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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Now, that's type of mods I would like to see - gameplay customization rather then flat stat increase. It's easier to accomplish with simple trade-offs but mechanics change is way more interesting. However total invincibility sounds too OP - simple damage reduction, just like during regular roll, would be more than enough.

    Double tapping directional key to execute manoeuvre is just a matter of key mapping.

  2. Interesting habit however since Tenno is an individual and warframe is a suit utilized by Tenno, lorewise it's invalid - your Tenno already mastered Skana, no need to repeat it every time your Tenno masters new warframe.

  3. First of all, although Warframe is F2P, cosmetics are pretty much only things that can't be directly earned ingame. It makes perfectly logical that they need to be priced higher in order to avoid locking items that have actual impact on gamplay behind paywall (or in other words, turning game into P2W).

    5€ (or rather 3,75€ since that's actual price for 75 Pt, get your facts straight) for single palette? Well that's one end of the stick.
    With 75% you can buy 370 Pt for same price (3,75€) - that lowers price of single palette to ~0,75€. Furthermore, price of individual palette in colour pack is around 56,2 Pt - that translates into ~0,57€ per palette. Stop complaining - start looking for opportunities.


  4. Steve hinted in last devstream that Focus system will be (if my memory serves me well) based on skill tree system and that excessive affinity from mastered weapons will accumulate into points that'll allow to unlock different bonuses and that's just how I've imagined. however (although it's a bit early) I would like to suggest a few things:

    1) Here's skill tree from The Witcher 2
    In my personal view this is as close to perfection as it can be - player starts in the middle and can develop in multiple (4 in this case) distinctively different directions (specializations). All skills are clearly connected and (what is important) if a skill have two different prerequisites, only one must be acquired to reach it, eg:
    Parrying can be unlocked by Vigor Regeneration + Hardiness or Vigor Regeneration + Dagger Throwing.

    2) To prevent power creep take example from another great game: The Secret World: all skills in tree (or rather wheel) can be unlocked (there are no levels, thus no level cap - only experience points that can be earned in unlimited amount and utilized to unlock skills) however only a set amount can be active at a time (7 passives  and 7 actives). Such a measure forces well thought choices (what skills should I unlock first? what skills should I pick?) and balances amount of profits that can be gained while leaving a long term goal (gotta unlock them all!)In Warframe this can be also somehow tied to Mastery level - the higher it is, the more slots are unlocked for skills from tree to set active.

    3) At some point it had been mentioned that Focus will be a one time per mission power burst that will set Tenno into SSJ mode. Now this is a great ide to futher limit power creep but I would rather put "Focus Mode" on reasonably long cooldown (that could be lowered by apropriate Focus talent, perhaps?) rather then make it single use to encourage players to actually use it in dare situations rather then save it untill extraction (because, you know - "not yet...")

  5. The way I get it - it's level will be based on affection towards it's owner, that's all. It won't run away. But it surely would be a nice thing if a player that plans a little break from Warframe could put his Kubrow in cryosleep (give it like 4h thawing time to prevent abusing). Anyway it's not even out yet and it won't be for quite a while. In case of the worst scenario let this old rule drive you: don't like it - don't use it.

  6. Hate to blow your bubble but it can be assumed that most lower guardians had been killed during Tenno rebellion. Stalker isn't a regular lower guardian - he survived by luck and honed his fighting skills while Tenno slumbered. It's also doubtful that lower guardians were authorized to control neural sentry. At least that's how I see it lore-wise.
    Introducing armies of lower guardian would breake Stalker's charm. But he surely could use some company. And a Kubrow - he surely could use a dark Kubrow. Or a pack.

  7. Good guess - it's a placeholder. But he'll get remake eventually, just like Captain Vor, Vay Hek, Sargas Ruk.
    That's how Vor used to look:
    EDIT: Reworked J3-Golem is coming back as a new Infested boss (soon™).

  8. Well, I'm eager to see charge attacks come back as utility moves - not only gap closers but cc and some special attacks as well, eg. whip weapons could expand and drag back first enemy hit (similar to Valkyr's Rip Line although with shorter range), heavy weapons could execute point blank AoE knock back, Heat blade family could create cone of fire in front of user and so on. Also jump charge attack with different effect for more diversity would be nice.
    I'm quite sure that reasonably high stamina cost would be just enough to limit usage of charge attacks, no other measures required.

  9. Name Suggestion: Grineer Dropship

    BehaviorGrineer Dropship is a small airship that initially hovers over battlefield, using it's main gun for attack. Unless destroyed, after a while it will find safe landing zone.

    Attacks: while in air, dropship will utilize attack similar to Orbital Strike Drone - target area is first marked and, after a brief moment, bombarded. After landing, dropship will periodically release a group of Grineer units (licentia poetica) and utilize axillary guns and arc traps mounted on hull for selfdefence. Possibly, it can also boost morale of Grinner units, similar to Regulators.

    Environment restrictions:  outdoor areas; preferably endless defence, interception and survival type missions.

    (Optional) Art or Reference Images:
    Image belongs to it's respective owner.

  10. Because it's not interesting if it's not challenging - and permanent god mode (if modded properly) on Trinity isn't challenging at all.

    But seriously, why all the whining? People forgot that Trinity is healer, not i-win button one trick pony. Blessing is mainly ultimate health/shield restore - damage reduction (and previously invulnerability) is there just to ensure you have enough time and survivability to escape tight spot after heal saves you ***. Sadly whenever people see even a slight possibility of exploit, many tend to min/max in that direction just to cut few corners. And then they cry when exploit is patched.

  11. Invincible forever vs. now, how is it a buff? Oh wait, Rage + Quickthinking OP, please nerf next.

    Well, maybe then you should go back to games where you can skip all the challenging part and just use god mode cheat? Now that's fun. Because that's exactly what old Blessing was - an unintentional god mode, an uberly broken skill spoiling game for actual players, yet beloved by unskilled people who feel entitled to everything without any effort.

    FYI Rage + QT combo had been already nerfed once.

  12. Maybe because mindless spamming of charge attack is exactly what melee 2.0 was addressing? Also charge attack would kill combos - why even bother with executing a proper combo when all you would need to do is hold E repetitively, especially when you could slap channelling on top for even higher damage? That's not even remotely dynamic and fun.
    If you like visual aspect then animations are mostly still there, although incorporated in combos.




    DE could have made Melee 2.0 much more useful if they turned charge attacks from simply more damage into utility moves.

    Think about it. Do you actually like having to do jump attacks to do knockdown AOEs?

    They could have given each melee weapon type a different kind of utility, not just flat bonus dmg like before.

    It's not that channeling replaced charge attacks. Charge attacks are simply wasted potential.

    Give that Tenno all the upvotes he deserves.

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