every complain. I can bet that DE got far more on their plate then you do. Just wait patiently until armor 2.0 comes and check how will it perform then. Any changes to wepons prior to that would be just pointless.

  10. And with this, we confirm the great potato famine is at hand.




    seriously, one catalyst for the entire month? Not even two?

    3 months without ANY potato alert prior to RNG 2.0 - that was Great Potato Famine. With 4 potato alerts during September only this isn't even close to small famine...

  11. Now this is what I am talking about. Solid statistics, straight from the horse's mouth. I applaud you for making this! Should be a big slap in the face to DE. and seriously considered on their part. 3 out of every 4 alerts are worthless.. Damn.

    It doesn't take genius to figure out that "worthless" alerts and those that yield reward other then credits spawn independently although the latter on much lower rate.

    It is perfectly natural and fine that those charts look this way. You didn't expect 90% of alerts to reward BP or aura, now did you?

  12. The biggest issue is garbage like resource alerts further clogging/polluting the RNG. Also, given how rare they are for 7-day login rewards, I'd just suggest having potatoes being given a chance at dropping in the Dere-Lag Void, namely on Lephantis, though it would be rare and on top of the guaranteed BP drop.

    DE wants people to keep running Elephant Panties? There, give his mission the only in-game chance of dropping an Orokin reactor/Catalyst outside of alerts or login rewards (seriously, enough with the weapon/frame XP at 7-day rewards).

    Resource alerts are separate from item alerts. Simple proof - there can be no two item alerts at time while there can be item and resource alert simultaneously.

  13. No more then one Reactor and Catalyst per week. Those things supposed to be rare. I agree that there was no potato alert in a while but this is far from:

    BTW how the hell did you burned 3,2k Pt?

  14. third, it would be nice if those resources used for building the packs and weapons would be actually stored in the dojo vault too, so basically it would be kinda founds for the dojo

    so lets say you bought Torid

    you need

    32px-Mutagen_Mass2.png Mutagen Mass 2 32px-Salvage.png Salvage 4,500 32px-Circuits.png Circuits 600 Forma_32px.png Forma 1   24px-Credits_32px.png Credits 30,000


    it would be nice if those resources are added to dojo vault too

    These are components required to build gun - if they go to vault out of what you would build it? Air?

  15. No doubt I do agree with you that turning alt helmets to plat only is a cheap shot, but really is it any better to depend on the alert system? Sure you might get it for free if you're lucky, but if DE lowers the alt helmet prices to like 20-30 plat, I'd say it be a pretty compelling price without the hassle of RNG.


    I'm assuming the rare nodes are tier 3 :P. But a problem arises imo, would you take a 5% energy gain for a 5% stamina loss? I definitely would. xD But putting the nodes into missions aren't a bad idea. I thought putting it into the alert system as a frequent drop (much much more than resources) would make alerts meanwhile.


    And the alt helmet situation, I do agree it's unfair to newbies. I thought of like a weekend event were alt helmets were round the clock alerts and DE could test out the node system. But of course, I'm perfectly fine if the helmets weren't plat only.

    Yes, T III, sorry for typo :) I also forgot to add that T III  could be Warframe specific (eg. huge hp boost only for tanking frames to empathize their role). Also this whole node concept could work pretty well on weapons as well.

    You mean as an alert reward? Or maybe they could simply drop only during alert missions?

    Considering that syandanas cost 50 plat, purely cosmetic helmets wouldn't be any cheaper.

  16. Good points... but still i would like to see some "look-at-mee-im-a-warlord" stuff.. because we definately earn them ;)


    The system should be changed into having maybe 1 to 2 warlords per clan.. and maybe set the gear-havin-fun-lovin-clan minimum size to 10 or so?


    This to eliminate one man clans sporting management level gear.

    That would on the other hand penalize small group of friends that created a clan just for them. Plus being a Warlord per se is hardly an achievement (being a Warlord of a stable Mountain clan is something to admire).

    Some rank indicators (like army "bars" and "stars") in clan emblem would be enough of visual distinction.

  17. Most of us do at first, but then learn that people will hate you for, say, using a Bo when you have a Reaper Prime.

    Well, since Acrid and Kunai outclasses everything at this moment, melee can be pretty much considered more of a cosmetics then an actual weapon so who cares what melee I bring to the table? I frequently even level up my melee during T3 Void and nobody complains.

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