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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Been there. Couldn't agree more about Agilty test - most rage inducing. I might have a spare one though (no promisses but poke me in the game about it and I'll gladly share with you).
    From my experience Plato (crossfire extermination) is pretty good spot - sometimes got up to 3 principle challenge rooms in one run, sometimes none. The most important part is that enemies can hardly bother you.

  2. But i was never a quitter and i never will be. I had some hard times in my life and those times i overcame. They made me stronger. They made me who i am. So i see this as just another obstacle i have to overcome. And i will get past it.

    That's the spirit! We might not know each other but you surely have my full support. Stay strong and never give up!

  3. Tak, steruje zdalnie poprzez "Second Dream" tzn. zasypia i budzi się jako Warframe (podobnie jak w "Avatarze" J. Camerona).
    Wnioskując chociażby z wypowiedzi Lephantisa czy Golema, wygląda na to, że Warframe to wysoko rozwinięty Infested ale bez własnej świadomości - pusta, bezwolna marionetka.

  4. wat


    In what universe does mass radiation proc/stagger/damage, a heal/cleanse, total CC and debuff resistance and an aoe knockdown drop off at level 25? Are we playing different Oberons? >_>

    In universe where player cares only about damage.

    Oberon is not a nuker - he's designed to be support and he's doing just fine. Especially that higher levels are more about utility then damage - you can't make your way though levels 25+ by simply bashing your way with your head.

  5. IMO, sigil bonuses should be cumulative for each you own. I.e. if you own one sigil, you gain 5% when you wear it. If you own two, you gain 10% if you wear either one. And so on.


    This way, there's an actually reason to collect all of them, instead of just wearing the one that gives the biggest bonus.


    *Edit: I'd say a 2% bonus for each sigil owned, for a maximum of +20% for all ten (that way, there's a payoff for all the people who already had their top 15% sigils and would be unhappy with the change).

    Brilliant idea - I second it with both hands.

  6. Steve mentioned something about Focus allowing to enter uber mode, however he also mentioned that it would be a one time per mission panic button. Your idea of 'Focus bar' sounds way more interesting - it would encourage players to use it and experiment with it rather then save it for "the right moment". Love the concept of filling it with excessive affinity points - gives players a choice to, either, take only mastered gear to maximize rate at which bar fills or sacrifice some of it for sake of levelling a piece of arsenal.

    I would like to see a 'mastery tree' where player could be able to customize this Focus mode rather then generic abilities however at the end of the day effect would be similar if not same.
    I also feel that points feeling Focus bar and points allowing to expand Focus system should be separate things - putting them in one pool would disencurage people from using Focus.

    As a side note - I would love a passive effect that automatically resurrects player if killed with full Focus bar.

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